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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Igor , The new feature Crypt Images & Music in v5.6 is a great addition. In its current form these settings are enabled thru the Advanced Options program setting. Is it possible to move the Crypt Images & Music setting from the program menu to say something like the new More tab in the Project Options settings ? This way each .pte file will dictate whether this setting is used or not ... rather than controlled solely and easily overlooked within the Advanced Options menu selection. I feel the user will have better visibility and control of its use for each individual pte file if the setting is used and documented within the file instead of a general program setting for all pte files.
  2. Sandhills, M3U files are plain text playlist files which tell your player which music files to play from the M3U playlist. They are not music format files ... nor can they be converted to music. Pte does not play music from any music playlists. All you have to do is add the original music file(s) ... one by one ... that are listed in the M3U playlist as your Pte music selection(s). M3U - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U
  3. Gary, It appears your Quicktime program has a file lock on that mp4 extention. I remember WinAmp use to do this to stop other players from stealing its file associations. Open your Quicktime menu on file associations and see if you can free up or exclude the mp4 extention files. Again ... I dont use Quicktime either, I use WMP
  4. Gary, You can verify if the .mp4 extention is registered by opening your Windows Folder Options and select tab File Types. Windows will display a window showing you all your registered file types. Browse the list for mp4. If you find it ... you can modify the setting (program which you want to associate file to) which opens or plays the file. If not ... you may need to make a new file type entry of the mp4. Of course, you must feel comfortable doing this procedure ... but its always easily corrected. I dont use Home Cinema to play mp4 ... but you may also try to see if Home Cinema itself has within its menu a way to set files associated to play. Another quick way to tell if the file is registered to a program to open ... usually (not always) the Windows default file icon will change to an icon that the program uses for its files.
  5. DaveG, Just a note: For the pte screensaver to remain or always be seen in the Window selection list ... the screensaver file must reside or be copied to the system folder. Windows looks to its system folder for all available .scr files
  6. Steve, Yes ... this change in view happened in v5.52 where you now have a Slides button view which toggles to the Timeline button view. You are accustom to the individual timeline window popup while being able to see the Slide List as in v5.51 You make a valid comment of being able to see the Slide List while in the Timeline rather than need of seeing the folder tree and file selection tree/list. However, not enough to warrant a change of program in my opinion ... but to each their own. The best practical solution here is for Pte to allow the user to enable/disable what lists and panels are viewable at any given time from the View selection tab to suit their personal view preferences and current needs.
  7. John, I have v2 Reporter ready and will be released as soon as v5.56 PTE is sorted out a bit further. Faster Scan File engine and more features. Will have CHM help file this time around.
  8. Mike Reed, DaveG is correct. Once you burn a DVD ... you can not go back and add additional shows to it because the DVD is already finalized.
  9. Gilbert, You have not offered much detail to help to trouble-shoot your issue. Since your proceedure has worked for over 2500 times ... I can only guess there is something different or changed in your OS since your last build a few days ago.
  10. elke, Findiing your lost images can be a daunting task. First and foremost you must determine if the files are just missing and need to be found or completely lost and can not be found ? ----------------- Identify how many files are missing and their filename(s). Pte missing errors window You can call up Pte's missing files window at any time with F5 key. You have to manually write your missing list ... or Use a screen capture tool (like Faststone v5.3) that will capture scrolling windows and make a image of the missing list. ------------------ Once (or if) you find or locate all images and other source files ... you can just copy them all directly into the same folder (without any sub-folders) Also copy your .pte file to that same folder. Double-click the pte file copy (within folder) and Pte will now find all the relative source files. It is not necessary to restore the original paths and directory structure using this senerio.
  11. gilbert, What KB/MB file size are your scanned images used ? Do you mean to say you have 2500 images ? First impression when a window goes almost transparent ... is that the pc is low on resources to perform its task. Note: Unless your actually testing Pte latest beta's ... I personally advise not to buld any permanent slideshows with beta versions. There is usually unknown issues and several features not fully enabled which may lead to undesirable results.
  12. Raydene, Ok. We now know you use multiple Pte versions installed on your pc. Using multiple versions of Pte on the same pc can get confusing at times and requires some user disipline. It appears your default Pte program for opening .pte files is PicturesToEXE v4.48. Any .pte file you have on your pc will double-click open into PicturesToEXE v4.48. Pte does not identify file version to open with its corresponding program version. You did correct. The only way is to use File|Open when requiring a particular version Pte other than PicturesToEXE v4.48. File opened by double-click in v5.52 ... cause its my default. I also use multiple versions Pte. Notes on Test.zip Your High Red pte file is a v5.0 file. The Use Own Icon checbox is enabled. The icon file used is C:\Pics 2 Exe\5.0 FINAL FINISHED\5.0-PROJECTS\High_Red_Photos\3-k.ico. Your icon is embedded into the High_Red_Test.exe and the K icon appears normal as expected on my desktop. So in conclusion your Pte v5.0 program is working correctly. Conclusion The .pte file will not change to the file version that creates the exe ... you must Save As to create a new .pte file (also use a new filename as not to overwrite your original file.) However, the exe created will be of the version Pte program you have open to make it. Yes ... reinstall v5.0. Normal install will make all your .pte files open with double-click as default with v5.0 and no longer with v4.48 ... which may be contributing to your what version your actually opening and using issue. User disipline File|Open will be required when wanting to open a .pte file with a different version Pte.
  13. Raydene, If the pte file is a v5.0 file ... it should work the same. Its when you open a older v4 pte file into a v5 pte program some changes may be required. You can try your last v5.10 installer or download lastest final build v5.52 from Pte site. WnSoft - Pte Site - http://www.wnsoft.com/download.htm -------------- However, I would not install any new pte versions yet. Your attached jpg file concerns me ... the right side image is a windows default icon for executables with no icon information. Windows resorts to that default icon when it can not find any icon data in a 32 bit executable file. Do your icon tools allow you to extract or see icon files within your executable file ? If yes ... look wihin the executable to see if the K icon file info actually exists in the pte exe file. If no ... please make a new executable of just a single slide without music of a pte file with your selected K icon. Zip both the .pte file and exe file ... upload as attachment to your post and I will check it out. Better to check out first ... then later proceed to reinstall or new install versions.
  14. Raydene, Yes, your icon worked perfectly. I actually used v 5.11 of Pte to test your icon file. I no longer use or have v5.0 (July 17, 2007) installed to qualify a possible bug in that version. If you re-install Pte ... why not install a more current version like 5.11 (February, 2008) or v 5.52 (July 11, 2008).
  15. Raydene, I have checked out your K icon file ... and all appears to be correct. I loaded your icon into a project of mine and all worked as expected. Are you sure you loaded your icon file properly within Project Options|Main tab ... and also enabled checkbox - Use Your Own Icon for Slideshow or Screensaver File ?
  16. Raydene, Since you have made them before and they worked ... Im sure you know they need to be 256 color format. Why dont you upload it as a attachment to your post and I will check it out. Put the icon file in a zip might be a better idea.
  17. Peter, Do you have a actual copy of the Weblink icon file stored on your pc ? Does it have multiple icon formats ? What size Vista desktop icons are you using and does your selected Weblink icon match the desktop format ?
  18. Ed, Im not a big user of screensavers for some years ... but I tried a few tests since your post, as I also have XP SP2. I named the pte screensaver using a short file name ( 8.3 chars) as windows does for theirs. Im a firm believer in 8.3 filenames to avoid any possible issues. I then copied the screensaver to the Windows/System32 folder. Then opened display properties|screen tab and selected, previewed, applied, and closed out. Reopened and screensaver was still enabled. Rebooted and screensaver was still enabled. So no problems here. Right-click your screensaver file within the system enviornment (Windows/System32 folder) to see if you get a test, configure, install file option. Configure wont apply to pte screensavers cause theirs no config setup data in the scr file.
  19. mfetterhoff In Pte Project Options| Screen... did you build your show with widescreen pc or dvd screen aspect ratio ?
  20. gHamer Peter I tried quickly to track down these postings with no luck ... so I could add the link when I originally posted. I do know it exists in the Pte User Guide ( 4mb version) bookmark under Problems (bottom page 9) Link :WnSoft - PicturesToExe User Guide
  21. ghamer, Another thought ... Do you have a ATI video card with screen calibration sottware? Is your issue only in Full Screen with D3D Acceleration enabled on your slide show ? Test your slide show in Window Mode to verify difference.
  22. mfetterhoff, There are times you may want or need Interlaced vs Progressive. Best to read these links from Wikipedia.org for a better understanding: Links : Progressive Interlaced
  23. Isabel, Make sure your trying to load the PTE Key (not the VideoBuilder Key) Make sure your Pte key file has : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] ... in its string If you also have a VideoBuilder Key : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WnSoft\VideoBuilder] ... in its string.
  24. Isabel, Its best to browse for your reg.txt file ... pte requires a certain byte file size. The string you copied and pasted may not meet the 231 byte requirement. If you still want to copy and paste just select all first ... then paste. I have never tried the paste method.
  25. Igor, Relating to Create HD Video for Pc : Since installing and testing with v5.6 beta 6 ... the task processes have now closed out properly and CPU returns normal. I have tried various cancel or X out senarios and have not been able to reproduce the process not closing issue I had using beta 4. So beta 6 appears to resolve the issue. I have been able to create-convert and play HD Video for PC with no issues with both beta 4 and 6. Tests included were SD 1024x768 (L,M,H) and HD 1280x720 (M,H) ... They look great !
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