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Ronniebootwest, Since PTE only has object actions capable from the mouse Click ... creating a mouse rollover effect would not be possible. Even PTEs own object buttons do not display a rollover effect. A possible Click effect using your own button images : - This would require 3 Slides. - 1st Slide has normal Up Position of your Button Image (program click action to slide 2) - 2nd Slide has Down Position of your Button Image (time Slide to advance after a few millseconds to Slide 3) - 3rd Slide shows your Photo Image you want your viewer to actually see. I have not really tried this senario ... but it seems possible to accomplish. This is a pretty basic start ... as Im sure one can get more involved.
scholty, Have you tried Boxig's Restore PTE utility ? It willl not completely rebuild your .pte as you originally created it ... but it does help you quickly to get restarted again. Boxig' Site has many PTE Utilities that you may have need of someday. http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/#programs
mellow, I find the Text Editbox a bit restrictive while working with a large amount of words due to its small window size. However, have you tried loading the Text from a external file for your large text content ? I find this approach much easier and quicker because I prepare in advance the Text in Notepad or other Office tools. Then just press the button Load Text File . Preparing the Text in advance is no different than preparing your Images in advance ... its just plan and preparation needed.
Mzee, Sorry your getting off to a rough start here. If your getting a invalid key message ... see if the contents of your newly saved key txt file has : support@wnsoft.com in its content. If it does remove it by editing it out. Your Key file should begin with : REGEDIT4 at the very top of the document. Followed by a blank line space ... then the key info on the following lines below it Just trying to get you started a little quicker ... till support replies to your issue.
Mzee, As to this : What Im saying here is that even though you dont see any Attachment icon in your Mail window view/attachment listbox .... the attachment may actually be in there ... but its being auto previewed by your settings used. It seems to me you have the attachment in your e mail ... because its previewed in your message. Im not aware of Eudora 6.0 tab functions/layout ... but try to : Alot of auto previewed attachments in messages are still attachments that are Saveable to where you like (My Documents etc)
Mzee, Urgent !!! Please REMOVE any Key = values used in your message if they are copied from your mail !!! Your Key ID is strictly Personal. Insert **** as the values if you need so.
Mzee, Alot of times this happens due to your own open Mail settings. Try this even though you can not see the file attachment : Open the Mail and from the top left drop down menu of the Window..... Click tab File ... then click Save Attachments Even though you may not actually see it ... you can sometimes still save the attachment ( if it actually exists) using that function.
Shelton, The registry holds your key info at [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"= " *************" (* above indicates your own special key numbering) Just Export the key to your Documents folder etc (exporting just copies the related key value and does not move or remove anything .... the file is saved as .key ext with whatever name you choose. Or I can email you a simple , painless tool that Bill (Thinkbox) so kindly made esp for your circumstance. The Forum mail will not accept attachments ...so you will have to email me with your address. Heres a brief on Bills Tool :
Shelton, Im inclined to suspect its not related Direct X at all ... and esp now since you say it does sync with MP3. What locations are you entering your music files? Several diff locations or just Project Options / Music tab? * You dont have to uninstall a previous version to install a newer version. Pte will just overwrite whats required ( as long as your files are not set to read only .) You can have multiple versions ... using separate folders for each. However your last installed version will be set as default to open .pte files.
Shelton , Starting out with some basic troubleshooting deductions : Does v4.14 perform correctly with mp3s and other music files if you select un-sync setups other than using sync-setting ? Just wondering if your issue relates to both sync and unsync setups used. ?
Annapolis, capitol of Maryland ... Area of the "Chesapeake Bay - Blue Crab". My residing neighbor is the U.S. Naval Academy. Best of Wishes and Seasons Greetings to All !
Welcome Photo 26, You only need purchase PTE once ... all future versions/ upgrade releases are free. No and No. I usually just install the beta version in to a spearate directory of it own ... this way I can still use the latest final working release and test/ run the beta releases. Note: Just remember that you have 2 versions on your Pc and which one opens your .pte files by default. Your reg will work automatically for all versions. I have yet to jump in on the avi/dvd frenzy ... so I cant be of much help here.
Marco, My thoughts were just based on actuall/past experience. I love Flash ... as I currently still build a few projects with Macromedia Flash 4 (swf and executable) When I first distributed Flash 4 (swf files) ... this was awhile back ... The users Pc required a certain Versiion of IE. I imagine now the newer Flash installers dont require this ... since they are probably now supplying and not relying on what the users system has of IE. Many companies I dealt with did not allow their workers Pcs an active internet connection ... therefore I had to supply the distibutable runtimes from CD. Then at that time I found many Pcs not up to par on their IE version. It turned in to alot of head aches Also depending what verion swf is created ... the necessary version of player is required. ( A version 4 player will not play a version 6 swf ... unless the creator maks it compatable for older versions.) Im not saying it did. PTE does not make users use music and other options either My basic thought is I think PTE has many other features to upgrade and enhance prior to venturing into the Flash teritory. As MikeL117 said : Gif is simple and non complex and every Pc can play them ... but Pte has yet to venture here also. When I make programs ... I try my best to make them for just about any PC to play ... well at least as low as a P2-233-32 (my low end test Pc) ... even if they are without internet connection
Just a Note, ScreenPrintsSE v2.0 Special Edition The new version of ScreenPrints is now available at : Beechbrook Cottage http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Happy Holidays To All ! Heres the ReadMe ==============================
What you would like to see in new Navigation bar?
nobeefstu replied to Igor's topic in General Discussion
Just adding Comment to the NAV BAR-Slider.gig I personally like the appearance of the elongated version #1. It looks more streamlined ... whereas the others look a bit too packed. The elongated will allow less user miss clicks-drag since the buttons are not directly above. Also with the elongated version I see the possibility to add the the SLIDE counter info. Top would have actual Slide # in view ... bottom would show Total Slide count. I know youve got many details to sort .... but allowing a button in NAV BAR to show/hide the Slider would be nice. Selecting NAV BAR color ( as in Button Objects - clear or color) during build would be desirable. Nice ! -
I understand Igor's concern here Igor tries his best to maintain small executable size and provide best of quality and options ... for all PCs to enjoy. Implementing SWF will limit alot of PC users. Also requiring Flash runtime to be installed on the users PC ... and to have Flash needs certain version of IE installed. Then you want the Flash installed silently so as not to disrupt the Show. However its not a wise practice to install something without users permission ( I dont think Flash allows use without permission). . Thats just the beginning ... we havent even addressed the contols we would want over SWF used in PTE. I personally enjoy PTE as a Slide Show ... and not as a multimedia player and viewer that will be limited to specific PC requirements ... then all these files become so huge and demanding and ontop we want them to play from CD... which is creating more min requirements to many users. Just my opinion
What you would like to see in new Navigation bar?
nobeefstu replied to Igor's topic in General Discussion
Igor, Im still in agreement on the Slide count- Total count and updated /customized nav bar look as we previously discussed in older topics of the navigation bar. (Slide count viewable in the navigation bar would be slick.) Also a few other thoughts have come to mind : 1- Since now there is options of Last Slide actions in PTE ... how about a Last Slide button too ? 2- Custom Screen Positioning of the nav bar ... maybe even a vertical version ? 3- Possibly Hide/Show nav bar thru mouse cursor movent ? This way the nav bar can be hidden from view if not needed for some period ... but its always available on request of mouse move? Im sure Ill think of a few more -
bfreas, Have you tried doing this on any DVD Disc ?
Pip, Having the best of both worlds may be a little tough ... but using DVD-RAM format should be capable of this. DVD-RAM disks are mainly created for storage of computer data like backing up your hard drive. The price of success also has its limitations ... Most DVD players can’t play DVD-RAM disks.
fuzzy Simply rename the directory new name back to the old name it was originally .... temporarily just so you can remake the file. Since its looking for that mispelled location ... give it what it wants. Then rename it back to the new name. Or ... to fix correctly for all future use of that new name directory. Open the . PTE file witha text editor that has find and replace features. Now simply replace to the necessary new name correction. Be sure to make a back-up copy prior to doing any changes.
I agree with Guido I would think no need to even double post Announcements of v4.20 beta in both categories . Cant Announcements more or less a be a seperate sticky topic all in itself ? ( I guess it depends on your proposed layout) v4.20 includes much more than just Avi-Video improvements ... as it contains many for the whole program.
Roger, My best guess at the moment is that your WMA file is the issue. Did the WMA file originate from PC B even though you burned from PC A ? Your WMA file may well be protected ... and wont play on another PC. Such a case causes the very issue your experiencing. I dont ever work with WMA files ... so I cant help you in a converter. Others here Im sure will have some suggestions. Note : Simple test is to try and play just the WMA file on all the PCs. If it fails .... its your WMA file that s your issue.
Igor, Somehow I missed this great new addition at first glance : Nice Touch !
Pete, I havent noticed your issue in my useage. I use W98 and Pte v4.14. You may want to try the latest final 4.14 version. (v4.20 is still in beta testing ... some users tend to forget its a beta) -What version of Windows are you using ? -Is the issue only on one type image format when selected ( jpg, bmp, gif) ?
Ken, You are correct. All types of documents ... htm included If the Users Pc does not have your intended font ... the OS usually resorts to the default font type. And of course VCD (as you mention) is something thats not affected. Most users do as Al suggests ... and keep them basic install types ...and for unusuall/ fancy types use the image program. Alot of Fonts are protected material ... just like music. No sense creating issues by illegal distribution. Some programs embed Fonts just for temp use ... something Astro wants PTE capable of. (* Embedding still does not allow use of protected material even if its for temp use.).