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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. snapware, Your Test show does have inconsistent playback issues in my tests. It varies differently with each playback. -Is your music modified using the new internal audio features of PTE ? -Does Preview within PTE playback the slideshow properly each time ? *You may want to rebuild your slideshow in the lastest PTE version and verify results PTE version 6.5.3 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12201&view=findpost&p=80328
  2. Tom, I just tried it ... and I like it. Simple and easy and noise free (No pauses, advertisements, etc.) Thanks for the suggestion
  3. As Ken says ... check all your links and verify the download/playback yourself. It seems strange that all '4 of my friends ' are having the same issue at the same time on 4 different computers. One simple thing to check first ... is make sure their file is not Blocked in their file properties. This wont assure playback ... but it is a necessary setting for some pcs. See attached image *With MACS in the picture these days ... verify your friends are not using MAC only computers.
  4. DG, It should be possible to deal with the additional slide image objects using the same layout you have exampled. Its just the added prefix would contain an additional three figure indicator ... to include any additional image object and its order. Example: 001_dsc_1234 or 001_000_dsc_1234 (ie slide 1 -main image ) 001_001_abc_342 (ie slide 1 - image object 1) 001_002_agh_8544 (ie slide 1 - image object 2) The thing is ... how valuable is a rename option to most users ? ** The real problem I see at this time is how to deal with images used multiple times in the same show ... because this would add additional images/resources to a project that would normally only contain the original image used.
  5. Peter, I understand your point as it concerns numerous keyframes. I dont apply much in animation so I see a benefit of adding a copy and paste routine for only selected keyframes to another slide. However this post began as a query if its possible ... its just not easy at the current time if the animation is complicated with numerous keys. If this original post is asking for a new feature or improvement ... then it belongs in the Suggestions category.
  6. vilara, Unless Im not understanding your particular needs correctly ... the above posts should perform the action you require. After you copy and paste the animation to the next slide ... you must -Delete all the keyframes of the image paste except the last keyframe in your anninmation. -Drag the last remaining keyframe to the start position of the slide or wherever. This should give you just the end image (keyframe) of the copied animation.
  7. vilara, Im not sure exactly what you need ... but you might try within O&A copy the keyframes of the image and paste them into another slide. Then use only the last keyframe for your needs. How To: -Right-click the image in the O&A window ... click copy -GoTo the next Slide and right-click in the O&A window ... click paste -Delete all the keyframes of the image paste except the last keyframe in your anninmation. -Drag the last remaining keyframe to the start position of the slide or wherever. * This may only work in theory ... as I actually have not played around with it in actual work.
  8. ebkw, Since you have been a Pictures to EXE customer since 2004 ... it would appear by your comments that you are already a registered user . Why not use your PTE key you originally purchased in 2004 on your NEW 64 bit computer ...
  9. The HAWK method is still correct method ... it still uses only one session of PTE open or as Mary describes the same single instance. As Ralph has said ... use the File|Open from the menu. * However, it was also possible to have 2 instances of PTE open (up till v6.04) ... to perform copy & paste operations. Having 2 instances of PTE opened at the same time and performing copy & paste operations can become resource intensive and create issues for some systems.
  10. Ken, You should run in Highest (32 bit) and not Medium (16 bit) color setting. A few questions and tests: 1- What Screen Resolution(s) are you currently using for the Acer 22 and Viewsonic 19 monitors ? 2- Are the screen resolutions nominal/default or have you increased them to a higher resolution ? 3- Does lowering your Screen Resolution(s) have any effect ? 4- Does changing your Video Card setting using Performance vs Quality have any effect ? 5- Does your Video Card output to Analog or Digital to your monitors ? *The nVidia GeForce 7300SE/7200GS GPU is considered a entry level unit. If you push it too hard with too high of settings or demands it will show its weakness. Vista will put higher demands than XP because if certain desktop features are enabled. GeForce 7 Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeForce_7_Series
  11. Doug H, Glad you got it sorted. Avira (as with others also) are known to give False Positives sometime or another - some virus protection program updates may fix the issue. All virus protection programs can give varying/differnt results in there (over) eagerness to identify or suspect if a file contains a virus ... some brands do so more often than others.
  12. Ken, Follow Yachtsman1 post above to see if improvement. Large images can create such issues on borderline video card performance. Also try a Single Monitor setup to see if improvement - many Dual setups/drivers share video resources.
  13. D.H. I have not received any error reports on KeyCopy to date ... so this one is the first and new to me. Please tell me your Windows OS and its Service Packs updates/version so I can investigate this further. *You might try downloading it again ... click the KeyCopy link at the bottom of this page (under my signature) too obtain the download link at Beechbrook.com site
  14. Barry, See title : Upgrades for Existing Users of PicturesToExe http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/order.htm From the main page its click Buy Now ... followed by another Buy Now to reach the Order page
  15. Gary, Im not quite exactly clear on your needs for the "Next" and "Previous" function in the O&A window -Are you wanting to go to the "Next" and "Previous" slide ? Use F11 and F12 keys -Are you wanting to go to the "Next" and "Previous" object in the object list ? Select an object (make sure its highlighted) ... use Up/Down Arrow keys or NumPad Up/Down Arrow keys. -Are you wanting to go to the "Next" and "Previous" tab ? Select a tab (make sure its highlighted) ... use Left/Right Arrow keys or NumPad Left/Right Arrow keys. * PTE pretty much uses the normal Windows navigation keys to move about the GUI program window. Specific PTE key functions can be found in the HotKeys section of the Users Guide.
  16. Maria, Using the "order ID from my receipts" ... is only going to give you invalid registration because its not the actual registration key. Your PTE Deluxe key of 2008 is only a VideoBuilder upgrade key ... and is only going to work for the VideoBuilder features of PTE. Registering PTE and VideoBuilder is a two key registration process since you made purchases on two separate occasions. One key for PTE and another key for VideoBuilder. It also possible that even if you found your VideoBuilder key it is either expired or nearing its 2 year limitation. The PTE key is valid for lifetime with no time limitations. ---------- To register PTE ... you need to use your "old key from my original purchase in 2005" The PTE Key must begin with the following data and trailing with addional values not shown here : REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] ---------- To register VideoBuilder ... you need to use your "PTE Deluxe key of 2008 " The VideoBuilder Key must begin with the following data and trailing with addional values not shown here : REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] ---------- *Open your key files in notepad (or the files that you think are your keys) ... and verify/read inside if the above context is contained within. If not ... its not a registration key file. *If you have totally lost your keys ... you need to contact WnSoft Support thru their home site to obtain replacements.
  17. Allogagaw, When you say you are using a 5.1 key ... is this key file for PTE or VideoBuilder upgrade ? If you could test and check ... Open PTE, click Continue Trial button, click from the top menu Create | HD Video for PC and Mac Does it then again ask you to also Load A Key or a messagebox similar to the image attachment below ?
  18. Geoff, One final point to remember ... The -display 2 command can only be used for PTE slideshows built with v5.7 or newer. Older version slideshows wont accept the command because the feature was not yet implemented/available ... they will need to be rebuilt in a newer version to accept the command. *Note : there really was not a v5.7 release ... but the v5.7 or newer info came from Igor at the time. Actually v5.7 was short-lived and released as v6.0 with additional features and improvements. Heres the original statement: - Command line parameter for any EXE file with a slideshow (since v5.7) to point a desired display. For example: MySlideshow.exe -display 2
  19. Geoff, Its also possible to use the -display 2 command within a short-cut file. Just create a short-cut file(s) of your slideshow(s). Right-click the short-cut file and select Properties | Shortcut tab. Enter/Edit the -display 2 command at the end of the Target filestring. Play the shortcut file to see the slideshow on display 2 If you made a menu to play the slideshows ... you can use the -display 2 command inside with your button commands.
  20. I aggree with Tom ... Its hard for a developer to promise/commit to a release date ... especially when it involves in learning and writing the code in a new launguage. I suspect it will still be quite some time till the final release date for a MAC version, as I have not yet seen the internal Alpha version testing announcement post notification. After that Alpha version(s) testing duration time, comes the the open Beta version(s) testing duration time ... then follows the final release version. Igor will not pre-release any versions till he's completely satisfied its meets all of his expectations and is nearly bug-free of all known issues before users get to test. One thing to remember ... premature release of any software version usually ends up with lots of bugs and issues and creates alot more unhappy users. Any buggy software releases can build a bad reputation quickly in todays market.
  21. Ray Groome, I personally believe this has more to do with all the various Desktop/Visual Themes and Taskbar Options Win 7 has to offer. These Visual Themes require and use D3D resources to make the effects possible. PTE also uses D3D in its GUI. There seems to be a conflict or share issue when certain Win 7 Visual Themes settings are enabled. It also seems by the posts/comments to be more relevant in 64 bit vs 32 bit. Since different users use/set their own Visual Themes to their likeing ... using/selecting a different Visual Theme/Taskbar options than your currently selected may resolve the issue in your particular case. In essence ... you have disabled D3D resources to the Mini-player which now no longer displays all the slide objects. I would read this post ... and as a test, apply the actions used. Enable (Tick) back again the Mini-player and verify results. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11578&view=findpost&p=74125 Note: As a test ... its also possible to disable Visual Themes on a individual program basis. This allows you to use your normal Win 7 Visual Themes settings and is only disabled when a selected program is active. To disable Visual Themes usage when using PTE ... right-click the PicturesToExe.exe from its installed program directory, click Compatibility tab and enable or tick the checkbox Disable Visual Themes. Win7 may also offer other specific features to disable. Test and verify results.
  22. Geoff, As a simple test ... Turn-off all your Virus/Firewall protections and then try creating the EXE using your sequence of events. Verify output and playback. Turn-on Virus/Firewall protections one by one ... testing each one again as they are enabled. Verify each output and playback. It initially appears to me that maybe your Virus/Firewall protections are still actively hung in scanning the created EXE and will not allow it to be overwritten ... worth a test.
  23. If you cannot get the link to work by clicking it ... try right-clicking it and select Save Target As V6.5.2 also available at WnSoft home site http://www.wnsoft.com
  24. Ray Groome, You may want to read the link provided and follow the remaining #posts from that point to its conclusion that relates to your issue. I have gathered that the freezing issue in Win7 has been resolved ... however It may still be evident for some users. windows 7 64 bit - starting @ #81 post http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11578&view=findpost&p=75144
  25. Geoff, I also have XP-SP3 and have never had such a issue. So other users with XP-SP3 can test this issue you are having ... please list all the sequence of events that replicates the issue. To what FileName and FilePath are you saving the EXE ... so we also can try to replicate the issue.
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