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Umberto, It appears to be a capable unit ... as long as you are expecting modest and not high end performance. You did make a wise selection of looking for a unit that supports Avivo HD Video core drivers ... as this greatly benefits in HD Video decoding of H264 using the GPU. All new prospective (PTE) video card purchasers should make sure the unit has ATI-Avivo HD or NVIDIA-PureVideo HD core sys capabilities to meet the new and future demands of H264 video. Im sure many a PTE user units out there now only support the basic ATI-Avivo or NVIDIA-PureVideo capabilities. Its important to keep ones video card drivers updated to take advantage of the new and ever changing developments in H264- Video. Heres a link I go to when I need to check on video cards ... you can find your selected unit and its rating among others in the list. http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Mobility-...470.9594.0.html
Ron, You should be able to use the Fonts window - top menu bar ... Edit | Copy and Paste function.
A few interesting notes to pass on : When trying to run the weblinks : *Daniel's - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wXe6dDuGwA in Pte v5.61 using Open Web Page I dont connect to the Video Play page. When using Pte v4.49 everything works perfect and correct *Xaver's - http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/help/5.6/PicturesToExe_User_Guide_v560.pdf in Pte v5.61 using Open Web Page I dont connect to the pdf file at all. When using Pte v4.49 everything works perfect and correct. *When I use the windows Run Command on the 2 above links they also work perfect and correct. *When I use a bat file to run the 2 above links they also work perfect and correct. ( use Start with space and the link) *Also other tool programs I have seem to have no problem running the links correctly. Final Note: It appears to me something has changed in the execution of the links along the way in development to Pte v5.61. I have not tested earlier v 5 builds.
Daniel, When running Web Links its best to use the Action - Open Web Page . When running Web Links with Action - run application or open file you could end up with inconsistant behaviour. For 1 - No URL is required ... as the link data is contained within your saved Webpage .htm file. Since now the saved Webpage .htm file is a local file on your pc and not a weblink ... use Pte Action - run application or open file to open the Saved.htm. For 2 -Pte does not have capabilities to save any files ... First, you will have to open your browser and save the webpage using the selection Save As - WebPage HTML Only (*htm,*htm) ... then supply the Saved.htm along with your slideshow.exe when you distribute (within zip or other packager) For 3 - See For 1 When I run your Weblink - http://www.wnsoft.com/soft/other/setup_mpc.exe using Action - run application or open file ... I dont get any pc freezes or crashes. I do at times get inconsistant behaviour to open the link, as sometimes it works and sometimes it gets a 404 error connection. If I use Action - Open Web Page for the weblink I get consistent proper connection and no 404 errors. General Notes to save a Webpage Only from your current browser : - Open yor browser and select menu bar Page | Save As - select Webpage Only from the selection box list. Save using any file name ... best to use something simple and short like MyLink.htm so as not to have possible longfile name and spacing issues with running on other users pcs.
Ho Daniel. Right off ... I see your all path strings are Web Links ... because they are usig ///and not \\\ as used for file paths. You will need to use Open Web Page as your Action instead of your current run application or open file for #1 and #3. *Im not sure how the http://www.wnsoft.com/soft/other/setup_mpc.exe will work out for your needs ...since the file needs to be downloaded first. * You may have to save the You Tube page using Save As - WebPage HTML Only ... and then run that file in Pte using Action-run application or open file . You will have to supply the saved .htm file with your slideshow however. I just tested the above senario and works as expected. Note: There appears to be alot of additional link-script actions required to get just your link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wXe6dDuGwA to actually play the video. At least the .htm senario will work for your needs.
John, Sometimes its possible to salvage a borderline performance issue project ... Its hard to say with yours since its only 2 slides and 1 piece of music. Various methods to Test : -Extend the Effect Timing - from your current "0.1 second - i.e. it's a very fast change" and/or change to different effect other than 3D effects. -Lower the image size resolution to match your nominal/default screen resolution which should be 1280 x 800 if they are currently larger. If your laptop screen is higher than nominal/default setting ... lower it also to 1280 x 800 as it saves you gpu performance hits. - Turn off Vista Aero desktop feature temporarily to see if it also saves in performance hits. **Make sure your Video drivers are current and upto date. Since your Vista and Video card is DX10 capable ... make sure they are upto date also. Goodluck!
Xaver, You mean this point ... I was making clear to all users that the Text objects also provide the same color function as does your discussion of buttons. Daniel, Im one for aggreement for maintaining a consistency ... however there is still futher pitfalls one needs to remember. Pte uses your system default cursors for the Normal Select and Link Select. If your slide show user has custimized their system cursors ... they will see something different than you. Example: My default Normal Select cursor is a left-hand arrow ... and Pte uses that arrow which is fine by me, however other users will get their default Normal Select cursor. The same goes for the default Link Select uphand cursor ... other users may have customized it to be something else.
Daniel, Unless Im missing your point ... you are able to change the colors on your Text object to meet the various mouse positions. Pte wont work like web pages because it does not run in a browser class window. You can however make the Text objects simulate the effect. *As for the Button mouse-over cursor changing to a hand pointer ... I personally like the effect, however the current button scheme Pte uses works just like the normal buttons as used in everyday Windows where the default cursor is used and does not change . The butons you see used with a in a browser class window function by a different properties scheme. See Attachment:
John, Have you made sure you enabled - Syncronize Music & Slides in Project Options. You dont want to enable the Auto Spread checkbox in your particular case. Enabling the Syncronize Music & Slides makes sures the music timeline set points used are maintained ... even if the slideshow has to drop frames when a pc may not be able to meet full screen image display demands.
silvia1, The only alternative I can think of is to upload your exe to a free, popular, or personal file hosting site for them to download. All you have to do is email them with the direct link to obtain the file. Or do you have several files in your slide show zip and need to make it into a single exe file ?
Ron, Adding to Xaver's post above about 8.3 rules and its restrictions : These are the rules I follow ... because sometimes you never know how old the other users OS may be. Also I still avoid any non-letter or non-numeral characters in the names ... I keep it very simple. FAT Naming Convention FAT uses the traditional 8.3 file naming convention and all filenames must be created with the ASCII character set. The name of a file or directory can be up to eight characters long, then a period (.) separator, and up to a three character extension. The name must start with either a letter or number and can contain any characters except for the following: . " / \ [ ] :; | = , If any of these characters are used, unexpected results may occur. The name cannot contain any spaces. The following names are reserved: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, NUL
Ron, You are somewhat correct ... but nowadays it also depends in what file system format you write the disc with. The different file systems available allow some tolerence depending on the file system version and to what type of disc is used. Users just need to be aware what file system settings their burn program is using and who they intend to use the disc. I personally still use the simple 8.3 rules for autorun ... its the most reliable to meet all needs. Links: ISO 9660 - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 Joliet (file system) - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joliet_%28file_system%29 Universal Disk Format - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format
SomeGuyNamedMatt, Your string above wont work ... because 1-your vlc is most likely not registered as a windows system component. With windows components you can get by just using the short filename without the path. Windows Media Player is a registered windows system component ... and therefore one can use just wmplayer or wmplayer.exe without the path. 2-your /MYAVI.avi needs to be a backslash and with a empty space after the last close parameter. Notes about the previous post with Harry (fitzner3) Harry was always behind the times ... he was using 95/98 OS and is an older dos version than used today. Then mplayer2.exe was the Windows Media Player. One needed a Shelexec file to execute certain files. Todays dos has much more flexability and provides more uses functions. --------- These autoruns work for Xp using mplayer2.exe Windows Media Player only. Please remember the newer Windows Media Player, wmplayer.exe does not provide use of the command parameters ... thats why most use mplayer2.exe for this function. Xp has both players in its OS. AutoRun Mplayer2 for XP requires full path to mplayer2.exe [autorun] open=C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \your.avi with a copy of mplayer2.exe on CD root ( wmplayer2 program and other files must be available on the users PC) [autorun] open=mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \your.avi without a copy of mplayer2.exe on CD root [autorun] shellexecute=mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \your.avi --------------- If the VLC player works as a standalone player or is a totally portable player for external drive installation. ... I think it should work for your needs. However, you must verify all its installation files are totally written to the CD/DVD ... because many programs still write its program configuration files to the system. Plus you need to verify any of its components or codecs dont need to be be registered by regsvr32.exe. Then you need to verify the VLC players command parameters if available, They may not have any ... or if they do ... they might be different than that of the mplayer2 to perform the parameters you require. So you got lots of reading and testing to perform ... plus you need to make sure it Licensing & Rights allows you redistribute the way you plan to. So if the VLC player works as a standalone player and the other files are relative on the Root of the CD/DVD ... then your autorun string would look something like this : [autorun] open=playername.exe /parameter /parameter /parameter \your.avi Note: above spacing is critcal and required. Hope your tests go well !!
Change location and function of Auto Save
nobeefstu replied to Ed Overstreet's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
Just adding comments of my experience with programs that employ various backup methods. First of all ... I believe the current Auto Save feature works just fine as intended. I dont use it , but thats my choice. What would be most useful is a new/another feature ... that actually creates incremental project file backups (just .pte file). For now I will call this feature Auto Backups. The Auto Backup file contains no other source files in the backup. Where to save the Auto Backups folder : The Auto Backups feature should save it files in the master directory somewhat like Application Data\PicturesToExe\Auto Backups. This is the same master directory where the Templates folder is saved. Also the Auto Backups folder should create sub-directories of the filename using something like .bu ( just like the .pt sub-directories within theTemplates folder without the source files). This way a .bu folder contains all of particular project incremental file backups. Reason : If you allow users to desginate a directory to save elsewhere or anywhere ... files eventually can get forgotten, lost, misplaced, and hard to locate at a later time. When saved in the master directory users and PTE will always know where they are. --- Extention and Filename to Use : Always use the current filename and the .pte extention ... but also with some incremental backup prefix label like ~bu1_ Reason : If the user has naming input ... things here can get to cause problems and alot more work. With the prefix label like ~bu1_ you can quickly and easily always identify a backup file. With the file extention remaining as .pte ... Pte program can always open it ... and whenever you search for .pte files you can always find it. -- Program Menu Location : The Auto Backups feature selection should be best placed under or above the existing File | Templates feature and display and work much like the Manage Templates function except geared for backups. Reason : This way you and PTE can find and manage your backups all in one location ... reuse them whenever needed or delete some individually or the whole sub-directory .bu folder when no longer required. --- Thats a start ... I may be dreaming, but I do know by now that backups should be fast and easy to open, locate, and remove. Otherwise you waste alot of time trying to remember what you named them, where you placed them ... and all those those files will oneday buildup and junk up your file system -
Vesa K, Your previous post ... made me think a little more about your issue : Have you tried making your slidehows using Pte v5.6 ... and test on CD/DVD disk to Vista? Your comment of ... "Vista-PC" could not read some image (JPG) files on DVD which were not generated with PTE"... began to make me wonder if any of your issue image files contain any EXIF and or IPTC data tags? Theory : My proposed and untested theory is if any the problem images contain any EXIF and or IPTC data tags ... this maybe the possible culprit somehow triggering your Vista's problem message - Copy protection error. Test : - First build a Ptev5.6 slideshow using all your exact image files from the v5.5 file. -If you do have images with EXIF and or IPTC data tags ... remove the images from your slideshow and test only with images without the data tag information. Build a new slideshow in your Pte v 5.5 -Burn both slideshows to CD/DVD disc and test on Vista. Results : - If the v5.6 slideshow works ... it would appear to me the new option feature of Crypting Images in v5.6 is hiding the data triggering the Copy protection error message in Vista. -If the v5.5 slideshow works ... it would appear the EXIF and or IPTC data tags is the trigger of the Copy protection error message in Vista. -If both slideshows still dont work ... its time for a new theory to test ! ** Goodluck ... as I dont have Vista OS available to test for myself.
Vesa K, See this comment ... it may help to resolve your CD/DVD disc distribution. Also Slideshows run from a disc can have performace issues on many others PCs ... best performance is obtained run from the hard drive. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=62973
Peter Coles, You most likely have filenames that closely resemble the following list. Please keep your filenames SAS (short and simple) and avoid names listed even if they are somewhat close. Heres my current list of not to use: 1) Concerning "Run application" action or Run Slideshow commands in slide-show. The solution for now seems in creation of potentialy dangerous Windows' commands list, that to be prohibited to execute. For now dangerous files and command are the following: at attrib call cmd command copy del deltree erase for format fdisk move net net1 ren rename replace rmdir rd recover regedit rundll qstart setup start sys type xcopy regsrv regedt32 regsvr32 commands with '>' character are also prohibited. * setup - added to overall list, see Peter's post below.
Abdol, You do have other options if you want to pack all your additional external files. If you have some sort of SFX compile tools or some other packagers ... you can package all the contents into a single exe file so the files are always available for use. If you dont have any such tools ... your OS actually already has a simple MS CAB file tool to make self-extracting exe files. This little unknown tool is the Iexpress.exe ... a CAB wizard made by MS. This tool is perfect for packaging all your content ... it can automatically copy/create to the user-temp folder and run the content. Temp files are removed when the slideshow is completed (depends on use of RunSlideShow or Run Application settings). Program has a few basic settings available. To easily find the tool on your OS system ... just create a new shortcut (file) and enter ... Iexpress.exe ** You must also remember that you and the other users PC must have the proper software or programs to run the additional external files ... such as .doc, .pdf, etc. **This tool is also perfect for Slideshows run from CD/DVD disc by automatically copying files to PC ... so as to achieve best performance of the Slideshow played from the hard drive. **I plan to later on create another Hints & Tips on its use and functions since a MS Help file is not avail. MS Info Link: IExpress Technology and the IExpress Wizard http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd346760.aspx
Vesa K, My best guess is that your slideshow may be using some sort of protected music file(s). Check your music file(s) to see if they play on the Vista by itself without the slideshow. Also rebuild the slideshow without any music files and verify if it now runs on the Vista.
Manfred, There is no simple solution, feature, or function to perform the task you indicate. As a note: my previous post does not change all slides ... it only changes the slides you personally selected while holding keyboard CTRL key. --- The only other solution I know to also accomplish your task of ... I am only interested in changing those slides where “Use customized setting for this slide” is not crossed! These slides have an customized value of time, which can not be changed. First change your Project Options | Main tab - Time Interval for New Slides to your new default time value. Press OK Next, you must manually find the Slides that dont use the customized setting ... the bottom status bar indicates P for Slides that are customized, so you need to locate and select only the Slides that do not have a P indicator. Once you have found and selected the above Slides (that are not customized) while using keyboard CTRL key ... Press the Customize Slide button. Next ... press the Set Defaults button and press OK button. ** Now only the Slides you personally selected ... will now use all the new Project Options default settings . ** It can be a time consuming matter to manually locate all your non-customized Slides ... because Pte has no auto function to select or locate a particular group of Slides with specific settings and then reset a existing specific setting to a new setting. **Work with a pte file copy and not the original file for this practice.
Location of Auto Save backup files in PTE 5.6
nobeefstu replied to Ed Overstreet's topic in General Discussion
Ed, I believe your expectation of the Auto Save Project function of Pte was thought to be as you first posted as by also creating a backup file in addition to the original. But as Ken stated ... it just saves over the original project file. Auto Saving Project is performing its prescribed function ... which is not the same as a Auto Save Project Backup ( a different defined function which Pte does not have) which would the provide additional feature(s) you suggest. I have other programs that also have Auto Save function ... and they too dont work like a Auto Backup function. I do have some programs that do specifically create Auto Backup(s) and is so defined and labeled. -
Manfred, Im not om a PC that can load your doc file ... but I can provide you the normal routine to edit settings or makes changes to multiple slides from the Customize Slide. From within your Slide List: 1-Select the Slides with your mouse you wish to make the changes while pressing and holding the keyboard CTRL key. 2-Once Slides are selected ... release the keyboard CTRL key. 3-Press Customize Slide button. 4-From the Main tab select within the timing dropdown box - Show Next Slide after Indicated Time 5-Enter your new Display Slide timing value. 6-Press OK button . **Now all the slides you have personally selected will have the new Slide Timing.
Lynn, In todays world of high speed, high quality, and high definition ... it involves alot more than just a monitors capabilities to achieve the best performance and quaility. Your other computer hardware and the software that drives it also needs to be capable. Pte will produce the HD Video content ... but its up to your computer (including the Mac) hardware and the software capabilities to be able to play it back in the best performance and quaility. Pte produces HD Video content as a mp4 file that requires a media player with h.264 decoding. Not all h.264 decoders have the same or equal capabilities, therefore varied quality and performance can result. See link: MP4 export quality and playback - WnSoft Forum http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9561
John, The difference may be how/if your Hard Drive(s) is partitioned and how they were partitioned. You may want to check your OS service tools ... specifically the Computer Management | Storage | Disk Management section. Verify how many Hard Disks you actually have and how they may be/if partitioned. Also check how many of them are Primary partitions or Extended partitions and which if any have additional logical drives. Disk partitioning - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning
mtoz, Ive used CoreAVC Decoder for some time now and I believe its ranks among the best for decoding high-definition H.264 video. Plus its a very resonable price for the product ... $8 US for the Standard version or $15 US for the Professional version. Check the Professional version as its soon to add GPU support which may solve your :