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Everything posted by nobeefstu
Boxig and others ... please dont give me so much credit in this venture. I have aided Boxig in writing some SCRIPTS for this PresentationLists Utility ... so I more or less acted in the capacity as a Teacher or Tutor . How Boxig applied these scripts is his creativity. All Credit and work should be well served to Boxig ... as it is all his imigination and development that made this utility what it is ... ... Thanks for the plug anyhow ...
mhwarner, Thanks for the confirmation that they can be used ... as this will be helpful to future users with the same question. Monty, My suggestion ??? Was that concerning this Karoke topic or some other previous topic ?
cameraman Such a function is quite effective in detering even the most sauvy user. However ... PTE does not have this function . Such a function needs to be able to be implemented internally by the compiled show exe. Using external 3rd party apps that execute this function wont work to your benefit.
Boxig, WOW ... Custom ordering ... COOL !!! Im working on some scripts now ...
Monty, I have never used or tried .kar file types in any of my presentations ... nor have I used them on my Pc or Music player itself. I have noticed on the ONLINE FAQ SHEET it mentions use of these .kar ... but the Program FAQ SHEET seems to state a little differently: * Supports for sounds to slides (.wav or .mp3) * Supports for background music (.mp3, .wav, .mid, .wma) (no mention of kar .... so who really knows .... ?) If it is supported .... I imagine the users PC also must support and play them ... so here you may need to check your PCs music properties/file type for support. Note: It may only work as background music if it functions at all for you ... but ... I would be aware if distributing with kar types, as other users pc may not support them. Sorry for not much help to offer .... Id be interested to find this out myself also.
Jan Ive been trying to follow this post and its relating comments ... so bear with me as Im still trying to grasp your presentations needs, while still seeing if they are easily adaptable into PTEs options available. Here are some of my Techniques used to implement a presentation that needs page control and diveristy during a presentation ... this requires users mouse interaction : Basic Requirements of setup is .......................... 1- Display all slides for a pre dertmined time, customise if required (project options/ main tab) 2- Control by: a- Action for Right Click : Pause (no navagation bars used) b- Action for Left Cick : None c- Use Keybd SPACE BAR to advance next slide The above SHOW will run at the predetermined times set ... but pauses when needed when RIGHT CLICK mouse ... enabling discussion breaks and ther interactions. Other Interactions Setup .................... 1- Object activated by LEFT CLICK mouse: a- Use buton or object to RUN other appliications or functions. * Here I use a BLACK PICTURE OBJECT that is set to transparent mode, made to a certain size and placed where needed within the current SLIDE. Give the OBJECT a property action to perform. I usually call this OJECT a HOTSPOT ... as it remains totally hidden to all viewers ... only I know where it is placed within the SLIDE. I often use multiple exe presentations(exes) within 1 presentation display. So in the above senario, I have Presentation that auto plays ... pauses when I need it to ... and displays other content variety at that paused SLIDE. If you catch the idea and need more detailed info ... I will get back to you.
Jan It is not possible to mix or combined the actions you desire. You cannot have parts of a show run manually and other parts run auto or syncronized ... sorry
Rick, Always give us as many details about your show build : -Image : type, size and resolution, size mb -Music: type, multiple and size mb -Show built to Sync, Custom, or ? When you say it crashes: Explain to me what your CRASH is doing. Does the show instantly go to "blue screen" and give ERROR MESSAGE and you have to ESC out... or ... Does the show lock up on the first slide and you have to ESC out ... or ... any ERROR MESSAGES ? One simple test to see if it a music issue within your SHOW ... build the same SHOW without music and see if the issue continues. Sometimes the issue is beyond your control and even though WnSoft says it will play on those various OS types ... however ... those PCS must all be properly maintained with all driver updates (esp all MS DirectX and MEDIA files)
fgnoel Since PTE can not execute commandline or multiple functions from its buttons/objects commands ... you need to implement these commands by means of other sources. These other sources are made from programing tools, commandline or script compliers , etc. One can also be a bit creative in batch files to implement various commands. Without getting too indepth, this is definitely not for the average user... as all this is going to take some "Know-How" in script building on your part. Plus these other sources cannot be compiled into your PTE show ... so they will remain as external parts. Hope my previous post was not easily misleading ...
Jan This topic is being currently discussed a few topics below on this same page. Use this link to that topic: Need Help ( a topic on moving objects) http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums//index...act=ST&f=2&t=48
Heres some info that may help some of you in your needs (as I have mentioned this simple technique in the old forum board) : For a simple, fast and easy watermark or logo for your photos without ever having to edit or alter your originals : -Create a totally separate image of what you want your watermark or logo to look like ( determine your require sizing and dont get too complex or colorful here ... or you will be doing lots of tests ) -Insert this newly created watermarking image as a PICTURE OBJECT on all your SLIDES. Set the image properties to TRANSPARENT. ( Results may not be as desired ...this will depend on the complexity of your watermarking image ( test, test, test) Benefits: -No altering of original photo .... time saved -The new watermark image gets included in PTE only 1 time ( even if its used multiple times) ... space saved. Beware: If allowing PRINTING functions thru PTE SHOW : -Print Screen will capture your photo with the new watermark object layer. -Print Slide will only capture the Photo ... no watermarking layer is captured. Final note: Once Igor implements adjustable transparency for all objects and photos ... you will be able have more creative watermarking and logos.
Hello Frank, The possibilities you ask for are not within the capabilities of PTE ... nor was it built to be a full multimedia platform. PTE is not able to send multiple actions thru its objects or buttons ... which of course is what you require to do as you have suggested. Nor does it send commandline functions directly ... but it will indirectly thru other sources you may have. If you have the know-how to implement commandline functions and parameters by other means, this LINE below will set you off in the right direction ( of course you must insert your own variables( mine uses mplayer2 and video.avi) As this LINE will auto OPEN full screen, play the video and then auto close the video. For your run or open commandline use : start mplayer2.exe /fullscreen /play /close \video.avi
Gerry Pay close heed to Boxigs guidance in his setup procedure ... as he is a WIZARD when it comes to things flying and moving about in his presentations!
I aggree with Ken, Between Service providers, OE filtering and the various virus protection program filter settings ... its becoming progressively worst to receive email with certain attachments. I have noticed this issue has been occurring more often with several software companies sending out their registration keys. So its just not PTE customers waiting to receive news about their keys ... it happening all over. Seems one must ZIP just about everything that is an attachment nowadays.
Amazing how these topics can get flying with all sorts of ideas ... but thats what I like about this forum ! One can certainly learn something new everyday here. Keep em coming !
You may always be able to resize a image and do lots of other filtering enhancements ... but you can never increase the quality of a image beyond its original image information. This means when you PRINT PICTURE from a embedded PTE SLIDE of a 7dpi image ... its image information will still be @7dpi. If the image was originally created at 72dpi ... then your PRINT PICTURE will be @72dpi.
The picture encyption protection process would not work here ... as Marian describes that there also needs a procedure to dycyrpt the image. Also as JRB (formerly jb) states ... even if there was a process to dycyrpt the image ... one can still use Screen Capture. As always ... I always give users, previewers or potential customers ... only the parts I want them to have totally free. These parts maybe watermarked or incomplete in some form or manner. If you want to sell your entire "pie" ... dont give them the whole "pie" to taste ... just a slice.
Oaky, Its always been well known and well documented fact of the different speed issue in PCs and the timimg in the presentation ... actually an over-discussed topic. We here at the forum tend to go thru "cycles" in restating this to new users. You must not have followed the discussions close enough that ... if you use Syncronization to Music settings ... you will "not" have the different speed issue as you describe. The REASON Igor implemented this FEATURE was to resolve the difference in PC timing issue ... HOWEVER ... the "User" must SELECT to use this FEATURE. If the "User" fails to SELECT this feature ... they will continue to get the "different speed timing" issue you have posted. Your reply however doesnt indicate whether you used Syncronization to Music settings ?
Autorun several linked shows as one big show?
nobeefstu replied to Stevelin's topic in General Discussion
Some help to get you there: If you use the previous post LINK to Beechbrook ... it opens the Main Page of all PTE Shows and Utilities. Click the SELECT BOX to locate your specific download ... and then click download. The correct name is AutoLink Plus v2 Heres a direct link to the download: http://beechbrook.com/pte/downloadfile.asp?id=197 -
Welcome back Boxig ! Hope you had a nice vacation ( those long ones got to be ) The way you suggest is the only way I know of. I do recall having some type of sound issues though when applying sounds to my buttons in (PTE-Basic Tips Guide 1) when used in combo with background music. So I abandoned the button sounds to avoid the issues in the final product. However, that presentation was made with v3.70b So, I cant recall what exactly the issue was ....whether repeating , choppy, or wouldnt play sometimes. I did use multiple background music segements in the overall project also. Maybe I will retry to make the Guide in v3.80 to refresh my memory ! UPDATE : I just did a retest for that sound issue. The result was : When the background music changed to the next background music segment ... and at exactly the same time press your BUTTON for the next page (sound) ... the Button sound would get triggered and continually repeat . This only happened during the next music transistion and page change occurring at the same instance. Not that it always happened ... but once is enough for a issue.
Autorun several linked shows as one big show?
nobeefstu replied to Stevelin's topic in General Discussion
Steve You could try "AUTOLINK v2" a utility program I made especially for PTE users for the use you describe. It will link up to 12 Shows in 3 different setups you can choose. However, it not link your multiple SHOWS as if they are 1 SHOW ... this is due the loading time element involved in any exe that is rather large in mb. Give it try ... it may do just what you need. Available at (Bills) Beechbrook Site containing lots of PTE SHOWS and UTILITIES. http://beechbrook.com/pte/ -
Jason The "Root" is a term used describe the location within a Drive ... in simple terms ... its the beginning ( as this is where you begin to place your files and folders) Being that you got a MESSAGE saying " CANNOT FIND..." , appears to me you have placed your AUTORUN.INF correctly to the "ROOT" of the CD. However, usually when you get this type MESSAGE of " CANNOT FIND..." , means you have MISPELLED or other TYPO ERRORS in your spelling. Sometimes this error is cause by too long of a FILENAME spelling. I always reccomend small, simple, and no spaces (8.3 filenaming convention) Make sure ALL your spelling is 100% correct ... if your "SHOWS" name is Place.exe ... then the spelling in the Autorun.inf should be Open=Place.exe. So if your AUTORUN.INF and your exe presentation are both copied to the CD ROOT .... and all spelling everywhere is absoluetly correct ... you should be good to go. If Autorun still fails ... test some other CD of yours that you know autoruns when inserted .... as sometimes people unknowingly disable their CD ROM auto load feature ( a system setting).
Ian I beg to differ with you ... you do not need a AUTORUN.EXE ... nor do you need a AUTORUN.ini. If you just try my simple AUTORUN.INF made from Windows Notepad as in the previous post .... you will be assured of a positive result in autoplay from the CD. The configuration you have described is mainly used for setting up program parameters/ etc ... of which PTE doesnt need or require. In my senario ... the users SHOW.EXE is your AUTORUN.EXE. Plus in using just Windows Notepad .... one doesnt need any other utilities or tools.
NosNewsCanon, CD Autorun: Theres really no Trick to get a CD to autoplay ... just a few basic principles to follow in making a AUTORUN.INF file Open your Windows Notepad ... and insert the lines shown below : (you of course use here your own names) [autorun] open=YOURNAME.exe icon=YOURNAME.ico Once the info is entered ...SAVE this as AUTORUN.INF Now ... to get this to work on a CD .... place/copy this AUTRUN.INF to the ROOT of the CD along with your exe presentation. Simple Note : Many people like to use long - draw out names for their "shows name" etc ... however some PCs CD Roms wont read these long show names that you labeled into your Autorun.inf. Try to keep your Names ... short, simple, and space free ( 8.3 char is best way to go) Show Speed Problems : Use Syncronize your slideshow to Music " Customize Syncronization" setting. The approach you are constructiing for your slideshow is quite dependant on a USERS CPU capabilities ... as all are different. Another Note : Whenever possible use .MP3 files vs .Wav files. Space savings plus size in some cases can become a loading issue from CDs as these sound files are copied to your PC first before playing your presentation.
Hello Tripstrilles , Verify your " Synchronize Slideshow " setting as Guido suggests. Also verify your " Auto Sync" or Custom Sync" settings. In "Auto" setting PTE calculates your timing equally ... In "Custom" setting you must calculate your timing. Is it possible you are trying to blend the different settings ?