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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Gail, Does your DV camera allow you to save the DV data to an AVI type-1 file ? Type-1 files store the interleaved data as one stream in the AVI file. If you can try and load it into Video Builder ... but if you see a big Red X its not compatable. I believe AVI type-2 files wont work. Type-2 files split the interleaved data into separate audio and video streams. I recall awhile back that a pte user was able use AVI type-1 files in Video Builder. When I find the Post ... I will add the link here. ** See Ken's post below for the link Edited : Ken ... great find ... thats the post !
  2. Dave, You might want to verify your Direct X version. You could also reinstall Direct X to be assured. For XP : use Direct X 9.0c For Vista : use Direct X 9.0c or Direct X 10 ( only if your Radeon X300 SE video card is compatable to use Direct X 10 )
  3. gail See this Post/Topic: (You can ignore the Movie Factory reference ... as this does not relate to you.) http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....ost&p=44486 Heres a link to download Xvid v113: http://www.divx-digest.com/software/xvid.html#downloads There are other codecs available ... but you must decide freeware vs shareware. **Remember ... both you and your intended users pc must have the same codec installed when playing/using the stand-alone AVIs ... otherwise the AVIs wont play because it needs to be decoded by the same codec to play in Win Media Player. ------------ Thers is no issue with Vista and the PTE Codec. Its just your using it to create a stand-alone custom AVI which is not the intended purpose of the PTE Codec. The PTE Codec (gives high quality reproduction) is for importing the Custom Avi to another third party video software. It creates a Temp Avi ... and PTE must remain open while the file is in use in the other software. Read Fred's comments. Note: There is no need to create a Custom AVI to burn a DVD ... just use Video Builder. Even if you may not have purchased the Deluxe edition yet ... you can still create a DVD using the Video Builder which contains a "Created with Trial Version of Video Builder" banner. Just click - Burn DVD Video Disc/OK and not the Load a Key button to perform the trial
  4. Peter, The only other contrbution I can make in addition to the above posts is ... does you PC meet the specfications to use v5 and all its available features ? First & Foremost : contained in the PTE FAQ #5 Question: What are the system requirements for slide shows? Answer: For slide shows with Pan/Zoom effects: PC with 1.4 GHz CPU, 256 MB of system memory, video card with 128 MB of video memory. Windows XP, Vista, 2000, 2003, Me, 98 or 95. DirectX 8.1 or later. For slide shows created with simple effects: PC with 500 Mhz CPU, 64 Mb of system memory, any video card. Any version of Windows. To use full feature pan/zooms requires you and your future/proposed viewers both must meet the system requirements. In some cases it requires alot more system memory and video performance (pending each pc setup/config settings)
  5. Barrie, Being your Acer laptop is quite new in operation ... your Nvidia - Ge Force 8600M GT graphics display properties may need some tweaking/adjustments. *You also may want to check your current installed Nvidia driver versions to those available at the Nvidia site. I rarely find store bought pcs have the most recent dated drivers installed - usually this requires the user to perform updates once up and running at home. Open Nvidia Graphic Display Properties : -Check your Display Mode Timimg -Check your Performance & Quality Settings Image Setting : adjust slider control range - High Performance thru Quality (or variations between) The setting above can show dramatic/immediate results. This may help to achieve that little extra you require.
  6. Craig, Read and follow Als (above) Post completely ! You are not going accomplish a expireable client proof slideshow in a DVD movie format. Video Builder can not copy protect or expire a video disc/content. You need to burn yourshow.exe to a cd/dvd as a data disc. PTE does not provide provisions to burn data discs ... you must use your own current burning software.
  7. submarine, I agree with Robert ... create a small size show for your first tests/burns of a DVD. Please provide a little clarity on the file size you have posted "some 1.17gbytes" ... am I correct to understand this is the projected DVD file size and not your exe file size. One cannot overlook some trivial details. PC and hardware specs would be quite helpfull.
  8. Mr T. Thanks for the final update. Sad to hear it required a complete format to get it corrected. I hope what ever program is the culprit ... its one you can live without. You have shown great patience thru this test ordeal ... where many a user today just wont.
  9. In the History.txt PicturesToExe v3.51 (March 18th, 2001) + Added ability to call external editor for sound comment of slide: > Select necessary slide (in the image list), click right mouse button for popup menu and select <Edit sound comment>; > To change external editor go to Main menu | Options and click <File name of sound editor>;
  10. Welcome ripigio, Please follow Als post above. Since your comment : I can only add for you to specify if single music/sound files or multiple are used ? Other users have had similar issue when using multiple music files. If using multiple music ... check to see if the issue ocurrs at spot the music changes. Shift music around to verify if needed. Better yet ... combine multiple music files into one file and check.
  11. Larry, Most of us are budget conscious ... how pretty new your pc is will be likely determined by your video card slot. AGP Slot cards are higher priced than most of the PCI-E counter parts. I have a pretty new girlfriend too ... but that doesnt tell me her age ) When searching for your new card selection ... make sure your PC- PSU (power supply) is more than adequate to power it. Everything eats up power .... even an additional stick of memory. I would suggest a DX-10 capable card for the Vista ... XP tops out with DX-9 ( I think this is also part of MS design to lure XP users over to Vista thru time.) Im only aware of ATI having issues with users who use screen calibration progams. This has been on XP/ATI units and not Vista/ATI Ken, Have you tried uninstall/reinstall in Safe Mode ? Also try removing the Driver Backups XP might keep of the ATI card
  12. KST, Such an error can be caused by use of incompatable files. Did any of your AVI files you selected to add to your DVD have a big red X ? The big red X means more or less the file is not acceptable/compatable to import to your list. You may need to remake your AVI using a different codec.
  13. Welcome Corrie, You must a have licensed version of Video Builder for the "This video file is created with trial version of wn soft video builder" demo tag to be removed. If you created your DVD before purchasing a licensed version ... you will have to recreate the DVD again. Just because you may have a licence edition now, does not make previous burned DVDs free of the demo tag.
  14. Jeff, I dont know if this will work/help you in your current Menu/s configuration ... but have you tried using the "Run application" action with a slide parameter to see if it accomodates your Menu/s needs ? Example v5 new format: "Show2.exe" -slide 4 Example v448 old format: "Show2.exe" 4
  15. Frank, Im just assuming ... but I suspect your opening an older version .pte file (made with v448 etc) and expecting the same results when opened in new v5 ? Several default values and setting are quite different in the versions. You may/will need to set/make some new defaults to your slides in the Project Optons and apply to current slides. Other settings may need some adjustments also.
  16. Jeff, Im not aware of your current filenames used in your slideshows. Try this: If your slideshow name is Show 1.exe ... use Show1.exe or Show_1.exe Best to avoid any spaces or - in the filename. (esp true if they end up on a CD Disc). I always use the 8.3 format rule when filenaming any shows ... this way you know whatever system ( old or new or CD Disc ) it will always run.
  17. Mr. T, Glad to hear all is well Sergey is often the quiet spoken and one of the unsung heros within WnSoft ! To satisfy my curiousity ... what was his fix remedy for your issue ? There are other posts in which he (quietly) fixes/resolves user issues ... but the posts more or less stop without relaying the resolve. Iam often one who needs an ending chapter for cliffhanging stories like these.
  18. Ed. It may be your current 1600x1200 monitor screen setting used. I believe this is peak setting for your video card ... try optimal resolution or just lower current to see if any improvement. Running both the Menu and the Show may be borderlining your card performance/resources. Some Monitors/Screens not set to optimal use alot more resources to achieve the higher screen resolutions. By lowering to default/optimal settings may solve your issue. Usuall practice when doing zoom/animations ... is to double the normal image size. No need to double the size of non-animated slides.
  19. jimjam, Heres a link to download Xvid : http://www.divx-digest.com/software/xvid.html#downloads There are other codecs available ... but you must decide freeware vs shareware. I have been using v112 ... and just now downloaded v113.
  20. Ed, You might want to check your Menu Show file and verify again that Hardware Acceleration checkbox is disabled. Recompile the Menu Show just to be safe/sure. The other Shows can be Hardware Acceleration and used from the Menu Show. Just remember that each Hardware Acceleration Show must be fully closed before launching the next ... as hardware acceleration resources can only be dedicated to one instance at a time. I have no problem with using a Menu Show (with out Hardware Acceleration) where the other Shows are using Hardware Acceleration enabled. However, my shows are created in 1024x768 and not 1400x1050.
  21. jimjam, See this post link: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....hl=Moviefactory As for Custom AVI : I suspect its your selection/combination of your currently installed Audio/Video codecs. There are other forum postings on this subject. I use the video Xvid Mpeg4 codec and get very good results. When using the Divx 505 codec ... I had to configure the codec to a higher encoding bitrate to achieve acceptable results. So what Im saying here is that when using specified codecs ... you may need to configure them to new settings and not the default to achieve the quality you desire.
  22. Bernard, I suspect your seeing your "Desktop" for those few seconds between the launching of each show. v5 has this trait in Full Screen Modes due to its new 3D graphical engine. (This has nothing to with how powerfull your pc and video card is.) Invisible menu work-around technique : A V Loops - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7005 Window Mode work-around technique : Building your slide show in the Window Mode avoids the desktop/delay between launching ... it appears virtually seemless between shows. In the Project Options: -Set Window Mode ... not Full Screen -Set your project screen size to your monitor screen size -Enable Without Border checkbox -Disable Hardware Acceleration checkbox -Set your Run Application After Last Slide There are limitations using this Window Mode. No intense 3D animation effects ... because they require the 3D Hardware Acceleration enabled. The slide show will appear full screen on your monitor size ... but will not appear full screen on other monitors sized differently than yours (this is because your running in a fixed size window parameter). Igor has mentioned this possibility in future versions. Right now each pte file has its own default/unique global settings/options and can not be directly/completely merged with another pte file.
  23. Mr T. I believe Igor has stopped removing the user registration info from the registry during uninstall of v5 due to request by many users that still have more than 1 PTE program version installed. Uninstalling one version would affect the others registration. The remaing user registration key in the registry is harmless. If you want to locate/find/remove the key in the registry ... open/run your Regedit.exe. The key info is within HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE - Key (the key value is your identity code as seen in your email receipt) If you click/highlight the PTE (within the registry tree) ... then click File/Export in the GUI menu ... you can save your registration info key as a .reg file. This allows you to store it in a safe place for future use. Just dbl-click the saved .reg to reload it into the registry at any time. Yes I see ... but all v5 of PTE say that (whether it be the trial, Standard/Deluxe edition purchase. What counts is the info in the Help/About pop-up window. My advice is to install it well before you install alot of other program files ... and test it thereafter the other installs (1by1) to see if some other program is making your PTE issue. Hopefully Igor can simply solve it well ahead.
  24. Verify: - The reg_english.rtf should/must be located in the same directory as the main PTE program ( the installer puts it there) - Open Help/About in main PTE GUI see registered version ... Standard or Deluxe Edition ? - Open Help/About in Video Builder GUI see registered version ... Unregistered or ? - Current installed PTE version 5.0 build or ? If your registration key a .reg or .key file ... dbl-click it to reload registration info to registry. Otherwise, reload your registration key info as described in your email receipt. Get the latest final version here : PicturesToExe Deluxe 5.0 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/apr-deluxe.zip (4 MB) Build 5.03 Updated: July 17, 2007
  25. Mr. T Try this debug test that was used in the beta development. Igor has implemented this hidden debug menu to identify issues with the Video Bulder ... it may help to locate yours. Might as well select all the Debug Options ... select your file... and then proceed to the final step burning page. You will find the created log files in in your user\Local Settings\Temp folder ... and the C Root.
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