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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. What A Ride, The beauty of using any Templates in PTE ... is you can always change any existing Image used in a Slide to a new/different Image. Just click/select from the Slide List (far right panel) in PTE Main Window the Main Image you want to change ... and just follow the details in the below attached image. To add/change the slides that are using Image Objects you need to open the O&A Editor window ( Objects & Animations button) of the selected Main Image/Slide. Pictures are better than words ... for this tutorial. Note: Dont forget to File| Save As in PTE to your own filename and folder location ... otherwise the pzr template will be overwritten when you use Pzr360 again.
  2. Mary, Maybe not quite misunderstanding ... but may be expecting more of a result. Clicking the black 'Preview' button just enables/indicates your in a Preview Mode. The Preview Mode text and rectangle is just a indicator ... not a clickable action/button. Preview Mode just allows you click any of the template buttons to view the small template images window only (in the top right panel) without adding any slides/templates to the slide list. Its not meant to provide a full image preview of the template images ... as displaying them in full view didnt account for much since they are such low quality and non replaceable in Pzr360 anyway. Clicking the images also has no effect since they too have no clickable action/button. All you had to do was click the 'Open Template" button ( that pops up on the left panel below the 'Create Template' button)when the (red rectangle) Completed indicator appears. The programs right panel is used as function indictaors and also has no clickable action/buttons. the Help says: ------------------- General Use Notes: ------------------ - Add your slide templates from any of the buttons of assorted slide types. Press 'Create Template' button to build the 'pzr template.pte' file. Press 'Open Template' button to open the completed template file in PTE to add your own images and prefered Project Options. - 'Preview Mode'just allows view of the default slide template images used in the template file without adding any slide selections to the Slide List. Hope this clears up some of your questions. So no bugs ... just maybe your expectations were more.
  3. Are you able to access your Vista Drives in Pte v5.1 from your Xp OS ? Note: Just because a drive may be in your Network ... does not make it a Mapped (Network) Drive. You need to physically Map it yourself. If you right-click a mapped drive you should also be able to disconnect it at logon. Sorry not to be of more help.
  4. bwat, Im not familar Vista OS. To verify your network drives are truly mapped ... Open My Computer and you should visably see the drive icons of all your Vista drives including those of any mapped drives from your network. You should be able to click any of those drive icons to open to the drives root directory. (Im not talking accessing from Windows Explorer) If you dont see any drive icons of your network drives in My Computer window ... you need to map them.
  5. bwat, You most likely need to Map your network drives. Right-click desktop My Computer icon to map your drives selections. Or use the Tools drop-down menu.
  6. While having some free time ... I decided to create a free tool ! Pzr 360 Transitions - A tool which creates a PTE v5 template (.pte) file of pzr slide transition effects for you to easily insert your own image files. Fast and easy to use. - Requires Pte v5.1 - Requires D3D graphic acceleration capable video card *I wish to thank Lin and theDom for graciously accepting to test my beta version ... even though I released this full version before Lin had time to get his pc issues sorted. Find it hosted at Beechbrook.Com - PTE Presentations : beechbrook.com - Pzr 360 Transitions - Templates Enjoy.
  7. Jill, I know of no easy way to accomplish this ... short of using command line tools or if you know where the Show Desktop.scf resides on the users pc . You could also just build a separate "Menu Show" in Windowed Mode where you have capability to minimize. Use the keyboard WinKey This is caused by using full screen D3D graphic acceleration drivers in v 5. Any v5 pte show using this feature will have this desktop flicker. For "Menus" ... dont use D3D setting. If your "Shows" dont require D3D setting ... disable the checkbox also.
  8. I agree with Brian. I believe majority of LT & NB owners purchase average store bought machines which come supplied low level graphic performance. Its when the sales clerk says it has enhanced graphics system for games, etc ... the buyer believes the pc should play most anything. Even high level LT & NB equipment cant compare with high level Desktop performance. *Adding one point which most users seem to forget ... its when using the D3D setting in PTE is where the majority of laptops or notebooks have issue using PTE v5. Without D3D setting these pcs should do fine.
  9. Alan, This is one of a few functions of v4 that users have enjoyed that is not implemented in v5. I suspect this is because of the new graphical engine/core v5 has now. Igor is working on solutions to bring some of those previous features available in v4 back into v5. * So if you require this transition back effect ( and a few others such as fade to screen) in your shows ... you will have to continue building in v4.
  10. stone of Folkestone, Its nice to have the best ... but be sure your notebook power supply can support the wattage requirements of the new video card. Also be aware higher performance results in higher heat generated ... which needs to be proprerly displaced from the case. Heat control is a real problem for notebooks. In some older pc equipment ... it sometimes requires the sys board bios updated to support the newer video card.
  11. stone of Folkestone, Sorry to say ... I believe your current integrated video card specs are a bit lacking in performance to support Pte v5 D3D graphic requirements. VIA chrome 9HC IGP http://www.notebookcheck.net/VIA-Chrome9-HC.3712.0.html * Limey, looks like we had the same thought
  12. Terry, Appears to be the whole batch of the TDK DVD discs you have are all bad in some fashion. Try other brands if need be.
  13. scj It appears to me its a video card or driver issue. Is your show using any pzr effects ? Using D3D graphic acceleration ? As a test ... turn off Hardware Acceleration D3D checkbox in Project Options | Screen tab. Try your show again. If your issues clear up ... your video card is either too slow or new update drivers.
  14. Magicat, I gather you have a mult-format icon file ... containing more than 1 icon. Do any of your icon edit programs split icons ? This is where you can extract any single icon out of a multi icon file ... then save the single as a new icon file for use into PTE. Saves remaking icons for your purpose. *Something like IconShop v1.20 does this easily.
  15. Annette, Remember now ... in Video Builder use your .pte file and drag it directly to the list/panel and not use any of the previously made .avi files. What sizes are your images and where did you get your music file ? Note: DVD discs display much better when played on player/TV than computer screen.
  16. Annette, As Henri comments ... If you have PTEv5 with Video Builder upgrade , DVD creation in alot easier and faster than the old method. If you dont have Video Builder upgrade yet ... you can still use/test this feature. This will show you first-hand the ease of creation vs the old method. It will however show a scrolling demo text in the output file. *Use DVD-RW so as not to waste any discs.
  17. PTE v5.1 now allows this easily with Project Options | Main tab - checkbox for Wait for a Key press or mouse click to advance. No need to set slide timimg to high values any more. * See the selectable options relating to individual slide timing in the Customize Slide.
  18. Harry. PTE does not supply any 3rd party codecs ... such as Mpeg4 etc. You have to dowload and install yourself if your OS does not have them already. Do a search for Mpeg4 or MS Mpeg4 codecs to find a download link/site. You probably need to check/adjust your Displays DPI setting. * What MS operating system/version you currently using now?
  19. karelle, PTE v5 has 2 settings required to achieve the Music Syncronization ... whereas v4 had only 1. You need to open the Timeline and make a additional selection for your music options. You probably need to download and read the PTE v5 Tutorial by Lin and Jeff Evans to get more familiar with the new and different features of v5. Go to the Tutorials and Articles section of this forum.
  20. rogereld, PTE v5 has many new options, settings, and different Screen configurations ... and are not all imported from version 4. Version 5 made many changes to be best compatable for exe and dvd productions. You need to open Project Options | Screen tab for new changes in settings. Also enable the checkbox Disable Scaling of Main Images for the images to display their actual size.
  21. mtnman, This message mostly occurs when your DVD burner needs a firmware update. Check your vendor site for any latest firmware updates. While your at it ... check for any latest video drivers for your video card. Video Builder requires up-to-date drivers for processing . Also as a alternative for testing your shows final output : Try building just a Mpeg2 file of your show in Video Builder. Play the Mpeg2 file and verify its results first ... before burning any DVDs.
  22. Mike, Yes ... whatever the Html files default opening program. If you select a specified program ... you run risk of other users not having it installed. Exe Show & DVD Show on DVD disc - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7797
  23. Terry, DVD movie format can not be burned to CD Disc. If you need to create your shows to CD ... you need to use another format such as VCD or SVCD. These formats produce lower quality than DVD movie format due to it inheirent limitations. * Select the Create Avi File button to see available menu selections. * Creating VCD or SVCD requires use of other external video programs installed. Pte does not burn CD-VCD-SVCD directly
  24. Mike, The Pte executable will not load any external files/images for view or editing within the Pte screen. It will Run external files/images with default or specified programs ... as long as the specified programs are installed on the users PC. The quickest and most efficient way to provide your access function is to build a Html image index. Many popular image/editing programs do this easily and to your needs. This way any user can always view your image index because of the universal Html format. You will Run the relative Html page as needed.
  25. Just adding to Peter's post above: There are several ways to do this. Its simpler in my opinion just to copy any existing slide and paste it as a new slide. Go to O&A and just delete all the objects in the object list thru the right-click menu. *Pte still requires that original image during the compilation to create the slide position even though you never see it. Thats why its best to use a existing slide image that will always be in the show ... plus it uses no additional image overhead. * Definition terms of empty slide vs blank slide needs more detail.
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