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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Ken, Yes, I have touched base with the forum in a untimely manner ... not as often as I should. Igor (as always) continues to perform his magic on PTE to deliver a phenomenal quality slideshow package. The forum here seems in quite capable hands to help all its new users ... but Ill try to pop in from time to time to offer any technical advise I can. As for my valid details, thats an old useless email address. My general use mailbox is nobeefstu@netzero.net. Again, Greetings to All !!!
  2. Hello everyone ... its been a long time since Ive posted here. I hope all are doing well. Boxig. Sorry guys and gals ... but I must tell this old secret. I believe you deserve to know how easy it is to extract your music out. A little trick I happened upon a long time ago concerning music and pte. I accidentally renamed a pte file collection from .exe to mp3. The pte shows music played in Winamp to my surprise. To get just the music out ... I converted the (pte)mp3 file using dbPoweramp to another .mp3 file which strips out all the other unecessary data contained in the exe. The conversion links all contained mp3s as 1 music file. To separate into individual files you will need anther tool to do that. The above process is not always guaranteed, sometimes you may have to rename the file to .ogg and then convert ... etc This works on Win98se and XP. The renamed pte show wont play in Windows Media Player untill you do the conversion. As for Tools : I cant remember an old dos/window commandline tool ... but it will extract music files. It is not a user friendly tool as it requires some knowledge of file header pattern sequences. All mp3s are encoded using various codecs and the process can become quite challenging. I will email you the details if I can find it. Remember recently another posting/reply concerning dbPoweramp 10.1
  3. gr8digital, If creating a new text document didnt seem to help your issue ... and editing an existing text document doesnt work either, I would suspect you have some file association problem with your .inf files. Check/verify your .inf file extention association settings/properties (fix if necessary). I find this your most likey target at this time ... since clicking a inf file brings up some error message.
  4. gr8digital A good idea: I dont know if your OS settings is showing your file extentions or not ... but its a good idea to have all extentions shown when building or compiling any programs (as you need to see exactly what your working with). Check your folder/file view settings. Autorun inf : (I dont know whats with your Notepad.exe ... maybe you have some other new text editor thats taken control) However, why not just right click your desktop and select create new text document and save it as Autorun.inf (make sure its not saved as Autorun.inf.txt ) Contents as labeled: [autorun] open=FD2004.exe Note : Your FathersDay2004.exe filename may be too long for some OS to read correctly ... so shorten/rename your filenames to 8.3 chars to resolve this issue for all other users. Icon= labeling is not required ... windows will use your default exe icon anyway. As for Expiration: Only the exe show expires (not the pte program itself nor does the reg key have any effect on the compiled show exe) You may have possibly built your exe show with some expiration setting. Check your .pte file to verify or correct.
  5. Roger, Glad to hear all has worked successfully. As for times to burn and encode ... this is all dependent on the DVD creation program ( each brand name takes diff times to produce ... they all encode/process ever so diff). Your processor speed also plays a key role in the time to produce.
  6. mdesant, Using screen capture devices or programs such as Boxigs Restore PTE will only produce a screen capture copy of whats displayed on the pc screen. It will not reproduce or extract the exact copy of your original inserted photo contained within the PTE executable. So if your photos or images lost on your hard drive were of some high quality (printing use) ... you wont retrieve that information in your screen capture process.
  7. fxdesigner, Are you saying that when you press the VIDEO button you dont see a pop-up menu with selections named "Making of AVI Video File" ? The only time it doesnt pop -up is when there is no photos or only 1 photo in the Slide List to process. Make sure the Slide List is not empty and has more than 1 photo. The Video button then becomes enabled.
  8. Welcome Dave, Choosing WMA music files is actually an unwise choice for music. Many WMA music files are protected and only play on the host pc that has the privledge to play it. In otherwords, they wont play on just any pc ... they only play on a pc that has rights to. Check the WMA music file to see if it plays (alone itself ... not in PTE) on your pc correctly. If it doesnt play ... it is protected . Distributing or sharing PTE shows (with protected WMA music files) wont play on another users pc (usually freezes/locks) * Keeping protected WMA music files for long term storage is also risky. Whenever you eventually reformat the pc thats entitled to use them ... all privledges are lost and the WMA wont work and becomes useless.
  9. Lenny, This subject has previous discussion of topic. Do a search ... also heres a place to start. Burning exe. file on same DVD http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=4&t=1417
  10. anborus, This is a normal and common problem when using OBJECTS in any full screen presentation viewed at on diff pc screensizes. Their is no real fix for this (using full screen) OBJECT movement ... but you can try and Group your OBJECTS so they at least maintain their respective relationship to each other on the screen. Only sure fix is to use Windowed setting and not Full Screen. Igor has plans to cure this OBJECT movent in Full Screen in some upcoming version.
  11. Denny, Im not familar with Sonic My DVD and all its file format encoding capabilities ... and all its versions differences. Does your SONIC support creation of SVCD format ? (since you are exporting PTE>SVCD) As a test, have you tried to create a Custom (stand alone avi) and then import it to SONIC to create a SVCD and see if it works? * Usually the message "Cant ... " indicates the codec selected/used cannot perform/convert to the action you request.
  12. Welcome denny, When you say you click Video (button on PTEs main screen) ... you then get a message "Cant ..." ? Are you unable to see the pop-up menu "Making of AVI Video File" and choose the radio button selections (Create Custom AVI, VCD Disc, SVCD Disc, DVD Video Disc) ? Tell us more about your exact steps and choices. Also, does your burning sofware support creation of video to discs (VCD, SVCD, DVD) ? Note: If you selected to create a Custom AVI file and receive the message "Cant ... ", this is most likely due to the Audio Codec and Video Codec you have selected thats currently on your OS. Creating a Custom Avi is all dependent on what Codecs you select. Each Codec has various capabilities and limitations and some just wont produce a stand alone avi file (alot to do with its configurations ... as some just decode and not encode)
  13. Robert, I suspect you created the PTE shows on PC#1. My guess would then be your "run external application" paths used are not written in PTE correctly. Your PC #1 is probably reading the original files on the hard drive and not really from the CD. Verify all your paths written in your PTE links.
  14. Joe, Michel is correct. PTE wont include your Flash files in the avi encoding process. So "what you see is not what you get". All third party or external files you use/run in your Show are not actually part of PTE. They are just other programs PTE is accessing thru its "run external application" command functions. The third party or external files need to be encoded separately and joined some way to your PTE Show. Not a easy task to achieve ... especially if your Flash files run "within" the PTE Show itself. One way, with the proper hardware and software, you may be able to "capture your entire screen" to produce/process this to video. Performance and quality will all be directly relative to the capture and encoding processes used ... as PTEs avi encoding does not play a role here. To perform such a "screen capture" your PTE show should be created as a executable (exe).
  15. This startup special effect works very well. Using the Mosaic transistion and startup effect gives quite a unique effect. Also unique with Circle and few other transistions. Nice touch when applied properly.
  16. Sam, All looks correct and OK here to. When you say you see green points ... do you see these in the 4 corners of the image ? One possible cause of this could be ( if its in the corners), your IExplorer settings may have the Show Image Placeholders enabled. Check your Tools>Advanced Options> Multimedia checkboxes.
  17. Pati, Your postings have me confused too Are you trying to create a Show as a exe file to play on a (PC) CD ? Exe type is a executable that plays from a CDR (burned as data) to be used on PCs only. Or do you want to create a Show as a avi to play (as video on tv) CD ? Avi type is for video that plays on TVs and PCs. ( This reqiures video burning software and a video player to play it) You above posts alternately refer to both ... however both are created and burned to CD quite differently..
  18. Mart, It is possible to use the PTEs Templates/Manager to create various default settings you may consistantly use over and over. Insert all your perferred setting and then press File> Templates> Create template from this show. All your templates will get listed under File> Templates> for access. To begin making a particular show build with settings you prefer ... select your desired template first. You can create numerous templates to suit your needs.
  19. I have to disagree Beta is still Beta Software Developers usually develop their products in stages and versions. Alpha/Beta/Release. Alpha is very primitve and buggy. Beta is most bugs fixed but requires testing and tweaking. Release is near perfect for everyday consumer use ( none is perfect). A user of a Beta version should not typically release their own final works to consumers because its still in Beta testing and development. To guarantee your works to your consumer .... you should use the latest Release version. Igor allows us to test with his Beta versions on our own free will ... but his latest Release version is the normal to use.
  20. Mart, A update. Seems Igor will create a fix for the previous file opening issue that happens in Beta 6. It wont be available till the next release ... but thats what these beta versions are all about ... testing and finding fixes
  21. Robert I think the taskbar showing on XP is related to MMB mouse event up/down thing (click actions). I recall such cases in some of my MMb projects used on XP. I dont recall if its just on Pro or Home version ... or both. XP seems to handle its desktop/taskbar a bit different than other OS. I believe using a Keyboard Hotkey resolve this for me, but I dont have enough test/access to XP OS to know for sure. Boxig has a Combine PTE utility also. It not made to caputure ... but will combine 2 diff existing .pte files. *You may wonder why I still use "Boxig" instead of Granot. Boxig was his first PTE username ... plus I remember the story of how he arrived with selecting that name. So with me ... its Boxig most times
  22. Thanks Guido This version 3 is different than my current on hand version. Version 3 has more buttons and supports creating htm links. It captures correctly ... but this version saves the captured images into a separate folder now. The created .pte is outside of folder and cannot find the images. So either the .pte file needs to placed into the folder or the images need to move out to the .pte file to find them properly. Still ... it does not capture the "click box" in the screen as Robert seems to get.
  23. Pati, Try Ken's suggestion first So what you are saying is that the PTE Show.exe plays just the pictures correctly and no music is heard on the OS 98 CD drive? Or is it that the PTE Show exe starts and freezes with a "still" image remaing on screen and no music ?
  24. Im not sure what version I have on hand of Boxig's PTE Restore Utility. But it does work easily and does not show the "click-box on top of the slides". It captures Full Sceen only. (Capturing Windowed Shows smaller than the Desktop screensize will capture the remaining Destop view also ... but the PTE Restore is still not captured in the view) It has 3 buttons -Save Slide -Restore -? (About) It does not have any current version on the program as I can find. But the zip was downloaded in mid OCT 2003 and the exe is dated OCT 10 2003. Zip is 714kb and exe 723kb.
  25. Al, Maybe Igor can default this using NAV BAR- SHOW MOUSE in next version of his new updated NAV BAR release. It does seem logical if one enables the NAV BAR ... one expects a MOUSE to use it.
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