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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Leona, To further add to Peter's and Ken's posts above which nornally sovles the music playback issue in most cases ... You may also want to check the Time Duration as indicated/displayed of the second song and also test its playback from the Audio Clip Properties window. If the Time Duration is clearly 0.00 or not what you expect it to be ... its most likely PTE cannot read the correct Time Duration value embedded in the music file because of its current encoding process.
  2. Selecting a Font Size would not really solve the issue. What is needed to exactly duplicate existing Text from slide to slide ... is the addition of the Zoom factor values to be saved in combination with the existing text values that are saved. Currently saved text values sav_defaultfontname= sav_defaultfontstyle= sav_defaultalign= sav_defaultlinespacing= sav_defaulttextcolor= sav_defaulttextblure= sav_defaulttextmipmap= If the Zoom factor values were also saved ... you would always have the size exactly duplicated slide to slide.
  3. Gary, Just a thought to aid you in your current workflow of the opportunity to increase the size of the image for a larger size ... why not just use the mini player to see the image in a larger view. - Right-Click the mini player to preview just the current slide in full screen without playback. This senerio requires the mini player to be stopped or paused. (If the mini player is in playback ... right-click will preview the slide(s) in full screen playback.) You can use the Remove Slide and Add Slide buttons at your will. Theres no flip-flopping back and forth to O&A.
  4. Geoff, The features are usually provided/supported by the OS and Graphics Adapter/Drivers. The newer the OS and Graphics Adapter will provide better support and options available. Not all Graphics Adapters provide the same support/options. Intel Graphics — Multiple Displays FAQ http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-031040.htm MS Windows - Multiple monitors frequently asked questions http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Multiple-monitors-frequently-asked-questions MS Windows - Understanding multiple monitors http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Understanding-multiple-monitors Im not quite sure exactly what you mean by this comment:
  5. Andrew, Peters suggestion is the course I would follow ... it does not require any external editor process and does not require any new additional images to make the shadow effect. Its all simply accomplished within PTE using a copy of the image.
  6. Harmsway The problem usually is the receivers ISP or Mail Client that causes the issue. One Simple Test to verify if your ISP or Mail Client is blocking the mail or stripping the key attachments ... is send yourself an Email with a key file attachment. 1- Create a text file with some simple text message and save it as My.key 2- Attach the My.key file to the test Email you are sending to yourself. 3- Make sure the address you use is the one you gave to Wnsoft when your ordered. ---- A more indepth test would be to insert into your own Email message and My.key attachment: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"=" ---- Note : ISP or Mail Clients have their own process and procedures as how to treat pontentially unsafe content and attachments ... so they are not all equal or the same in how they apply the rules. ** Remember this is just a simple test to see how your own Email applies the rules. I know as a new user you should not need to perform these tests ... but it is also helpful for you to know how your ISP or Mail Clients react and process these things now and any other furture events.
  7. Hans, This is not possible using VideoBuilder. The DVD Menu functions are basic and donot support advanced DVD Menu/SubMenu operations. You need to search for other DVD Authoring tools that will support the functions you require. VideoBuilder will not import 3rd party DVD Menus. DVD Movie/Video format does not playback/operate like the EXE version ... therefore the use of this setting really has no impact in making of the DVD Movie/Video.
  8. Leona, The message "CD burning not supported" will be displayed if you have a CD Disc inserted into your DVD Burner ... verify you have a DVD Disc inserted. If you dont have a VideoBuilder Key loaded ... PTE/VideoBuilder should still operate and produce a DVD, but only with a included Demo message. * Its still possible to burn a DVD using your own Third Party burning software which I assume you did in the past versions by some of your comments. From the top Menu bar select Create | AVI File . See Attachment
  9. Barry, I came across this MPEG2-WAVE File sometime ago in previous PTE versions. I used it for entirely a different purpose ... which was to get the exact mix of Project Music used in combination with Slide Music into a single file. The single ouput WAVE file also allows me to always use the Syncronize Music & Slides setting which is normally not possible/available when using Slide Music.
  10. Barry, I can only assume you maynot be fully understanding the method of using the single WAVE File that is produced along with the MPEG2. Once you build your Demo Size .pte slide show ... use VideoBuilder to create just the MPEG2 File with the Audio Option of LPCM. A single WAVE audio file is also produced that just contains the portions of sounds/music required and used only by the Demo Size ... it does remove the unused portions. Once you have created the WAVE fIle ... you remove/replace the original sound/music content of the Demo Size .pte file with the WAVE File. Create the Demo Size exe slide show ... the overall filesize will be smaller. * If you dont like to use WAVE Files ... convert it to MP3 or whatever.
  11. Dave I also recall parts of the discussion. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11309&view=findpost&p=72998
  12. Barry, Currently ... there is no quicker method. Remember this is just a short term solution till Igor addresses the issue.
  13. Barry, Until something is answered by Igor to this matter ... read the little tidbit information I posted sometime ago. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11438&view=findpost&p=74107 This would solve your issue as it saves all tracks and comments relative to the actual slideshow time into a single wavefile for you to convert or do whatever.
  14. Gary, Just a helpful hint ... PTE also allows use of some of your Keyboard Keys (PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN) to aid you in scrolling the Timeline/Waveform and still keeps your selections highlighted. If your Mouse has a scroll wheel ... it too can scroll the Timeline/Waveform.
  15. Barry, You are not alone ... I agree. I always believe in using the right tools for the right job. Usually it takes many tools to achieve the best results. I dont know of any All-In-One tools that really do it all.
  16. Alan Since you say this issue relates to a couple of sequences ... it may be possible its just a simple error in your entered run command file string. Please post a sample of your file string. Example: Command: Run Slideshow (or Run Application) FileString: "My slideshow.exe" ( or full path with FileName, with or with out quotes) Note: Have you also checked to see if the issue sequences are possibly running under (NotOnTop) the current playing slideshow ? Test by using keyboard SHIFT + ALT + TAB key combination to bring other running tasks to view (OnTop) * Thank you for the little gem comments. I have plans to make some additions ... even play MP4 video if the OS supports it.
  17. Joy, Adding to Peter's post ... Its wise to keep the previous versions installed until after the newer version is installed and tested to be fully working and fully functional. Once your satisfied ... its then your choice to remove any older versions if you have no need to use it again. If you have VideoBuilder Key Test the VideoBuilder and verify the key registration is still valid for the newer installed version. If the VideoBuilder key registration has expired for the new version ... you will need to keep your previous version installed to be able to use VideoBuilder features or otherwise you will need to renew/purchase another VideoBuilder key.
  18. DavidM, The Action on Mouse Click commands only work when the slideshow is in Preview mode or normally executed playback ... the actions are not performed while in the O&A editor/designer window. The GoToSlideName command while in Preview mode or normally executed playback is only for one specific slide name and will not offer a selectable drop down menu list of all slides as you might be expecting.
  19. Ralph, You are correct. Chapter navigation works in both directions ... Forward and Back Since this is a discussion forum ... other users will benifit from the posted discussion. You can also use the forums Personal Messenger if its required. * As for the other video authoring programs ... I use DVD-Lab Pro
  20. Ralph, Chapters are used to index particular segments or scenes on a DVD Video for the purpose of navigation. Basically, if you hit the Next button on your DVD Remote Control ... you will advance to the next scene or chapter as indexed on the DVD. Each added video automaically creates 1 chapter whether you want one or not. You say you have 6 videos ... so you already have 6 chapters. If you require more navigation to particular segments or scenes on the DVD Video ... add more chapters. VideoBuilder offers pretty basic features when it comes to authoring DVD Video.
  21. Gary, Just to set the record straight so there is no confusion to other users ... you should have mentioned that your Sound Editing proposal/function as it relates to access external sound editors. Some users may think your post relates to the recent v6.5 release with the newly added internal Audio Editing and Manipulations features. As for names and labeling used/displayed in the PTE program ... I know Igor has been trying to keep these as brief as possible for best compatability to meet all user languages, screen sizes, and font sizes to best fit most users display settings. Note: * It is possible for you to personally customize most of the names and labeling used/displayed in the PTE program to suit your own specific naming preferences or needs. * Open the lanuage ini file located in the PTE program folder ... in your particular case the English.ini. Edit/change the specific name values to meet your personal preferences. Such as: - Opt_SndEditor=Edit Sound Added to Current Slide - Button_AddSound=Add Sound to Current Slide * Word of caution ... you should save a copy of the original English.ini for your own reference of text changes you made. Its also necessary for you to remember the text changes made in your display when communicating and posting issues and images. Remember your own customized name and labeling changes may not be fully understood and seen by other users. See Attachment for example.
  22. Nadezda, It appears to me ... you have received a Upgrade License for VideoBuilder and not the Standard Licence of which you say you purchased . The key file sent to you would not have included the file string of [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] to activate the PTE Standard Edition. **You need to contact WnSoft support and also verify your order confirmation receipts of what was actually ordered, sent, and recieved. **Your current key has only activated use of VideoBuilder features ... this is why the program always says to load a key for use of the PTE Standard Edition.
  23. Nadezda & Peter, Nadezda's comment tells me she received the key registration by a .txt file attachment ... which is still the old distribution method. If you use the Load Key From File button to load your key ... you do not additionally need to copy and paste the key information. This might be whats causing the issue ... you had loaded a key from a selected file and also used the copy and paste method. --- Does your registration file also contain additional string information of : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"=" I ask this question because your posted file string only reveals you have the VideoBuilder key registration ... and not the full PTE key registration. Just to make things clear ... did you purchase the full Deluxe licenses, or Standard License, or just the Upgrade License for VideoBuilder ? The Upgrade License for VideoBuilder will not alone activate the Standard License of PTE.
  24. Nadezda, Make sure your PTE version is v6.5.2. Previous 6.5 versions did not address the new license key text format. Changes in version 6.5.2 + Added support of uploads on Facebook (1080p). + PicturesToExe accepts new license keys in text format. Old keys in files also are supported. ----- You mentioned you received the PteKey.txt by e-mail. Was the key registration information received as a additional attachment to the email ? Or was the key registration information received as part of the body of the email message ... which is now the new license key in text format ? **If your key information is the new license key in text format ... try your text copy/paste operation again to enter the license key, Verify you have exactly copied the key registration information ... making sure there is no additional leading or trailing characters or spaces. Additional Note: * I did just notice from your image attachment of your WinRAR ... the CRC32 value and date matches the v6.5.2 (latest realease). So your good to go with the correct build version for the new license keys in text format.
  25. debibelt, Thats a good question, what OS are you running ... XP or Vista ? Just one other thought to test ... In your Documents and Settings\Users\Application Data\PicturesToExe\Versions\6.5 directory ... move the Apr.ini file to the desktop or some other location. Test the program. The PTE program when/if opened will resort to all default settings and not be influenced by any previous version settings saved or used. PTE will generate a new Apr.ini file. This will atleast tell your if any prior settings used are creating the issue ... worth a test. *** The path indicated above is using XP as a reference ... Vista may have something a little different.
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