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Igor/Wnsoft has in the past already acknowledged to include video clips. The question is if its addition/release date is going to be timely and quick enough for those wanting and eager Users. Igor has alot of work (also a Mac Version) on his current agenda and what comes out next is in his best interest. As Barry has mentioned, if Users dont want a included function or feature of PTE ... they only need to not use it. Most programs have many features and functions that users dont require or use ... just as a quick example look at users of Photoshop.
- Does PTE Standard Edition run on Windows Seven? Yes. Some users have reported issues when Win 7 was first initially released. I believe most have been resolved - What is the current version of PTE Standard Edition. I think that my release is the 4.48. Is there a new one? If yes, how to download it? Standard and Deluxe are the same program and current release is v6.5. Go to homesite ... WnSoft.com - If I upgrade to a Deluxe 6.5 version, does my old initial licence file working?. Your original PTE license Key is still required and functional ... only for the Standard features/functions within the PTE Deluxe Version program are useable. The Deluxe license Key is additional and enables the Videobuilder program functions/features within the Deluxe version. The standard version Key Registration is lifetime updates/upgrades and the Deluxe (VideoBuilder features) is a 2 year limited/renewable updates/upgrades.
Video Builder DVD'S not starting when loaded into DVD player
nobeefstu replied to rick235's topic in General Discussion
rick235, IF you want your DVD slideshow(s) to start playback automatically ... you will have to omit using the Menu. There is no setting in VideoBuilder to allow the Menu to start playback automactically within a defined time. Using a DVD Menu requires the User to initialize playback. The VideoBuilder Project Options does have settings to enable/disable returning to the Menu after playback of each Title. * If you want a DVD startup Title page to act as a automactic lead-in for the DVD contents ... you will need to build a seperate Title slideshow in PTE to meet you needs and add it to VideoBuilder's list of files to use in the DVD. * The VideoBuilder Menu system has very basic and limited capabilities when compared to 3rd party author tools dedicated to making just DVDs. -
AbdolReza, Peter's sample could work exactly like you want ... you need only set both Mouse buttons to None. Also disable use of the Keyboard so users cannot advance. You need only apply the correct settings to achieve the result you specified.
AbdolReza, Peter is correct in his statement when he says "my conclusion is that the problem must be caused by the text content." My review of your .pte internals ... reveals that you are using Unicode characters in combination with ANSI characters. Unicode text characters cannot be used since the .pte file is a ANSI text format document. In your effort to duplicate the text and slides ... you have also duplicated the errors. Fix Note: Remove the problem text objects completely ... and use just ANSI text characters. Use of any Unicode text characters will repeat your text error issue. -Even some of your slide names and object names appear to have Unicode text characters. -Your PTE file also says it was built in v6.5 Beta 15.
Help, help help...slide shows not working!
nobeefstu replied to jlambrosa's topic in General Discussion
jlambrosa, My test of your current slideshow also failed to launch the executable with the Startup Window. However, when I removed 8 of the 10 buttons (leaving Play and Exit) the slideshow performed properly. I remade the removed 8 buttons (children of the Rectangle Object) and all performed properly. Remake Note: Remove 8 of the 10 buttons (leaving Play and Exit) i.n your Startup Window and create 8 new buttons with links. SaveAs a new file * I have not yet checked to see the button data as written to the project file ... but there is most likely something different that causing this issue with your original file. Was your original file made from a previous version and/or with copy and paste operations from an older file version ? * If your file remake returns to the same issue as your original file ... its possible this issue is only evident when making/using this function Win 2000. -
Help, help help...slide shows not working!
nobeefstu replied to jlambrosa's topic in General Discussion
jlambrosa, You may want to upload and attach to your next post a copy of this v6.5 PTE file thats causing your issue for further inspection. Just attach the .pte file and not the external image/resource files for this testing. Further Tests Test 1 - If you are using a image file in the Startup Window ... remove it and test the compiled exe and verify launch and playback. Test 2 - Build the slideshow project without the Show Startup Window checkbox enabled. Enable the checbox Show Help on F1 keypress. Test the compiled exe and verify playback and verify that the F1 key opens the Help Window. Test 3 - This basic test simply involves turning off all your Virus/Firewalls. These programs can affect/restrict executable launch in differnt ways for various users. Test the compiled exe and verify launch and playback. Restore your Virus/Firewalls after test. -
Peter, Since a Video file needs a external player for playback ... the loop or repeat function is usually controlled by the player settings. Some players allow string commands to loop the video file ...either thru a batch file command or by adding additional commands to the file string within a shortcut of the file. These commandlines are prescribed by the player if it allows such command functions. Not all players accept commandline parameters ... you will have to read the player documentation for available commandline support. Some video encoders can implement loop or repeat function during the encoding/recoding process depending on the type of video file. Maybe MP4 files can have such function also ... I just dont know at this time.
Help, help help...slide shows not working!
nobeefstu replied to jlambrosa's topic in General Discussion
jlambrosa, Clicking either the Run button displayed in the StartUp Window or hitting the Enter keyboard key should close the window and launch the slideshow. Does the StartUp Window close after clicking Run button or hitting Enter key? After clicking ... does the screen go black or does the desktop return ? -
jlambrosa, PTE v6.5 (final release build ... not a beta build) is now available. It addresses some issues experienced with previous PTE versions relating to the Mac Executable. The User Guide lists Mac OS X for playback. As with any PC ... the Video Card RAM/MB amount plays a critical role to launch or playback the slideshow smoothly. So older PCs with older operating systems in combination with a slow video card ... is less likely to support the playback. You may need to build your slideshows without Hardware Acceleration (D3D) to test with your clients. Note: As to Version and Build numbers as it relates to your using PTE Deluxe Version 6.0.4. The Version number is 6.0 and the .4 is the Build number. So basically your using PTE Version 6 Build 4 or simply v6.0.4.
Gary, I would expect Windows 7 still able to allow searches for wildcards ... I just dont know if they changed how to format the sting. So its best to try all possibilites. Iam unable to test PTE for this issue cause currently my 6yr old Pentium 4 is becoming terminal and I dont want to loose any data. Im currently using my 11yr old Pentium 3 with Win98SE/IEv6 to write this post. Atlease I can get online to do research and purchase new parts to build another PC ... it will be a new generation Intel iCore processor and Intel board. The only problem is todays new parts are weeding out IDE and going all SATA ... so its taking me longer to research and shop for all the additional SATA parts I dont have,
Gary, Make sure you are searching for apr.ini ... and not the apr*ini as noted in your post.
jlambrosa, PTE still supports Win 2000 as of Version 6 User Guide. I cannot comment on Version 6.5 Beta Releases continued support for Win 2000 ... this fact will have to be acknowledged by Igor/WinSoft or once the help file for Version 6.5 is distributed. What PTE version and build are you using to produce your Mac Executables ? What Mac OS versions do your clients have that have the playback issues ?
Gary, Why dont you upload or attach zip of the two images for better file comparsion and inspection. There seems to be another image compression/multiplier involved for the smaller size image ... it may be that the Net Graphics Optimizer program is optimizing for the web whereas PS and infraview are not even though you are using a 80 setting. Its exactly 25% (using multiplier of 4) smaller than that of the larger image. (1000 x 750) pixels x 4 = 4000 x 1000 pixels or (3.333 x 2.5) inches x 4 = 13.333 x 10 inches. Are you optimizing for the web in PS also ?
You need just purchase the VideoBuilder Upgrade key which will make the PTE standard version operate as the Deluxe Edition that has all features available in VideoBuilder. Thanks for the comment ... KeyCopy has been a great utility tool to many users of PTE.
Its most likely your VideoBuilder upgrade key has expired beyond its 2 year limit for that particular PTE version (release date) . Since you mention the date of purchase june 21, 2007 in a previous post ... your VideoBuilder upgrade key is over 3 years old. The VideoBuilder key is still operable on older versions of PTE that fall within the 2 year cycle of the version release date.
Software to run more than one slideshow
nobeefstu replied to David Allan's topic in General Discussion
Your comment above troubles me if you plan to loop a series of chained slideshows. Be very careful how you introduce a loop into a chain-link sequence. Is very easy to end up in a endless loop without no way to completely exit the program loop without forcing your pc to shutdown. You must create a loop in such a way that easily allows you to exit playback completely. -
Software to run more than one slideshow
nobeefstu replied to David Allan's topic in General Discussion
brianh, Ken's comment above is the most likely the cause of your issue. Its better not to use D3D Hardware Acceleration enabled in your Menu slideshow. The Menu running at the same time is consuming additional D3D power which would be normally fully allocated to a single running slideshow. Disable the checkbox D3D Hardware Acceleration for Menu projects/exes. Test and verify how your overall project runs now. -
Software to run more than one slideshow
nobeefstu replied to David Allan's topic in General Discussion
David, There are a couple ways to accomplish chained slideshows using just PTE. Using PTE can be made to give you more control ... especially when it comes to exiting out of a series of chained slideshows. Read this post: starting a sequence of slideshows - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11806 Its also very easy just to create/make a batch file (.bat) to link your slideshows without the need of any 3rd party tools. -
Dave, Its possible I totally misunderstood Eric's post and you have misunderstood mine. PTE is not capable to display any images (fixed, rotating, etc) beyond the Background Image/Background Color frame area. The only option available to use which controls this frame area is the Screen | Additional Options - Color Outside Area. The user is not going to be able to fill the full screen display of a Widescreen TV with any type of image. Of course everything is respective and relative to format and ratios. When David P mentions this for TV display ... I take this as DVD for TV.
Eric, You are quite correct. Not matter if its rotating or fixed .... it wont fill the screen completely and you will still have black borders of some type depending on the format. Backgrounds will fill the frame of the picture ... not the full widescreen outside the frame (black border area ).
How to make a DVD to play on television with PTE 6
nobeefstu replied to rick235's topic in General Discussion
rick235, A recent user had a very similar problem as yours. Check that your PAL/NTSC setting is correct for your location ... the default setting in V6 may be different that of your V5. All PC-DVD players play both types. Most TV-DVD players play only one type specifically for your location. Some TV-DVD units will play both if your model supports. -
Timeline in Objects and Animation
nobeefstu replied to nottafulshillin's topic in General Discussion
afuleniz, If increasing the 2 minutes slide time value with additional zero(s) ... something like 20 minutes, 200 minutes, or even 2000 minutes did not expand the view of timeline display for you to see any outbound keypoints ... Could you attach to your next post just a copy of this .pte file only (without all other resources) for us to further inspect for possible issues ? -
Timeline in Objects and Animation
nobeefstu replied to nottafulshillin's topic in General Discussion
afuleniz, I was able to reproduce your squashed timline view in some of my tests. It appears you may still have an additonal keypoint(s) way out of the timeline view (as Peter mentions in his 1st post) To see the additional outbound keypoint(s) 1-Try increasing your Customize Slide - Display Slide for (sec) time value with addtional 0 or 00 ( as example : original time value of 4 secs would become 40 or 400). 2-Hopefully the outbound keypoint(s) can come into the timeline view. If not ... keep increasing the time value with addtional 0 till you can see the additional outbound keypoint(s) 3-Once found in the view ... delete the outbound keypoint(s) or drag it back to the very begining of the timeline. 4-Reset your Customize Slide - Display Slide for (sec) time value to your original time value (less the additional zeros) 5-Your timeline view should be back to a normal expanded view instead of squashed. If you dragged and not deleted the outbound keypoint(s) back to the very begining of the timeline ... adjust to their new position if they are still usefull or required. Most cases would be they are useless and can be deleted. -
Timeline in Objects and Animation
nobeefstu replied to nottafulshillin's topic in General Discussion
afuleniz, Just a couple of questions: Is this O&A timeline view issue just particular to this one slide and project file ... or is it constant with other slides and other project files ? Not knowing all your entered time parameters ... can you attach to your next post just a copy of this .pte file only (without all other resources) ? Lets see how others view your displayed issue so we can examine all the parameters and details.