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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Its not that PTE is ignoring the calibration data ... its that the current ATI graphic card drivers are ignoring the calibration data for some reason in the fullscreen Direct 3D mode of the ATI card. previously from Igor: Ed has basically hit the nail on the head with his "afterthought " ... if you dont use the 3D hardware acceleration checkbox in your slideshow ... your show wont use the fullscreen Direct 3D mode of the ATI card.
  2. Mr. T I would first begin to check/open your Windows System Information while waiting for some other responses. Especially Check in System Summary: -Hardware Resources and all its sub listings --esp see if the Status indication is OK on anything relevant. -Components and all its sub listings -- esp the Multimedia-Audio/Video Codecs status, CDROM, Problem Devices Also Check: -Direct X Diagnostic - install or reinstall latest MS DirectX v9.0c for ease of mind. -Firmware updates for your DVD Burner. -Video Card Driver updates. -Drive Freespace available -Disk Cleanup/Error Check/Defragmentation At least you will know that your system and components is ready and in good working order with up-to-date drivers ... and this will save us alot of communication exchange.
  3. Mr T. Since the Video Builder is freezing up on the last page of starting the DVD burn ... I suggest trying to burn your previously created ISO file within the Video Builder (not your DVD Clone) before proceeding to the last page where the freeze occurs. Heres How: 1. Just run/open the Video Builder. 2. Click - Project Options button at the bottom of page ... and select Set Defaults and then OK 3. Without proceeding to any other steps/stages ... click - File/Burn ISO Image from the top GUI menu. A Burn ISO Image popup window will open. This window will show your burning Device and burn Speed ,etc. 4. Verify the Device 5. Select Speed and set to lowest setting. 6. Select the ISO image folder location. 7. Select Burn ISO button. Hopefully you can perform these functions without any freezing issues. If the ISO burn test is successful ... try again to do your DVD burn. *hope you have a few extra DVDs to waste for this.
  4. Matrix, Im not aware of what may be causing your current page freezing issue ... since you have previously used the Video Builder to produce/burn a DVD successfully. When you say "page freezing" ... does this occur at initial loading/opening of Video Builder or after when trying to proceed to further steps/stages ? Just for Test : Try to open Video Builder directly by dbl-click the VideoBuilder.exe located within the VideoBuilder folder (this folder is located where your main PTE program is installed). This approach avoids opening the main PTE program (which loads the Video Builder from within the PTE GUI menu). This will help to further locate the point/start of your issue. Whats your Windows OS ? (Its nice to know/keep for the record what OS are having what issues.) But as Ken suggests : it may be best to reinstall and see if the issue resolves itself or persists.
  5. Jean-Claude Yes ... but only when opening the PTE GUI directly and not by opening with a .pte file. You can change the defualt setting by Unchecking the Load Last Used Project located within PTEs GUI top menus -View/Advanced Options/. -------------------------- As for your Open file issue: I would check your Windows- Folder Options/File Types and verify the PTE file located there has the proper Open path values ... the path string value should end with a %1. If you are not comfortable in this area ... just reinstall PTE installer again into the same directory to overwrite existing program files. The installer will reset the file type registry setting. Something has gone a mix in the registry for this issue to ocurr. Things like this happen from time to time,
  6. gilbert, What version of Nero have you installed ? If your using a spanking brand new DVD Drive ... maybe your Nero version might not detect/recognize it. You will have to go to Nero Site to get updated database config files.
  7. Colin, Open up the O&A (Objects & Animation) window and see the tab Common-Mode setting you may be using (Original, Fit to Slide, Cover Slide - dropdown settings). Experiment to learn the differences the modes will display. The settings however are slide specific and do not affect your other slides. PTEs default for all slides is Fit to Slide . If you have selected the Project Options/Screen -Advanced Options checkbox Disable Scaling of Images ... all images will maintain their Original Size unless you override them in the O&A Mode setting. You can size/position any picture to your preference ... just drag the image handles. Use to Tools button in the O&A to verify/view the TV Safe Zone.
  8. The other softwares most likely dont use the full 3d graphical mode/hardware capabilities of the video card for display ... whereas PTE v5 does for creating extremely smooth complex animations. Yes. You will find a checkbox Hardware Acceleration (D3D) in the Proect Options/Screen - Screen Options ... which enables/disables the function.
  9. Colin, PAL DV & D1 4:3 - 720x576 is the Industry Standard -Video Frame Size. (non-square pixel size) What size are your actual image files ? Try sizing your images for PAL at 768x576 for 4:3 or 1024x576 for 16:9 (square pixel size) Read this link : Optimum File Size for DVD - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6965
  10. Welcome Mario, The Deluxe edition purchase enables the Video Builder options and features ... whereas the Standard edition does not. All other options and features are the same otherwise. Test it firsthand ... you can directly perform/compare a test for yourself using the Video Builder process and your Nero process. Even though you may not have purchased the Deluxe edition ... you can still create a DVD using the Video Builder which contains a "Created with Trial Version of Video Builder" banner. Just click - Burn DVD Video Disc/OK and not the Load a Key button to perform the trial. I will leave the perception of quality to the eyes of the beholder/viewer and the equipment used to display it. Video Builder is definitely the easier/step saver process for direct burns.
  11. Ray. You may want to seriously think about adding more memory to your system. 128MB Memory is basically the minimum requirement just for using/getting XP in the door with limited frills. A Radion X300 SE is capable of 256MB with shared GPU memory ... most likely hogging alot of your RAM. If your system is runing on the memory borderline ... many performance issues can come and go ( depending on what programs are currently running and what is sitting preloaded/background at startup). You be real surprised by adding additional memory how it can rectify/resolve many performance issues. Memory (except Rambus) is real cheap these days and is the best first/quick fix step to improving any system. Just consider that most every thing you add and install these days just eats up/or into your total overall system memory usuage. Many LCD screens not set at optimal resolution can demand more memory usuage.
  12. John, If changing to the 120 dpi setting did not work ... go back to Advanced Window in Display Properties and try the Custom Setting in the drop-down list. Try the different % ... or better yet ... left-click and drag the ruler/scale backward or forward to adjust. (Make sure to release between drags to visually see new changes.) Do any of your other program windows/text have the same sizing issue ?
  13. Big Kev, One must be very carefull/protective of the originals/sources when using various versions of .pte files and multiple program PTE versions installed on the same PC ... as file corruptions/changes can easily be introduced and become irreversible. I suggest to always safely keep the final/originals in a zip container and extract for use when needed. Using multiple versions of any program ... not just PTE ... can create some undesired results in the merging of versions. Many software programs wont allow multiple program versions installed due to the file conflicts/corruptions that can be introduced. Portions of PTE v5.0 core/architecture is vastly different than that of v4.48. A v4.48 file opened in v5.0 PTE may not Preview/Complie 100% exactly as when created in v4.48 PTE. The new v5.0 has omitted some feature settings/elements and enhanced many with additional settings/elements. For example the Screen Options changes ... v5.0 now uses Aspect Ratio of a Slide settings and Objects and Animations settings on how the user wants the image displayed. Using some Screen settings in v4.48 files when opened in v5.0 PTE can/will create some visual image differences. In reality ... the new v5.0 features, new settings and also new default values ... can overall change the older v4.48 presentation without you ever making any v5.0 settings/changes when Previewed/Compiled. As for "some of the pictures didn't appear " ... verify if the image shows in the Slide List. If the image is not displayed in the Slide List, it may be that the original image is missing from its path location referenced within the .pte file.
  14. Big Kev, When you open a v4.48 file in v5.0 and save it ... it will be saved as a v5.0 file and is not backwards compatable. You did a wise move to make a copy first. Only way to save a v4.48 file is to open it in the v4.48 PTE. Question: Does the compiled exe show perform correctly or with the same issues as in the Preview ? Try disabling Hardware Acceleration in Project Options/Screen checkbox to compare results.
  15. kratos, PTE v5 has the capabiliy to produce .avi files in either versions (Standard edition or Deluxe edition - with Video Builder upgrade). Actually the versions are the same ... its just that the Standard edition purchase does not have the Video Builder upgrade enabled. The Video Builder upgrade enables PTE v5 (Standard edition) to burn a DVD directly (with options) without the need of third party dvd burning software. Creating a DVD in PTE v5 (Standard edition - no upgrade) requires third party dvd burning software. Creating a stand alone .avi file is just the proper selection of codecs (audio and video) that must be already installed on your system when you create a Custom AVI using PTE. I suspect your selection/combination of codecs is not properly producing an Custom AVI. As for YouTube avi file requirements ... you will have to go to their site for the details. Do a YouTube Search in the forum for postings on the subject.
  16. Try burning the music to a Audio CD and then rip the Audio CD using your tools into the sound format you want. If you still have problems or need more details read the full post: DMR Protected music - WnSoft Forums http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....92&hl=ITune
  17. Howard, Ralph, Al, Igor I was becoming a bit mystified when my investigation/reports/results did not quite match alot your testings ... especially since I could not find the WnSoftFolderInfo.ini anywhere on my system ... and my zip backups functioned/performed properly. But since reading Igors post ( above ) I have a little bit better understanding and found out why I could not find the rotation file -WnSoftFolderInfo.ini. I had performed my image rotations within the Q&A editor and not within the Slide List. Using the Q&A editor does not seem to create the rotation file - WnSoftFolderInfo.ini. ( it writes the rotation info directly into the .pte file) ... whereas using the Slide List creates the rotation file - WnSoftFolderInfo.ini and is dependent upon it. I guess the question now is ... how to get the rotation file - WnSoftFolderInfo.ini automatically during the backup zip stage when a user does the image (without EXIF section) rotation from within the Slide List ? ( Using the Q&A is best ... but many users are still going to use the Slide List)
  18. Neil, There is lots of discussion on this topic when you search for them. Start with this one: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6985 In this post from Lin : Essentially DVD, whether PAL or NTSC format are low resolution not even reaching 800x600 (SVGA) standards so will never look like an original. But in addition to low resolution, when they are displayed on a computer monitor they rarely if ever look as good as when displayed on a television.
  19. My Zip tests reveal all rotations view as prescribed ... however I use a third party zip. ** Try the Open file within PTE GUI instead of double clicking the .pte to open it ... this should solve this quirk behavior no matter your zip extraction proceedure. The error does not seem to occur in the creation process , zip packing ... but it does seem to reveal its in the way one proceedure in unpacking the zip content. It possibly my be related to XPs cashe file referencing.
  20. Ralph, You seem to have some strange going-ons too ! I dont use the Xp Zip functions and have disabled it because of its view access/behavior at times. I use a third party zip program. Howard, I would begin with using a file comparision tool (as ExamDiff, etc) on your original .pte file and the zipped .pte file to verify any internal file differences. The tool will reveal any differences, etc. The only difference should be the ProjectFilePath= path string ... as far as I know. ** Test and see if your backup zip .pte file opens any differently on your pc ... since we know that it does not open correctly on your friends. If it opens differently ... click Save ... Exit ... and open it again to test. ** You may want to create a new backup zip of the original file again for further tests. Hopefully this will isolate the stage of where the error originates (creation process , zip packing , zip unpacking).
  21. loftphoto, Follow Kens post for location as to where the default NAV bars reside on your pc. Review the Readme.txt and study the internal nav bar.ini files ( NAV bar folders) for the paramenters/settings that are used/required. Your NAV bar design/style may require some different settings. I have used the stock transparent .png format and the 80 pixel height ... the width will vary according to your image needs. All works wonderfully. Use the Project Options/Customize Navigation Bar for loading your Style and any scale/adjustments you need.
  22. I have to agree also. The only thing I can suspect at the moment is the remote possiblity that you created the backup zip prior to saving the finalized .pte file where some settings were not recorded in the backup ?
  23. Thats the versatality of PTE ... it allows the creator to select whats best for the production. Most produced slideshows are a work of art and should not be interrupted with added distractions etc, so they can be presented in all their glory and beauty. However, some slideshows are tutorials, instructive tools, training manuals, etc and require some elements of visual navigation control for the user so as not to also learn keyboard switchback functions. You might possibly summize ... I do alot of training manuals
  24. Howard, Did the zip backup files Preview and Compile the same as your original builds at home? The zip backup just copies the original files used ... it does not alter them.
  25. Guys ... I like this idea too ! Since sound and music is such an integral part of creating/viewing a slideshow these days ... allowing user control over the volume (up. down. mute or slider) would definitely compliment the full A/V experience.
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