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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Thanks guys for all your continued help and support. Alpha tests are going real well ... so much in fact Iam actually having fun (at the moment) with great progress with no issues. Only problem is when to go to bed and stop thinking about it so I can actually sleep. Ken ... any input and suggestions you can offer are always welcome. I will email the HAWK also. * I will no longer post on this topic about the object tool ... further communication on Beta release will be by email. See prototype:
  2. Tom, Thanks ... I was hoping that you and the rest of our crew were up to do the testing Iam surprised PTE has not yet added the feature of import/export objects, as it would be better to do all the functions internally rather than thru a external means. Having a library of saved objects to choose from will definitely speed up workflow/production in any project and greatly aid all users. Ok ... .pto file extension it is. My first alpha build last night started a whole lot of creative possibilities
  3. This morning, Ive just thought up with a way to save selected object(s) in the O&A editor window to a data file that can be stored in a folder and loaded/pasted again at any later time to be used in another slide show. The data file can then be pasted into a existing slide or blank slide from within the O&A editor window. The tool cannot save/copy a complete slide from the slide list or timeline to a data file ... it just saves any or all the O&A object(s) you select. Think of it as creating a object library for PTE. As soon as v7 Beta testing is done ... I should have the object tool ready for my beta testers to sort out. Most of the work is going to be sorting PTE build versions object compatability and the help file to easily explain the copy and past process.
  4. Igor, I think your resolve to delay (on initial slide show start up only) the NavBar display should benefit and accommodate most users basic needs. Those users that dont interact with the slide show will not see the NavBar on startup... and those users that do interact will see the NavBar. Of course all of this depends on the user and their personal habit of playing with their mouse while the slide show is active. *Those users who just sit back and watch the slide show will not see the NavBar (using project default settings). If the user is a click happy and constant mouse-mover they will see the NavBar(using project default settings). *If the slide show creator is determined not to have any user interaction to disrupt the visual playback ... the creator really needs to Hide the mouse and disable Keyboard control.
  5. Peter, Do you see your Mouse Cursor in the slide show? For your previous version builds ... make sure you have not inadvertently set the Mouse Cursor to Hide. For the NavBar to appear requires the Mouse Cursor using Auto Hide to some timed delay or Show. Seems strange though when using a New File ... as the default setting does not Hide the mouse cursor.
  6. Igor v7 beta8 There a small visual text display bug in Project Options - Screen tab when swicthing from Windowed Mode to Fullscreen mode setting. The issue can be easily reproduced by using your own Welcome Demo file located in the program directory (WnSoft PicturesToExe\7.0 Beta 8\Main\All\Examples\WelcomeDemo\WelcomeDemo.pte) I have not noticed this in making a new project or some of my own old project files ... so there must be something particular and unique with your own file. See attachment:
  7. Igor, v7 Beta 6 In testing the the new AR setting location ... I stumbled into a unrelated Windowed Mode issue Windowed Mode Width Issue - all beta versions -Using a Windowed Mode - with border setting of 1600x900 does not quite fit the width of a 1600x900 monitor screen resoultion. (see window_mode.jpg) -Using a Windowed Mode - with out border setting of 1600x900 fits correctly to a 1600x900 monitor screen resoultion. *Version 6 builds exhibit the same width behavior as version 7 beta's *Version 5.52 build did fit the width (maybe a bit more than 1600) *This appears to be another real old bug/issue.
  8. Karen, Glad to hear all is in good working order now. Now I can say ... Welcome to the Forum
  9. Gary, My tests show the same behavior with the Navigation bar (all styles) with the PAUSE invoked. Using the Nav bar Next/Previous Slide buttons and/or keyboard arrow keys fail to advance to the last slide. However, it does work correctly when using Repeat Show mode setting ... its when using Keep Last Slide or Close On Last Slide it fails. *Tests with Version 6 builds show the same failing behavior as in tests with Version 7 Beta's *Tests with Version 5.52 build showed all to function correctly when PAUSE invoked ... no matter what the show mode setting. *Seems to be a real old bug/issue
  10. Barryq, You should contact Alena of WnSoft Support thru a private message (forum) or from submitting a support ticket (WnSoft.com) explaining your issue. WnSoft Technical Support * In the meantime while waiting you may want to try : -Uninstall PTE program. -Then make sure your Windows user login has full administrator privileges. -Install PTE program -Load your PTE Registration key(s). -Test results ... Check again the About details (Deluxe Features should not say Not Available if the key(s) loaded properly.)
  11. Karen16, You should contact Alena of WnSoft Support thru a private message (forum) or from submitting a support ticket (WnSoft.com) explaining your issue WnSoft Technical Support * In the meantime while waiting : -Uninstall PTE program. -Then make sure your Windows user login has full administrator privileges. -Install PTE program -Load your PTE Registration key. - View the Help | About PicturesToExe from the top main menu bar for it details. -Test results *Your About details should not look like the attached image if the product is properly registered.
  12. Barryq, Its possible there is something corrupt with the VideoBuilder key you received ... a recent user just had the same load issue. You did buy the Deluxe edition — $75 ? see post: I have P2E Key extension, but VB will not keep it. [sOLVED] - WnSoft Forums Could you take a screenshot of your About information displayed and attach/post it in your next reply ? Open PTE and from top main menu bar ... click Help | About PicturesToExe. This will help to see what Features got recognized and registered. (Block out your name in the image if you so desire) See example attachment:
  13. DG, As Peter has mentioned and if I understood you correctly... you can easily do this now with current Templates feature(s). 1_ What if you wanted to have a choice of templates - 1920x1200; 1920x1080; 1440x1080; 1400x1050;1280x1024; 1024x768 etc - to choose from? Add a leading numerical value to the saved name so the list sorts to your needs. Select the Template you want build from. (see image Template_1.jpg) 2_ I use a variety of AR's based on 1080 - it would be nice to be able to load the one I want from within "FILE/NEW" without having to bother about Project Options adjustments. You can only have one of the Template file to be used for creating a New File. Once you make & enable your Default selection ... it will always use this file when creating a New File. (see image Template_2.jpg) * You can even change the saved Templates folder location to another Drive so as to keep them off the normal C Windows drive. Set the new folder location ... or to return to all program defaults for templates click Set Defaults button in Manage Templates.
  14. Igor, To begin and help users setup for different type slide shows ... I believe there needs to be a type-of-slideshow-build the user easily selects first-off to get started. The Type build selected would then show whats enabled/disabled by program default. There would be different defaults enabled for example using Auto Advance vs a Manual Advance slideshow and possibly some boxes could be disabled or even hidden because they maynot apply to that particular type build. The Type list selections can always be added to in future versions as you see necessary which take no additonal space because it dropdown. I have attached a example image to show 2 such selections - Auto or Manual. You could add to the list Basic and/or Custom type builds and setting on by default for each later. Its a possible start ... to quickly and easily get started. *I noticed your new image attachment above.
  15. Igor, v7 Beta 5 Issue : Timeline Drag/Drop Video File - all beta versions 1- Drag/Drop a Video file directly from File List to Timeline view ... the time duration seems to be using the Project Option - Slide Duration default time value and not the actual Video file time value. Opening the Customize Slide - Slide Duration also reveals the wrong time value in this scenario. (see timeline_video.jpg) 2- Several repetitive Drag/Drop a Video file directly from File List to Timeline view ... shows inconsistent and varying Slide Durations for each of the same Video file. (see timeline_video_multi .jpg) * Drag/Drop Video file directly from File List to to Slide List view uses actual Video file time value correctly. Customize Slide - Slide Duration is correct. Multiple Drag/Drop are consistent and correct. See attachments ; (timeline_video.jpg) single drag/drop 10 sec Video shows 4 sec in Timeline view. (timeline_video_multi .jpg) multiple drag/drop 10 sec Video shows inconsistent and varing time in Timeline view.
  16. Igor, v7 Beta 5 Slide Duration Question/Issue: all beta versions 1- Drag/drop a Video file as a slide to Slide List. The Slide Duration displays the correct time of the video file. 2- Goto O&A and select Properties tab and swap out/replace the original video file with a different video file. 3- The Slide Duration still retains the old original video file time and does not reflect/update to the newer video file time. *I believe the Slide Duration should reflect and use the newer video file time. Other users may have a different view. *This issue is more of what logically to do with VideoObject time when replaced and/or deleted and how the Slide Duration of the Slide is handled.
  17. Igor, The more I work with the new v7 look of controls ... the more I miss the use of the Next Slide and Previous Slide control buttons no longer available on the main GUI. The ease of movement and access to move from slide to slide has been greatly reduced and somewhat annoying without these controls. Is there some way to return them and still maintain your new clean and uncluttered look ?
  18. Igor, v7 Beta4 There is a behavior issue when adding a VideoObject in the O&A window. After selecting the video file ... the O&A window automatically closes and reverts back to main GUI window. The user then needs to open the O&A window again. v7 Beta 3 did not exhibit this behavior. Question: Is it possible to add a VideoObject to a Custom Window or is this feature not currently added to the current beta version? It was promoting a blue Image Load Error screen during my exe playbaack tests. Tested with mpg, mov, and mp4 which worked otherwise when added to a slide. Also in attempt to delete the VideoObject from the Custom Window ... I was receiving a error message (see attached image shot). I suspect this function/feature is not fully implemented yet or may not be possible in a Custom Window.
  19. Since PTE with video is still in beta testing ... you should be posting your issues in the Bug-reports for PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta topic to keep it combined with other related bug issues and receive proper attention. You might begin by reading this topic ... noting post #50. You may need to post your video card specs to see if its the culprit of limiting the proper playback ... your comment "will play on two og my machines including a laptop but on others" indicates such possibility. *Again your issue will be better addressed when posted along with the other beta bug reports.
  20. Turn off all Virus protections and firewalls you have enabled on your system. Test again to compile the slideshow. * Its possible for some protection programs and settings in use to interfere or block the compile process.
  21. Joy, You need to load the saved .pte project file into VideoBuilder. Just open the project file in PTE program and then select Create | DVD Video Disc ... the project will be auto loaded into VideoBuilder. Then proceed with the process. *VideoBuilder burns from the .pte project file ... not the individual image and sound files in your folders. You do however still need the individual image and sound files/folders for the .pte project file to get its resource selections. Note: If you are using v7 Betas ... the proceedure is newly named under Publish | DVD Video Disc .
  22. Igor and Barry, v7 Beta 4 I think I finally understood and reproduced Barry's bug issue. This issue relates to the Slide List display when setting Project Option Slide duration timing value less than the Project Option Effects duration timing value. Steps: 1- Create New Project 2- Set Project Option - Slide duration timing default value to 4.0 (as example) 3- Set Project Option - Effects duration timing default value to 7.0 (as example) 4- Drag & Release images from the File List to the Slide List 5- Notice the incorrect display issue within the Slide List. *Multiple tests show inconsistent image display behavior in the Slide List. Sometimes the Slide List displays a corrupt image view (as seen in my attached images) and sometimes it displays the wrong or incorrect image view (as seen in Barry's attachments). *As Barry points out ... this incorrect display issue only exists in v7 beta and is not evident in v6.5 versions. See attached images.
  23. Graham, Most likely your mask objects are not placed/fitted within the TV Safe Zone. When in O&A window ... select Tools and enable the view of Show TV Safe Zone. Place/fit all your objects within the TV Safe Zone for DVD builds so they can be fully viewed on a TV screen. Read about Overscan on Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overscan
  24. lyricalallan, While you are waiting for a reply It fairly simple to login your Administrator User Account if you have setup your Windows OS User Accounts properly. A Administrator account allows full privileges to all your OS settings. Some User Accouts may be limited (according to how you have originally set them up). This is a Windows security/protection feature so as not to allow just any User of your PC to do whatever they want. I have no idea what your current login User Account setting is allowing or limiting you to do ... so login as Administrator to see if you are able to correctly register PTE.
  25. Ale 53, Since you are testing a PTE Beta version ... there is most likely to be issues. When posting issues on Beta releases its best to post them in : Bug-reports for PicturesToExe Deluxe 7.0 Beta: *Important Note on Beta Release: Please remember that it's a beta version, not final product. It may have problems, some functions may don't work. Also this beta version doesn't have all features which will be added later before final release.
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