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Jack Crouch

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Everything posted by Jack Crouch

  1. I didn't realise that the show was going to go 'public'!! It was put together purely as a first attempt at making slideshows and to show someone some of the pictures I took recently at a Kuk Sool Won school. However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Michel for all the help and advice that he has given me off-list. It required a great deal of patience on his part and I believe my next attempt will be better for it. Regards Jack
  2. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond. I have just created a slide show (without music) using 17 images. The final project size is 2.4MB and takes 9 minutes to download. Is this about right? Jack
  3. I am a complete novice regarding slideshows and have just purchased PTE. Guidance would be appreciated regarding the file size of images to be included in a slideshow. Having looked at a couple of examples I would like to make a 20 image project. I use a Canon D30 in RAW mode. I convert the RAW images into JPEG using BreezeBrowser and then, in Photoshop 7, I "Save For Web" to reduce each image's size. I make the images 800x600 @ 72dpi. Each image size is reduced to about 30K (compressed) and 1.2M when open in PS7. When I run the slideshow the image quality is nowhere near as good as those in the samples that I mentioned earlier. Could someone please give me an idea of the best practice to overcome this problem? Also, I would like to create icons to for my slideshows but I don't know where to start. Again, guidance would be appreciated.
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