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Everything posted by nobeefstu
Dave, Just make sure you closely read all the product specs and details in what its providing. Do the input formats supported meet/convert to your expected HD 1080 output resolution and fps. Some of these gadgets can only provide a HD simulation.
DaveOR, The Menu Template aspect ratio setting only affects the Menu display (if selected) ... it has no effect on the DVD Video build, aspect ratio, or resoultion. You have the option to use or not to use a Menu when burning your DVD Video to disc by using the Create Menu checkbox. Burning a DVD Video Disc in VideoBuilder only provides a single-session finalized disc. It does not provide multi-session/not finalized disc functions you may be accustomed to in full build/burn programs. For multi-session burns you need to use your own third party burn software. For multiple shows in VideoBuilder you need to add all your additional projects to the bottom Project Window to be included for the single-session burn. You do have the correct size images to produce HD 1080. However the issue here is VideoBuilder does not burn video in HD DVD format 720/1080 @ 50/60 fps to HD or Standard Discs. VideoBuilder currently only burns 480/576 @ 25/30 in Standard DVD format to Standard DVD discs. To create true HD content on DVD ... you need HD equipment and HD discs. Note: Some users opt to Create AVI in a video file using HD 1080 format. However you must then export that to be processed in some other third party burn software that can actually produce HD DVD Video to disc.
Dom, thanks for making a Poll of this hot topic to collect some user insight. I think users interested in this this feature ought to read closely at Igor's wisely chosen words of its description. "simple management of audio tracks" Audio Editing is not proposed here. Managing the audio behaviour is not the same as editing a audio file. Now is simple management enough to suffice most users basic audio needs ?
Henri, Zipping a file into a package is a different compression method that of image compression. Here is a recent topic on just this question. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....=10033&st=0 Yes. If you burned all the files, images, and the pte project file into the same folder (no sub folders) on the DVD. This is why many use the Create Template feature of PTE instead of Create Backup Zip.
Transfer a PTE slide shown on A HDD Multimedia
nobeefstu replied to Nonno's topic in General Discussion
Nonno, If your Multimedia HDD Player accepts MP4 (h264 Audio-Video format) ... using the Create HD Video for PC would be the best method. Please remember the old standard MP4 is Audio only and not to be confused with the new MP4 Audio-Video technolgy which is using h264 encoding. Only sure way to verify your equipment can handle it ... is to try it. -
Daniel, Further inspection of your 2 project files reveals that you have enabled Show Copyright Logo but have no image entry selected. If you disable the checkbox the blue missing image display will clear. This however seems to be a bit of a bug issue ... if a user enables the Copyright Logo but fails to make a image selection.
Ron, There is a provision to set the minimum width of a Button when using various text string lengths. This way the Button lenght is always maintained. In the O&A of the Button Object ... click the Advanced button within the Properties tab. There are also other settings available to help layout the Button and Text relationship.
Andrew, Maybe some users with Vista 64bit OS will answer your query. The IconCache.db file use to be the relevant issue on XP 32Bit and either needed to set to a higher limit or flushed. Sometimes REBOOT would resolve the proper icon display issue. However, XP Windows no longer produces a IconCache.db since several updates ago because of some security issues. All I can suggest is that you make sure you have not negelected to enable the checkbox - Use Your Own Icon Another test would be Save the EXE to a totally new Filename than that of your current to see if the proper icon is displayed. If the proper icon displays from this change ... this would suggest to me that Vista 64Bit is using a IconCache. Icon Cache - Rebuild - Vista Forums http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/117229-i...he-rebuild.html
Allan, This is bewildering ... now that you only have PTE 5.6 installed. Since you have created a functional EXE with 3D swap effects and still can not reproduce the 3D swap effects in a ISO image. A few tests builds you may want to tryout to see if the 3D swap effects are produced : * Build just using Create MPEG2 Files in VideoBuilder and verify the file playback results. * Build just using Burn DVD Disc in VideoBuilder and verify playback results. * Build a HD Video for PC and Mac and verify playback results. You need a capable Player that has MPEG4/H264 decoding for proper playback of this file.
Picsel, My review of your file shows you are missing another image object in Slide 1. The Blue Missing display is not your main image object. Picture=H:\baie_de_concarneau2_Aug3-2009_19-42-33_Windows7\panorama_concarneau.jpg The missing image object is your ImageName=H:\baie_de_concarneau2_Aug3-2009_19-42-33_Windows7\Texte.png Have you added this file to your Windows 7 files in any tests to find results ?
Nix, A quick question ... what are your VideoBuilder checkbox selections ? You need only select Burn DVD Disc. Processing non required files eats up time and precious processing resources. A 50 minute show on a I hour DVD wont hold much more additional data anyway. See Attachment.
Allan, Question: When you double-click any of your .pte files ... what version of PTE program opens it ? Note: Please remember that PTE does not open the .pte version saved with it's associated PTE program version. Widows double-click uses your default file open last associated. To open a specific .pte file version in a specific PTE program version its best to open any .pte using File | Open from the PTE program menu when using many installed versions of PTE. This may be confusing to some ... but its a discipline one must use for opting to use many versions.
Ray, I suspect your VideoBuilder key may have expired. A sure test to see if the VideoBuilder key registraion has expired : Open a previous build version of PTE and verify VideoBuilder allows you to create a DVD. Your old VideoBuilder key registration should work for previous PTE builds ... the old VideoBuilder key registration wont work on newer builds of PTE after expiration. If your old key works on the old builds of PTE and not the new ... its time to get a new 2yr. VideoBuilder key. Note: Alot of users have started or approaching their 2yr cycle VideoBuilder exipration date since PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 was officially released July 17, 2007
Igor, The fix for custom icons works great for both Single and Multi format. Im downloading the 5.7 help file now to see new adds. ahhhaaaaaa ... PicturesToExe on Wikipedia
APLman, Take note that also the Folder View has Full Screen selection/options as does the Slide List. I personally find it much quicker to view and select from the Folder View (full screen) then toggle to the Slide List (full screen) for sorting. Having to drag-n-drop from the Windows environment would be a bit more time consuming to me. However, no matter what method is used ... its not going to be a easy and quick task to select 150 images from a pool of 4300 images. If your other slide program has some Create Backup Zip feature as PTE offers ... this would save you alot of time in the image selection process since only the required images are copied and zipped into a single folder.
Thanks to you all for your kind comments on KeyCopy. Im glad it can be of help to you in your needs. I have been working with Gérard "Gérard de Lux" Desroches to translate and produce a English-French version of KeyCopy for our français PTE users at diaporamaforum.com. When its officially released for download (which should be very soon) by Gérard at the Diaporama Forum... I will notify and post its link. Updated Note: The Diaporama Forum now has download available for the English-French version of KeyCopy. See Top Post for link and details.
APLman, PTE does not have drag-n-drop features from the Windows environment. However, you can drag-n-drop within the PTE environment from the Folder View to the Slide List. To close the file tree panel ... disable the View | Show Tree from the top menu bar.
Tom, Ray Thanks for the comments guys ... I hope most users find it helpful. After years of periodically hearing of users wanting to know how to find their misplaced key registration files ... I finally decided to make this little tool to do it for them rather than write another post to explain how to find and export it from their registry. Only thing is they must first make a backup copy of their registry Keys and save them on some remote drive/disc before their PC has some fatal issues.
Hi Ron, I dont know what info Ken has just sent you ... but here is a few of my comments. Please remember the .mp4 file produced is a HD Video file for PC playback. MP4 video is not in the correct movie format to be burned and played on a normal home TV-DVD player. TV-DVD players nowadays accept many file formats like MP3, JPG, and possiblly MP4-Audio Only (MPEG-4 files with audio and video generally use the standard .mp4 extension. Audio-only MPEG-4 files generally have a .m4a extension.) Im sure the TV-DVD player market is most likely looking into MP4 Video playback if it hasnt already started on the newest models. So if your intention is to burn your HD Video file for PC playback only ... you can burn it using the DATA Disc format. Other PC users of your disc must also have a compatable player with MP4 video decoding as your Classic Cinema Player or the VLC Player. I recall one forum user here burned the portable version VLC Player to the DVD disc with the MP4 files if a recipient didnt have the proper player to decode for PC playback and commented it worked great. I do not know if Classic Cinema Player has a portable version available. Info : MPEG-4 Part 14 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4_Part_14 VLC media player - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VLC_media_player
Igor, Iam also getting the same error message as others with beta 5.75 with use of any custom icon. Plus the PTE GUI freezes after the error message. However ... it still produced a non-working exe. See attachment below.
KeyCopy - tool for PicturesToExe ________________________________________________________________________________ Have you lost, misplaced, or cannot find your original PicturesToExe and/or VideoBuilder registration key(s) you purchased from WnSoft ? If your PC registry still has the key registration information (you can easily tell by opening PTE and it works without prompting you to "Load A Key") ... then this KeyCopy utility tool will easily create a backup registration key file for you. -KeyCopy has been tested for use on 9x, XP, Vista, and Windows 7. -KeyCopy will report and save a copy of your key registration information found or not found in the registry. -KeyCopy program is not a key generator and does not validate any registry entries found or original registration keys you purchased from WnSoft. ________________________________________________________________________________ Available for download from : beechbrook.com - KeyCopy - Tool (English Only Version) * While your there at Bill's site ... download some new PTE Presentations available !! Diaporam@Forum - KeyCopy -Tool (English-French Version) * This version auto-detects for Language ID. Many thanks and great appreciation to my Beta Testers ... Ken, Peter, Ralph, Tom, and Gérard. Hope you all Enjoy, Stu
Allan, To answer a few questions: No seperate updates are available for an individual section of a specific version build. Each version build of PTE and VideoBuilder are what you might call unified construction ... since they work in concert and are dependent on each other. Using an older version VideoBuilder to produce a DVD with newer version PTE file may not produce the results you want due to version mismatch in features available. Its possible the file structure and/or linking has become corrupted and not working as it should. I personally would uninstall and reinstall all PTE installations so as to remove any possible corruption that may be present. Possibly. I have several versions installed and they all work correctly .... but the user needs to use disipline and be aware of what version file is being opened by a specific version program. Uninstall any older version build you knowingly wont use anymore. Older version build programs wont reproduce new features available to newer version files. Plus ... you no longer need or want to use any beta builds when the final build has been released. Uninstall all the old betas in your case since they serve no practical service. Final Note: Once you have uninstalled and reinstalled the versions required ... see if your issue resolves itself. Just make sure you open a older version .pte file into a same or newer version program(s) to build and produce the effects you want. Since program(s) version 5.5 and older didnt offer 3D slide effects ... it wont build or produce them. 3D slide effects were newly added in v5.6.
Xaver is quite correct ... see Igor's post #12 in topic VideoBuilder Updates I have a funny feeling this may be what Allan is doing ... mismatch of versions. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=65868
Allan, When you say "as soon as I start a build" ... does this mean before the ISO file has been processed ? Or do you mean the view you see in the viewer during VideoBuilder processing is not correct ? The VideoBuilder processing viewer does not display the video being produced in normal realtime speed ... especially if your using D3D Hardware Acceleration enabled for video processing. Have you burned the ISO file to disc and does it also not play as intended ? Note: If VideoBuilder prompted you to Save your project .pte changes before producing a video ... make sure you do so. Otherwise, VideoBuilder will not produce the project file with the new additions or changes.