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Al You may have missed that setting to restore ALL SLIDES to DEFAULT values Check under SLIDES drop down menu Select : APPLY DEFAULT SETTINGS TO ALL SLIDES Sometimes I even find new things ... or forget where they are currently located within version interface changes
Mark, Using the PROJECT OPTIONS/SCREEN tab will set ALL your Slides to those settings you select. Using my previous comment made of "Customize Slide" button ... allows you to incorporate various color/schemes on per a Slide basis other that default setting you made for ALL. Note: When using a Windowed Mode Setting ... and your Images are sized exactly to the WINDOW ... there wont be any background color possible, as there no place to put this color within the WINDOW.Also you dont get "Drop Shadows in Window Mode Settings ... again this a limitation and not a bug/error. Only in FullScreen Mode can you apply Drop Show effects per the main Slide image ... and not added objects. This Drop Shadow is for ALL Slides ... and "not" selective per a slide basis. As for Background color ... this is set by default in PROJECT OPTIONS/SCREEN tab or selectable on per a slide basis thru the Customize Slide Button. If your Images "FILL the SCREEN" ... again this is a limitation, as their is no screen space left to supply a Background Color.
Mark, Are you adding these images as additional objects to a slide ? As their is not Drop Shadow effects for images/objects added. As for setting changes not taking effect ... make sure you use the CUSTOMIZE SLIDE button on the main window interface... and most important make sure the "check box" is enabled "Use Customized setting for this slide" for that slide.
mannybr2003, Well, to set my point in proper perspective ... PTE is the tool to use to create your SLIDE presentations. I incorporate my PTE Shows within MMB to give me the results I may be in need of in producing a total presentation/production package. PTE and MMB are really 2 totally different tools that serve differnt purposes ... but with knowlege and skill you can become quite creative intergrating the both. To use MMB ... it takes some time and a willingess to learn ... as its not just a pop and drop down menu , press over and its done in a jack flash Many users today want to build fast and read/learn less ... PTE leans much closer to this type of user ... this isnt going to happen in MMB. In simple comparison, PTE is the builder ... where as in MMB "you" are the builder and MMB is just one of your tools. If I recollect correctly ... I believe I guided "Boxig" to try MMB some months past ... and now look at all the many wonders he has produced and shared. Boxig persued and stuck with it in a eagerness to learn. "Tip of the hat" to you Boxig.
Im all for adding new features and improvements ... even when it comes to supporting different file formats. However, I can reasonably foresee alot of user/player issues arising and additional requests for tools so as enable more control to manipulate these requested new file formats. Alot of the requested file formats ( avi,mpeg,swf,etc) require various codexs and other progam installs to work or even function. If a user doesnt have these proper files installed ... alot of errors/issues, lockups,etc are enevitable to happen. I just soon not have a user (or myself ) install various support files to enable the playing of my presentation ... and if they are embedded within the PTE executable, then PTEs runtime module will be greatly increase in size ... and are the new files external or internal ? Alot of thought in approach and basic logistics need attention to implement this functionally and correctly ... then applying this to slide timing and or music sync ? Theres alot of questions that need answering before promoting more user/player issues. I like PTE for what it does best ... by providing a superlative way to creatively display photos/graphics while timed to music. I just soon see additions or enhancements that continue within this criterior. Many PTE users ( myself included) also use a program named MMB (multimedia builder) in combination to build presentations ... maybe this is more your style for expansion/expression ?.
This related issue seems to be popping up quite frequently as of late ... especially among the new users of PTE. Some users term the issue using various name descriptions ... but the problem is pretty much the same in most cases. Some label the issue SKIPPNG , or STUTTERING. or HANGING, or REPEATING or the ultimate FREEZING of a slide show during its playing/viewing. A basic and simple analogy of the issue relates to "Supply and Demand". In most cases, users are creating/setting SHOWS that are more demanding in cpu processing than what their PC is capable of supplying in cpu processing. The basic/common causes that promote this issue : 1- Using too large or oversized images than necessary for desktop display/viewing. (100kb-150 kb seems most compatable among most users replies) 2- Using too demanding Slide Timing (Display Duration Time "x" VS Transistion Duration Time "x". This setting is very cpu dependent ... esp if distributing to other pcs. 3- Using multiple Music files. Issues directly relate to image compatability and Timing or Settings used. *the above causes assume all the files/images/music used are not corrupt/protected. Im not going into any remedies in this post ... as it been discussed amply in prior posts. My conclusion is, now that Igor has "Supplied" the demands and needs of many PTE users ... the program seems to have become quite complex and confusing for the new and average user with all the various options and modes selections possible. As mentioned before by others here ... I guess its time PTE implement some type of setting protection/awareness during the build phase so users dont continually run into this "Supply and Demand" playing issue. Oh well ... back to the grind !
Dave, So you feel confident enough of your SHOW settings ? ... tempting fate huh ? If you review several of the most recent postings ( or search for older postings) ... you will find the answers/tools that possibly meet your current needs. Our good friend and fellow PTE member "Boxig" has provided many tools to aid in our needs. If you review the posts ... I m sure you will find a few with CD launching with possible alternatives ... and many others. To Boxig's page link of tools : http://www.thailandphotoalbum.com/#programs. Note : Be well advised ... Processor type and speed is not your only limiting factor to playing your SHOWS. Current hardware, avail resources/ram , background processes running ( to mention a few) ... all play a part in the success or failure of your presentation playing properly. To put it basically ... its not only what your PC has installed to perform the tasks of processing ... its also what your PC has left over to perform the processing tasks after the fact. Good luck
Daveo, I aggree with Bob's (think(box) suggestion of combining the 3 separate music files into 1 ... as this remedy usually helps in cases such as yours. Also , I would recommend to relax the timing to something less demanding as Al points out. Since you plan to distribute this production on CD ... various playing results/issues may be encountered by the user and their pc capabilties. If your having sporatic issues from a P3/977 .... those issues usually get magnified when running from a CD.
ddpitt, Indeed you have a strange issue. When you say youn can not burn a PTE show.exe using more MP3s than 4 total .... you also mention using the SYNC setting. Have you tried burning the 6MP3 files and 349 Images ... not using SYNC setting ?. This of course ... may not be like how you want to really present your SHOW ... but as a curosity "TEST" to see if the SHOW burns using some other settings other than sync modes. This will at least provide info that PTE will accept 6MP3 files and burn to a CD completely. Of course if the burn is successful ... this doesnt necessarily mean your SHOW will play correctly from the CD. I think you need to resolve the burn issue ... before getting into the play issues you may encounter. I suggest test burning using CDRW Discs .... less waste at this point.
Welcome Phil , All creators at some given time would like to totally protect their works in some manner or form ... whether it be the whole show or just a single photo. Doing your "KEY" option/action will work as you intend I suspect ... but it wont totally protect your photos. So dont be fooled thinkng your safe ... as there are many other ways/utilities that will obtain a screen shot. Your only safe route is to really watermark. Note : A simple simulation You can similate a watermarked photo within PTE by using/adding tranparent objects or images ... you add this transparent object using the Object Editor on each slide. This way you dont modify the actual image in any manner ... but it appears to be watermarked ( since your using the object that is layered onto the photo ) Thus when the intended user/client hits PRINT SCREEN ... it will print the photo with the object visable. Your only true sure protection though ... is you must watermark ... as there is no easy way out.
Joy Also ... if you have any tools/text editors that provide "Find and Relpace with " type capabilites ... this is quite handy for lots of things.
fotografer, Glad you found your remedy. Yes its true .... using the SYNC mode it disables all object/button - access/links. I believe Igor may implement some limited access (last slide)in some future release. I imagine the original thought here was that when producing a auto playing (sync)show ... why is there the need of any user input/ mouse activity. There is the other modes in which to perform the functions needed.
Darrell,Roelphotography, Robert (LumenLux) offers some very valuable troubleshooting tips when using music files. With all of the different tools available to RIP, EXTRACT, CONVERT all sorts of MUSIC FILES ... its (not) a wonder we all have some sort of problem. If its Music Files you have edited etc only giving you the problem ... its a good starting place to troubleshoot. 1- When ever you encounter MUSIC ISSUES in your SHOW ... first thing to look at is your PROJECT OPTIONS-SETUP. Is it a Sync, Custom, or Manual setting causing the issue ? Try different settings if need be ... this will help verify whether its your settings used or Music Files used. 2-If using Multiple Music Files and still getting MUSIC ISSUES ... rearrange their playing order. This sometimes helps to identify the individual (or more) Music File(s) creating your issue ... since they appear in a different time interval within your playing Show. 3- Check all the File Properties of the troubled Music Files. The differences in encoding/tags/kbps/mhz may be promoting the issue ( esp in using multiple selections). Try to edit them into similar file properties to see if this resolves the issue. Its a way to start to deduct/identify the problem files ... since nowadays all music seems to be getting protected/converted/manipulated in some way or fashion. Not all MUSIC is playable on all Pcs ... the industry/software developers are seeing (not playing) to that now.
mikej998, Just a thought : What is the content you labeled within your Autorun.inf file ? If your also using any icon labeling : [icon]= remove that line of labeling from the inf file as a test. Note: If you just use the [icon] = ... and not ... [open]= : this will open the CD just to a "browse contents' view as you seem to indicate. So maybe if you included any labeling [icon]= ... this may be causing your issue. Just use the [open]= labeling as a test.
Connie, I dont quite understand the need to burn the .pte file to your CD ... unless your just saving to your CD ... as it is not required to run your SHOW. You do not require any icon labeling within your AUTORUN.INF ... by default your .exe file icon will be used anyway. You only require icon labeling if you want to use another icon other than that of your .exe Seems all ok by your explanations ... use no .exe as icon If you used NOTEPAD to create your .inf file ... make sure you saved it as AUTORUN.INF and not as AUTORUN.INF.TXT Be sure all spelling is correct and exact. If you still have problems ... just rename your exe to something like myshow .exe ( change inf content labeling also to match new name) as a test. Some times the little things get over looked easily. Ok ... wait a minute ...what is this exe folder you mention .... your exe must be in the CD ROOT ... since your inf labeling has no paths labeled from your specs.
Dennis, This depends on what Burner Software you have installed. If your using XPs own installed/resident program ... I have no idea on its setup possiblities ... I do know its limited to most of the basic functions that you'll need. You need Nero ,EasyCD, etc for more expanded functions. Basically you go to the CD Properties/Cd Settings (tab/listing) and select how you want your files burned to the Disc. This is where you will see MODE TYPES and FORMAT TYPES ... select the appropiate settings according to your needs. I have Nero but currently use EasyCd exclusively due to its more expanded/flexabilty in UDF formating.
Dennis, I agree, Rons suggestion is most likely creating your issue ... if your Writer and Burner Software has always performed somewhat trouble free on other Disc you have burned. I too have had issues with some new multi speed Discs that will burn only on speed compatable Writers. Since I have 2 different burners ... I must be selective on what Disc Brand I use ... mainly its what Brand "not to use" . Most of my issues involve using UDF format conversion of incompatable Disc. Since you are receiving a message to CHANGE NAME ... what are your setup settings ? Using Data Mode 1 or Mode 2 ... Using ISO, Joliet, or UDF file format ?
jupiter My first impression of this post looks like a pump/promo of this product ... it doesnt seem to make any suggestion/comparision of PTE and its values. Am I missing something here ... or are you ?
Connie, I agree with AL .... as your images are way too large in my opionon ( I call them heavy and overweight images) for a normal screen presentation display. Bigger Images is not better in this case .... you really only need your 1.5mb image for printing/reproduction purposes and not for presentation/screen displays. Sometimes various combinations of Images Sizes and multiple music files can create skiping/stutter/freeze of a presentation ... especially from a CD run Show. Try to maintain all image and music file properties/specs somewhat consistant. Sometimes its best to combine/edit multiple MP3s into a single music file (esp when using SYNC settings) ... as sometimes each music file using different layers/kbps/ khz can promote issues during your Shows playback. So for CD DISTRIBUTION purposes ... its best to maintain consistancy and simplicity. Its possible your own PC may have no problems with the playing of all your creations ... but your potential customers/users maynot be so lucky due to their PC capabilities. Any CD Run Shows are esp prone to issues ... PTE creations are not alone in this respect. As for your Images ... your customer does not really see a 1.5mb photo vs a 100kb/150kb any differently on their PC Screen ... the differences show up when you PRINT a Image. As for your AUTORUN.INF contents ... maintain the 8.3 filename rule ... as some OS/ PC/CDRom drives dont quite translate the info the same.
Yes What Al mentions can sometimes resolve the most annoying quiks OS play on us Users. Being that you have done a new OS install ... several new programs and updates ... its a good practice to DeFrag more often during these installations. Best to space out your new installs over several sittings and DeFrags ... this way its sorts things out more in a progressive manner, which helps to isolate troubleshooting issues. Some programs need to be installed proior to some others ... to make them function properly. Question : When you initially install PTE (to wherever) ... does the install also go unusually slow and with sluggish mouse movement ? When you just double click to OPEN a .pte file extention (which should open by default in PTE main interface) .... is the slowness/sluggish still existing ? You may want to try and download a new " PTE installer " from the website and try installing again. Anything that might work ... maybe your previous/ copies of PTE installer are somewhat creating your issues.
elijahnow, Alot of times a WHITE Screen is related to a image/sequence processing too slowly within your GRAPHICS CARD ... basically its showing a NULL screen till the processing is completed. Are you using " Heavy and and Overweight " Images combined with demanding Timing ? This can create issues especially when using CD run type Shows.
JanieB Strange issue ... since this seems only to be occurring with PTE that you know of 2 Things to Check some basic RUNNING PROCESSES : 1-Do a CTRL-ALT-DEL key action to see what PROCESSES are RUNNING prior to opening the PTE program ... then do the same key action after you open PTE ... verify any addition processes that shouldnt be running ... besides PTE. 2- Do a right click of My Computer (desktop ico) and verify in your System Properties/Performance that indeed 128 mb RAM is installed and reconized. Well figure this out some how. Note : If things seem to look acceptable ... uninstall PTE (again) completely. Reboot/and do a ScanFile (Error Checking Status). Reinstall PTE ... but this time to a different location than your previous attempts.
Janie , There is a WIN 98 service pack 1 ... which contains fixes for the 98 CD release. The Win 98 SE CD has that sevice fix included ... so its patch is not required. Make sure also all your DX (Direct X) files are also newer/current for your OS. You may also need the DX MEDIA FILES update pending what DX version you install. These may not be creating your problem ... but you might as well get all your critical / system updates to assure proper functioning of your PC.
JRR This most likely the cause of using certain FILE NAMING CONVENTIONS that are "use restricted" within certain OS/Platfoms. I cant at the moment recall all the restricted letters /sequences that will cause these types of issues. AUTORUN.INF uses RUN ... which is MS-DOS command executed ... If you type in ftp within your RUN tab within your Programs Start Menu .. it will probably try to open a DOS window and if your ISP has Auto Dial-Up settings ... it may also try to dial up that location you labeled.
Welcome Janie , First Thought : Do you have some other programs that used to function normally and now RUN unreasonably slow also ? Have you done all your WIN98 UPDATES and etc. WIN 98 CD initial install comes packaged with some "old versions" of IE and various other files.