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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Barry, In addition to Peter's comments above ... This flash to previous sub menu is normal behavior when using Slide Transitions in Menu Shows ... what you are seeing is the initial transition display timing that preceeds each slide. The easy solution is to disable slide transitions in the Menu Shows as you have done. However with a little extra work ... the most visual pleasing solution is use slide transitions by following these steps: - Lead-in or introduce each menu slide with a black/blank/dummy slide. - Customize each of the Lead-in slides with Show Next Slide After Indicated Time Interval - Customize each of the Lead-in slides timing to meet your visual flow needs . I usually set this to 500ms - Depending on the visual display you want to achieve ... disable or enable the slide transition of each of the Lead-in slides. I usually set the transition effect to Quick No Effect. Please note With this type menu configuration your button access command to any specified menu slde is to point to the Lead-in slide of that menu because now each menu slide is actually a pair or set of 2-Slides. Also make sure you disable the Keyboard control in the Menu slideshow. With a little practice and testing various techniques and settings above you can vastly improve the visual appeal and flow of using menus and multiple slideshows.
  2. See this topic which lists the names potentialy dangerous which are prohibited to execute in PTE filestrings or commands. Igor implemented these naming restrictions to stop possible rougue uses of PTE executables : http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9602&view=findpost&p=62990
  3. raybridges, If your using Run Slideshow or Run Slideshow with Return settings in your Buttons ... the other exe slideshows need to be recompiled to the same PTE version as your Menu slideshow. Otherwise, if you cannot recompile the older exe slideshows ... you need to use the Run Application settings in your Buttons. Note: Its also possible issues are experienced when using restricted names as your slideshow's filename. I will post the list if your not aware of the name restrictions.
  4. Gary, Being that you see the greyed-out options means they are available but not accessible for changes. Most likely your not logged in as Administrator or the user account your using does not have the privileges setup to access or modify these settings. Usually the higher-grade Editions have more finely tuned settings to control user account access & restrictions. You may need to clearly define and enable this access in your particular Windows 7 version.
  5. Gary, I dont have Windows 7 ... and have never seen it up-close and personal to check out its actual workings. I can only suspect Windows 7 may have settings which display/reveal certain functions or it may be as simple as according to the type Edition you purchased. Its also a good idea from now on to report what Windows 7 Edition the user has to help Igor narrow these new OS conflicts and issues.
  6. Severn, Seems strange the Compatibilty Mode settings of the exe changed on its own after being closed and restarted. How did you reopen/launch the PTE program after making the initial settings ? (double-click file or program short-cut). Note: I should have mentioned that you also need to make sure all your pre-existing v6 short-cuts have the same Compatibilty Mode settings as the program exe or the program will run at the short-cuts specified settings. (Its possible to set the program short-cut(s) to different settings to make the program behave differntly in user prefered situations.) Right-click the short-cut(s), and select Properties then the Compatibility tab and check/set their settings to match the program's exe settings. If all this continues to fail ... read this topic/post as a temporary measure till Igor sorts this out for the few OS that are experiencing your same issue. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10941&view=findpost&p=70909 Added-On Here is a few general checks and tests a user should always perform when installing any new OS, hardware, or software. This may help to reveal possible issues or conflicts you may not even be aware of. -Run DirectX Diagnosic Tool and perform all its related tests which may help to report possible issues or conflicts. -Always check your OS Hardware Device Manager for any displayed warnings (icons) -Always check your OS Event Viewer for any Application or System event log warning reports. The Event Log service starts automatically when you start Windows. All users can view application and system logs. Only administrators can gain access to security logs. See : Microsoft - View more details about an event http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/nt_viewdetail_how_ev.mspx
  7. Severn, Have you tried testing the PicturesToExe.exe v6 on your Windows 7 in a different Compatibilty Mode and/or disabling the Visual Themes ? I dont know what settings/modes other users of PTE with Windows7-32bit may be using ... but the normal recourse is to test any program that is not working up to par in a last known working compatibility mode to see if better results. To check/set the compatibility modes the program is using ... right-click the exe, and select Properties then the Compatibility tab. There should also be some sort a Visual Themes settings/checkbox. In alot of cases its just the Visual Themes/Aero Desktop setting that causes issues in particular programs.
  8. Severn, Have you installed Nvidia's new Windows 7 driver that supports cards all the way to Geforce 6 that is DirectX 9 ? For users that happen to have AMD-ATI-DirectX 9 rated videocards ... It appears that some AMD’s DirectX 9 ATI Radeon graphics accelerators are not officially supported under Windows 7. You might want to read this info as a start: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Legacy/Pages/radeonaiw_vista32.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=〈=English http://www.fudzilla.com/content/view/16168/1/
  9. mccuthom, Did you do a internet search for DVD authoring software ? Its this type of software/program that is required to author playable/interactive DVD's. Im sure the features, price ranges, and learning curves in using some of these softwares varies greatly ... so one needs to be well informed/knowledgeable in DVD terminology to use some of these products and what thay have to offer.
  10. MusiCalc - Music Calculator for PicturesToExe Users Just in time to use for building your Christmas and holiday slide show projects ! I was inspired by a forum post from Larry "lathompson" Thompson to create this music calculation tool. I also found out during its development ... music today is a real tricky and complicated mess to work with because of its ever-changing encoding and policies. MusiCalc has several limitations and wont read and play everything available out there ... but nor does any other tool that I could find. _____________________________________________________ MusiCalc is a simple utility tool to calculate the total time duration of multiple music tracks. It supports audio files of Mp3, Ogg, and Wav - depending on how they were encoded and converted. Ability to save M3U play lists, text reports, and copy music files to your selected project folder. Easy to use features and functions in a friendly GUI layout. Note : Many of you may wonder why MusiCalc does not support Wma audio files. Thanks to MS ever-changing protections, limitations, and permissions ... these files can be unpredictable for access and may promote program issues. Besides, most PTE users find its best to convert Wma files to Mp3 or Ogg audio format for use in their PTE slide shows to avoid any possible Wma issues altogether. Version 1 Features : Search for Mp3, Ogg, and Wav audio files. Loads all search items to the Music-Catalog List. Add Track items and Remove Track items to build the Music-Play List. Target Time calculator with Add Track Time and Remove Track Time calculations. Preview audio selection with internal Track Player. Supports basic Tag information of Mp3 and Ogg. Save M3U play lists, text reports, and copy music files as listed in the Music-Play List. Load saved M3U play lists made by MusiCalc and other makers to the Music-Catalog List. Keyboard shortcut keys for some major program functions. Program : Program Version 1 - Musicalc.exe. Musicalc_v1.zip package contains Musicalc.exe, MusiCalc Guide.chm, License.txt, and ReadMe.txt. Program does not install any system files, registry entries, user Shortcuts, Start Menu items, or Uninstall options, nor does it alter, edit, rename, move, or delete any audio files. MusiCalc is a 3rd party program tool for PicturesToExe Users and is not affiliated with PicturesToExe or WnSoft. Program supports English language only. MusiCalc has been tested for use on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. Pentium 4 or higher (recommended) 1024 x 768 Screen Resolution (minimum) 1 MB free Hard Drive space for program files Important Note : MusiCalc may not be capable to read, play, and collect exact time duration's of all encoding variations used in Mp3, Ogg, and Wav files. Depending on how the original audio file was encoded, converted, or ripped you may encounter some issues. Music files from iTunes are also known to exhibit issues when used in MusiCalc or PTE. Our tests have shown if an issue is experienced, the best resolve is to encode or convert the audio file again using Audacity or dBpowerAMP. Seems these popular freeware tools always work the best without exhibiting issues. _____ My warmest gratitude and great appreciation to my dear friends at the PTE Forum for all their testing and help to make this program possible. Ralph "Hawk" McDermott Ken "Ken Cox" Cox Peter "fh1805" Appleton Tom "tom95521" Mendenhall Larry "lathompson" Thompson Bill "cottage" Hines of Beechbrook.com for hosting PTE Presentations _____________________________________________________ Free for All and available for download from : Beechbrook.com - Utilities : MusiCalc-Music Calculator Hope you all Enjoy, Stu
  11. Have you tried using the : Command line parameter for any EXE file with a slideshow (since v5.7) to point a desired display. For example: MySlideshow.exe -display 2 Its already possible to run command line parameters from the common tab you describe, but you manually have to enter them. Its even possible to run multiple commands ... however i have not tried using the -display 2 parameter because I dont have multiple screen setup. Example of what it should look like in the editbox using multiple commands: "MySlideshow.exe" -cover -slide 5 -display 2 Please note the entry point after the quote and the single space between commands are required. --- Additional Commands Available: -cover -slide n -frametimes -desktopalign
  12. Claudia Simple Test : Open the wave file in Windows Sound Recorder (sndrec32.exe) and play the file. If you dont see a waveform in the sound recorder display you need to convert the format to PCM. *Note : make sure you perform your format conversion on a file copy so as to keep the original file in tact if need be.
  13. John Have a look at VideoBuilders Project Options - Program tab
  14. Peter, Very nice piece of work. Im glad you added slide count to the display. Who would have thought all this action comprised of 12 slides total. I suspect users are now going to want a template so they wont go thru as much time, coffee, and asprins you required. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Fersigo, I agree with Carol ... that your issue is more video driver related or Direct X version related -Is your issue also being relative to the playback of compiled slide shows ? -Whats the Direct X version your video card supports and have you re-installed it for your trouble-shoot tests ? Test for PTE : Open PTE (v6) and select from the menu bar View | Advanced Options | enable/disable these various settings: Show Real Slides in Mini-Player Show Real Slides in Slide List Minimize Video Card Usuage (for slow PC) The above settings are all related to PTE GUI and its usuage of direct 3D for image display. Note: I would not generally assume since your DVD playback seems fine that your video card drivers are working correctly.
  16. Bert, The file from the Open Recent Project was looking for its images/contents using the last known full file paths it documents internally. If none of the images/contents can be found because they may have been renamed, moved, or missing ... the program always resorts to looking in the relative file path or same directory as the .pte project file. Since the file from the Open Recent Project does not know where you unzipped/extracted your backup contents ... you have to use the extracted .pte project file. Its also possible to copy the Open Recent Project file that was used to the folder of the unzipped contents ... but I would be very carefull in this senerio because you may overwite your pte project file with an older saved file. I dont advise using this possibility unless you are absolutely sure of what your doing.
  17. Bert, First try this: You say you opened the zip file. However, did you extract/unzip the contents into a new folder ? Once you extract the contents of the zip into its own folder ... double-click the .pte project file contained in the extracted contents.
  18. daveharris, Verify DG's previous comment above. Its possible to receive your issue if you opened the saved v6 file in an older PTE version to compile. PTE has forward compatibility ... not backward.
  19. Anne, Sorry for your crash issue ... I have not fully tested Project Reporter as of yet with PTE version 6.x files. My periodic inital tests worked without issues ... however more indepth testing is required now that final version 6 is released. Could you tell me your Windows OS and overall image size Hgt/Wdt and its average file Kb/Mb size? Thanks.
  20. birdsasart. If you could ... please verify you actually have PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.0 displayed in the top left title bar when PTE program opens. You can also verify which program version the actual project file was saved by opening the .pte project file in notepad/text editor and read the line data : CreationTool=PicturesToExe Deluxe 6.00 Please note : If you just rename the .pte filename without the assistance/use of PTE ... the actual Project Name will not change. For the .pte project file to reflect the new Project Name ... use Save As with your new name. The newly saved .pte project file will then reflect the new Project Name. Read the internal line data value : projectname= Also: Test opening your prefered .pte project file by using File|Open from the program menu bar. Some new users get confused initially when the PTE program setting uses Load Last Used Project by default. See View|Advanced Settings in menu bar
  21. Anne, I have used Tom' and Eric's method as explained above but with the use of a print screen tool that captures scrolling windows. Capturing 150 plus images in a single shot is simple and quick. Ive used FastStone Capture tool to perform the function. There is also another possibility to get your thumbnail sheet in a HTM form and then print it. Pte Project Reporter v2 utility tool was made to make a report of your pte file contents and settings. Using Save Full Report will also make a HTM page of thumbnails of the slides main images. Once you have saved this full report ... just open the htm page and use the normal Windows Print function. Pte Project Reporter v2 is available for download from Beechbrook.com Utilities Link: http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/index.asp?categoryid=2&view=View ** Ken, we started about the same time ... you are alot faster typer
  22. Robert, Tell us some details about your MAC. System Requirements as stated in the User Manual: For Mac Mac computer with Intel processor (Power PC is not supported). Mac OSX v10.4 or later, 512 MB RAM, 128MB video memory.
  23. Daniel, I totally understand your proposal. However, there is going to be issues with the suggested and last .pte file which has been saved The normal workings of PTE uses initially the projectname= parameter value to suggest a filename when saving an exe. The file path is always initially derived from the relative directory the .pte project file is located. So ... the project name and the relative file path is always the suggested filename\path PTE is going to use. When it comes to your comment : "pte can suggest the name/path of the last .pte file which has been saved" Where is PTE going to get the last saved filename\path data from ? If the .pte file documents no record of the saved filename\path data ... PTE is always going to follow the initial procedure of using the project name and the relative file path as its suggestion. Actually ... I have another program that works in your proposed senario. It only remembers the the last filename\path saved. I absolutely hate it at times because when I build new projects, work with multiple projects in one sitting,or open old ones ... the program always wants to use the same last saved filename\path data for any project I open/save. Ken makes a valid point. Many users are not so organized and wont remember where and what they saved. The problem will even be experienced by us that open and use project files we made months or even yesrs ago. If PTE isnt allowed to save and remember ... I know I surely wont remember about it from 6 months ago. If PTE uses the registry instead of the .pte file ... the registry will have a multitude of entries. Then ... when many uses like to do a through clean of their registry especially these days ... all goes the saved data paths.
  24. Daniel, From your comment " so if you do not change the name and path there is no need to modify the .pte file and there is no need to prompt the user to save again his project." ... and my comment ..."If no changes in the filename\path have changed since the last save ... the user should not be prompted to save for changes." . It appears we are in total agreement. Its my understanding with the Dom's comment "From the user point of view, to create an exe doesn't change HIS project" ... seems to me Dom is saying whenever a user creates a exe of the slideshow the project file has not changed. I disagree ... because it has changed. From your further discussion ... I believe you state since the project file already has the suggested filename\path, there is no need save the project file again. However the suggested filename\path you mention has not been officially documented in the .pte file to fill the opt_exefn= parameter. The parameter data is only filled after the exe is created and the project saved. So if you save your .pte project file before ever making a exe ... there is no opt_exefn= parameter filled. Are you suggesting the project file should/could be overwritten to save the opt_exefn= parameter without the user being aware ? --- The other point we agree on is that there is a issue in the Create As function of Beta 20 ... and Beta 21 still has the same issue. My comment: This is not correct behaviour comparing to older versions ... because when using the Create As and saving as the same filename\path in the older versions, PTE did not prompt the user to save. The current Beta build version always prompts to save ... whereas older versions only prompt on changes.
  25. gunt, Try using the Project Options in VideoBuilder. Enable checkbox - Repeat Playbck of Disc
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