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Also keep in mind : Most ScreenSavers are not meant to be user interactive as the executable is . They are meant just to be view. Howerver, In the past versions of PTE I have created a few interactive PTE SCR files using some specific settings to needed to accomplish this.
Boxig, Just about to email you ...storms here had power out all night ... so im behind in some work There are several commands that will work from INF ... I can work up a simple list to give some examples. But heres another example : open=notepad.exe \filename.txt Any ms windows program can just about do this ... you dont need any path string to the program.... windows takes care of its own As for other media files ... providing the proper codecs are installed ... I see no problem in launching them too. Howver some of the command parameters( / / ) might be somewhat different for different file types.
Harry, If all you want to do is AUTORUN your AVI movie from your CD ... you can use this : This will open your AVI and play it using the users player default settings. [autorun] open=start mplayer2.exe \video.avi ---------------------------------------- This will open your AVI and play it full screen, and close it automatically after the AVI has been played. [autorun] open=start mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \video.avi Note: In place of video.avi above ... use your own actual filename here. Also, most PCs still carry the mplayer2.exe on their OS ... hopefully this doesnt create a problem for you though . ----------------------------- New Note : I could send you a small Shelexec that will open just about any file using its default program from a CD ? (only 18.5 kb)
Hey JSlugman, Ive never had that W 98 error in all the time Ive used 98. Is it possible they couldnt download the file from your site link ... therfore resulting in this wizard error ? (As its possible it may be a connection wizard error or to that effect) Im downloading it now too see for myself Note: Show played just fine on 2 of my W98 ... its definetly something local to their PC.
Lee PTE has no user settings to adjust the sound volume. I personally dont like some programs that make this adjustment possible ... because when the SHOW is over ... they dont reset the sound volume back ( and then one wonders what is wrong ) Leif : A statement quite brief and quite effective ! .. but it does the job correctly.
elijahnow You might want to check out Multimedia Builder. I use it quite often in combo with PTE. Quite inexpensive ( esp compared to Autoplay Media Studio ) ... and a very powerful tool to suit most your needs. They have a wealth of help and resources available. http://www.mediachance.com/oldindex.html
Hello Dana, A few thoughts to pass around : I not sure if this is happening now due to current installed/upgraded Windows Media Player users seem to have . Its possible the latest versions/upgraded XP Media Players are part of the issue ... have you changed/upgraded your XP Player after you thought this issue went away from your last multiple file tests ? "I still use the 6.4 Player ... as I dont need all the gismos " You may also want to check the mp3 file properties (kbps/mhz/tags) ... to see if they are vastly different. I believe maintaining the same properties is the best way to insure against possible issues using multiple files. But again ... it could always (the usuall) be the Timing/Settings or Image Size. But you have been there and done that many times before as I recall Question: Have you tried replacing the mp3 files with another different set ? It may just be something with that particular mp3 and not all mp3s used.
mannybr2003 Heres a simple suggestion you might want to try : You can already use your Keyboards - WINKEY (1st key to right of CTRL key). Pressing this key will open your START MENU plus show your TASK BAR. On your TASK BAR will be a Task Button of your running SHOW . You can right click it then to Minimize your SHOW. If you have a SHOW DESKTOP shortcut currently in your task bar ... this clears your whole desktop and minimizes the SHOW. This way you dont need to program any object/buttons ... just use Windows Key functions. Knowing your Keyboard Key functions will do many surprising things for you. Note: Minimizing a running SHOW does not PAUSE the PLAY New Note: I forgot to add ... just right click your TASK BAR after pressing WINKEY ... to minimize all windows
password protection after time expiration
nobeefstu replied to jblaker's topic in General Discussion
jblaker, Have you tried looking into various zip/extractor programs with their various options ? As some may supply alternatives to your needs. My personal opinion is that expiration is meant to expire a program from futher use. It forces your client to make a decision as to what step they persue next in obtaining your shareware. As for passworded programs ... they are meant to give unlimited time access but with the minor annoyance of entering a password for that use. The objective of these features is to annoy or force your potential client to making some decision within a certain time frame. Offering both in combo ... just postpones the client to making a timely decision ... which they never may make. -
Im pretty much agree with CC's reply ... in "not providing WMA support". I dont use WMA anyway ... due to the fact Im never sure if that music will play on another usersPC with the limitations/protections this format seems to carry with it.
Congats ... Harry, Im glad all went well for you ... Iam surprised though you waited so long to upgrade from W95 to a newer Windows version.
Michiele, Most common cases of this CD issue usually relate to the USER actions ... as alot of Users try to hurry the copy function when using their mouse/action. This is most evident on older sys, slow cdrom readers and large exe files trying to be copied prior to Windows gathering sufficient file data fast enough off the CD to perform the copy function (even the virus protection program helps contribute to the delay) Otherwise as Al suggests ... it may be your CD Copy having some file corruption not enabling the file to be copied properly. Note : Also make sure the Current User has permission to copy such files. Many OS/Admn setup will use such restrictions.
okiediver, As Al comments ... there has been several previous discussions on this topic. Seach and read the related topics to gather more info. As for/within PTE settings ...there is none of which will disable a user from copying your exe program (executable file) on the hard drive or inable the ability to burn it to a CD copy. If you require such copy protection ... only a 3rd party software can supply this type of protection /function. Many may claim to supply this protection ... but as usuall ... the well knowledged/savuy/determined user finds a way to copy your work.
okiediver, I will answer your question with another question ... What type of protection are you looking for ? A bit more of clarification/detail will be helpful as to your needs/expectations. Note: Nothing can give you total protection of your exe or CD.
Harry, If you have read correctly ... that topic mainly concerns with NEROs "InCD" . InCD is a add-on program of NERO ... it has its own installation exe which is separate from the NERO main installation program. Only if you install the "InCD" add-on will you see its own version files. As for the IOSUBSYS folder ... Im not sure where it resides within W95 OS ... as its been quite some time for my working with that OS. The file types that mainly reside in that folder are of .VXD extention ... of which carry the name/version of the type of udf reader/burner program installled. Some times the versions become mixed if both EasyCd and NERO have been installled/removed. Then its sort and clean up time -- use careful judgement here if you attemp. NOTE: Ive even seen at times various version #s/.vxd of EasyCD residing within the sys ... this sometimes times happens during installation of major version upgrades/updates ( let say from ver 4 to ver 5 where EasyCD is vastly different .. thus the mix of ver #s can create various program errors to users)
Ken, You are exactly correct. Lots of files/registry entries are left behind even after using the uninstall feature. Their usually becomes quite a number of errors possible if the mix of the two programs/version files remain. Most of these files reside in the PROGRAMS\COMMON FILES folder and in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS folder. All traces of that particular programs version files must be removed or replaced. NOTE: you can not just remove any ole file in these locations ...as other critical contents also reside in these locations.
Harry NERO has "InCD" which is much like EasyCD "DirectCopy" This is a UDF file format. NERO will only format CDRW Discs into this UDF file format.Whereas, EascyCD will format both CDR and CDRW Discs into the UDF file format.
Harry, 1-To BOOT into SAFE MODE ... When you initially click on your PC power button to start your PC ... hold down (press) your keyboards F8 key. 2-This will boot your PC into a (dos mode) Startup Window. It offers a few choices to Boot your PC ... select SAFE MODE ( use your keyboards ARROW keys to highlight/select the SAFE MODE action) 3-Then press your ENTER key (Your screen will now be running in a 16 color mode ... but this is normal for SAFE MODE) 4- Find the Comctl32.dll file thats in your Windows \ Sys Folder using your FIND FILES (window tool) 5-Rename that file to whatever you want ... just remember what it is the old one though (Comctl32a.dll is fine) 6- Now unzip your newer version Comctl32.dll package to folder/location/wherever you want. (Desktop is fine) 7- Now copy that new Comctl32.dll to the same location(Windows\Sys folder) as your renamed backup file (Comctl32a.dll) 8- OK your done! 9- Click Start Menu/Shutdown and restart your PC as you normallly do.
Harry A helpful Note : Doing as Bart suggests is a very safe way to have a backup if need arises : But in additon ... alot cases of replacing/changing SYS FILES ... you need to BOOT your PC into SAFE MODE to do the file change/upgrade.
Igor Just offering my opinion ... Your proposed Thumbnail View is a good idea .... but very limited as per your description/specs. I agree with your comment : Your Thumbnail View is a step in the right direction ... but a very minor step in my opinion ... as it will only make (us ) users comment/wish for more expanded capabilities/functions after getting a taste of this preview shortly after its first debut.
Harry [What version of NERO are you trying to install and what is the PC class/size ? Nero Version 5.5 requires min W98 and a P2 class PC.] OPPS !! Sorry about the mis information in above info. I had given requirements for a recent installed CDRW Burner and its min OS and not its burning software requirements. Nero 5.5 is compatable with W95 and lower classes of PCs.
Al True ... but attention is needed At least by selecting the customize/play new music setting to actually disable the music/play background music checkbox is a good temporary work around ... with a little backwards approach. But at least users that are aware of this setting/issue can continue to alternate between Sync and Manual previews without totally removing the music files from the list.
Al, After investigating further ... I agree this seems to be a minor bug.... hummm It seems as long as any music files remain in the music listing, it will play the Music no matter what settings are used (Sync or Manual) Even if the file project file is previewed, saved or compiled with the Background Music checkbox disabled (and music files remain in the list view) and using manual slide timing ... the music plays. Im using W98 ... so this is just not a XP thing. Thanks Al Bill, you didnt cut your trip short to report this issue did you ?
Bill Hope you had a nice visit to England Just a thought since I dont know your project settings used : If your adding your music and using " Syncronize Slideshow to Music Duration" with the checkbox enabled ... and then try to desellect the checkbox Music/Play Background Music within that menu tab : Your music will still play and the Music/Play Background Music will resellect that checkbox by default. This is due to using the Sync Music settings overriding the other music settings. You must disable the Sync Music checkbox to gain control of a normal slideshows features. Hopefully this is more your issue ... and not really a bug
mannybr2003, Its great that you already have your creative juices flowing ... but I suggest you get a little more use time with mmb before building anything a bit involved and complex as a beginning project. Your best bet at this point, for learning, samples and help ... is to use mmbs forum. It almost rates as helpful and friendly as this (PTE) forum. You will find their forum link from their main site page. Many of the tools and utilities on the Beechbrook Site are built with mmb ...even some of mine. You will be amazed of what you can learn to do ... giving some time.