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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Thanks Peter ... I stand corrected. I should have been more through in my test of Start Preview from Current Slide without being influenced by the Timline marker that is displayed at the end of the Tranistion point. I aggree with you Peter. Hilary's comment here needs more clarification though : Is the erractic and unstable behavior just the sound not matching up or is it also some other behavior? Just a thought ... if Hilary's show is using D3D acceleration setting and her PC is not D3D capable ... the slide show may be dropping frames in Full Screen previews and the exe to maintain timing. Mini player and O&A does not preview this behavior because its not Full Screen accelerated.
  2. Hilary, If I understand your issue correctly, you indicate that your O&A preview playback does not match your Start Preview from Current Slide preview playback ? -When playing back a Slide thru O&A ... Pte plays back the entire slide from the starting point of the Transistion Effect. - When playing back a Slide from Start Preview from Current Slide ... Pte plays back that Slide from the end point of the Transistion Effect. So in reality if your Transistion Effect is 1 or 2 seconds ... your Slide playback preview will begin after the 1 or 2 seconds Transistion Effect . In summary to your case, the best way to preview at the exact point is use the Mini Player in the Timeline view and drag the blue triangle indicator in the Timeline to your specific starting point to play. As for : I dont qiute understand only sometimes ... this will take more review.
  3. DaveOR Here is another option you can use to launch your Startup Window with a full screen background. The file attachment uses v5.6 -More tab option to Run Slide Show. Use this file as is to create a launching exe which will in-turn run your Startup Window- slideshow.exe when you hit the keyboard Spacebar. Read How to.txt within the zip package. Begin_v560.zip
  4. Jim. You still have the P in the newer version ... except now it is displayed in the bottom status bar.
  5. As Peter mentions ... virus checks play a big roll on load time. Do you still have that same Disc that loaded in less than a minute ? If you do ... try it again for load performance. You using CD-R or CD-RW ? CD-RW's are slower Even though you have a 40x CD/DVD Reader ... are the Disks 40X capable or just some cheapies with 1X-4X. If you have something like Nero CD/DVD Speed disc check tools ... check the discs.
  6. Just some information to pass along in my reading about playing back h.264 content I believe the core video drivers supplied with the various GPU card makers provide the key to the processing capabilities for the decoding and playback of video. GPU cards and models are supplied with varying video core driver capabilites. ATI uses ATI Avivo and ATI Avivo HD processing technolgy. Begin here: http://ati.amd.com/technology/Avivo/index.html NVIDIA uses PureVideo and PureVideo HD processing technolgy. Begin here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia_purevideo.html About some players and their limtations: http://www.digital-digest.com/articles/mp4...back_page1.html
  7. Igor, The special menu design with icons looks good and makes the selections quicker for users to identify. I agree with most ... move the EXE selection to the TOP and follow with the Screensaver selection. The other selection groups seem fine to me in their order. I would however add the text Mp4 to : HD Video for PC and MAC Creates high quality Mp4 video file I also believe you should include any file extention names in the text labels for the other possible created files. Many new users dont realized they made the file cause they dont know what to look for.
  8. ale53, I believe your idea has its merits to aid users in their selection. However, as John says ... It could become an issue when a user has an extreme amount of image objects. Also displaying images instead of filenames can become a additional pc resource issue for many users. Instead of displaying all of the images, I believe it would be more productive and practical to optionally provide the ability to display just a single thumb image (pop-up) of the selected or highlighted object in the O&A list I believe this would save user resources and be equally productive for users that also need to see the images of selected O&A filenames.
  9. Ive been somewhat following this topic. I have never used a projector and really dont know anything about their technical specs and requirements. But in all this trouble-shooting discussion. I have not seen any mention any various methods of hookup, cables, and connections used between the equipment. However, I do know in many situations when a fault in the hardware between multiple pieces of equipment cannot be so easily found ... then its time to look at the cabeling and connections used to transmit the signal. Cables and connections that dont fully meet the specs and speed requirements to properly transmit your analog /digital signal can sometimes be your limitation factor.
  10. Lin, The links in the previous post were for Desktop units. Appears the X1400 may be a build for Laptops only. Here's a link I use for Laptop units. X1400 is listed. http://www.notebookcheck.net/Comparison-of...ards.130.0.html
  11. Lin, In your tests ... you may also want to include the memory transfer rate : "The right way to compare the memory performance of different chips is through their memory transfer rate, which is calculated using the formula (clock x bits per clock ) / 8." Heres a list of cards that includes details of ATI X1300 http://www.techarp.com/showarticle.aspx?artno=88&pgno=0 nVidia - http://www.techarp.com/article/Desktop_GPU...vidia_4_big.png ATI - http://www.techarp.com/article/Desktop_GPU...n/ati_4_big.png Note: they list memory transfer rate as memory bandwidth.
  12. Paul, Without seeing the actual setting or the command used in the Action on Mouse Click for the Button ... its hard to identify your issue. I do know v5.6 has employed new Button commands on its click actions which are somewhat different than v5.5. Check the Button click actions in the v5.6 file to verify the difference.
  13. Tommy, Many programs ... including PTE ... require your Network Drives to be mapped. Right-click desktop My Computer icon and select Map Network Drive. Once the drive is mapped the drive will appear in PTE.
  14. Ivor, Write down the Error Codes you are receiving in the Blue Screen. These numbers can help to trace the fault. You have 32bit or 64bit system ? Link: Blue Screen of Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STOP_error
  15. New Version 2 ... now available and just in time for PTE v5.6 files !! _____________________________________________________ Pte Project Reporter - for PicturesToExe Make Project Reports of your PicturesToExe slideshow project files (.pte files). Pte Project Reporter easily scans, lists, and displays the major details of your slideshow project file in one simple step. Save the project details to a Project Report file with just a click of a button. Use the saved Project Report for documenting details of slideshow content, trouble-shooting slideshow issues, or whatever your record retention needs. This program offers some nice features and functions in a user-friendly GUI layout. What's New in v2 Full support for v4.48-9 thru v5.6 .pte project files. New Scan File engine is much faster and collects more data than v1. Now scans for more Project Options and major slide settings used in Customize Slide options. Ability to save just the text (.txt) Project Report document without the thumbnail(s) html file. Ability to open a previously saved text Project Report into the new Project Report File Viewer. Reworked and resized program GUI. It's still a fixed window that's not resizable. Help File system is now a CHM file. Several new program features and enhancements. _____________________________________________________ It's still Free To Use and available for download from : beechbrook.com - Pte Project Reporter v2 * While your there at Bill's site ... download some great PTE Presentations also !! Many thanks again to my Beta Testers ... Ken, Peter, Ralph, and Robert to whom I respect with great appreciation. Hope you all Enjoy, Stu
  16. The mailing procedure of registration files has changed a few times over the years. Mine came as a attachment Pte.key and all you had to do was double-click the file. But nowadays the mail providers restrict and even remove such file attachments as they deem harmful or a security risk. Once received ... even some users own administration settings restricted the use of running key files on their PC.
  17. brenny, Preview your entire slideshow in Pte before using Video Builder to make any DVD. In Pte you can add background music to the entire slideshow thru the Project Options - Music - tab. Adding background music thru the Customize Slide options enables the music at that specified slide number. You really need to read the Pte Help file to get you started. Download from Pte -WnSoft http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/help.htm See also the Tutorials and Articles section of this forum for lots of information and guidance. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showforum=8 Note: When burning a DVD in Video Builder theres no preview of the music during the DVD processing.
  18. organmorgan, Pte 5.6 now uses Run Slideshow option as a way to use separate scenes. No cutting and pasteing of slides to merge into one file since each scene can be built using a separate pte file. Make each scene into its own exe and run them seamlessly using the Run Slideshow option.
  19. brenny, If your not using a menu in your DVD ... its not possible to add menu music to a non-existant menu. The DVD menu if enabled can also have music if you so desire. The DVD slideshow supplies its own music if you so selected when building the project file.
  20. Steve, Most like you and your Mac users players dont have fully compatible h264 decoders to properly play this HD Video format. Download Pte User Guide for v5.6 from Pte Help menu. See bottom p12 of Guide ... I Have a problem with playback of HD Video
  21. Anthony, Adding external Music editing is not so simple a task as it is in Add Sound editing. Add Sound editing only affects a single numbered slide which occupies it own individual timeslot within the overall Tmeline. Music editing will affect the entire Timeline and all its ever increasing complexity. Adding the use of the editor is the simple part ... the real task is properly introducing the edited file back into the overall Timeline. Plus remember, the Slide Music also plays its own seperate roll in all this time equation. In not saying Igor cant do his magic to achieve this function ... its just a matter of when he can fit it into all his current and ever increasing user expectations.
  22. Argo, Im not aware of any that start a slideshow from the middle ... only from a Slide number. Heres what I have. n = number value of the Slide cover = pan and scan display Commands slideshow.exe -cover slideshow.exe -slide n slideshow.exe -log -frametimes
  23. Anthony, This menu option has been around for a long time. Its used to edit the sound files you entered in the Add Sound box for each Slide. Usually this Editor was sndrec32.exe before things got fancy and most added sounds were just wave files. Paste the full file path of your own sound editor ( or just sndrec32.exe ) as the selection for Path and Name of Sound Editor. When you right-click a Slide in the Slide List ... If the Slide has a entry in the Add Sound box you can use the Edit Sound Comment in the menu selection to edit your sound file. This function only works for selections in the Add Sound box or previously named Add Sound Comment in earlier Pte versions. Actually when you use Ctrl+W or Open Image function ... it really only opens the image file using your windows default open file value. Other users open file default may be some other program ... like Windows Picture & Fax Viewer.
  24. Bob, Does your DVD burner(s) play and burn DVD discs using another burn program other than PTE? *Right click My Computer (desktop icon) Properties | Hardware | Device Manager see if any warnnig indicators are highlighed over your DVD/CD-Rom Drives. * Open My Computer (desktop icon) and right click the DVD/CD device icon | Properties | Recording tab and see record setting.
  25. Mike, You cannot add the entire folder contents as a mail attachment by just selecting a folder. You must open the folder and select all its file contents to be added as a mail attachment. This is the normal procedure in any Windows OS. Your best bet is to Create Backup Zip using Pte. Send the zip file to your friend and they can decide whether to make it a template file in their Pte templates directory.
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