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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Mart, See if this works : Open old project file .... correct/verify settings ... then do a SAVE AS of that file. See if the new SAVE AS file opens correctly now.
  2. Al, Mine all shows up fine ... sync and manual. However the old issue of having the Mouse Hidden still exists. With Mouse Hidden the NAV BAR still does not show in Preview or Compiled.
  3. Robert, Some other thoughts here. Some programs wont work correctly if different versions also exist installed on the same OS ... esp burning programs. Usually sys dll version or shared file conflicts. Have you tried a clean install of only using one version on your PC and uninstalling all others ?
  4. Al, Michel is quite correct ...you need to apply Permit Control when using Sync. Remember we have all these new checks to enable for variations. Speaking of variations of PUSH Effect : I agree Harold. This is more or less the first Transistion Effect Igor has introduced that has many Special Effects possible other than just being a traditional transistion. Other traditional PTE transistions have not required such additional actions to be performed. PUSH is really new territory in the scheme of existing traditional transistions. These new type Special Effects Transistions need to be applied and controlled quite differently than the Traditional Transistions by requiring other User enabling menu features. This will also hold true if Igor implements some (future) ZOOM, PANO and others that require Special Effects combined with the Transistion Effect.
  5. Patrick, I believe the 0s 1ms setting you used is about the fastest you can get. Using 0s 0ms halts the timing indefinitely (using negative values has no impact) I dont think its possible to get a continous PUSH within PTEs transistions settings.
  6. Kestrel, Your issue seems quite familar ... here is a past Forum posting you should read http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=2&t=1460 Dec 28 How to Register
  7. Yes if possible ... please enlighten us !!!
  8. Welcome Pati ! My first guess is that your Music is WMA format. Many WMA files are protected and will not play on another users PC. As a test replace the music with a MP3 file and try again ... or just try and play the WMA music file only on the 98 PC. If the WMA does not play on that PC you know its protected.
  9. Robert, I never bought anything from EBAY ... or for that fact anything directly online. I do know there is a rise in WAREZ products flooding the marketplace. These work and look (mostly) identical to the original MFG versions. However the cost is considerably cheaper ... plus they usually wont patch or upgrade. So installing a MFG patch or upgrade to WAREZ copies in most cases renders them useless or disfunctional in someway. Also , alot of STUDENT EDITIONS are passed/sold around the marketplace ... one can find them much lower in price as compared to MFG full version ... but the MFG usually distribute these free/discounted to Students only. Most times these STUDENT VERSIONS are not upgradeable or patchable and some are not fully functional. A MFG usually clearly displays its a STUDENT VERSION . I would dig deep into your program folder contents to satisfy the curiosty of what I actually have just bought. Hopefuly this is not your case. * You may even try and email UNLEAD and verify that they have granted/licenced Tiger Direct to distribte their products
  10. Robert, There is still the way Windowed Mode and Windowed without Border But there is no thin pencil line only effect achieved when doing so. I have done some examples where Windowed without Border is used with a Clear Button Object (full size to cover the project size or just image size) to create somewhat that pencil line/frame only effect. It does give somewhat nice/different effect. New Note: Actually it didnt look too bad when testing new PUSH Effect where each or every other slide had a full size clear button object used.
  11. Thanks Fred I didnt get much into the details of using Music ... figured John needed to get his menu /buttons sorted out first One can have Music in the Menu (not Sync) if using multiple pages in the Menu. Have the first page be the introductory with buttons to link to next/sub pages within the Menu that have the actual Show links. To add Music to first page (introductory) one can use Sound Edit Box to insert Music. (Ive given basic example above ... one can get more elaborate ... PTE is capable of various senarios here) This way you have Music intro of first page of Menu ... but Music should terminate when you advance to next/sub pages that have actual Show button links.
  12. John Yes ... it is possible to create a menu system to fit your needs. Easiest way is creating multiple PTE Shows 1 of them is your Menu (with Buttons or Objects) that link to your Shows ... the others are all your Shows. PTE has several options to achieve differnt senarios you may prefer. (Some in Project Options>Advance, also Customize Slide>Main, and more in Button Object Properties Actions) Run Application after last slide Run External Application (in Customize Slide) Button Actions include : Run Application and Exit or just Run Application. Using Syncronized Shows will dictate whether or not you can have Music in your Menu. You can not have 2 instances of PTE ( menu and show both open and playing music at the same time). Look over PTEs options and setting that are possible ... I sure you will find a way to suit your needs. That oughta get you started.
  13. foxhunt, If you have just recently emailed over the past weekend ... there is going to be a short delay in their response ... considering now is start of the work week (give or take a few time zones diff) To enter key file into program, you first need the key file that WnSoft emails you. There is no key file supplied with the program when you order it ... its only sent separately in the email.
  14. Walter, Glad you got it sorted ! I will have to add to my personal knowledge base that "Stream write error" can also include the "lack of drive-space" to create compilation.
  15. Walter Is your final exe file size smaller by the approx amt of a music file you may have used in your show ? Did your Show Preview correctly prior to compiling to exe ? If a Music File is creating your issue ... remove the Music File and recompile using just your Slides as a test . Then test with another new piece of Music ( not old one) My initial guess here is you have some sort of Music file issue. You will need to supply more Show details/content used to aid you better.
  16. Huuummm ? It defintely creates a issue in the normal transistion scheme of things. Right now in this beta 6, I believe the PUSH Effect behaves correctly as a normal Transition Effect in PTEs scheme. Some Users will desire this Slide Image and Background movement in union. I think the other PUSH Effect sought after here also for other Users is more of a Special Effect rather than a Transition Effect ... here enlies the conflict of its use. If able to realize PUSH Effect more like a Special Effect ( Slide Image movement only) ... maybe some other customize slide options (checkboxes) are in order to achieve this (to keep background stationary). If the Background Image is changed I would think its best to have the new Background Image PUSH with the new Slide Image as a union. Could a new customize slide options checkbox dictate/control movement of the Background Image for the PUSH Effect (move or not move) ? As Michel mentions Its definitely going to take some thought to sort this out
  17. Igor, I also agree with CC and others that would like the backgroud image remain stationary ... as this would be more appealing by maintaining the focus on the Slide Image only, the background movement seems a bit too distracting. Its not a problem when using just solid color or gradient fill. When using with NAV Bar ... the NAV bar remains stationary ... this is just fine. However a bit of immediate confusion to the User may be encountered when using the directional arrows. This is because the PUSH direction is not pushing the opposite direction as one might normally expect.
  18. Larry T, Strange indeed. I would certainly put my other PC programs thru a through test ... this may not just be PTE related. Do a full Virus Scan while your at it too. Better yet ... do the VIRUS SCAN first ... you may inevitably infect other programs by executing them if a virus lurkes within.
  19. This testing on PUSH only : Running 3500/40 Push (800x600 screensize - True Color 32 ) on a P3600 with 32mb video card all seemed quite smooth and very acceptable. The test was performed with 288kb images (bmp and jpg) using Fit to screen and also normal image size of 384x256. No music was tested. However using the same shows on a P2 400 with 8mb video card the shows did display slight jerkyness and lots of edge grain. Changing the desktop setting from True Color 32 to High Color 16 showed a great improvement that was quite acceptable. New Note : Added Display Shadow behind Slide Image setting and the P2 400 diplayed a bit more edge grain/ redraw distortion ... even using in the High Color 16. Another New Note : Added MP3 Music. P2 400 showed considerable gain in Push jerkiness. P3 600 barely perceivable
  20. Igor I believe you already have a nice timely "cycle of development " of creating new versions. As the PTE User base increasingly magnifies ... so does the new requests intensify. Im ready to wait for your perfection and quality ... volume should not be a issue
  21. I havent heard of anybody making DVDs expiring ... at least not yet. Im sure someone is working on the idea. The problem right now is DVD players have very little computers ... probably just enough to perform their play functions. Getting them to perform more processing would require DVD players with something more sosphisticated. Im sure these improvements wont come cheap either ... plus would we all need one of these new types just to play/detect a expiring DVD ? Discs and Players already have quite a bit of compatability issues ... so theres already alot of growing pains to sort out first I would think.
  22. Tony, I assume your not trying to create a video show here. If you have all your Slides timed to advance about every 4 seconds (as you indicate) and you want your User to press your Button Object ... use the Customize Slide button ( beside the Object Editor button) of your selected slide to adjust the timing just for that slide. On Main tab of Customize Slide, enable box Use own time preference.Enter a time thats rather lenghty ... like 10 minutes or just 0 min 0 sec for undefined amount. Therefore your Slide with the Button Object wont advance till the User presses the Button or unless the 10 minutes expires. Got the idea ?
  23. Bruman, Since PTE does not import or control Flash/Swift files within its programing functions ... there is no basic procedure to follow. As Bubba says ... you need some other software or utility to create and launch the Flash files to be used in the PTE Show. If your creative with Flash ... I think its best to have the Flash menus run the PTE Shows (but this depends on what software you have at hand) Boxig (Granot) a forum member, has many PTE utilities available at his site ... some of which allows you to use Flash. http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/#programs
  24. Kim, Not knowing what version you currently have installed ... you may want to download the latest final version 4.14 of PTE. To install ... unzip the Apr.zip and run the Setup.exe. You will need your ( previously saved) PTE Key file info (that was mailed to you long ago) to register PTE onto your new pc. Click Help/ Registration tab to enter the key info. No. You dont have to purchase again. You might say that PTE gives you a lifetime warranty ... as all future versions/updates are free.
  25. Sandee, You might as well jump in and start learning ... dont let such a wonderful feature go to waste if you require its functionality and it serves your purpose. Theres plenty of help here at the forum if more "hair pulling" arises. Chumba This "catch-up" as you call it, is all part of Igors syncronization design ... its his way of compensating for the lag/speed various processors are unable to produce to play the PTE show as designed .
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