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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Jan Frojdman, Since you are searching for the best possible speed formula ... you may possibly gain a few ms if you disable from the main menu View | Advanced Options ... Crypt Images/Music against extracting from EXE file. You may also want to disable Lossless compress of BMP images if they apply. Its also possible not to use the UPX file packer when compiling the EXE. Go to the PTE program directory and find the \All\Components\UPX folder. Rename the UPX folder to another name ... this way PTE wont automatically pack the slideshow EXE using the UPX.exe packer. The result will remove your slideshow internal image protection and also create a larger EXE file ... however, it may gain you a few ms bonus in speed. I wouldnt expect too much speed gained in the result ... since PTE is developed as slide show software. See attachment.
  2. Geoff, Thats about the time frame Vaio had issues with possibly faulty video chipsets using Nvidia G84m/G86m. It may or not be related to your issue or model ... but its worth investigating to be sure.
  3. Mickp, Using both the Create ISO Image and the Burn DVD Disc is not necessary to create just a dvd disc for your test. Use just the Burn DVD Disc setting. Since you are trying to find out what may be causing your dvd burn issue ... its best not to test with additional options enabled which ultimately uses additional pc resources. You can always add additional settings if the bare minimum works. Also try the lowest disc speed available which is most likely 2x or 4x for your tests. You can always bump up the speed later to see if there no issues. Note: Since you say this is a multishow burn ... are these pte files of same or differnt versions ?
  4. Mickp, To satisfy my curosity on your exact checkboxes enabled before starting the VideoBuilder dvd burn ... could you please supply a screenshot of that window. My example is attached.
  5. Mike, Read this MS link how to set/remove your desired sounds in Win 7. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/Change-computer-sounds
  6. Geoff, Another test to try ... check the monitors own screen menu of settings that relate to Size & Position. Its possible you may be able to manually adjust it out. Its possibly a known issue of that particular brand/model and could have a Bios or system/hardware driver update that addresses it. Even though its a brand new machine ... the Bios and its other system drivers always need updating once the system is initially setup.
  7. Heinz, We already have this feature. See Topic for A Full List of New Features: PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.5 - WnSoft Forums + You can choose and save default font for new text objects. See "Save and Use by Default" link in Properties tab of Text object in the Objects and animation editor.
  8. Jose, Clicking the image directs the user to the first unread post of that topic. However ... your displayed image representation is viewed differently on my IE 7 browser. see attachment
  9. Dave, You screenshots show exactly what we have been talking about all along. Your second image after the image edit shows the file panel (File List) updated ... but your Slide List and Mini-Player images still shows the old image before the edit. If you now select that Slide (in the Slide List) ... then click Customize Slide/OK ... you will then see the Slide List image and Mini-Player image updated to whats seen in the File List
  10. Barry, Just to keep the record straight and everybody on the same page ... mine also doesnt update in the mini-player. Its just with all the testing while enabling and disabling the Advanced Options ... my Show Real Slide in Mini-Player was disabled during the screenshot test. When ths feature is also disabled it possible to get the auto-refresh of the image in the player.
  11. Dave, Is that a question or an observation ... hhaaa My observation is you either have to: -Click Customize Slide/OK to manually update or refresh the image view of the selected Slide within the Slide List. or - Disable View | Advanced Options | Show Real Slides in Slide List ... which will auto-update or refresh the Slide within the Slide List after editing. or Reatart or reboot PTE. The attachment shows the image issue after Edit Picture.
  12. Dave, Its also possible to Edit Image with right-click of Slide in the Slide List. We have both been talking about the Edit Image ... but from different access points. I probably should have correctly said Edit Picture ... but its still the same thing. See attachment.
  13. davegee, There is other Refresh routines involked when certain actions are performed or opened in PTE. ... there just isnt any directly in the Slide List. I see Barry's point of not having to do a click-here and open-there to make it possible. So it is possible in multiple ways to invoke a Refresh routine ... it just depends on the other window(s) or action you may be working in. * I personally would make PTE minimize when invoking a Edit Image command ... and once the external editor Process ID is completed and closed, PTE is then restored/maximized in a complete refresh state. Minimizing PTE while such programs as Photoshop is open and working will help some resource usuage limitations some users systems may have. *Additional Notes: I have observed the fact the Slide List image view is auto-updated (refreshed to the new edited image) when disabling Advanced Options |Show Real Slides in Slide List. So currently its only a refresh issue when using the D3D process when displaying the real slides in the list.
  14. davegee,dadou, Are you working from the O&A window & viewer ? Has your Slide List image also changed and updated (image thumb view)? (Its possible your edited image changes were not drastic enough and may not appear in the small thumb image view. Try some drastic image editing) What Barry is talking about is from the main GUI Slide List (thumb image view). There is no automatic Refresh routine invoked in PTE when a external program makes changes to a image file. Manually invoking a Refresh by using the Customize Slide/OK routine is a work around to accomplish this. The only way I see it ... once focus is off the external image editor window after finishing the saved image editing ... and the focus is then back on the PTE window which then needs some auto/manual refreshing. The basic issue here is when using external program(s) in the same runtime ... is how to let PTE know when/what to refresh when the external program(s) is finished. This is a very common problem in using mutilple programs in the same runtime.
  15. Barry, To refresh with the new or edited image ... I usually double-click to open Customize Slide and then just click OK . All is refreshed with the updated image. *It only refreshes the selected Slide ... it wont refresh the whole Slide List.
  16. Since this is just the first Alpha release ... I would suspect it may not be 100% compatible for all users hardware and video. You may have to wait till the actual Beta testing starts to resolve/address particular hardware and video issues. Details of your hardware and video would be helpful to Igor in sorting these type of playback issues From Igors post #7:
  17. Both the 36 MB and 24 MB versions played beautifully on my XP SP3. The video card is a Asus GTS 450.
  18. Eric, Your 36 MB file was the first sample Igor created ... he later re-issued a modified (smaller) 24 MB file version. The link(s) now only obtains the re-issued smaller version and not the 1st larger older build. From a earlier post:
  19. There is instances where downloaded content is blocked and will not function. This may or may not resovle your issue: Right-click the ZIP file and select properties. Click the Unblock button. See image attachment.
  20. Eric, I see your point as it relates to text used in Button objects because it currently does not have any default text setting available. Actually the Button object could use some additional default settings as it relates to Style and Font etc preferences when creating new Button objects. I dont prefer the current default Button object Style type when making new Button objects . If anything ... the Advanced Button Properties facility could use additional settings and defaults to achieve better user control.
  21. Eric, Using version 6.04 will not help you in your text setting dilemma ... there is a text default setting in the current version build which is helpful. The text default setting is available for new objects created in the O&A. The text default setting is not applicable to Text Comment objects created in Project Options - Comments tab which is a universal setting for Text Comments only. You can however modify the text for each Text Comment object individually thru O&A. Creating a new Text object is not same as the Text Comment objects created with Project Options - Comment setting ... they are different objects even though both contain text. See attachment which is available in the current version build.
  22. APLman, If you want to permanently save your Menu and all its new details and changes Select Choose Template ... then select Add Template. This will save your current Menu into a template for slection and use at any time. See attachment:
  23. bjmc, Are you opening your project to burn in VideoBuilder from a saved VideoBuilder .ptv project file or a saved PTE .pte project file which is then imported to VideoBuilder? Have you tried only the same project file to burn ... or have you also tried other .pte files as a test ? Since all your attempts have failed so far ... I would then verify your Video Drivers are fully up-to-date if you have not done so. Sorting issues like this are a step by step process of elimination. ---------- Reinstall v6.5.5 to assure yourself there was no issues in the first install. Open the .pte file in PTE and verify from the top menu Help | About PicturesToExe to make sure it is v6.5.5 that has opened the file... Preview the file first ... then try to burn using Create | DVD Video Disc. When trying to burn a DVD Disc ... make sure all the other checkbox options are not enabled and burn at a slow disc speed. * Note: Best to Save or SaveAS the .pte project file in the same PTE program version before you are trying to build/burn with. Your comment of USE Newer Version tells me there might be some sort of .pte file version miss-match process here.
  24. Laszlo, The editing of sound files using your external sound editor is only relative to sound files added to the Add Sound feature. The external sound editor function does not apply to Music added thru Slide Music or Project Music tabs. If your selected Slide has a Add Sound inserted ... right click the Slide from the Slide List and select Edit Sound Comment to execute your external sound editor.
  25. Peter, Since the file being created is a video file ... all features related to its playback, pause, fastforward, etc are controlled by the users own video player. I m not aware of iPods and its player features and options ... but I assume it does have the basic video controls for playback. The playback settings used in the PTE file only relate to the exe file playback and will have no affect on a video file playback because PTE is not the player for video files.
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