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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Gary, Would you please just post/attach a copy of the .pte file that is creating this issue ... so we can have a more detailed look at the file settings. Lets save some energy Do not include images or music resources. Also ... what exact version of PTE are you now building with this project file ?
  2. Geoff, Im not into producing products for Macs so I have no experience to relay ... but here is a few links to facts concerning making Autorun CDs for Macs which isnt too promising. Search the internet for others or possible alternative ways others may have found to work around the Autorun issue. Mac AutoStart Facts http://www.autorun-autoplay-tools.com/mac-...start-facts.htm Autorun CD-ROM for Win and Mac - Roxio Community http://forums.support.roxio.com/index.php?showtopic=28736
  3. Gary, What Show Setting are you using in Project Options ? Also what is the Slide Option -Timer setting default timer indicated or used on your final slide ? * Note: Any Slide Options settings made will override the Project Options settings.
  4. Lin, Adding to Kens post above, The official WnSoft site contains the download of the installer final version which includes the 5.6.4 fixes made as per the WhatsNew file. I also compared the forums v5.64 installer (when avail & posted) with the now WnSoft site's installer ... and they are the same file. ** Ron ... sorry for stealing focus on your posted issue. I also have never seen this message. Are you still getting this issue after reboot recommended by Barry ?
  5. chrisp, PTE should not hang if you dont have a registration key. Your reg.txt will only be in the Program files directory if you personally saved a copy there. Unregistered versions of PTE usually open with "Load A Key" prompt message window. To see if your PTE is actually registered ... from the main menu bar click Help | About PicturesToExe. The display popup will say licenced to : user name. I would first ... disable any virus/firewall protection running ... this will rule out if the hanging condition may be caused by some update or setting used by the virus/firewall protection. If you cannot find your original registration key file on your PC but your registry still contains the key registration information ... you can retrieve a backup copy. Im currently soon to release KeyCopy utility tool to perform such a key backup task. It currently supports 9x, XP, and Vista. It now needs to be tested on Windows 7 before final relase.
  6. Tom, What your most likely seeing is the result of whats called television overscan. The overscan area can vary depending on make and model ... but the general rule of thumb is about 10% or less. You may want to frame your slideshow that is speciffically built for DVD-TV display by setting 95% of the Slide to show Main Images from the Project Options | Screen tab. Build short test files using DVD-RW ( if your DVD player accepts) to get an idea of what best suits you. Review the DVD on the TV screen and not the PC screen. As for DVD-TV display ... your titles & text need to fit within a Safe Zone to best fit the television display. Open the Objects & Annimation window and select the Show TV Safe Zone from the Tools button. The O&A window will display a outer framed area ... make sure your text and titles fit inside the area. Building slideshows for DVD-TV viewing sometimes requires different settings to be used than that you may normally use for exe slideshows. Overscan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overscan
  7. Richard, Try renaming the PTE.key extention to PTE.reg ... its possible that your file system is not set to reconize the .key extention. Double-click the file to enter the registration info into the registry directly. Another option you may want to try if your comfortable using Windows Run Command : If your PTE key registration is already entered into the registry of a current PC and you cannot find the actual/original key file ... use your Start menu's Run command and enter: REG EXPORT HKCU\Software\PTE C:\Pte_regfind.reg This will create Pte_regfind.reg file in the root of your C Drive. Copy the file to the new PC ... double-click the file to enter the registration info into the new PC registry directly. * You should be using PTE v4.49 and not v4.47 ... as it has latest fixes for Vista OS. PicturesToExe v4.49 (December 13, 2007) --------------------------------------- * Fixed bug when slideshow didn't exit at end of show (or by Esc button) under Windows Vista on dual-core CPUs. We also prepared special utility which can patch slideshows created with v4.00-v4.48 to latest v4.49 engine. Download it here: http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/pte449patch.zip
  8. Dan, Was this missing .pte file made in and saved in using v5.7 betas ? If so, try and reproduce the error ... as this may be a possible beta 5.7 bug issue to report if you get same and consistent behaviour. Report beta test issues within the Pinned: PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.7 BETA topic of this section so it gets the attention it may require. * Always state what version file(s) and version program was used when reporting any issues or bugs. * When ever you preview a slideshow within PTE a temp copy is made in your user temp directory under the filename PreviewPteProject.pte. Usually its deleted after preview ... but it may be still exist there right after a crash.
  9. Juliet Smith Are you not able to select the folder(s) or image(s) and use the SEND TO windows (right-click) menu option which uses your windows resident disc burning program ? Make sure your sending it to your DVD Drive referenced/listed. Windows SEND TO burns in the data format (which is what you want to do) and not dvd movie format. Windows burn to disc function will not accept DVD-RW discs on XP systems because of its program limitations. If your not able to use the Windows resident burn program ... you must use a 3rd party burn program and burn your files to disc using a Data Disc format. by the way ... Congratulations ! Additional Note: Make sure your DVD Drive is enabled for recording when using Windows resident burn functions ... see attachment.
  10. MikeV99 Your HD 1920x1080 mp4 has pan&scan features/options ... therefore its able to fit your monitor screen without black borders. As for your slideshow.exe ... its possible to display your widescreen built slideshow to fill the screen (without black borders) by using a commandline with parameter to run the slideshow.exe Heres Igor's instructions: If you don't want to see these black strips and you would like to use all square of your display for a slideshow, use "Pan and Scan" feature of PicturesToExe. Create MyShow.bat file in Notepad and type: "MyShow.exe" -Cover It works for all EXE files with slideshows created in version 5.0 and later. You can distribute a ZIP archive with your slideshow with EXE file and additionally included .bat file for fullscreen version: MyShow_Widescreen.exe MyShow_PanAndScan.bat Other options: * You can also execute the "MyShow.exe" -Cover pan&scan command using your Start menu's Run command function. * Its also possible to execute the "MyShow.exe" -Cover pan&scan command within your slideshow.exe by using PTE's Run Slideshow/ Run Application capabilities. I personally prefer this option from a menu based slideshow (no .bat file is required) ... as it allows the intended user to select their own viewing preference if the widescreen slideshow does not fit their screen . Note: PTE's preview function does not provide pan&scan display options.
  11. A few points to remember when burning DVD Discs : - Try using DVD-RW discs when first testing out VideoBuilder - Burn DVD function. This way you wont create dics coasters or unnecessary waste. Once your able to create a working DVD-RW ... use a DVD-R (+-) thats most compatable with your burner ( see your burner specs). Also note, when using a new-nonformated DVD-RW disc ... you must first format it for the burn process ( VB does not format the disc.) - Make sure in VideoBuilder your just enabling the checkbox to Burn DVD Disc ... and not all the other file options available on your initial burn tests. The other selectable options are not required to just create a DVD disc in VideoBuilder. You can test them out later if needed ... plus remember that more options selected just increase burn and process time and add additional file size to the disc. -Always make sure your video drivers and DVD unit firmware are up-to-date. This applies to old and newly bought units ... you be surprised how many new in-the-box units are shipped with outdated versions. -If receiving burn errors ... keep reducing the DVD burn speed settings. ( Again, hopefully your testing with a DVD-RW first till you find a acceptable burn speed. Fast speed may be quicker ... but not better if your equipment and pc system is not up to the task. Burning quicker than your system can handle is the most issue that causes burn errors. DVD units with large MB buffers are better when trying to push the burn speed. DVD-RW discs generally have alot slower disc speed specs than that of most DVD-R(+-) discs. (Check your disc package rating capabilities) -Make sure your harddrive has more than double the file space available than that required of the projected DVD space required. -If your video card is not up to task of using D3D hardware acceleration properly ... test disabling it before attempting to burn DVD disc. VideoBuilder uses hardware acceleration for video post-processing ... thus achieving quicker processing times. You can disable D3D hardware acceleration from PTE main menu bar - View|Advanced Options | Use hardware acceleration in Editor, Video, Miniplayer. -Most times ... laptop units have more DVD burns issues than that of a desktop unit. The hardware speeds in laptop units are generally slower (mainly to reduce heat generatiion issues inheirent in laptops) and can not be pushed like their big brother desktop units. - As for USB DVD unit hookups ... Ive never tried them. But the USB transfer speed is no match for a modern harddrive. I would just assume you need to burn at a slower speed. -Lastly ... dont multi-task while burning any disks. This only invites any possile errors. (This includes browsing the internet while waiting for a disc to burn) Final Note: ** Test any and all burn sequences above in no special order to achieve your units optimal/compatable burn speed to hopefully create a error free DVD disc.
  12. Noggs, To add to Peters post above : It appears when you originally installed the picturestoexe-setup.exe installer you may have failed to select the checkbox "Associate Pictures To Exe with the .pte extention" during the initial septup process. The easiest way to restore or establish the .pte file association ... just run your picturestoexe-setup.exe installer again and make sure you enable the proper checkbox.
  13. Igor, Thanks for the reply. No hurry on my end to resolve this first slide - Run External Application issue. Its just a small feature that users can find other alternative means to perform the same function if you cannot find a logical fix to reimplement it.
  14. Igor and S.Bidouze I still experience no function of the Run External Application while using Customize Slide #1 on Main tab - Advanced Option (checkbox) using this v5.7 beta2. This same old bug issue was experienced and reported also for 5.6 versions. All other slides except Customize Slide #1 work correctly. Ive tested with full file path using quotes ... and filename only with quotes. Still no function. S.Bidouze ... where did you apply the Run External Application in your project file ?
  15. Noggs, The .pte file is the Project file you use to create a exe file. PTE does not open or edit compiled exe slideshows ... it only opens .pte files. All you have to do is use File | Save or File | Save As from the top menu bar. Save will overwrite a current opened .pte file ... whereas Save As can create a new filename of the current opened .pte file. *You also have the option to save your ongoing Project file work as a template project file. See File | Templates | Create Template from this Show from the top menu bar. Hope I have understood your file save issue.
  16. You can obtain the version the .pte file that originally saved it by opening the file in Notepad and look for the setting CreationTool= Was the Exception EAbort message received after file editing in PTE 5.6.4 ... or just opening and save/save as without changes?
  17. Fried, Your 2009SnipeNationals_v1.exe tested smoothly without glitches and stuttering. I ran it normally and also ran it with Pan & Scan parameter (-cover) All antivirus and other background processes were enabled. Here's my desktop specs : [start- PcReport_MS Short File] Report Date = June 17, 2009 ---------- OS Name = Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version = 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600 Processor = IntelĀ® PentiumĀ® 4 CPU 2.80GHz Processor = x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2793 Mhz DirectX Version = DirectX 9.0c - -- Total Physical Memory = 1,536.00 MB Available Physical Memory = 1.11 GB Total Virtual Memory = 2.00 GB Available Virtual Memory = 1.96 GB Page File Space = 2.85 GB -- Adapter Type = GeForce 7600 GT, NVIDIA compatible Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT Adapter RAM = 256.00 MB (268,435,456 bytes) Resolution = 1024 x 768 x 85 hertz ---------- [End- PcReport_MS Short File] Comments: Your system specs would be helpfull ... plus a few details of the project. Are you introducing any new music or 3D effects at this slides beginning in the full version build ?
  18. moritz, To give a button additional color properties ... you must first give the button object some type of Action on Mouse Click ( other than None ). Button objects with no actions or functions dont provide or display the additional color properties available ... they are treated like static objects because they do nothing. Open the Common tab of the selected button object and select Action on Mouse Click and give it a function value. Now ... goto Properties tab of the selected button object and you will see the additional button color properties settings available near the top of the tab. **Pte does not provide or offer sound effects for buttons.
  19. DaveOR, Another option you might want to test ... as per Igor's instructions : If you don't want to see these black strips and you would like to use all square of your display for a slideshow, use "Pan and Scan" feature of PicturesToExe. Create MyShow.bat file in Notepad and type: "MyShow.exe" -Cover It works for all EXE files with slideshows created in version 5.0 and later. * You can have your slideshow run the "MyShow.exe" -Cover Pan and Scan string-parameter with PTE's Run Application function(s) ... or you can run the newly created .bat file normally all by itself. When using just the Pan and Scan string-parameter in PTE's Run Application function ... theres no need to make or use a .bat file to launch the slideshow. * Make sure you keep the MyShow.exe file and the MyShow.bat file in the same folder or directory if using bat file to launch.
  20. Eric, Please keep us posted on your future VideoBuilder update situation ... Im sure many a users out there are approaching their 2yr expiration date and have the same concerns as you. I agree with you that the VideoBuilder GUI should atleast provide a product version all of its own in the About menu ... even if its the same as the current PTE version. Time is quickly approaching for many users who will need know what version VideoBuilder may/may not still function upon key expiration time. Note: Make sure you fully build a VideoBuilder project to check for any display of warning labels in the final product.
  21. The VideoBuilder version appears to directly relate to the PicturesToExe Deluxe version. One only needs to read the WhatsNew documentation supplied with each version of PTE since VideoBuilders introduction in v5.0 to find the new features added upon each version release. Here are a few updates and new additons to VideoBuilder that you may not have noticed in the WhatsNew documentation : Excerpts from WhatsNew : PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.1 (December 13, 2007) -------------------------------------------- What's new in PicturesToExe Deluxe + VideoBuilder: > Encoding of DVD-Video disc (and AVI) works in 2-4 times faster now due to optimization for dual-core CPUs and using of hardware acceleration for video post-processing (if modern video card installed). Exactly same video quality as in previous version. > You can choose a number of items per page in DVD menu. > MPEG2 files can be added to a project. For example, you can encode your slideshow(s) to MPEG2 video file(s) and then use it again in new projects without re-encoding of it again. > Music for DVD menu (with "Fade in" and "Fade out" parameters). > Color adjusting of DVD menu (Hue, Saturation and Lightness). It allows very quickly modify a view of DVD menu and find your own individual style. > Adjusting of a background image parameters (Tile, Stretch, Fit) > Support of all kinds of AVI files imported to a project (including AVS video file scripts). ------ PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6 (January 22, 2009) -------------------------------------------- What's new in PicturesToExe Deluxe + Added export of slideshow as a video. (See Main menu -> Create) - Export of HD video for playback on PC, Mac. - Export of video for iPhone/iPod. - Publish online on Youtube. - Publish online on Vimeo with HD quality.
  22. Eric, When installing a update you can retain program preferences made in a earlier version ... you can Import previous version settings. The message window for this action appears at end of the installation of the update installer. The previous version import settings include all preferences and are not individually selective.
  23. Ron, I believe the issue your colleague is having is not from the PTE key ... as this is a seperate key location as Lin indicated in his post. Are you sure your colleague has a VideoBuilder Key file ( review the key file in a text editor and see if string [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] is noted in its content) Also ... make sure your colleague is entering the upgrade VideoBuilder Key file information from within the Videbuilder program main menu and not from within PTE program main menu. Was the VideoBuilder key file email attachment received as a .txt file or as a .reg | .key file ?
  24. Ron. The registry location of the PTE key can be found using keyword search/find PTE (match whole string only) : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key" -------- The registry location of the VideoBuilder key can be found using keyword search/find VideoBuilder (match whole string only) : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] "Key" ** One only needs to view your registry key file in a text editor to read the necessary location informaion. Use Regedit.exe keyword search/find function ... not the normal windows search/find function.
  25. Gary, Since you have 4 sticks of 512 Memory ... you could test each stick individually for problems with your Memtest.exe ( you will have to phyically remove 3 sticks from the banks/sockets of the motherboard and test each stick. When using 1 stick ... make sure its inserted into the proper bank/socket for single stick operation. If your pc is using matched pairs of memory sticks ... make sure you replace the 4 sticks back into its original bank/socket designation. The motherboard labels its banks/sockets accordingly if it is capable of using matched pairs. See your motherboard diagram to verify layout. See Link : Memory Limits for Windows Releases Phyical Memory Section http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366778(VS.85).aspx ** It is my understanding that 32bit WinXP can use up to 4GB of RAM but will only display/show about 3.5GB.
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