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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Al, KSF I have used many options thru the years to retain notes on my projects. My proposal is not a high priority feature, just a suggestion to add some nice finishing touches. The best way I have found to store project notations internally is to use the Project/ Customise Help Message. I rarely use the Help Window in PTE shows ... so I make use of it for my notation needs. It works very effectively and I can read/edit it at any time. The best part is that the information is stored internally just for that particular .pte file. Its just a click to view it from PTEs Project dropdown menu. So I can wait ... as the above method works rather fast & easy for my current purpose.
  2. Production Notes (or Project Notes) Window within PTEs GUI with capability to enter/save/display any notes or comments ... this would be relative to the currently opened .pte project file. This would allow one to keep the current state/ history of the project by inserting any personal text notations. It also would be a very helpful reminder when opening the saved .pte project file after some lengthy time period or when uploading for another users benefit. The information would be saved/contained within the .pte file and only viewable from within PTEs GUI. Something like below :
  3. Bob, George All MS Windows come with notepad.exe ... unless you removed it for some reason. Go to taskbar Start - Run - and just type notepad ... if its installed it will open. MS Word in some cases (due to it formatting) sometimes changes the file size. Your Pte.Key should be exactly 231 bytes. Have you purchased the Video Builder upgrade and trying to load that key ? Load that key from the buttons Video and Burn DvD - Video Disc
  4. Olivier, Being that the Driver Update for your Intel 82845 G/GL graphic controller did not solve your issue ... please supply some additional details about your system configuration. 1- Operating System (Xp. Vista ?) 2- Total System Memory / RAM (obtain from System Properties/General) 3- Total Graphic Memory Size ( obtain from Display Properties/Adapter Information- Memory Size) 4- Monitor Screen Resolution (obtain from Display Properties) 5- Monitor Refresh Rate ( obtain from Display Properties/Monitor Settings) In the meantime try building the same show with and without Hardware Acceleration from the PTE Project Options/Screen Tab: Hardware Acceleration (D3D) checkbox and report any difference.
  5. See the PTE Help File- Frequently Asked Qustions - Question 17 or the PTE Site page Faqs - Question 17 http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/faq.htm 17. Question: I bought PicturesToExe vX.xx. Should I pay again for the next versions? Answer: No, you need not pay for PicturesToExe again and you can use all future versions of PicturesToExe for free. Your license for VideoBuilder in PicturesToExe Deluxe intended for two years and you can buy “Upgrade to Deluxe” again to continue use VideoBuilder and be able burn DVD-Video discs.
  6. loftphoto, How many slides in your Menu.exe setup ? For your pause function to work I believe you must Sync Music and Slides on Project Options- Main tab. Add your Music to Project Options-Music tab. If your Menu.exe is just 1 slide ... just copy and paste as slide 2 so you can Sync Music and Slides. EDITED NOTE: This setup wont work for your purpose. Ater having coffee, I just realized you are using the music from within the menu to play for the other show links.
  7. oliver, I would first try and get a driver update for your Intel 82845 G/GL graphic controller from Intel. Ive seen a newer Driver Revision than your current driver version. PTE v5 is a bit more demanding of video cards than v4.48 and older. Hopefully that solves your issue. I believe your onboard video is only capable of 32 MB @ 128 MB System Memory or 64 MB @ 129MB+ System Memory. It may be time to invest beyond onboard video.
  8. Im not aware of any official tutorial for burning in the Video Builder as of this date. You do not need to create a avi file ... just go to the Video Builder to burn your DVD. On the final check list you will be presented a few checkbox options. Select Burn DVD Disc and any others if you feel you require them. The more boxes checked will require more proceessing time. This is all relative to the speed of which your pc can read and write huge amounts of data to the Disc and hard drive. You may want to start with just Burn DVD Disc and try the others at a later time to see how it impacts your process time. I have been researching to make a list of basic settings/requirements for burning DVD. Possibile slow downs: - Temp and compile output is on the same hardrive as Windows and the Windows swap file. Windows may start swapping in which case it will drastically slow down compile. - Use of any type of compression on drive - Use of virus checking that checks all data Speed up the process: - Place temp and output directories each on different drives if possible ... not only on the local drive/partition
  9. Welcome Maxim, There has been lots of discussion on this topic. You can begin with this recent post : Converting PTE to AVI and then to Flash http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....18&hl=flash Try a search for others.
  10. John, Lins proceedure is the best to use in my opinion ... as it requires no mods of the linking shows. Keep in mind though the other shows settings must close at the end. I have used this technique somewhat in v448 but v5 gives a few more options (less fade to/from desktop) I prefer to see my menu (simple image) rather than setting the image transparent. (Running images in transparency can use some xtra pc resources. I also like a bit of visual control of the menu by showing the Navigation Bar. Best to show only the Pause and Exit buttons as using the others may create undesirable results if you are a happy clicker. 1st Slide - Customise Slide 1 Timing to 1 Sec and set to Stop at End of this Slide (This gies you option when your ready to start playing the auto linked shows from the Nav Bar. The Nav Bar shows up betwwen the linked shows so you can Pause or Exit at that time if you desire. The remaning shows are still in the auto link if you just want to sit back and dont interact with the Nav Bar. Follow Lins steps for the remaining project options and slides config. You can be more creative here if need be ... experiment !
  11. Its really fast, simple, and painless to Back-Up your show files ... just click Create Back-Up in Zip from the File Menu. If your not too happy with the Template label/phrase ... open your (*language.ini) in the PTE folder and edit any Template text contained that is shown on the right side of the = sign only, with your own text. This way anybody can call it what they want if they so desire. *** Please make a backup copy of your (*language.ini) prior to editing just in case.
  12. Ive always use the Templates feature in PTE. Why always start from scratch building a new show when you can use a previously made show that you have already setup with your favorite/often used settings ? The purpose of Templates is to speed up production. I would not go the route of making every show a template ... proper file management is still a necessity. Users should not confuse the use of templates and zip creation features in PTE. Zips should be considered as intended ... a safe backup copy. Two major points to remember when using Templates : - Open your Templates Manager first and set your templates folder location. - Always best to open your saved/created template from within PTEs file menu-tab/dropdown Templates list. This assures the file settings/contents is not accidentally overwritten ... by clicking Save it options you with a Save popup window. If you just open your .pte template file by double-click you can lose your previously saved/created settings when you just Save the file. Ron ... I commend you on this great service which will inform new users on this often unknown and unused PTE feature.
  13. Its amazing how this topic recirculates every so often. The music industry seems to have injected the Fear Factor so well they have many users nowadays even afraid to discuss this topic openly. But we must beware ... they are the shepards and we are the goats ... occassionally they must select a few of us goats for slaughter so as to keep the fires burning and please the gods. History might even portray this time and age as the Music Inquisition !
  14. Eric, Have you read this article ... from VideoBuilder pinned topics ? http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/aspect-ratio.htm
  15. Philippe, To help you better ... how about posting a few details so we can get a better idea on your burn issue ? Show size (time length) Disk brand and type ( dvd-r, dvd+r ... +rw ... etc) DVD Burner (brand, model) DVD Burner program (brand, version) Hard Drive free space available (mb or gb) Have you tried using different Disk brands and types after the failed burn attempts ?
  16. John, If all else fails try this : Just simply Drag-Drop your project file onto the PTE program executable ( Apr.exe ). This has worked just fine for me from projects made on / saved on different pc and drives. Note: You cannot Drag-Drop your project file into an opened window of PTE program executable ( Apr.exe ) ... this wont work. The PTE program executable ( Apr.exe ) cannot be open/running.
  17. Ususally this can be found in most help (CHM) files. Once Igor finalizes the betas to the full release version ... im sure one of his other priority projects is to update the help file (CHM) with all the new, basic and relative content.
  18. Welcome kaileen Ive seen this issue quite common on older, slower hardware ... esp from slow Disc Initialization and Rom Read Speed. A combination of other factors can help contribute to this double loading: insufficient or slow speed RAM, virus checking /background processes and certain Media Disk brands. Simple Test : Load the CD Disk into Rom Drive and Reboot. If the Boot Time seems alot longer than usuall ... this indicates slow Disk Initialization. But once the Disk has been Initialized most CD programs run without errors or the double loading you experience. Also Note: PTE does not provide Burn to CD provisions for executable files created.
  19. Steve, Have you checked your firmware updates on your Pioneer ... as this can have a dramatic impact on using certain mfg. discs/types. ? I see you are also abit behind on your XP Service Pack updates. ESP this notice from Pioneer : "To Customers using the Pioneer DVD/CD Writers "DVR-109 series" Pioneer is offering a free upgrade for certain DVR-109/109BK and DVR-A09XLA/XLB/XLC and DVR-109XLA1/XLB1/XLC1 and DVR-109AXL/BXL/EXL DVD/CD writers to correct a problem that may occur when recording on DVD+RW discs. If the host computer experiences a buffer underrun during +RW recording, user data may not record properly on the disc and may not be retrievable. The problem can be fixed by downloading and installing the free Firmware Update (v1.09), which is available here. All users of DVR-109 and DVR-A09 drives with firmware versions of 1.05 or lower are encouraged to install this Update " Heres the link : http://wwwbsc.pioneer.co.jp/product-e/ibs/...e_e/dvr109.html
  20. Dave, I stand corrected. Follow Sergey's post above as the definitive answer ... as he is part of PTE Dev Team. If you can get v1 AVI files imported into PTE at this time ... can you get your video editor program to export to that format ?
  21. Dave I dont believe PTE can import any other video file formats, esp standalone types ... other than its own proprietary format . Its all a matter of codecs used in the compression and decompression of the file contents. I believe PTE uses only its raw data created to export to its own proprietary (dvd burn formats) or to other standalone type video formats ( certain codecs you must already have installed.) What you may try is to get your video editor to export to the PTEs format ... if thats at all possible. heres a old topic: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....mp;hl=avi+codec
  22. Are your Clients able to RUN any other CDs with Autorun.inf ... install programs etc ? As noted from Microsoft: "The Autorun.inf file and the programs that the Autorun.inf file is designed to run may not run if you are logged on to Windows XP as a user without either Power User or Administrator rights. By default, only users who are logged on to Windows XP with Power User or Administrator rights are allowed to install software. In Windows XP, files that have an .inf extension are considered to be setup information files. As a result, the Autorun.inf file does not run if you do not have Power User or Administrator rights." Basically the Autorun.inf acts as a setup installation flag in XP ... even though the user is not actually installing any programs, XP wont run that inf file if the user does not have the proper permission. -------------------- Easy test to see if your Client has permission to RUN a Autorun.inf file : Browse the CD and right-click the Autorun.inf file from Explorer. If the right-click pop up menu does not have Install in its options ... proper permission is the most likely issue.
  23. Nice one Al ! My work has alot of travel these days ... so I dont get to enjoy the routine freetime and homelife as in the past. My PC is pretty current , as its about a year old since I built it. What I do lack is a quality digital screen. I havent found one that matches my current analog in display quality etc ... at least not one in a respectable price range. I do commend Igor and team for the impressive work and quality which has been implemented into the recent beta versions ... !!! One thing that has not changed is that some users still dont seem to understand the difference between beta and full release versions.
  24. Hey Guys !!! Ive missed this place too ... and it gives me a happy smile just coming here and seeing all my friends Sad news is I wont be able to make regular visits, but I shall attempt to be more timely. The forum here is in real good hands with all of you. Ive gotta get using the new PTE releases ... as I may need your advise on all the new features !
  25. Hello David, I do not know how you setup your button links in your show ... but can you get any other CDs to run active content on your PC ? You may want to open your Internet Explorer and check your settings in : Internet Options - Advanced Tab - Security - and look at the check box : Allow active content from CDs to run from My Computer. Is it checked ? ... as this may be one of your problems.
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