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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Peter, Were these latest file path locations relative to the pte file itself ? I can only guess that if pte is not using the documented full file paths or the relative file paths and still is finding them ... this may be a template file and /or is using a WnSoftFolderInfo.ini instruction sheet that is finding its files by other instructions or means known to pte. (Igor would have to explain pte's other ways to locate files.) Reporter does not identify, search, or use WnSoftFolderInfo.ini instruction sheets (normally a hidden file). I do know that template files check and use the relative path first ... then the documented file path to locate files. Whereas normal files and backup files check and use the documented file path first ... then the relative file path. Yes ... because now the actuall file paths are documented when saved ... no changes to pte file are necessary.
  2. Jess575, You can not use DVD-R 4.7GB discs in a CD Burner ... only good for DVD Burner. You will have to stick with CD Discs. I dont lnow anything about Ulead DVD MovieFactory 6 and its procedures for importing files. Have your tried to make your show using Create AVI File using SVCD setting in Pte and enabled the checkbox for Ulead DVD MovieFactory ? Note: I have read comments that some versions of Ulead DVD MovieFactory dont require the checkbox for Ulead DVD MovieFactory enabled from Pte. So my best guess is try both ways to see how it sorts out . *You may want to verify that your DVD player model accepts SVCD disc.
  3. Peter Ive play with this Image-Audio-Files in many diff text responses. It use to display Project Files : Missing or etc. I believed the use of word Project would confuse users with their own pte project file. So the end result was to use Image-Audio-Files to address images files, audio files, or any other files (such as icons) to generally include any file pte uses externally. Reporter does 2 things to get ptes files used. -First : it reads what is exactly documented in the pte file. This is ptes doucumented full file path that was saved. If that file is found it uses it. It reports its file string used. -Second : if above files doucumented full file path is missing .... it then proceeds to find it in ptes undocumented relative path. ( this relative path is not written in pte file ... its just files that are relative to the pte file) If it finds it ... it uses it and reports the relative file string used with *RFP at the end. So in the end if both above fail to find the file ... it reports only the documented full file string as written in pte ... not the undocumented relative file path because its a assumed file location. Open your pte file in a text editor ... read its documented full file path. Now open pte file with Pte ... see if that says the same path. If it does not say the same thing ... pte is using a undocument relative file path. That relative file use will only be documented when pte file is resaved. Let me know your findings on this ... Pte does think on its own on these matters on the fly without documenting it until its actually resaved. Stu
  4. Peter, I think I see now. It may falsely reported ... especially if it relates to slide baclground images. Igor has a old bug in background reporting within the pte file he mentioned to fix. Read reporter help txt at bottom for comments of ths possible issue. But it shows up rarely Click the yellow color button in Projects Reports panel beside the Image-Audio-Files: Missing text label. This brings up the [Project - Missing Files List] report sub section. or Just double-click any of the items in the Project Report slide list (top list) to expand the panel .... then click the bottom right Missing List button. There is where you will the file positions Reporter found as missing. Note: I have also had very rare cases of miss reports also. The issue I found was reporter was not correctly parsing the pte line data during scan. The data reporter will show in its list will be somewhat of lines merged and wont represent a file or file path at all. My files that gave these false reports were not totally generated by PTE ... but with PZR Transistions tools or man handled by me using copy and paste practices. These cases will most likely show some false reporting ... and may also be yours. Here is example what my missing files falsely reported: [slide28] Main Image=1 Picture=G:\Tools\dvd burn mark\Copy of IMG_1884.jpg ( X ) This counted as 2 missing It should read : [slide28] Main Image=G:\Tools\dvd burn mark\Copy of IMG_1884.jpg ( X ) Count as 1 missing *Im not sure what exactly whats causing this. Pte data is correct ... it may be a whitespace issue in my parse ... trying to sort it out.
  5. Ray. No provision was made to import the project report back into the program. I didnt see the need read the saved report internally ... when it can be as easily read externally. I suspect you would like to see the saved report displayed the same as when pte was loaded. Glad to hear it worked ok on your Vista ... I really dont know many people who use Vista. Thanks Peter, I will just address some of your questions now ... I knew I could count on you giving it a torture test with your mega shows. Yes, The scanning scheme(s) is progreesively slower as the data lines mount up. I have early beta tested alot faster schemes (360 slide, 951 images @ 54520 Data Lines in 15+sec) ... but they were inconsistent and buggy in loading the slide/ slide option list to memory, the other lists were just fine cause they arent loaded into memory. I decided to stick with the slower bullet proof scheme(s) till its sorted out. Im surprised it made it that far ... your swap/ page file was probably having a fit trying to the load the slide list into memory. If I allow users to minimze on long scans so they are able to invoke other pc processes ... scan errors could occur and the scan time greatly extended. They better start ... Popups irratate me to no end ... and a poor excuse not to read. No wonder 90% of Photoshop owners dont know how do use 90% of Photoshop featues. Actually, after a few goes with reporter ... its easier than making coffee. Robert & Peter There are 1 of 3 results displayed on file(s) missing Image-Audio-Files: Missing .. the text, File Position status, and the Missing List button turns yellow ... indicating caution there are Files that are missing. Image-Audio-Files: All Found .. the text, File Position status, and the Missing List button turns green ... indicating all your files were found. Image-Audio-Files: All Missing.. the text turns yellow, File Position status, and the Missing List button turns red ... alerting you all your files are missing. The Missing warning does not sort or identify any specific file type category. I dont see where the' Files Not Used' applies in this case. Maybe just seeing the Missing throws you off. I guess It could of said ... Some Missing ? Ok for now ... Ill get the other questions a little later ... thanks All !!!
  6. Pte Project Reporter - A new tool for PicturesToExe Easily scan, display, and view major details of your PicturesToExe v5+ slideshow .pte project files in one simple step. Save the project details to a Project Report txt and html file(s). For all those users who want to view and document the major details of their pte slideshow for record retention ... or whatever. Especially useful to new users who want to grasp the inner workings and settings their pte file makes of their slideshow. Troubleshooting ? Save a Project Report and upload the report txt file to the forum ... so the experts here can better help you identify some of your slideshow image issues and settings. Pte Project Reporter is simple to use and has many nice features. And of course ... its Free !!! * But most ... My warmest graditude to my friends for testing and suggestions ... Ralph (Hawk), Ken (Ken Cox), and Robert (LumenLux) ... and Bill (cottage) of beechbrook.com for hosting, all of whom helped to make this program possible! Find it hosted at Beechbrook.Com - PTE Presentations : Pte Project Reporter http://www.beechbrook.com/pte/ Enjoy. See Sample Report txt below PteShow_Report.txt
  7. Andrew, If you remove the setting Slide Transition Random .. do your transistions reappear as you expect ? Hint : Your expected O&A transition timing may be overlapped by the normal Slide Transitions need to achieve its timing function. You may need to move your expected O&A transition further into the timeline ( not within the area at the beginning of the slide where the normal slide transistion will hide it)
  8. Peter's post above is correct procedure in your case. Pte backup .pte file should read the new relative file path locations. Pte will look first for the old fixed file path ... if they dont exist it will look in the new relative file path. For the backup .pte to retain the new file paths internally ... you must open that backup .pte file and save it. Make sure theres no lingering files from old file path available ... because pte will look for them there first.
  9. Thanks to All who commented and dowloaded Pzr 360 Transitions I hope it helps in making your slideshows easier. Soon To Come !! Pte Project Reporter It will be ready in about a week ... my testers are busy testing. Summary: Easily scan, display and view major details of your PicturesToExe Slideshow Projects (.pte project files only) in one simple step. Save the project details to a Project Report file(s) with just a click of a button. This program offers some nice features and functions in a user friendly GUI layout. I hope the .pte file settings I have pre-selected to scan and display are detailed enough for most PTE users general needs. Pte Project Reporter is FREE TO USE and is designed for use on PicturesToExe v5.1 .pte and newer project files. Older version files can be scanned but may lack details and/or miss report data due to its older file format. Pte Project Reporter does not scan executables or retrive any file data from the compiled project. Pte Project Reporter can save the scanned data list of each .pte project file to a Project Report text file so you can easily add additional slideshow notes. Project Report also creates a html file of your slideshows Main Images (thumb view size without image target links - supports slides of jpg & bmp image formats only). Pte Project Reporter does not harm, edit or alter the PicturesToExe .pte file or its file contents. Heres a sneak preview: Thats enough for now ... Thanks Again
  10. ferrolux, Pte displays the selected/highlight color from your Windows - Desktop Settings. You may want to check your Appearance setting of Selected Items to verify your current color in use. If you accidentally click the open space/background of the panel you will lose the highlighted item. In that case just look at the bottom bar of the panel which shows the filename currently displayed/selected.
  11. simonr, Just open PTE and select View | Language from the top bar menu buttons. Select your desired default language.
  12. Try using the forums Search for Proshow ... youll find lots to read about.
  13. Hello, Ken Hawks method works just fine. Since the new v5.1 now has additional ways to Customize Slide timing settings and older versions do not ... maybe some users older version files slide timings are using the new global timing which is different than what they had previously. I personally have not tested for this possibility. The v5.1 feature: + "Wait for a key press to show next slide" option in Project options available again. You can overwrite global value in a properties of a slide.
  14. Jean, You must correctly follow the steps as described by Peter in above post. I believe you may be failing to use File|Open of the 2nd pte file after you copy the slide(s) from 1st pte file. You issue is probably from having both pte files opened at the same time. Peters sequence states: ... Copy Image In the same instance of PTE... File...Open...<target project>.pte First image in <target project> comes up as already selected Right click on it and... Paste Image ...
  15. Are copying and pasteing thru PTE program ... or using a text editor to produce your new file ?
  16. Tom, This does work well behaved when importing ... use Show next slide after indicated time interval in the Customize slide timing. I used this setting for most slides to produce Pzr 360 templates. The slide using the above setting is referenced by this parameter ... Pers_EndAction=timer When slide is using default timing the parameter is ... Pers_EndAction=
  17. JK and Tom, It use to be relatively easy in v4 series to add additional slides. V5 series has several new Main - values/parameters that also need to be calculated. These calculations are the opt_synchpos timing of each slide and count totals. Making a tool to join addittional slides would not be too difficult ... but combining two complete different shows together eludes me in the current file configuration since each show also needs/has its own set of parameters/global values. Since Igor mentioned this feature is soon to be available ... I didnt see the need of creating such a tool.
  18. peterandjean, Can anyone tell me if it is possible to add part of previous PTE file into another PTE file : Its possible ... Not a easy task for the average user if they are unfamilar of the internal workings of the .pte file. Check this link: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6983 --------- Also could you add 2 complete PTE files together before saving to DVD :
  19. Judy Ive just tested here and when I used a short loop music as background with repeat after playing and the show set to Repeat until ESC ... Music seems to play thru without beginning again at first slide. Music setting plays independent of slides in Timeline.
  20. pumpkin Your issue seems a bit unordinary ... since all seemed to appear complete. Did you burn a .pte file or some other file format (such as Mpeg2 or AVI) directly thru VideoBuilder ? Tell us some steps/settings you made to produce your VideoBuilder DVD. File size and overall burn time to create the DVD. Test with a DVD RW disc if possible so as to not waste additional discs.
  21. I dont speak French either ... so Im guessing JP is having some sort of issue in accessing or using Regnow by the comments already made. One suggestion is to make sure to turn off any Pop-Up Blocking programs ... as alot of these type sites can not communicate properly being blocked.
  22. Mary, After re-reading your above post ... I just now realize you may have a .pte file shell open problem in your OS registry. I suspect when you dbl-click any of your .pte project files ... PTE program does not open to the correct file. xahu34 reported on this same issue as he was experiencing the problem not long ago. You too may need to edit the .pte file Open command/action parameter in your OS registry. This is accessed from Windows main bar-Tools|Folder Options|File Types tab ... look for .pte file extention and click the Advanced button to correctly edit the %1 to "%1" Read this post: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=49701
  23. Brian, You are quite correct. I guess many users who create a ISO image file are unaware or fail to follow ISO 9660 file system standards/requirements. So its best to keep it simple and basic as you suggest ... to avoid these issues altogether.
  24. zke, After reading your last post ... I see you made a working DVD. It seems just your output screen ratio settings needed to be configured properly. Am I correct in asuming this time you made a ISO file to burn to DVD ? With Video Builder you can burn directly with Burn DVD Disc without the ISO files and other check boxes. Creating ISO files are mainly used for multiple/additional copies at later times. So just use checkbox Create DVD Disc at this time (since your new to producing video ) * Also to save wasting DVD discs till you get sorted ... you can first test with Create MPEG2 Files checkbox and disable Create DVD Disc checkbox. Preview the MPEG2 results ... if satisfied then Create DVD Disc of your .pte file. *There are alot of variables involved for new users to acquaint themselves with when it comes to producing DVD videos.
  25. ryt, It appears to me your disc issue may be similar to this recent post. For details read: Burning a DVD-error message - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7972
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