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Everything posted by nobeefstu
Boxig, You are one busy man ! Im sure some users will find this very useful ... I may even need it oneday myself As Guido commented ... I have to aggree
Bill, Great idea ... and a great tool asset to help users who have lost copies of their PTE keys ! Sounds to be simple, quick and painless
pushu, Ralph's example is a great tool for you to learn from ...as it has all the ingredients and parts to get you started. As for: You can use any image editors to create the menu page as Ralph has done. Or you can make it alot easier on yourself by using a photo from the clients wedding as the background ... then just use PTEs Object editor and make generic Buttons ... this way would be real fast to do. Give it a little time to think it out ... as it will soon become real easy once you get the basic idea.
Chuck, It was almost at the same time too ! I guess great minds think alike !
While this topic is still open for discussion ... Since the ability of move to any slide is in the works ... I believe the addition of a visible Slide Counter on each slide (a check box option) should be implemented to help aid users. This Slide Counter would automatically advance or reverse pending current slide position and show total slide count. Example : Slide 1 of 125 or 1 of 125 Options/ Properties would include : CheckBox to enable/disable view of Slide Counter Size and Color of Text within a outlined box placeholder Basic screen position/ locations (as in setting Comments) I know in COMMENTS we already have to ability to set the Slide Number among other comments ... however it does not show a Total Count. Also many users (myself included)would benefit of both options ( Comments and Slide Counter) if viewable in the same slide. The Slide Counter would be a great addition if incorporated right into the new expanded Navigation Bar ?. Plus I think the Navigation Bar needs a bit of new face lift Food for thought
Ron, Im not sure if this procedure is exactly what you are looking for ... but if you want to create a invisible HOT SPOT to click within a Photo or another Object : Create a single color bitmap (jpg or gif) file . Size this bitmap file to the dimentions you require. Add this new bitmap to your slide as a Object. Make the properties of the bitmap transparent and set your clicking function to whatever you require. This gives you a invisible, clickable button or as I call them HOT SPOTS.
Larry, As to the exact name of the KEY file ... I believe this has changed. PTE.KEY use to be the normal name and extention used. However, with all the mail attachment config restrictions people are setting ... alot of users are blocking and not receiving their keys as in the past. A sure fire location is your REGISTRY. Open Regedit.exe search for this key name : [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PTE] "Key"="#*************" Once you find this location ... just export this key value as a filename to your desktop or someplace ... then copy it to disc for later use. All you have to do then is dbl click it to re register PTE when the time comes. Of course your actual key digits will vary than the example shown above ("#*************").
Welcome, Bill I understand your concern here ... since your using personal multiple pcs. Individual usuage is somewhat a grey area on multiple computers when it comes to selecting a particular license. I believe Igor addressed this issue in some posting long ago. IMHO, if you clearly are the sole and only user ... and have no other employees or multiple users actually using the program (as in corporate, govt, business) , I believe Igor qualified just a Business license was acceptable. However, if you have multiple users using it ... you clearly need a Advanced Business license. I currently have PTE on 2 pcs using a Business license. I always keep a older version on one pc and the latest version on another ... this way I can always instantly go back if the need arises. Hopefully Igor or Support will address this grey area again ... so we can archive it in the forum posts once again.
Animate Pictures from left to right across screen
nobeefstu replied to rfreeman1960's topic in General Discussion
Welcome, Rob Freeman Igor is always enhancing PTE features and effects. As for A basic "Push" Transition may just be your ticket : As for realistic " Movie " visuals ... PTE is more like a SLIDE PROJECTOR. Trying to make a slide projector run like movie films is not currently in PTEs bag of tricks. PTE is a great product though ... if SLIDE SHOWS is your game ! -
pushu, To begin ... first determined how many categories or sections you want to separate your photo review into. Since a wedding is really a series of multiple picture settings and step of events ( example: rehersal/diner, the wedding itself, reception, cake cutting etc.) ... create a manual advance show of each setting/event using no transitions and no music. Since you already have a complete show for the entertainment part. The Review Photo portion (several individual exes) is more or less simple in setup as to give the client time to quietly browse thru at their own speed. Creating a Menu : This is just a 1 page ( or more pages is nice too ) show with a list or row of buttons (objects) that are linked to the separate settings/events shows you create. For each (setting/event name) Button ... select properties/action to RUN APPLICATION OR OPEN FILE.The file you want to run is the name given to one of the settng/event exes you create. So if you have 6-7 etc settings/events ... you will have that same amount of Buttons and photo review exes to make. In the properties/ enter program name ... here you enter the relative path of the filename given to 1 of your photo review exes. With PTE you can make great menus ... as it has quite a bit of flexability to perform many variety of actions. You can be colorful ,dramatic and simple witout being just a bland looking menu.
Quite exciting, Igor How is the access /control to move to any slide going to be implemented by the user ? Is there going to be a expanded navagation bar, right click menu or hot key accessability ? Is there any affect or limitation if using multiple music files and/or/with additional sound effects? One last question for the moment as I sure your going to get overwhelmed by many other too ... is this move to any slide going to jump to a specific slide # by user input or actually be like a fast forward/rewind frame to frame view? This is really getting exciting !
pushu, Follow Boxigs suggestion ... and/or just create a menu exe that will link to several others exes ( example create 5 of 100) Reviewing a single 500 photo spread can be quite overwhelming to customers that are already quite excited about the event. I personally recommend creating separate sections of your your entire Photo/ Image review ... and then access each section or category thru your menu exe. Limiting the total count of photos to be reviewed in several exes will be alot easier for your customers to thumb thru.
Boxig, Sorry about the delay in responding and working on this test of your Pano Tool. I was unexpectedly called out of town for the week ... so I havent had the time to catch up on alot things. I see you have released a new improved version ... very good. I guess at this point in time is to wait and see how flexable is for your users.
Boxig, I have just downloaded both versions ... and will give them a Spin ! I have 3 PCs with various capabilities, so I will let you know the full results in a day or so. I dont have a LCD Screen which inheirently has lower "refresh rates" capabilities than CRT Screens. I will also test from CD play. You have a nice weekend too !
Boxig, I havent as yet tried out your pano tool ... but it can be quite a useful addition if users know its limitations in use. As mentioned: By nature of the beast ... playing pano views can be demanding on a variety of PCs. Selection of the proper size and speed of the image used will help promote smooth operation on most PCs. Users must take into account that fast, large full screen Images must be redrawn quick enough not to promote jerkiness. Also, a users PCs monitor "refresh rate" must also be capable as not to promote further jerkiness. This will be most evident on Monitors and LCD screens with low "refresh rates " capabilities. I can see why Igor is maybe not so quick to implement pano views in PTE as of yet. Trying to run panos in combination of slide timing ... and then consider most users want smooth CD operation too ... is going to take some great thought in calibratiing.
Andrew You may want to try and reduced your screen size if possible (I dont know what size screen you are trying to capture). A little compromising here may benefit you here You'll also most likely get better results trying to capture a borderless window show rather than a full screen show. I dont know what frame rate your capture programs are capable of ... but less capture area (window vs full screen) would most likely be smoother for your fades. Since PTEs fade transistions can be quite demanding on any PC in normal play ... trying to capture it smoothly may also be quite challenging. I suspect you may need to adjust the slide transition fade timing to closely match the capture programs frame rate capabilities to get the best results. Hopefully you dont have to compromise to much to get your desired effect. Wow ... a 156MB @ $650 Screen Capture program ... that more than a killer price tag !
Mark, Follow Barts direction but use a IMAGE as your object. This image can be your Logo or just about anything and any size. Its a just a copy and paste to each page you have your photos on. You can make it multiple color or just 2 color with setting to transparency. I have a full page 2 color ( B&W ) text image that just strings the entire page size ... watermark The watermark text is White and the backgroud is Black . Black is set to transparent. All in all ... this works just like a MASK ...but it is layerd onto your photo in PTE and requires no editing of your main photo. Ive been meaning to make a PTE demo using this MASK function and showing its variety of possible uses.It would include the .pte file and a few mask objects used. (Ijust havent got around to it yet) NOTE: Do not supply to high of quality of a Photo in your show. Why should someone buy it if they can print from the screen. Always protect your Photos with some means of watermarking etc ...or the above possible method using masking.
JRR. You are correct about the #2 function. Also , if you have a wheel mouse or use the hot keys or have show end on last slide checked ( without showing the Navigation Bar) ... you can still get that reversed slide action from slide 1.
Guido, Im using latest v4.12 and the PAUSE button reveals itself as long as i have entered a time duration and check the box. If i remove the check box ... PAUSE wont reveal itself. Give it a try ...
JRR You may want to check that your settings are correct. Make sure you have DISPLAY EACH SLIDE FOR check box checked. You need some type of manual timing set ( min,sec) for it to pause the show... otherwise pause button wont show and would be kinda useless on a totally manual advance .
Welcome Spike, Knowing what burner program you use may be helpful. My first guess is that , since you can see the image files on the CDR Disc, is that maybe possible you burned other than a DATA Disc with Joliet File system. Some users who burn alot of music and also those that use disks esp formated for music ... sometime burn using the wrong the discs,settings, or properties by mistake. Check your BURN modes, settings and verify proper Disc Type being used.
Welcome, snapshots photo Not at All .. service is for the most part very good and quite prompt ... but in a timely manner. Since you have been acknowleded by a receipt message of your order ... your Key is then processed and then mailed separately. This takes minmal time, so a little patience is needed on your part. The electronic age may be fast ... but people still operate the other functions. Im sure you should receive it within resonable time ...
Marianne You can create your own BROWSE CD BUTTON. Create a Button in your object editor Select the Action : Run Application or open file Action to perform (enter program name label): \ (this will open the Root of the CD if your Show exe is on the Root. or another example : \Photos (this will open the Photos folder on the Root of the CD if your Show exe is on the Root) Got the idea ?
Bill, Believe it or not I totally aggree with you on this statement : My previous posts were merely comments on the general issues related to clicking functions. Its not that PTE has any real clicking issues . I pretty much know what to expect when I run my programs from the HARD DRIVE, clicking buttons, and if Ive got all kinds of background pc processes happening ... I also know what to expect when its run from the CD DRIVE in the same above conditions. I dont expect PTE to make my CD DRIVE run the same as my HARD DRIVE ... nor do I expect PTE to close unneccessary pc processes so my Show runs at its best. What Im getting at here is that I dont expect PTE to correct the inheirted traits and weaknesses of my PC ... and my own personal habits and expectations for that fact. But in reality, PTE has done a great job in performing alot of this ... Also , as to your latest comment : If Igor finds the time and real necessity to implement this click feature ... I will welcome it as a nice bonus ... and not require it as a needed necessity.
Congratulations Boxig ! Happy 100. You seem to show your total amount very well Hope to see you kicking ... eerrrr ... scripting to 200 !