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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Dave, You were part of the discussion. Update for new image - WnSoft Forums
  2. Dave, If the file outputs to EXE correctly using v7 beta ... then you can safety assume the file itself is ok and you have done nothing wrong. -What exact version was the file built with? (not what program version you open it in) -Theres no way to tell you what may be wrong with the file until someone inspects the file and/or its internals.
  3. At this time I can only suggest to continue to use v6.5 for the MAC ouput files. Since current beta 7s development primarily focuses on program improvements and EXE output at this time ... you may have to wait till Igor implements the improvements to MAC outputs and starts addressing bug issues specifically related to MACs.
  4. Is your MAC output using any of the Beta 7 known issues below ? Read the fist topic of PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta Known Issues: - The following features temporarily are not available for Mac output in beta version: Video Clips, Unsharp Mask, New Navigation Bar.
  5. As far as I can see ... this is not a bug or error. This is attributed to having adjustable panels within a adjustable window. There is always going to be some amount of overlap. The only way to resolve the overlap is limit the panel adjustment ... in this particular case increase the set minimum width of the File List panel so it cannot be overlaped by the Mini Player panel which is covering the other function buttons . It all ends up being a give and take situation.
  6. Barry, The very bottom bar in the program window is commonly termed as the Status Bar. Its used to display current status information within the window. Not all programs use or display the Status Bar. Windows Explorer functions also displays the bar ... the user needs to select View | Status Bar from the top menu bar.
  7. Barry, I first thought the Object Count was missing in the new Betas. However, I see Igors logic placing it in the Status Bar along with the other Status Info
  8. John, You may want to check the Ideas and Suggestions ... I beleive it has been mentioned once or more, and then add your support to its existing topic. The more replies ... the better chance of being noticed. I would think Igor could easily facilitate Border and Color into the Project Options along with the other More-Display Settings. Actually the addition of this feature in Project Options was just probably overlooked and forgotten when originally introduced. However, when talking Global settings and actions it should only relate to the Slides - Main Image Object only ... which I support. I donot support including all Image Objects in a slide... which would be alot more trouble to facilitate and work with overall.
  9. Dave, Please remember you are not forced to just use the new Slide Duration features. There is options to change the behaviour. So we're suggesting two changes in Beta 11: 1) Slide list displays full slide duration on a pictures of slides. Customize slide window also shows full slide duration and accepts these values. There is a global option of the program to revert old style of duration. 2) The second change is intended to keep a full slide duration after sorting of slides in the Slide list or after adding of a new slide to the end of the Slide list . The program can reduce/enlarge pure slide duration to keep total slide duration unchanged. This allows move complex slides with animation or slides with video clips keeping their correct playback. It is also an optional behaviour of the program which you can turn off. See attachment for available settings.
  10. luno Actually its sometimes the OS that are picky about the - dashes when its used in executing filestrings and names. The OS ignores the dash and any characters after it. Try using _ underscores instead of dashes in your filestrings and names.
  11. 1280x720 is generally accepted as the best all around HD format when considering quality, performance and file size. The 1920x1080 format may provide the best quality ... but its performace demands are much higher for the average users equipment. Here's a link to give you some basic info: Microsoft Windows Media - Understanding HD Formats http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/howto/articles/UnderstandingHDFormats.aspx
  12. MikeG To check and verify Windows has properly registered and enabled any audio or video codecs ... go to Control Panel and open Sounds and Audio Devices Click Hardware tab and find the Audio Codecs and open its Properties. Find the named codec and open its Properties. * Some codecs require you to set it up and configure for your intended needs.
  13. Andrew, It may be too early to jump into this sound manipulation of video at the current stage of development. I can only assume Igor will provide some sort of features for sound manipulation once he sorts out any and all playback issues related to the various video formats. These things become a step by step approach ... and it may take another version or two implement all these things together.
  14. Steve The Flash, Since you are a new User ... I suggest you download and take time read the PicturesToExe User Guide. Just click Help | Download User Guide in PDF from the main menu bar. ReadMe files are usually a basic description of what the program is ... the user guide supplies the intended basic howto's and what is what parts of the program.
  15. just for fun You wil need to recreate the video or exe from your already made and saved .pte file. The key registration unlocks the PTE program and it features ... the key doesnot unlock the end products it makes. If that were the case , every person you send a video or exe to would need your key also.
  16. just for fun, By your comments it appears to me you are using features of PTE that are part of the VideoBuilder upgrade. Using VideoBuilder features requires additional registration key with the upgrade purchase. What feature are you using to receive the message requesting upgrade ? Did you ever purchase the VideoBuilder Upgrade in last two years ? Please read Upgrades for Existing Users of PicturesToExe at WnSoft site http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/order.htm
  17. rimakaal, This indicates the current VB key loaded is still valid for the version build of PTE/VB thats being used. Even though the 2 yr date has expired ... the key is stll valid and usable for that particlar version build of PTE/VB (and older versions) forever. Your friend should still be able to use the VB features with the old key currently loaded. The new VB key will be needed for future versions when the old VB key wont be accepted ... then the new key will be valid for 2yrs and any older versions forever. As stated at WnSoft site: Free upgrades for VideoBuilder (included to Deluxe edition) during two years’ period since the date of your purchasing. After the end of this period you can continue to use any previously released version of VideoBuilder for unlimited time or pay $34 for the upgrade of the newer version. The only easy way load a new key when the old key is still valid, is to install the latest Beta 7 version available ... and select Help| Enter New License Key . Older versions of PTE/VB dont have this recently added feature.
  18. Giancarlo, I really can not comment on the performace issues some MAC user have ... as I dont have a MAC. Most topics relating to MAC playback issues seem to be audio related. Is your issue only related to this particular 1.17 Gb file ... or can you play other files you have made on the MAC ? Since you say you tested without audio and still no MAC playback, have you tried chopping slides out of your 1.17 Gb slideshow down to some considerably smaller size just to test. Make a 30 Mb size without audio to test. Then keep increasing the output size in reasonable MB sizes ... and keep testing along the way. By the way, what size are your image files ? PTE had the same growing pains years ago with the EXE version when users tried to use huge image files on not having powerfull enough equipment to play it back. ----------------- As for using Beta 7 to build MAC shows ... Igor states : "Important Note on Beta Release: Please remember that it's a beta version, not final product. It may have problems, some functions may don't work. Also this beta version doesn't have all features which will be added later before final release. This beta will not overwrite your existing version of PicturesToExe. It will install as a beta into separate folder so you can remove it at any time. Known Issues: The following features temporarily are not available for Mac output in beta version: Video Clips, Unsharp Mask, New Navigation Bar."
  19. Roger, There is a new provision in recent v7 betas to enter new license keys from the main menu bar Help | Enter New License Key. Entering the new key should overwrite the existing registry key. The thing is you must install recent PicturesToExe v7 Beta releases, as the v6 releases dont have this function. There are several other ways to remove/overwrite the existing key in the registry ... but they take some technical skills beyond the average user. Hopefully after installing the current v7 release and then entering the new key resovles your issue. Note: Uninstalling PTE will not remove the Registration Key(s) from the registry ...this is normal behavior for most programs. Mostly due to the fact is that the program installer package did not install the Key.
  20. Randi, How old and what model is the nVidia video card ? Before going to the added expense of buying a new video card ... make sure you have exhausted all measures to install the nVidia drivers. When issues persist ... its best to completely uninstall the old nVidia video driver(s) before installing the update driver. This gives a clean slate to start from. Newer nVidia drivers have this option available when appling a update/install.
  21. stonemason, You can use the same available PTE commands in the menu PTE file -Action on Mouse Click to launch a PTE Slide Show. The PTE commands wont work for other makes of slideshows EXE ... you must use their own available commands if they have any. PTE Commands - slideshow.exe -cover - slideshow.exe -slide n - slideshow.exe -log -frametimes - slideshow.exe -desktopalign - slideshow.exe -display1 - slideshow.exe -display2 * Command line parameter for any EXE file with a slideshow (since v5.7) to point a desired display. * You can use multiple Commands in the same filestring ... slideshow.exe -display2 -cover -slide 3 *You can use the Commands in Project Options- More -Run Application *You can use the Commands in Customize Slide- Run External Application (not possible from Slide 1 ... only on remaining Slides) *You cannot use PTE Commands on other files not produced by PTE. You must use their own available Commands and string structue to execute.
  22. Graham, Its also possible to run from a windows shortcut file of the slideshow. The BAT files work just fine ... but not as fast as using a shortcut. See page 81 of the PTE User Guide for detaits on creating a BAT file and commands possible to use. *If the BAT file contains just the filename and no filepath ... you have to have the slide show EXE directly relative to the BAT file for it to work. *Another point to remember in using BAT files ... you need to dbl-click the BAT file to start/launch the slide show EXE. Read this post for using a shortcut :
  23. gsneville, Works just fine on XP. I can only assume your filestring is contained in quotes and you entered the -display 2 value within the quotes and not after the quotes. As previously stated ... Enter/Edit the -display 2 command at the end of the Target filestring. Some Target filestrings may or maynot contain quotes in the shortcut file. Quotes are automatically used when the filestring\path has spaces. Examples: "G:\Welcome Demo.exe" -display 2 (actual blue filestring contains spaces which require the filestring to be contained in quotes) (the command in red requires a space between the end of the blue filestring) G:\WelcomeDemo.exe -display 2 (actual blue filestring contains no spaces and has no quotes) (the command in red requires a space between the end of the blue filestring)
  24. AbdolReza, The right-click menu function you suggest is a nice idea ... but its operation could possibly interfere/conflict with the current mouse control options already available. But its still posible to implement. However, you can already produce your own custom right-click menu (with the functions you request) using the Customize Window - Help Window features. -Customize the Help window to suit your size and function needs with "Next Slide, previeus slide, stop, pause , About Artist , Email , Web , comment about this slide ,..." -Set the Mouse Control option of the right button to function as Help. -Right-Click operation in PTE slideshow will then display your menu ( customized Help Window) see attachments;
  25. Seahog, The folder and its content you describe appears to be the extracted zip file of the picturestoexe-setup.zip you downloaded. I can only assume you extracted the zip file to your My Documents folder. Its OK to delete the folder and its content files of the extracted zip file. However, its a good idea to save picturestoexe-setup.zip you downloaded just for backup reasons in case you ever need to reinstall PicturesToExe program again. You might want to rename the zip file using the version of PTE .... v6.5_picturestoexe-setup.zip so you can easily identify in the future.
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