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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Eric, Nice test of your Menu. However, if both your Menu and launched Slideshow(s) have little or no annimation, masks, 3D slide effects that demand/require D3D acceleration ... your test results may be misleading to you and other users. If your testing with a static Menu and simple effects Slideshow(s) ... add some elements (looping annimation, masks, 3D slide effect)s to both projects and test again. If all still plays very well, your pc/video card is quite capable. Keep in mind other users pcs/video cards may not be so capable to play with the same results. I see Igors concern as it relates to this topic ... I can imagine many users with a video object playing in the Menu and the slideshow(s)
  2. DG, Nothing has changed yet in PTE ... thats why Igor at the moment is keeping the option. There are still some instances where a user may need to turn off D3D hardware acceleration in the MENU. The D3D issue/conflict is running other D3D slideshows (not just PTE slideshows) with Run Application or Run External Application ... while the (D3D) Menu is still running and using/requiring its own D3D resources for its animation playback. This means the (D3D) Menu while running and the other (D3D) slideshow running are using/sharing any available D3D resources. The playback performance can suffer/halt if there is not enough D3D resources to share. If you are using the Run Slideshow option for slideshow execution ... there is no issue of sharing D3D resources with the (D3D) Menu and the launched (D3D) slideshow. Please note other slideshows not produced by PTE and use D3D acceleration resources cannot be launched with the Run Slideshow option. * Also todays newer and more powerfull Pcs/video cards have higher performance ... and running dual slideshows requiring D3D acceleration resources may show no notable playback issues. It all going to boil down to how annimated and demmanding the slideshow(s) requires D3D.
  3. Paul, This should not affect your menu operation as it relates to launching/calling other slideshows. By turnig off hardware acceleration on the menu show... it allows full D3D resources available to the launched/called slideshows that use D3D hardware acceleration. Running multiple D3D hardware acceleration slideshows/menus at the same time can reduce/affect slideshow playback performance because the D3D resources now need to be shared among the current multiple running slideshows/menus. For the very best playback performance ... you want to keep the full D3D resources available to the current running single slideshow. * D3D performance is going to be relative to your video card capability.
  4. jeffgoodwin, You should not need to rename all the files to accomplish your needs. If you have enabled Network Sharing of the K Drive folders that need accessing ... you should need only to Map the Network Drive (K in your case) on the laptop. I dont know both your pcs OS ... so the steps may be somewhat different. Windows XP Mapping a network drive http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/maintain/mapdrive.mspx
  5. Igor, There is at times projects/menus in which I turn off the hardware acceleration. I disable the setting when I launch a mixture/chain of several new version/old version slideshows from a single menu using multiple slides/pages. I only disable the setting because when using Customize Slide Option to Run External Application there is no option to Run Slideshow/Run Slideshow with Return setting options. Plus it would be of great benefit to users to * add special tool which will help quickly re-build all linked EXE slideshows so when they use the Run Slideshow features ... they need not bother to turn off the hardware acceleration because of possible version(s) mismatch. Its much quicker and easier to turn off the hardware acceleration than rebuild multiple unknown version mismatch slideshows. If we had the Run Slideshow features and the special tool to quickly rebuild all mismatch slideshows ... I personally would have no need to further use the turn off the hardware acceleration feature because the Run Slideshow setting would resolve any possible conflict. See links: Run slideshow from slide - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12619 PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6.1 Beta http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9512&view=findpost&p=62520
  6. Peter, This does seem the only easy solution at the moment for Linda's current issue. Since we now have the ability to use/rename the Slide Name ... I would think this too would be an easy solution if the Slide Name was a included option in the Comment Templates.
  7. Nothofagus, Please make sure you have this version or newer ... You need to use latest version PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.5.2 to load a new license key There is no different installer/download for just a standard version. Its the type key registrations purchased that decides what features you will be enabled to use. One program built for all users. *Ive tested several different context variations of the copy&paste method ... in all my cases the key(s) loaded correctly. * I can only suggest at this point ... make sure your Windows USER login allows you full privileges to write to the registry.
  8. Nothofagus, Read this post from Igor about the new text format keys. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12430 The beginning file string can be either [PTE] (as in new text format key) or [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] (as in older format key) *If you have purchased (I purchased new version, not an upgrade) ... which I suspect also includes VideoBuilder features, you may also see a [VB] registration file sring that also gets/needs to be loaded.
  9. Galatas, Edit the post using the Full Editor window. See attachment.
  10. Galatas, Glad you got it sorted. You should remove /delete your posted screenshot file attachement in your previous post ... as it may contain user code specific to you only.
  11. Galatas, After review of your posted screenshot ... the copy&paste content is incorrect in its context/format. You can omit the REGEDIT4 content as its not need in this case. The proper context/format for copy&paste [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"=" the key value is here=" Note: PTE accepts the key registration code ... but cannot write/save it to the proper registry location as in your screenshot copy&paste file string You have the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] at the end of your file string ... it belongs in the beginning. When the key is not written and saved properly to the registry ... you will keep getting the message to register the product.
  12. Boogie Ive checked your file and the button issue is being limited by your Slide Time of 8s 200ms. After that duration the one slide basically stops. You either need to Loop the Slide or Wait for Key Press in Customize Slide to achieve unlimited button response time.
  13. John, Since you indicate: It would appear your new VideoBuilder registration key has been loaded and accepted. Ken's suggestion of trying KeyCopy tool would verify there is key information of PTE and/or VideoBuilder saved in the registry and enabled for both/either program features. ( Please remember KeyCopy tool does not check the registry keys values for valid content entered or any valid dates.) Since the VideoBuilder program window is not visibly launching and seems to be not responding ... I would fist check your Windows Task Manager for any VideoBuilder applications running and their current status. Its possible multiple instances of VideoBuilder are running creating your issue. Remedy Test Basically , close all PTE and VideoBuilder applications running in the Task Manager (save any pte file content first) and start the whole process again. I would prefer to use a Cold Boot of Windows ... then test PTE/VideoBuilder again. If the same issue persists ... I personally would do a new clean install of PicturesToExe program to be assured their was no temporary file or original installation issues. Install and test again. Note: Uninstalling/Reinstalling PTE program does not affect/remove registry key information ... you should not be required to reload both your registration keys.
  14. John, Tell me the nature of your key problem. Are your trying to retieve an existing VideoBuilder registration key ? I need more detail of what your trying to do. New Note: I just found your other post in the Video Output Forum as it relates to this post. I will make all comments in your other post ... since your issue appears to be more of a VideoBuilder program issue and most likely not a registration key issue or KeyCopy tool issue. PicturesToExe 6.5.5 problem VideoBuilder will not open/start http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12642&view=findpost&p=81555
  15. Your PTE key should work for any and all program versions ... different/newer program versions do not require a different/newer PTE key registration. Your described issue generally indicates either your entered key information is lacking additional data values or your have entered a VideoBuilder key registration information. - After you enter your key registration and the program opens ... what does the PTE menu Help | About PicturesToExe menu item say ? (See image attachment pte_about.JPG ) (This is the current PTE registration information) - Also, after clicking from PTE menu Create | DVD Video Disc ... what does VideoBuilder menu item Help | About say ? (See image attachment VB_about.JPG)(This is the current VideoBuilder registration information) - Are you entering your key information from a file or copy&paste method ?
  16. Laszlo, The second image screenshot in your post #3 immediately shows me the simple error of your ways ... you have two sessions (windows) of PTE open. You can only have one session (window) of PTE open to perform the copy&paste. Make sure you use File | Open menu to open the other project file in the same session of PTE. Lin mentions this in his no.6 and no.7 order of sequence. *Double-clicking to open the other project file (while the first is already open) ... just opens the file in another window or second session of PTE.
  17. Jose, If I understand your objective correctly ... you should be able to reduce the size of everything if you use a Frame Object. If all your other objects are child objects of the Frame Object ... you will need only to reduce the zoom /size of the Frame Object and all of its child objects will also be adjusted the same.
  18. Geoff, It would be a good addition. I think when the Run Slideshow and Run Slideshow with Return feature was first created ... it somehow was overlooked to be included with the current Slide Options - Advanced Options. What was not acceptable (neither really gave me what I am looking for) with the Run External Application method ? If you think about it ... the Run Slideshow with Return would work pretty much the same except it wont open the slideshow as an additional task item. It will also require the other slideshows to be made with the same exact version build. So is there something else you are looking for it to do?
  19. Are you saying you have not received your new key (same as initial poster) ... or are you saying you have received your new key, but when loaded into PTE its not working ? Note: You have to load the new key into PTE for the program to use the new key.
  20. Geoff, There is no Run Slideshow feature to perform the action as you describe. However, you can use the Run External Application feature of the Customize Slide option to achieve the same effect. This Run Application does have some limitations and will use/open the application as a additional task item. *Make sure you enable the Project Option - Pause when Slideshow Window becomes inactive so the slideshow continues after the external application exits.
  21. Xaver Your quote is not quite my final comment. Its possible you have replied while I was commenting/editng the topic. Check again. My comment * We all know this is tricky to word correctly so users can grasph the totality ... as one badly used or omitted word can word can and will lead to more confusion.
  22. Dan D, Post #14 above (my post) makes no reference ... nor does it remotely address the subject of your question. The answer is Yes. If you want to burn DVD with the upgrade release of VideoBuilder after that expire date without re-registering VideoBuilder... you will get the demo watermarks. However, you can still burn a DVD the old way using the AVI feature method or use the program version that last supported the VideoBuilder registration. ** There is no new upgrade or program release to date available that supports inserting AVI clips .
  23. Severn Bore, The so called demo watermaks will only appear on unregistered or expired registration keys. Make sure you have loaded your latest valid VideoBuilder registration key. Its possible your older expired VideoBuilder registration key is still loaded giving you the problem. * Check your current registration key information in PTE ... Click Help | About PicturesToExe. The status of your key registrations is displayed. If you are refering to this comment: If you receive a Load A Key message window ... it means your currently loaded registration key has expired for the current version of PicturesToExe Deluxe being used. If you read closely the attachment below ... you can continue to use your previous version of PicturesToExe Deluxe, which means it still allows full registration useage for that previous version. Any build files from a previous registered PicturesToExe Deluxe version ... will display a demo watermak if output is used in a new unregistered or expired PicturesToExe Deluxe version. * Verify and make sure your lastest beginning of 2009 key of your VideoBuilder registration is loaded and not your previous older expired key. Please Note: The registration keys only apply to the current program version(s) being used ... the actual .pte project/build file(s) carries no version registration. This simply means any .pte project/build file using Create needs to be output in a registered program version feature so as not to receive demo watermaks .
  24. Gary, Just so there is no further misinformation and to keep the facts correct and avoid more user confusion ... The Deluxe version with VideoBuilder has not ever been free for life. Only PicturesToExe has ever and still has a free for life registration. When VideoBuilder was first introduced in version 5, the PicturesToExe product became know as PicturesToExe Deluxe. The VideoBuilder upgrade has always had a two-year registration renewal. ** Prior to version 5 ... you could burn DVD using only the AVI feature method which only used third party video burning programs. That feature is still part of PicturesToExe Deluxe and still free for life.
  25. When music is streamed/downloaded from music vendor internet sites ... these suppliers usually compress and encode the music for better internet streaming and smaller file size. This particular music appears have a Average Bitrate of 60 bps and encoded with Xing in a Variable Bitrate. Its best to always convert-again any streamed/downloaded internet music in something like Audacity using the lame encoder so the file uses a Constant Bitrate. If you just simply convert your current file ... you will see PTE can now correctly read the time duration value of 2:54 instead of the previous 3:02. So if you dont know what compression and encoding these internet music sites are sending your music file ... always just convert-again to save yourself any possible playback issues. See attachments for Tag comparision of 'your tag' and 'Barry's tag' :
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