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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Mike, the .pt is a Pte template folder identity tag ... not the Pte file. The contents of your slideshow and .pte file is inside the .pt folder. The .pt folder is named according to what name you saved the template. Like Name.pt Open Pte's Manage Templates to find the location where your pc saves your template folders.
  2. Just a note to keep in mind. I believe Igor mentioned to implement automatic rasterization of text to a image object in the near future. I dont know what future version this will appear ... but this will make it much easier for users unaware of the issues of using unsupported fonts and other font sizing issues. Exactly what you see ... your user will also see. I also believe this opens the door for a few other text tricks he may have in mind for Pte.
  3. There are many senarios when working on pte files that can provoke the Save File prompt. Even something as simple when opening Project Options to just look at your settings then clicking OK or Canel button to close Projct Options. If you click Canel button ... you wont be prompted with Save File even when you made setting changes. Clicking Cancel is like clicking ignore. If you click OK button ... you will be prompted with Save File even when you did not make setting changes. Clicking OK is like clicking apply. Pte will want to apply the settings its reads in Project Options ... it does not compare the settings for changes. I wont go into other senarios ... but Pte wants to document more than setting changes.
  4. AbdolReza, Most uers probably dont need the feature for PTE. I use MS-Tweak UI.exe for XP .... available at Microsoft Site. Select the Templates tab and select any template files you wish to add to the shell Right Click Menu - New. Works beautifully ... as you can add or remove at anytime thru Tweak UI.
  5. AbdolReza Depending on your needs and uses ... various formats have particular strengths and weaknesses. I prefer to use 7zip format for overall function and compression when building installers. General everyday use and for wide acceptance I use zip format. Read up : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_archive_formats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_archivers
  6. Bill, The Beechbrook site works nicely ... the enhancements have made a big difference from the past and are easy to use. I cant really think of any real improvement to make it better for users. Thanks for all you do for us users !!!
  7. AbdolReza, Virus is a alarming signal to many users here ... especially when it may be mistakenly associated with PTE. Did your PC actually say it was a virus while working in PTE program or running a PTE compiled exe ? Were you trying some unorthodox way to run some command parameter or string function thru PTE's run exteral file function ? I remember earlier postings you wanted so desperately to run command parameters.
  8. robertg, I believe your issue is you are trying to burn the exe files to DVD for TV ? You must use the .pte file that created the exe as your VB file selection to burn to DVD for TV. You must use DVD Data format to burn exe's to DVD for PC. Exe's are not converted to DVD Movie format for TV. PTE/VB does not create DVD'CD Discs to Data format.
  9. Igor, I believe its a wise decision to abandon use of the Midi file. It is really an outmoded audio format. Plus, since your supplying the ability to convert the midi for use in Pte ... I dont see the issue some users may have. ** I dont believe most midi users were aware that the playback sounded different on other user pcs.
  10. AbdolReza, I believe I understand your button dilemma. Currently Pte does not change orientation of the bottom Slide Arrow buttons to match the Horizontal View change. However the use of the keyboard < > arrow keys change to horizontal operation for slide selection movement. Can get confusing at times. I would also like to have use of the Slide Arrow buttons in the Timeline view. Whereas now the slide selection movement is dependent solely on use of the keyboard < > arrow keys.
  11. Nettleton, My first guess would be to check your windows user/admininstrator settings and privileges. Was your original installation of Pte program registration available for all users, specific users , or just adminstrator ? Windows loves to use its security and protection ... esp Vista.
  12. Peter, Tell us some details and settings of this particular sequence. Image (dimensions, format, and file size) , any O&A effects, and any Music initialized at this particular sequence. Since you say its a fast setting ... what is this setting ?
  13. Igor, May be a simple bug in beta17 ? ... while I was trying to update settings for my PTE Project Reporter. It appears main|opt_exefn file string data is saved when making a exe file ... and PTE asks to save before closing PTE. This is OK and normal behavior. It appears main|opt_scrfn file string data is not saved when making a scr file ... and PTE does not ask to save before closing PTE. If I save the PTE file before closing it will save the file string data of the scr file. Also ... it appears both exe and scr file strings are documented if I save at different occasions of use. Having both strings documented on the same pte project file normal behavior ? And of course ... may you and your family Have a Merry Christmas !!
  14. Johnny, Adding to Barry's comment above ... Your images and other objects can also have the Action on mouse click function. Notes: This single slideshow chapter(s) build senario will not function and convert to interactive video. To create as video you must build your chapter(s) as single slideshows and access thru the DVD Menu items. Plan ahead to save yourself time.
  15. photoflora, Windows system API accepts \..\ . The two dots ("..") are used for moving up in the hierarchy, to indicate the parent directory; one dot (".") represents the directory itself. So actually you are seeing the complete path as written in the .pte file. Open the .pte file in a text editor and you will see exactly the same file path string. Your file string E:\PTE & PowerPoint\Malaysia\Malaysia Projects\..\Malaysia Pictures for Show\Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing.png Windows is looking for your file in : E:\Malaysia Pictures for Show\Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing.png
  16. Eric, Comments on some of your last post reply : I assume here you mean the icon created in v5.6 is the .pte file icon and not the Pte program icon shortcut. If you are viewing or opening your v5.6 .pte file in v5.5 PTE program ... you will not see some of your v5.6 file settings in the v5.5 program because v5.5 does not contain or know of the new program featues and changes v5.6 now is capable of. New v5.6 project files are not backward compatable to be opened in a v5.5 program. Igor use to limit backward compatability file opening ... he may need to reinstate this limitation. All this setting does is orient the PTE program to previously preferred user and view settings you may have selected in other versions. Such as View orientations etc. Developer setting is the default program settings and program views. These program orientation settings and view preferences have no effect on the .pte file settings that have been previously save or saved as. I suggest to first sort out all your desktop program shortcuts ... verify program location and rename the shortcut to the identity of the exact PTE program version. When saving any .pte files first note the program version and add the version number to the .pte filename ... such as Myshowv5.6b13.pte. Once you have become familiar with using multiple versions Pte programs with multiple file versions ... use whatever name scheme. I will let Peter work with you one-on-one from now on with this matter ... too many comments from multiple users can even become confusing.
  17. Eric, Lets begin at basics here to help solve your file version problem. When you Double-Click a .pte project file ... what version of PTE opens ? Version of PTE program is displayed in the top title bar. The program does not display the version of the actual .pte file. If you open your .pte file in a text editor ... you can clearly see at the top of the document what version of PTE created the .pte file when last saved or saved as. CreationTool=PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.10
  18. DRURY, The Create AVI file functions of PTE are available to all users who did not purchase the Video Builder registration upgrade version of PTE. The functions allows users the possibility to create avi files and burn videos using any of your own third-party tools and codecs. By program default ... PTE initially loads the PicturesTo Exe Video Codec untill you otherwise select your own video codec preference for creating a Custom AVI. You must realize that video and avi these days can be created in any of numerous formats and compression schemes ... some of these codecs are free and some are shareware purchases. Some codecs just decompress and some compress and decompress. Welcome to the wide world and endless possibilities of this new age of video. The Burn DVD-Video disk function of PTE is the Video Builder upgrade registration version of PTE. This function allows users to directly burn DVD Video without the need of any third party-tools. This provides users with a quick an easy method to create quality DVD.
  19. DRURY You can not make a standalone .avi file using the PTE Codec ... the codec produces a DVD Video file format and not a avi file format. You need to use a third party codec that produces a avi file format ... such as ms mpeg 4, xvid mpeg 4, or someother mpeg 4 codec. However, any codec you select to use to encode your avi file ... must also reside on other users pcs to be able to decode and play the avi file. Im not aware of ULead Movie Maker v5 conversion capabilities or supported import formats. If you want a high quality video of your slideshow to save and play on your pc ... try the new feature in betas v5.6 of Create | Create HD Video for PC and Mac . This creates a h.264 video file format using .mp4 extention. This also requires proper supporting codec on users pc to play . Many forum users have Home Cinema or the VLC player that plays and supports this video file format.
  20. Adding to Ralph's post Actually ... when saving Only Main Image is selected, a exact copy your original image is saved. If your original image was a 1222x850 .jpg ... it will be saved as a 1222x850 .jpg using the original filename. This is your restored image. Image formats of bmp, gif, and png are restored only as bmp files When saving a Slide you get a bmp file ... which is not a exact copy of your image, but is a screenshot with the image size as according to your monitor dimensions. Far as I know ... you can not actually select a image format to save or restore the file. The strange errors one sees are most likely and overlooked coding format issue.
  21. Linda, Have you tried to output the file to default 30fps (29.97) instead of 15 fps ... and let your encoder do its necessary conversion ? Also try audio @ uncompressed ADPCM than PCM higher bitrate use.
  22. AbdolReza Again ... I repeat it is not a bug in PTE. The instances you mention are being run by your windows functions and not by PTE run function. You should be able to run any command you wish on your own computer by using your windows function directly ... but not with the aid of PTE.
  23. AbdolReza Xaver is quite correct. This is not a bug ... it is a limitation implemented long ago in PTE to secure against possible misuse of the run external application function.
  24. Mike, I agree with your comment of the Timeline position to display update of the currently selected slide from the slide list ... as I have just been realizing this Timeline position display today.
  25. Steve, Are you still using the same burner and not updated your burner firmware ? I remember quite so me time ago in a post you did not feel it was not needed due to your old programs burned discs just fine. Firmware updates are somewhat like driver updates ... to keep up with the times your pc and components need to know and use new configurations to support the latest technolgy being used and developed today.
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