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Everything posted by nobeefstu
Boxig, If you Press F1 to get HELP WINDOW ... it shows you the HOTKEYS PTE uses. Help about hot keys: <F1> This help message <Space, Down, Right, Right mouse click> Go to the next slide <BkSpace, Up, Left> Go to the previous slide <Pause> Pause / Resume <Esc, Left mouse click> Exit presentation
Boxig, I believe cici's act differently because he has a sync show setting ... in which only the enter key would function. As for mine acting normally ...they function as to arrows advance/back slide, enter to close, and space to advance, and pause to pause. I dont know if you will be able to trap those function keys if PTE has already. Maybe if your application traps the key functions first ... it may over ride PTE's control over their use ( or vise-versa). I usually dont trap same key functions of 2 programs running together .... so I guess its just keep testing.
Boxig, Im using v4.11 ... arrow, enter, pause keys seem to function normally ... using a manual show. And of course ... using a sync show the enter key is only suppose to function. cici, are you using a sync show ? As the arrow and pause keys are not suppose to function in this mode. I dont believe Igor has implemented these keys to control sync shows.
Oleg, Just to continue this saga ... dont you mean to say : "You have no money left after buying PhotoShop7 and plugins... "
Thanks, Igor That was real quick ... I thought you were taking a holiday You still amaze me with your PTE magic touch . Its a wonderful piece of work ... you best get back on holiday now !
bbdigital, Yes, I agree. This great new digital age we live in has its many wonders and benefits ... however it also has its negative impact we have to deal with too. Got to always be on your toes today.
Leif, Thats strange indeed. If I open/ save the .pte or create an exe in v4.10 ... the TIME LIMIT does not work or save correctly. The checkbox and edit box accept the input ... but dont retain these settings when saved or compiled. If I open the same .pte file in previous v4.01 ... it functions as it should. Maybe it just a W98 or specific OS thing.
bbdigital, I understand your needs (and the other pros) concerns about capturing the screen images. Most photographers dont want any possibilities of their images being grabbed ( low res or not). However, this is not possible. The main purpose of ScreenPrints is to enable the photographer to send out just a exe show of proof photos to their client ... without the need of supplying any print qualitity images to be grabbed . This also makes it easy for the client to select specific images ...without pen/ paper in hand to write their order as they view. The client selects and emails to the photographer (from the proof show) what photos they selected and want to order. Once the photographer receives that photo order ... the clients are sent the "quality printable images". If the client prints just the captured selections ... they are suppose to get a low quality print ... and therefore they cant blame the photograher for poor quality prints till they send in their order/pay for the original printable quality images. Many PTE users here send out shows with quality printable images ... they will learn in time from the experience this not a wise business practice.
Welcome, Josh I havent used the TIME LIMIT settings in quite some time ... but apparently you are correct about this issue, as I have just tested it. Previous versions using this feature worked as intended and rather well. Since PTE has been going thru alot of tweaking and updates recently ... somehow this feature is now not properly enabled to function correctly in this latest v4.10. Im sure Igor will fix this issue once he's aware of it. Thanks
Robert, That first pre- release version I mailed you had a issue with certain OS lacking a ocx file. So you were kinda a beta tester This v1.5 has improved initialization of the capture ... v1.0 would not be hurried. bbdigital, I expect every tool can have a double edge purpose ...those using it with the proper intentions and those that have other ideas in mind for its use. If the later intention is the need ... 1 more capture tool is not going to change the world. The smart photograher that distributes their work to clients for proof selection has already item labeled and protected each photo in some manner or form for identification ( this is a must for any distributed photo for sale). Since the image is saved as a jpg using avg compression ... its really not a very suitable image to print if the client/user intends to do so. Ron, you are quite correct about the profile info ... I too am guilty of not being so open with my own information. Any other comments ? ...
Bubba, All I can say at this point in time its a touchy legal subject ... as their is not clear definitions of this matter. Just proceed with caution when dealing with your clients. My only comment is use your best and wise judgement as to whatever you decide to do. I would however expect the client to verify the proof of purchase and sign a release to me ( this would include any material/music/art they supply . I would also display within the project some visible credits/use/disclamers as to the material/music used in the project. Give/show credit where credit is due ... it may not release from the legal issues ... but it may help.
Wish list for PTE - after 4.10 release
nobeefstu replied to think(box)'s topic in General Discussion
Bill, Im ... absolutely 100% - totally agreeable with adding the option of AlwaysOnTop and NotAlwaysOnTop capability. Ive been waiting for this feature for a " looooonggggg time " to be implemented into PTE. Now with PTEs RUN functions expanding ... this feature is becoming a must in this point in time. I know theres a lot of new features that are being proposed ... but I think its about time to catch up on implementing alot of the old ones that fell into the cracks. -
A new updated version of ScreenPrints ... a utility to capture/save PTE Show images. ScreenPrints v1.5 and other fine Shows and utilities now available at : PTE-Beechbrook Site http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Info: ============================================== New Feature Updates -Added : Zip Function, Single Image select viewer, minor program tweaks and other graphical enhancements. A PTE Utility for Photographers who send out their PTE "Proof Shows" to Clients for review and ordering. Possible uses for other PTE users as well. This Utility launches your PTE executable. 1-Enables the "Print Screen" Key for Image capture. 2-Creates and saves the Image as (full screen).jpg to C:\ScreenPrints folder. 3-Photo Selection Review of all captured Images. 4-Viewer has Manual/Advance and Return and Auto Mode/Advance 5-Options are : Delete Image, Make List of Images, Open Image Folder, Current Name and Image Counter, Zip package ... and more. 6-Final Page gives you the Photographer, a Message Window to advise Client of what to do with final selected Images and List package. (This program does not attach Zip in MAIL for you.) Others Additions include : Your Logo, Your Email, Your WWW and more Package includes : ============================================== 1-ScreenPrints.exe 2-RunShow.ini - enter your PTE.exe Show, Email, WWW entries 3-Start.txt - enter your custom Startup Message 4-Photographer.txt - enter info about you and company. 5-Special Instructions .txt - enter your custom message and instructions to Client. 6-Logo.bmp - supply your custom Logo display (300x85) 7-Read Me.txt Total Package : 974.kb zipped (934.kb exe only). Hope you Enjoy ... Give it a Spin!
Bubba, You post of MP3.com : The facts stated above may well be true for MP3.com's music you buy and download from their site .... but this is not the general rule for all music purchased. The big clue in the statement above is PERSONAL USE. Once you go beyond that simple fact of using it otherwise ( sell, give, copy or distribute to others to use or enjoy) ... its no longer for your PERSONAL USE. And as Clive, Alan and all the others state ... the issue is highly debateable and is not going away. The only benefit to this issue now is that lawyers are making money off it.
Techman1, You bring up a good point ... alot of users are click/key happy. So hiiting the ESC would or could create some MENU reopen issues. I recall a suggestion as to expand the NEW FEATURES to RUN application if application closes before last page. This would solve your current MENU issue. However, I belive it will only create other new issues. If you create lots of linked Shows ... you could be all day hitting ESC to get to the last link and finally close. I would expect there have to be a another hot key to terninate all links in that case senario. The more features the more to learn ... it no longer becomes a easy process .
Tripstrilles, Use PTE's new features of run applications. PTE v4.10 Have your SHOW.exe run your MENU.exe after its last slide. Make sure your Menu.exe closes after SHOW.exe execution ... then the SHOW.exe will reopen your MENU.exe automatically at it end.
Robert, I use this old tool just to get a general test of my mp3s that I plan to use. MP3 Utility Tester : http://www.geocities.com/mp3utility/ Im sure its not going to be the answer as to whether its going to be totally compatable to play in PTE ... but it does help me to make sure the MP3s I use are of the same characteristics.
Bubba, Do not fall victim to a false sense of copy protection : Many tools can overide this protection of PTE ...even my own ScreenPrints utility does ( it uses the prints screen key too and not some other hot key)
Manny , When you make your 32x32 icons ... they must be in the 256 color format ... otherwise PTE or MMB wont accept/reconize them. This is the usuall issue of many users here as to why their icons wont work. Make sure your ICON EDITOR program setting is outputing the ico file being made to 256 color. Alot of ICO EDITOR's (at install) get the pcs desktop color setting and set as output color setting for ico's made ... Im sure your XP is not running a 256 color desktop.
mlt, PTE shouldnt Print the NAVAGATION Buttons if you capture. If you use PRINT PICTURE ... all you capture is your IMAGE only. If you PRINT SLIDE .... you capture the IMAGE and the OBJECTS within the slide also. Note : This is if your using PTEs print functions.
sal, I have no plans to download this product to test it further. If you have installed both Photokeeper and PTE/Wnsoft on your PC ... Im sure you can immediately visualize the difference between their interface , functions and features. Im sure they are both installed in different folder locations on your hard drive ... and most of all ... a big difference in the overall file size. I dont think PTE will ever reach a 9MB+ installer size ... Igor is pretty picky on maintaining a overall small file size. My only (best) guess is both PTE/WnSoft and Photokeeper use the same installer/builder software to package their programs ... so its possible to see some familar look in the installers interface color and layout during installation ... alot of sofware developers use the same installer/builder software.
sal , Ive just tested the LINK you supplied ... reviewed the SITE PAGES ... and tested the DOWLOAD PROGRAM link. ( I did not completely download or install the program). I see no relation, association, or reference to PTE/WnSoft in any documentation, names or images displayed at this supplied LINK. Their DOWNLOAD installer is named differently and a whopping size of 9MB +. This product (as I see it) has nothing to do with the PTE/WnSoft program we talk about here at the forum. Have you downloaded and installed this Photokeeper program ?
Ron, It may be possible to get some delays in your linking especially if running your Shows from a CD. All this of course can vary PC to PC and the size of your Shows that need to be loaded. This is to be expected ... so all your remaining linked Shows may not appear seemless on every PC your production is played.
Just a Note : Soon after more testing ... I will release ScreenPrints v1.5 New Features and changes: 1- Added Zip capabilities - processes and saves zip of remaining Photos/Images all in 1 click of a button - with graphic display while processing. 2-Added Single Image View - allows you to select single image only. Manual rotation and Auto rotation views still remain. 3- Added/changed a few graphical/button enhancements. 4- Tweaked a few processes. Since I havent heard any issues or comments of the first release ... is there any issues that someone is experiencing ??? If issues exist to some users ... Id like to try and fix them prior to releasing this new v1.5
Your right JRR, The PTE Users here must understand thats theirs no way to STOP this image copy/hijacking of their works in the PTE Show. All the 3rd party tools etc ... may stop some inexperience pc users, slow down other users with some basic knowledge, but they wont ever stop it completely from the smart and sauvy user. A word to : cecilvw Even though you have set whatever protections you used to expire your executable ... it was still possible for your client to grab the images prior to your 6 day expiration date. And other Tools out there can get them later ... so you will never be totally safe.