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Gary, Here is another tool from Microsoft to test your RAM that may be of help to you. Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool http://oca.microsoft.com/en/windiag.asp **Note: To run Windows Memory Diagnostic, you must first set up Windows Memory Diagnostic on a 3.5-inch floppy disk or CD-ROM.
Jason. Try building and burning your DVD slideshow to match the widescreen ratio of your new 52inch TV. 1024x768 is a 4:3 ratio and best suits older TV screens.
bwat, It appears that v5.63 may have a version compatibility issue of some sort when importing/building from the older v5 file. The text color issue not only occurs on the button objects ... but can also occur with text objects using additional colors. If you build your menu totally from scratch in v5.63 ... the project behaves correctly and works as expected with no text color issue. If you import/build from the older v5 file with v5.63 ... set Customize Slide - Main Tab Timing to Loop This Slide to resolve the issue. Or you can disable Effects checkboxes on both Project Options and Customize Slide options and the file also behaves correctly.
Igor, There appears to be a bug/issue in v5.63 when using Customize Slide - Run External Application on Slide 1 ... the other Slides run external files as prescribed. Slide 1 fails to run any external file on slideshow startup. It does however run the Slide 1 external file when returning from the Previous Slide. Other users have experienced this same issue in v5.63.
Ron, The AVI DEP issue of yours could be related to a specific codec/setting you are using to build the file. Are you using any new, updated, or different codec than you normally use ? Try a different codec/setting to test for possible DEP issues.
bwat, Ive just tested the buttons text color in v5.63 ... and Im not able to reproduce your issue. The button text color changes correctly in various senarios for me. You may want to upload just your .pte file for further investigation.
Preview and Preview from Current not working
nobeefstu replied to dbolt's topic in General Discussion
Doug, A few tests you may want to try : -Close PTE. Open your User Temp directory and delete any lingering PreviewPteProject.pte that may remain. PTE is suppose to replace/rebuild the preview temp file each time Preview is used. Test problem file in PTE using the Preview button functions. - Open the Project Options - Screen tab: Disable checkbox Hardware Acceleration (D3D) . Test problem file in PTE using the Preview button functions. - Open the Project Options - Screen tab: Change Fullscreen setting to Window Mode setting. Test problem file in PTE using the Preview button functions. - Reset any changes back to your original settings ... and test again. Note: The most recent PTE build v5.63 should be considered more as a release candidate ... and not as a beta test ( There was a release v5.63 Beta with 1 fix so identified ). The latest v5.63 build contains a few important bug fixes ( no new beta material to test) for the v5.60 final release. Igor usually labels and identifies all his releases. -
MFetterhoff, Im not sure what build of PTE v5.6 you may be using ... but you may want to use latest release PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.6, Build 5.6.3, May 5, 2009 http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9351 I remember there has been recent fixes in PTE somewhat relating to the issue you describe. The issue was when burning a DVD movie with Video Builder the music syncronization could become off with particular video cards/drivers during DVD processing. Note: this fix has no relation to slideshows compiled to exe and burned to a data DVD. One important question though ... are you burning a slideshow exe to a data DVD or having Nero Ultra 7 burn a slideshow movie DVD ? ?
Jose, Please note that this video tool is an external application function ... and not a PTE program feature. The ShowVideoPTE tool and avi movie files are all external file components and are not packaged or packed into the PTE slideshow executable. This video tool provides a visibly cleaner way of running external avi files using PTE's Run External Application function without invoking any windows players which may normally play the movie file.
RalphA and Granot, To report further test results with ShowVideoPTE.exe and other PTE versions : PTE v4.49, v5.52, and most recent build v5.63 tests shows avi execution sequence is normal and plays as expected. I used 4 avi files for testing. Tests also reveal avi execution on Slide 1 using PTE v4.49, v5.52 works normal and as expected ... however it seems v5.63 has a internal bug/issue to execute any type of file on Slide 1. I have not yet tested the various Pte versions using the HideShowTB.exe file. Therefore ... at the moment its best to use latest release PTE v5.63 to build your slideshows when wanting to use ShowVideoPTE tool. Igor will have to look into a possible bug issue on Slide 1 Customize Slde - Run External Application.
Ron, Link to current file is also in top/first post.
Granot and RalphA, My tests also indicate the improper execution of the named avi sequence. However ... it seems to be a issue with PTE and not ShowVideoPTE tool. It appears PTE v5.61 may have a bug/issue when using Customize Slide - Run Application file string with parameters. Make your slideshow in PTE v5.52 and avi execution sequence is normal and plays as expected. Tests also reveal avi execution on Slide 1 now works. I have not tested ShowVideoPTE tool with PTE v5.60 or v5.63 to verify if Customize Slide - Run Applixation issues exist in these versions of PTE. Note : Will users and testers please specify exact version of PTE being used so as to help isolate this issue.
Hi Granot, Long time since I lasted talked you ... hope all is well. Since Dom and Wideangle have reported issues testing your v2 video tool ... thought I check it out on my XP. Your video tool seems to work on my XP in initial testing. The taskbar does flash on playing video. Using PTE v5.61 ... heres my findiings: -Using Buttons to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on a Slide plays video as according to parameters set. -Using Customize Slide to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on Slide 1 appears to have some issues in playing video. Sometimes plays ... sometimes no. -Using Customize Slide to execute ShowVideoPTE.exe on Slide 2 and then Slide 3 appears to play according to parameters set. - Note : to play .mp4 files just rename extention to .avi Note to users : Make sure you have your PTE Slideshow.exe and ShowVideoPTE.exe in the same folder (side by side). The relative Movies folder just contains the movie files.
Roger, Heres two other useful keyboard keys available which may help you ... HOME - will jump to the first slide. Useful for slideshow repeat or restart. END - will jump to the last slide. Useful when using other linked slideshows that are set to run slideshow at end function.
John. You may want to have a look at Wink ... its made esp for instructional software purposes. Freeware ... exports to Flash. EXE, and a few other file fornats. Does records voice ... but I not aware of any additional sound editing. Ive never used it ... but it has been around awhile. Wink Homepage : http://www.debugmode.com/wink/
Xaver and Dom, Thanks for the feedback ... Im a bit disappointed to hear of the special character text issues when for our non- english users. It must be something in the conversion process of unicode to ansi causing the text translation errors. MSinfo generates in unicode and I have to convert to ansi for report processing. Im not currently aware of any additional filtering or switches that may resolve this issue ... I will look into it. Thanks Guys
Hi Yachtsman1, Windows installs its own resident DXdiag and Msinfo system information program tools ... all I do is access the window tools for the user and save the information in a text format for them. All users can get the same pc information by running the same windows tools in GUI mode and save the information themselves. PcReport is intended to make it easy for the user by simplifying the process. Sorry to say ... but PcReport is not going into the assessment business of qualifying Pte slideshows for a particulcar users pc system. Their is no magic set of specs that will guarantee trouble-free performance on any users pc. The magic to get a Pte slideshow to play trouble-free on a individuals/clients pc ... lies within the magic fingers of the slideshow creator. Only the slideshow creator knows all the mechanics and ingredients of their produced product. By this I mean ... what Pte version it is built with, what resolution and kb size of the slide images, what type transistions used, what pzr effects are used, and the timming demmand, just to mention a few. The slideshow creator needs to adjust their slideshow ingredients to suit the different flavors of a Pc. The slideshow creator really needs to build a collective database of their respective clients and users Pc system. ... and then thru trial and tweaking build a slideshow that meets the basic pc system capabilities that will guarantee trouble-free performance. After you have built a pc database of what works and what doesnot work on particular system builds ... one should quickly be able to produce trouble-free performance slideshows to meet a clients pc capability. Think of the slideshow creator as a race car builder ... and the race track as the client or user. Its the creator's responsibility to properly tune the engine, set the gears, and mount the correct tires to best match the demmands of a particular users racetrack.
PcReport - System Infomation Tool for Pte users and your slideshow clients. Many PTE users ask how and where to get their pc system information. This simple tool will do it for you. PcReport retrives the info by running the DXdiag System Info on Vista Class-OS or by running MSinfo System Info on XP Class-OS. _____________________________________________________ - Easily reports basic system information of your Pc for you. - Helps to identify users Pc Sys if capable enough to run your PicturesToExe slideshow. - PcReport uses DXdiag System Info for Vista Class-OS compatibility. - PcReport uses MSinfo System Info for XP Class-OS compatibility. - PcReport uses DXdiag System Info in GUI Mode for unsupported-OS compatibility. - PcReport has key override to open DXdiag or MSinfo programs in GUI mode. - Easy to use. Just start the scan process. Save report(s) to a file. - Manually save the report to a Long File or Short File text file. - Have your own custom Message.txt to replace this default message display. - Hit INSERT keyboard key to make your custom Message.txt - Hit HOME keyboard key to edit your existing custom Message.txt - Hit SPACEBAR keyboard key to open DXdiag System Info program in GUI Mode. - Hit TAB keyboard key to open MSinfo System Info program in GUI Mode. - Hit F1 keyboard key for About PcReport. ** Tested on XP and Vista ** Special Thanks to my Beta Testers : Ken Cox, Peter Appleton, and Ralph McDermott ----------- User Notes: ----------- Especially useful for your slideshow users not familar or unsure how to obtain the sys info you may require from their pc. Distribute the program with your PTE slideshow file. Let your users or clients email you the result PcReport text file if they seem to be having issues running your PTE slideshow. The report will tell you their pc sys specs ... as their pc and/or video may not be capable enough to run your slideshow. * Not for use on CD/DVD discs unless your copying the files to the harddrive. * Let your users run the program or run it from your slideshow. * Create your own Message.txt to provide customized use for distribution to clients. * Just make sure you include the Message.txt with the PcReport.exe when distributing. * Distribute and use as you like. _____________________________________________________ Free for All and available for download from : beechbrook.com - PcReport Hope you all Enjoy, Stu
File named WnSoftFolderInfo has been created
nobeefstu replied to fh1805's topic in General Discussion
Peter, I usually dont perform functions that would create the WnSoftFolderInfo.ini files. I have not tested Create Backup Zip when using WnSoftFolderInfo.ini files in a long awhile ... but I believe the WnSoftFolderInfo.ini files still may not be included in the backup package. You would need to test ... and verify. This is something to be aware of when sending backup packages to other users for use. They may lack some specific image instructions as rotation. -
File named WnSoftFolderInfo has been created
nobeefstu replied to fh1805's topic in General Discussion
Peter, The WnSoftFolderInfo.ini files are created when you do some specific functions as file rename, Image rotation, as some other functions when right-clicking the slide image within the slide list. These are instructions to PTE program how to use the image from the folder. -
Harry was quite the fun and interesting character with some of his topics and posts ... esp when it cane to sorting his old hand-me-down pc issues. He will be missed here ... I wish his family and friends all the best.
damor, If you registered Pte sometime in 2005 ... I doubt you would have a Video Builder upgrade key. Pte with Video Builder upgrade was not released until 2007 as PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 (July 17, 2007) Your 2005 Pte key will only register the Pte program features and not the Video Builder features. The Video Builder upgrade requires addfitional registration and fee.
SomeGuyNamedMatt, Im glad to hear you got your VLC player on CD. As for AutoRunPro.exe ... I dont know the workings and functions capable of this program. However, usually most of these type programs work in conjuction with a autorun.ini file. The autorun.inf just opens/runs your Autorun program ... and then the Autorun program loads a configuration file something like a autorun.ini to get its instructions. The instructions is where your multiple commands can come into play. I cannot tell from your post if all your instructions are written to just the autorun.inf ... or if the instructions for the AutoRunPro.exe are written to its own ini file ? Like I say ... the above senario is the usuall layout ... your AutoRunPro.exe may do something all together different.
Yachtsman1, Actually your video equipment meets the bare minimum ... so there is not much stretching that can go on. Your On-Board X1250 video has 128MB with shared memory ... and if you have Vista with Aero destop you have a few more hits against your performance. I agree with Peter, you will either have to quit updating PTE versions to use ... or start updating your equipment.
PeterG, Here is a little tool I made the other day that will give you your basic system info with video adapter specs. Its not officially released as of yet ... but I might as well release it now to help you in your current need. About PcReport.exe - Tool for Pte users and your slideshow users Collects basic Win Sys Info of Pc & Video and automatically saves to a ... PcReport.txt ... in the same location as this program. No GUI, small and easy to use, runs silent and hidden from taskbar. Just double-click and wait for the PcReport.txt to appear. Distribute the program with your PTE slideshow file. Let users email you the result PcReport.txt if they seem to be having issues running your slideshow. The report will tell you their pc and video specs ... as their pc and video may not be capable enough to run your slideshow. Especially useful for your slideshow users not familar or unsure how to obtain the sys info you may require from their pc. * Not for use on CD/DVD discs unless your copying the files to the harddrive. * Let your users run the program or run it from your slideshow. * Distribute and use as you like. Major Note: APR 15 09 The below attached file is for use on XP user OS. Seems now I find ... Vista OS users dont get the benfits of a saved short component report from msinfo as XP OS users. Vista takes minutes vs XP of only seconds cause Vista only saves a FULL report and does not accept the additional switches to make a short report. Sorry to those Vista users who tried this simple tool to make getting sys info for Pte users short and fast. Maybe future Windows 7 will be more advanced to accept additional switches than current Vista ** I promise to make a GUI version tool which uses DXdiag this time ... for all Vista and Xp users ---------------- Save the below attachment to your pc and unzip for use. PcReport.zip