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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. mfetterhoff, What version of PTE are you having ths issue with ? Since v5.56 beta testing is in progress ... its always best to identify your Pte version in your comment. This helps to address and isolate user issues from program issues. I agree with Dave that one of your biggest limitations is your 64mb video when using O&A with D3D Acceleration.
  2. Thought I let you know - 5.6 beta 4 When creating a HD Video and I decide to abort or cancel file process and then completely close PTE program ... my Task Manager still shows processes 'Burn.exe, Video Builder.exe, and Apr.exe' still running - with 50+-% CPU Usage. Added Note : Opppps ... I just realized were on beta 6 now ...sorry if issue has been addressed (getting beta 6 now)
  3. Loukas, Are you using Create Avi | Custom or Create HD Video ( in beta Pte 5.56) ? HD Video uses mp4 format (.mp4 extention) and requires Media Player Classic HomeCinema player. Since you are a unregistered user ... is your slide show over 10 slide limit ?
  4. Welcome, mfetterhoff What version of Pte are you using to create avi file? What Mpeg4 codec are you using ? Did you read these other topics? Topics Making AVI, installing mpeg4 codec - WnSoft Forums Who can give instructions to make an avi-file - WnSoft Forums
  5. Adding to Brian's post above ... Make sure your DVD Burner's Firmware is upto date. Pte can have some issues with old burners and/or old firmware. Also, depending on your PC's capabilities ... its sometimes required to disable Hardware Acceleration (D3D) in Project Options|Screen. If enabled video process also uses Hardware Acceleration to produce faster compilation time. Also. try lowering your Burn Speed and make sure you have plenty of hard drive space. Making videos requires lots of drive space to process.
  6. mcinal, Exactly what 5.5 version of PTE are you using ? If its any of the current Beta Releases ... this possibly may be the issue. Beta issues may frequently have some existing features or settings disabled for expressly testing new program features . I suggest you use Pte v5.52 final release to avoid any issues.
  7. harryo, Follow Ken's post above .... ( Ken, this time you Beat Me ) See Attachment below to find your Codecs installed and its status ... without use of third party tool.
  8. mcinal, You may need to check your Audio Format Options in Video Builders Project Options. Do you send your DVD sound thru some type of sound/theater system ? Some cases using theater sound systems require LCPM setting.
  9. alantha, What version of PTE are you using ? ( its good to know because so many users use different versions) Did you build your Menu in Video Builder ? Did you check your Video Builder| Project Options and enable Return to Menu after each Title ?
  10. arendsoog, You must select a Video Codec in the selection menu to create a Custom Avi ... You cannot use the Pte Video Codec as its only used for creating video to disc. Creating standalone Avi files requires a Mpeg4 format type codecs or compatable codec. Pte program does not supply or install 3rd party codecs, therefore your system must already have it installed or you must locate and download from the internet. * If your Compressor selection says 'PicturestoExe Video Codec' ? If it does you need to make Mpeg4 codec selection if available on your system. See Attached Items
  11. arendsoog, It appears your trying to make pte avi to video for disc. You need to make a standalone avi file. Incase you may not see the Create AVI button ( personal customization can hide it) Go To top bar menu File ... click Create Avi File This will open the window Making of Create Avi File. Click the top radio button ... Create Custom AVI Video File. If your new to making avi/videos and what codecs to use... you may way to read up in Pte User Guide (top of Tutorials and Articles section of this forum)
  12. Steve, Having the ability to add some favorite(s) directory would be a nice touch. Right now your quickest access to My Pictures folder is to click the yellow open folder icon label atop the gui panel. This is your Documents folder ... and below in the folder pane you should see your My Pictures folder.
  13. Dave, Expanding on Peter's & Ralph's post above ... Another possible way to achieve your navigation bar needs is to build your own with button objects ( as many as you need) in the O&A Window. Make your button destination settings. Once made just copy the button group to your slide pages needed. You will have to reset page destinations in the appropriate buttons if you are slide jumping. Initially this will take a few minutes ... but its creative ... have them fade in or whatever within your slide timeline. The problem waiting for v5.56 beta ... is that the feature Peter mentions may not be ready. Even if it is ... its not wise to make permanent slide shows with any beta versions even though Igor has done wonderful work on it.
  14. David, think(box) (Bill) ... use to have a old tool for just for your lost key case. This only retrieves PTE key and not Video Builder Key I have not seen him in forum in quite awhile ( been quite ill ) ... you may try contacting him thru PM I may still have a copy if you are unable to reach him. See Post: Help recovering registration key
  15. Mike, Have you checked your screens display DPI settings ? See the DPI currently set within Display Properties Settings- Advanced
  16. Peter, Yes there will be some difference from v1 Reporter (even v2 beta1). Those versions ignored non data entries such as ImageName= with no reporting of missing blank entries in pte file. I figured since pte file didnt need to list it ... neither did I. I suspect this is just a copy and paste issue ... either with user process or v5.52 v2 beta2 has this reporting now since Gary experienced this new issue. New Edidted Notes I must be having a real bad day in my wrong replies to above posts. I just compiled Gary's file without receiving file missing errors ... So its not true that the empty file data space needs to be filled. The ImageName= is OK to be empty. Pte ignores or does not need it filled. Gary, Iam sorry for leading you to more issues than that of your original problem.
  17. Gary, My previous post has some miss information relating to your pte file Image Object data amounts missing. Heres a report on your file. Cris_Portraits_test_Report.txt
  18. Gary, I just looked over your pte file ... and your pte file has missing filename data in some slide image objects. Actually the last image object in Slide 1 and a few in Slide 2. Only fix to this file corruption is to replace image objects with new file name selections or hand paste the path/ filename after the ... ImageName= ... within the pte file itself Normally it should read : ImageName=G:\Downloads\8-18-08\Pte Shows\Cris_Portraits_test_Oct1_2008_8_45_59\WWR-1998-003.jpg Your missing image object data reads : ImageName= Note: I see you mentioned Project Reporter also failed. I will add this error warning in its detection.
  19. Gary, You may want to check your Project Options settings and see what you have enabled and preset. Avanced tab has your mouse and keyboard controls for your show ... this includes Preview.
  20. Yachtsman1, Your screen shots indcate to me you are not at the correct registry location. You must search for PTE and not PicturesToExe from beginning of registry for Pte's key. Make sure in the Find window you type PTE and select checkbox ... Match Whole String Only.
  21. Wideangle. I cant tell you what error 2909 as it relates to in Pte ... but you may want to try this to get a better idea where the fault may occur. How to get a DeBug Report -Open Video Builder and select your files. (Do not click Next button quite yet) -Use keyboard shift+ctl+alt+q -This brings up the Debug Window. Check the Main Options and Additional Options tabs for what action you want to perform. -Now proceed as normal.
  22. Severn Bore, When you say v5.52 crashes ... is it when using Pte program correct ? ... try the compiled slideshow exe ? If you still have an earlier version of Pte v5.11 still installed on your pc ... open the v5.52 pte file in that Pte v5.11 program. (Newer v5.52 files are somewhat backward compatable in my testing.) Compile it and test results.
  23. Frank, First try this: Disable Hardware Acceleration D3D checkbox in Project Options | Screen tab ... all v5 and newer has this setting option, whereas older v4 does not. If the slide behavior returns as you expect ... I suspect your video card is not powerful enough to use v5 and newer Hardware Acceleration D3D.
  24. Eric, Ive noticed this also in v5.52. Right click zoom options or zoom button is necessary. Right now one has to keep going to View tab and select Timelne Options then slect Zoom multiple times to get a respectale zoom in view. Please note : V5.52 has a waveform symbol at the bottom right to insert waveform. Older versions has waveform text button
  25. Shep, Is it possible that you may be noticing a visual perception of the speed from smaller player screen vs full preview screen Larger screens will have larger distances to move objects across the screen and appear faster than that of small screen view. Try it set to music and you will get a better idea. The music will play normally in both view screens ... therefore the speed is the same in both views.
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