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Everything posted by nobeefstu

  1. Astro, I find it best to package any program and content required using an Installer/Builder program. There are many avail for free that may have all the features you need ... or you can buy one that has alot more features. I use Paquet Builder ... but its for a cost . http://www.gdgsoft.com/pb/index.asp I believe Inno Setup may have what you need and may be still free : http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php It may take a little extra work ... but it solves all those problems and is totally professional looking. Software developers need to use them all the time * Package it all together ... your PTE Show and whatever parts you require. It will install the font, play the show, and remove it if necessary ... all in one sweep. New Note : I imagine this can possibly happen when the name of the Font File does not actually match its actual Typeface name. Alot of fonts use shortfile naming but your Os uses the actual Typeface name ... so it may need to reboot to recognise the Typeface name. See if your Fontname.ttf matches it actual Typeface name ... if not rename it so it does match the Typeface name. Theres even a free font tool "TrueType Renamer" that does this all for you.
  2. gufosenior, Sorry to hear of your unsuccesful experience ... theres many a posts floating in this forum with ya's and na's in success. So you got your handsfull reading them all ... esp since they mount day by day. I have no way to produce a DVD as of this time ... and Im in no hurry to watch Pte on TV or create another file format to watch on a PC thats inferior quality to the executable version. So I can not be of much help in this new feature ... but here's a start : WnSoft Forums - archive PTE AVI file http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...t=ST&f=2&t=1366 Good Luck !
  3. Tom, Just adding more to this already interesting discussion. By my studies ... Pte basis its timing on the total slide list count and not on the image that occupies the slide. Since Pte does not have a provision to create a empty slide without a image ... the show image check box is needed in this case. Otherwise it would be impossible to create a slide with just objects and buttons or just a blank slide for effects. Using the current setup Igor has implemented with the hide image check box ... a hide slide position would be a nice trick addition too. Igor always finds a way to make new magic for Pte ... I imagine his main limitation is finding time for all his visions and maintain a sense of prorities.
  4. Tom, Your idea is a bit unusuall : I personally do not think Igor will ever provide such a feature for the runtime executable on the fly ... where the user selects what photos to play or omit and still maintain the syncronization. Even a dragable slide position progress bar would not satisfy those needs above ... since you only move to a single new position point and not omiting a particular group of slides As for : This would be a interesting feature during build mode. But maintaining the various syncronizations possibilites may not prove to be a simple task.
  5. Robert, Just adding to Ken's reply ... Theres no dll's run and install other than executing the all_plugins.exe. Since this creates the Plugins folder and places all the dll's for you. Did you know you can also use other photo filters (.8bf) to give you special effects ... alot of the same ones used in PSP and PS. As to : You need to enable the ext types you want IrfanView to open by default (when its Dbl-Clicked). Just open the options/ properties/extentions menu and select the ext's you want to associate with IrfanView.
  6. Tom, Jim is right. Even if your doing it from the .exe or from the .pte file ... theres no easy or pretty way to accomplish this function. If you use the Navigation Bar to advance it may not be visually pleasing but its easy. If you use a clickable transparent Object on each slide to advance a slide position ... you dont see it ... but you must place it in a known area on each and every slide so you can click it. Or just use your keyboard hot keys to advance etc ... easy and pretty (but you only move to 1 slide and not skip several). However ... there is no way just to advance (skip several) to a undetermined position/specified slide on the fly without actually programing it (using Objects) to do so. What is best required to perform such a function is a dragable slide position progress bar ... something PTE does not have yet.
  7. Tom, One Question. Are you trying : (initial post) At Runtime of the EXE or during Build Mode of the .PTE file ? By your most recent post are you saying you want this action during Runtime ? Please clarify ( I assumed your initial post was in Build Mode only )
  8. Tom, If Als suggestions dont fullfill your needs try this : From the Slide List panel select the Image you want to remove and COPY SLIDE then REMOVE SLIDE FROM SLIDE LIST ( right-click functions). Preview your Show. To Add the Slide back in : PASTE SLIDE into the proper position from where it was orig removed (right-click function). I havent tried it functionally in all setup-modes ... but in theory it should be possible.
  9. I agree Boxig Esp for this new AVI feature ... as its almost a different group of users. That way AVI issues and comments be easier to control and use. It probably would have been wise to start the separate category before issuing the AVI version.
  10. Garris, Is the above condition appear to happen when you PREVIEW your show or compile your exe ? As I mentioned earlier : I assume you are clicking your Buttons in the Editor Window and getting the results you mention. Any time you click any Object within the Editor Window ... your selected Object will glow a highlighted color ... indicating this is the current selected/active object your working with. The highlighted color of your actual Button color is what you are seeing. This highlighted color is only perceivable in the Editor Window and is not reproducable or translated once you compile or prewiew your show. You will not get a True representation of the Button color if you click it within the Editor Window. If you click it you will see the highlighted color of your actual Button color. You will get its True color if you dont click it or select it ( or if its selected ...you must deselect it). The basic fact is : you cannot click or test your Buttons in the Editor Window to get an idea of how they work and react when clicked ... that you must do in the Preview Window.
  11. Bill Im not totally sure what Igor had in mind ... but I suspect the Go to Any Slide enables the use within defined Object functions. I dont believe the function is going to be implemented during runtime from input by the user. Unless you made a table of contents page or similar display ... the user would be randomly jumping about your presentation unknowingly. This would promote or create great frustration to the user by them getting inevitably lost ... and most likely do more harm than good for your purpose. Igor has mentioned a new improved navigation bar with additional functions ... Im sure we will soon see once v4.20 is 100% complete of its features.
  12. Garris, The default background color of the Button Object is actually white ... the pastel color you see is when you probably first created the Button within the Object Editor (current active objects in the Editor have this glow color). To create a color button you must disable the Use Default Color checkbox and select a defined or create a custom color selection. The simple way of making similar multiple buttons is copy and paste ( a simple right click function). Then just edit your specific properties needed for each. Im not sure what you mean exactly by : You must Preview your Show to get a true representation of how your Buttons will look and react when clicked. Doing so just within the Editor Window may be misleading to you
  13. Welcome, nldowning Open Project/Project Options/ Comments from the main menu (top left). Set your preferences of how you want your fonts, color, etc. Now when you Customize each individual Slide # ... and select Comments ... your preferences should be revealed as you previous set. If your using TEXT OBJECTS as your Comments ... enable the checkbox Use own text preference in Customize Slide/Comments ... your preferences should be revealed as you set in Project/Project Options/ Comments
  14. Sam, Not to worry ... Its very hard to be a (PC) Doctor without actually knowing and seeing the patient and then prescribing a remedy to cure all. Not all patients clearly or completely convey all necessary needed info ... therefore you must give your best judgement upon what they give you at the given moment. So all remedy possibilities exist as one disects the relative info ... and then hopefully a cure can be found. The initial indicator flag of Peggy's post for me was ... ... so one must first suspect she is using an old version of PTE and from how long ago.
  15. bbdigital, If your using any SYNC MODEs to play your show ... buttons/objects and mouse are inactive for use. The only way till Igor adds this feature in his upcoming version is only to create in NON SYNC modes.
  16. Ron, Im not sure of v7.01 PS file format options ... but older versions of PS and PSP required a icon plugin. I may still have the one for version 5.5 PS ... but it may not work in newer versions. You might try a search or find out from another forum such as : The Plugin Site Forum http://www.graphicsgalaxy.com/forums/thepl...nsite/index.php
  17. Hello Peggy, What version of PTE are you using ? The latest is v4.14 Please tell us more about your Show composition. Overall mb size, Image size (kb and screenwidth) Music setting (manual, auto sync, custom sync) Usually too large a Image size promotes music skipping ... esp on CD . (Other settings and factors also play a role). Are your Images below 200kb in file size? WnSoft is located in Russia ... so there is a time difference, plus its the weekend there also.
  18. standingstones, You could use Al's recomendation of the 1 pixel image technique ... or ... just select any currently used image in your Show. Once you add that image to your new Slide ... deselect the Show Image checkbox of that Slide. You will now have a empty slide to do as you please. Using this method adds no additional size to project ... plus you have no image to make. (Not that a 1x1 pixel image has any real size to it )
  19. Veronica, It may well be some setting in your PC that can cause this. You may want to check what options you have enabled : OE but under Tools > Options > Security is "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus."
  20. ipoppa33, Your above testing seems to indicate that the CDRom unit is not detecting or reading the autorun.inf file for some reason. If it was reading and detecting it but could not load it correctly ... you would get some error message indicating so. I would try burning in the JOLIET file format as a test ... since possibly the ISO format you are using maybe is translating it differently. Were your settings in ISO9960 ... as some offer different choices. Your 35 sec load time seems a bit lenghty to me also. Note: I believe that Easy CD uses Joliet file format by default upon installation .... Im not sure what Nero settings/ options are , since I havent used that program in awhile. Possibly your CD burning modes/properties/settings may need some adjustment to enable your CDR to work in all CD Drives.
  21. ipoppa33, I too find the overall exe file size somewhat strange ... since your not using any music files that adds to your exe size. Images @ 150-350 kb x 110 = 40 MB? Even if all were 350kb ...that would be about 38 MB (give or take) As Jim mentions ... I would try to reduce the images that are over 200kb ... 150 kb for a 800x600 (screensize) image is usually the normal used for most here. And the "a" is fine. The 8.3 rule is only a safe option to always use when you distribute your CDs ... as some users CD Drives dont read longfile names. Question : When you say it loads slow .... what is actual the load up time you are experiencing ? Note: As for PCs where your CD doesnt load at all ... its usually CDR Disc incompatability or the users PC doesnt have their CD autorun on insertion enabled.(Since you seem to already be using shortfile names.) Try testing your Show exe by dbl-clicking it from the CD root and see if it plays in that manner.
  22. Hello ipoppa33, A few more details on your Shows set-up and content would be helpful to aid you better: Overall size of exe Image files: count, type, kb size and screenwidth music files: count, type and kb-mb size Use of lots of Objects in first slide (or not) (Plus anything else/special you may deem helpful) Basically, the larger the size Show exe (mb size) ... the longer it takes to load. Speed of CDR Disc and CDRom unit speed play a role here. Virus scanning enabled slow things down. If the CDR opens on some and not on others can be due to several different things. Brand of CDR Disc used, Closed Session burns are required, Requires use of ShortFile naming (8.3) in Autorun.inf ... just to mention a few. Basically most CDRW (read and write) units read better ... while CDRom (read only) read faster. However, newer generations of CDRW units have gained higher read speeds. CDR Discs read faster than CDRW Disc. We will wait to hear from you.
  23. Eric, That what Boxigs previous post is all about.
  24. Mark, First: Did you enable the check box in Project Options/ Music tab to play background music ? One more simple question: Does your second Show play and sound normally (just by dbl-click) without using ... ???
  25. Nashua, Thanks for the link. What seems strange to me initially is that both PCs have the same problem. I find this #3 listing from the database page as your most likely first target of investigation. Check your Device Manager properties for your IRQ settings. See if there is any conflicts or yellow exclamation marks shown in the view. A good test to see if your issue is sound related ... would be to run a Show created without any music.(I will see if I can locate 1 or 2) ... or maybe your friend can make 1 without any music for you. Have you tried making a PTE Show yourself using the limited demo version ? =============================================== New Note: Here's 2 Shows from Beechbrook that use no music or sound files. Use these as a test to see if your soundcard has issues. If they play ... its may something in your soundcard set-up -IRQ. Non-syncro - Create BG without PF http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=449 Animation with PTE (once downloaded ... rename the file .p2e ext to .exe) http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=8
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