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debibelt, A few general things you might want to test and checkout : 1- Open the PicturesToExe program folder and double-click the PicturesToExe.exe directly. It would also be wise to check and test other programs and their short-cuts for the same issue. 2- Verify you had Administration Rights when installing the program and/or check your user login has proper permission. 3- Try installing the PTE program with all virus/firewall protections turned-off. Test the program. Turn back-on your virus/firewall protections. Test again. 4- If possible ... try installing PTE to another Drive or Partition. Test the program. ** Again ...these are general tests and donot relate specifically to PTE.
Set 'Sound Editor' - How do you get it to work?-Solved
nobeefstu replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Gary, Glad you got it sorted The current v6.5 release with the new Audio Editing and Manipulations is only partially complete ... all of Igor's intended features and functions relating to this subject will continue to be added as new builds/releases become available. We will all just have to wait and see. -
blurij, Im sorry to say that PTE does not currently re-randomize while playing in a continuous loop. Also PTE does not act as and is not a standalone player like iTunes and other players that are user programed on the fly. Internal lists, external lists, alblums, and video are not internally supported in PTE ... but can be run externally with user prescribed commands as long as you additionally distribute the external files. However, the external files used on another users PC will require the user to also have supported player(s) to execute and play the file. Basically PTE will launch it ... but it wont play it without support of users own external programs. Again, sorry to disappoint you on your first day and post. However ... PTE is always expanding with new and additional features. Additional Note: With a little imagination ... it is possible to make 2 identical Slide Shows (using different names) to run each other using the More | Run Application command and actually achieve the re-randomize slide in a virtually seamless playback loop. I just tested it. The Run Slideshow command which uses the same engine did not quite re-randomize ... they became tandem loops.
Set 'Sound Editor' - How do you get it to work?-Solved
nobeefstu replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Just to clear things up ... the use of the old Sound Editor function only relates to the Add Sound of the of the selected Slide. The Add Sound position must be first filled with a item. Right-Click the selected Slide from the Slide List and you will see Edit Sound Comment . See Attachment. Some history ... this is a very old feature/function and has only pertained to editing of the Sound Comment of a selected Slide of which you could only attach WAV files at the time. This function never had anything to do with editing Project Music or Slide Music ... even though users at the time hoped it would be added in the future. The old named label I believe use to be called Add Sound Comment ... the triming of the current naming labels to Add Sound has created this confusion in newer versions. But it does still work. -
Ken, I would be happy with getting started with just the above ... but a selectable whiteboard preview/screen would give the User the full monte. I believe Igor should give some serious thought and consideration to make this a possibility in the near future. This one particular Navigation function with preview alone would be a great asset to the overall scope of use and power in PTE and its inovative development.
Ken, Your idea of the Go To Slide button would work wonderful in the Navigation Bar. Since the Go To Slide button would contain all the slides names in a numbered listbox for users to easily access ... this would actually omit the need of a new Last Slide button and the need of the current Home Slide button. One button to perform all the necessary slide selection/destinations. Now that PTE and Users can index and select the slides by using the Name of Slide Object feature currently available ... the Go To Slide navigation button function already has the groundwork setup. (PTE no longer uses just the slide # to index as in past versions.) The Go To Slide button would greatly expand and enhance the current navigation limitations. Users and their clients now would have full access to a selected slide name and not just a slide # they may know nothing about . The scrollable numbered listbox would quickly show the slide position and the total slide count. Now thats really alot of control and information for users all in one sweep.
linzi, Verify your Video Builder expiration/renewal date by opening PTE, from top menu select About PicturesToExe | Help See the date listed in line : Deluxe Features : Free Upgrades Up To If the renewal date listed expires before the release date of PTE v6.5 ... then you need to renew your Video Builder key. Even if they were combined ... there would still most likely be a 2 Year Upgrade fee. Developers today rarely offer Lifetime Free updates and upgrades for their products. Igor/WnSoft kept their word to honor Lifetime Free for the PTE Standard Version where many other Developers thru time will retire it into a Legacy Product. * Not so bad when you compare ProShows Gold 1 Year upgrade fees of $45.00 . A 4 year renewal fee would end up costing a user $180.00 (4x45.00) for ProShow Gold ... PTE would cost its users $68.00 (2x34.00) for the same term. Feature for feature ProShow may do much more ... it should in my opinion since it costs much more. However, the more features a product has doesnt make it a better product.
The function you speak of has not been available since the introduction of PTE v5. I see in your particular proofing use of PTE ... this feature had some useful benefit. Since v4.48-4.49 ... a few features or functions you may be accustomed to using are now gone. To be able to go the Last Slide ... it can be accomplished by using the keyboard END key or create a Button Object in O&A. Set the Action on Mouse Click and select Go to Slide with Name. However ... it would be nice if the Navigation Bar did include a Last Slide button to compliment its Home Slide (first slide) button to better navigate in some particular slideshow needs.
bwat, In the meantime while waiting for this feature or special rebuild tool release ... you might find my PlayView utility tool useful. PlayView is a ready-made menu utility tool in which to launch your PicturesToExe Slide Shows from a list of menu items. It may do just the trick to help and forget all those menu rebuilds and satisfy the kids also. Read : PlayView - Slide Show List Menu Utility for PicturesToExe Users http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11229 Basically ... the allocation of memory and resources is controlled by the OS. PTE can only use what the OS decides to allocate or share for graphical demands.
Running scheduled task Exe file on second monitor
nobeefstu replied to Robliddell82's topic in General Discussion
Rob, You will need to create/use a .bat file to launch the EXE slideshow if you cannot apply the -display 2 command in Task Scheduler. Have the Task Scheduler open the .bat file and not the EXE. or Its also possible that Task Scheduler may open a Shortcut of the EXE slideshow. Make sure the Shortcut contains the command -display 2 Note * Command line parameter for any EXE file with a slideshow (since v5.7) to point a desired display. For example: MySlideshow.exe -display 2 -
Dave, I can only guess since you cannot (Browse button then select Attach This File) seem to be able to upload a .pte file or any other file ... your Windows7 must be blocking or restricting the transfer (most likely some Network /File Sharing/Firewall setting). Try uploading the zip file(s) from your Vista Desktop to the forum post. Since you cannot see any Taskbar activity when Running (Run meaning using just double-click method) the EXE slideshow ... or any Windows Task Manager status indicating the slideshow application is Running ... then using the keyboard Enter key would have no effective result. If you did see the EXE Slideshow active in the Taskbar after using double-click and the StartUp Screen is not visible (because its most likely invisible/hidden for some reason) ... hitting the keyboard Enter key would still result in playing the rest of the EXE slideshow even though the StartUp Screen and its buttons cannot be seen. The other Users file had this same invisible/hidden Startup Screen and could still play the EXE slideshow using the keyboard Enter key. You may want to try the just released PTE v6.5.1 build final (not the beta v6.5.1) and verify using a brand new project file to see if the issue persists. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12201&view=findpost&p=79207 Review of your .pte project file is most valuable to help sort/identify this issue. I would still double-check all your Windows 7 settings for something a-miss.
Dave, Upload and attach just the .pte project file (without the image & sound resources). Donot upload the compiled EXE slideshow unless its zipped and meets the upload file size requirements (Max. single file size: 2MB). If necessary ... trim or omit slides and music to meet the file size requirements. Heres a Test with 3 Questions: Run the problem EXE slideshow from your Win7 Harddrive. Q1- Does the Windows Taskbar indicate the slideshow is Active ? Q2- Does the Windows Task Manager status indicate the slideshow application is Running ? Q3- Does hitting the keyboard Enter key start the slideshow bypassing display of the Startup Screen?
Dave, Another user just recently had the same Startup Screen issue with a EXE compiled in v6.5 ... however, his OS was Win2000 and has not returned any recent response or resolve from my last query. Possibly the issue may be directly related. Is this .pte project file originally built in a previous PTE version and then resaved in current v6.5 ? See Topic: Help, help help...slide shows not working! *Please upload and attach to your next post a copy of this v6.5 PTE file thats causing your issue for further inspection. Just attach the .pte file and not the external image/resource files for this testing.
I believe Ken T (APLman) is on the right track to this resolution ... but actually Igor suggested such a resolve way back in v5.6 development of the Run Slideshow feature. I suspect this special tool release has been side tracked by implementing the demands and development of other new PTE features. I did finally find the post which contains the reply : PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6.1 Beta March 12, 2009 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9512&view=findpost&p=62520 See the comment: "I promissed add special tool which will help quickly re-build all linked EXE slideshows. Probably it will become good solution?"
bwat, I see this as more of a logical issue rather than a inherent flaw. The Run Slideshow feature effectively eliminates the taskbar flash by utilizing the same slideshow engine/components/resources for playback instead of launching another/new engine instance which promotes taskbar flash. However, the Run Slideshow feature does require the same version build due to PTE slideshow engine components vary version build to version build and therefore may not properly play a different version build which has its own unique set of specific engine requirements. I imagine Igor may/maynot be able to improve on this feature. ... something in the way of an adaptive slideshow engine that may play some older version builds might be possible. Again, this may create other logical issues and/or also dramatically increase the slideshow engine/components executable output size. Igor can best answer this. -------------- Your issue is most likely a taskbar flash and not a desktop flashback when using Run Application command ... but this is going to be relative to how you launch your other slideshows. One Remedy to effectively eliminate taskbar flash - Using right-click on the Windows Start button | Properties | Taskbar tab ... Disable the checkbox Keep the Taskbar ontop of other Windows (different OS may have comparable settings). It may not suit your preferred usage/display needs in other desk operations ... but it does effectively elimiinate the taskbar flash during slideshow playback in my menu tests. See Attachment.
Bug in 6.5? Problem with Screen's '% of the slide'.
nobeefstu replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Gary, Please remember that the % of Slide to Show only applies to the Main Image. If you want no effective change when using the % of Slide to Show setting of your Zoomed image ... you must add the image as a new Image Object in O&A and then Zoom to your needs. What appears to me is that you are increasing the Zoom value of the image in O&A settings ... and then decreasing the Zoom value again of that same image by using % of Slide to Show. Its like adding 3 apples and then take 2 away ... why not just add 1 apple and save the time and effort ? This would lessen the confusion of settings being counter productive in your particular case. -
Gordon, Mailing EXE files can be tricky these days. Most of all its not a wise idea to send just an EXE because not only may your own ISP block it, it also may be blocked at the receipients ISP end. The best way to send a EXE file is to ZIP into a compressed package or archive. Windows has its own compress zip tool or you can use other 3rd party zip tools. *Please be aware ... even though you may ZIP the EXE, some ISP severs will still remove or reject the content because some providers wont accept EXE in any package or form. GMail is one such provider that totally rejects EXE in any form. So make sure your not trying to send it out to any GMail addresses. Im sure theres also other providers that totally reject. * ISP/mail providers also have file size limitations ... check your sizes and your receiver sizes, as they could be different. * Outlook Express also has it own settings ( not related to virus program settings) that relate to security/file restictions. Check your mail settings.
Bug in 6.5? Problem with Screen's '% of the slide'.
nobeefstu replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Gary, As for Since the current slide already exists ... clicking just OK will not apply the % setting to that slide. If you want to apply the % setting to only a new single slide ... first make the setting in Project Options, confirm the action with OK, then make the new single slide (or any additional new slides). The % setting will be applied to all new slides created until you again change that % setting in Project Options. I dont recall any users wanting to apply the % setting to just a single slide ... but thats the beauty of PTE being very customizable to suit various user needs. As answer to your other issue/question ... I need to read closer to all the details you describe. -
Peter, Very baffling ... since you cannot recreate the issue in a new project. I would assume that if your original uploaded file was damaged or corrupted in some manner it would also act impoper in my tests. * I just noticed my tests were done with v6.5 and not the latest v6.5.1
Peter, I only suggest as a test to add/use the "quotes" in the named filestring. Actually, PTE by default automatically adds the "quotes" to the filestring when you browse/select for the external file. I also suggest as a test to omit the dashes used within the filestring/filename because your other project file TestRunApp.pte worked correctly in PTE Preview when the filenames contained no dashes and no "quotes". Another Test: Replace your current single filename using the normal browse/select for external file. PTE will automatically add the full path and the "quotes" to the filestring to execute. Does this senario work correctly when executing the AVO-Storyboard-1.doc in PTE Preview ? *My best resolve is that the "quotes" be maintained to insure proper execution for all case senarios.
Peter, My tests of your Adding Voice-over v3.pte worked with PTE Preview just fine on XP-SP3. I was only able to test with a AVO-Storyboard-1.doc file supplement ... and not the V-Demo.aup because my newly built PC is only partially setup and formated for barebone operation at the moment. My only simple suggestion at this time, is that you test with the "quotes" at the beginning and end of the filestring (in your case the filename) ... I know some systems are picky when the quotation marks are not used in particular filestring execution. Your use of dash marks without quotation marks may be the culprit. Remove the dashes within the current filename and/or add the "quotes" as a test. I lost time & momentum in updating PTE Reporter for v6.5 when my older P4 PC was having terminal issues. Since my new i5 PC is only partially operational ... I hope to complete its full setup within a week and then begin again work on PTE Reporter updated release
Peter, PTE Preview will remember the original path of/to the file when done in the same build seession of PTE (even if you have manually edited out the filestring path location). Once the .pte file has been saved, closed, and reopened in a new session ... PTE Preview no longer remembers the original file path location (file cache) in the reopened session. The inactive button response is due to the file cannot be located and opened by its filename only. The .pte file only documented and saved the edited filestring which now only contains the filename only. *Actually the reopened session would logically look relative ... in this case senario it would be the Users Temp files when PTE builds it Preview.
Show created for Mac-will it play with wav sound files?
nobeefstu replied to goddi's topic in General Discussion
Gary, Barry would give you the best confirmation on the WAV playback issue. WAV is the standard for Windows based systems ... though it is supported and compatible in Mac. AIFF is the standard for Mac systems. With all the various encoding changes/additions MS keeps making to its music/sound formats these days ... its probably a chore for Mac and other developers to keep full support to its users with its updates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV I agree with Peter ... its probably best and wisest to keep with the tried and true MP3. -
Nordlicht, You may try as a test and disable your Aero Glass Desktop/Visual Themes within the PictureToExe.exe program Find the PictureToExe.exe program and right-click it. See tab Compatability (or similar name) ... there should be a checkbox to disable the Aero Glass Desktop/Visual Themes (or similar name). Aero Glass Desktop/Visual Themes (or similar name) in Win 7 also uses D3D resources and it may not have enought to share/release with PTE demand of D3D resources. The visual themes setting returns back to normal once PTE is exited.
Video Builder DVD'S not starting when loaded into DVD player
nobeefstu replied to rick235's topic in General Discussion
Rick, Adding any sound files when in VideoBuilder ... only adds sound playback for the Menu portion of the DVD. You cannot have/add sound when no Menu is used in the DVD. Normal slideshow music and sound is all entered while building your PTE slideshow project. The DVD Menu display is not actually part of your PTE Slideshow(s) ... its only a menu system which links access to/for the Slideshow(s) launch/playback.