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About Leguedon

  • Birthday 05/21/1942

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  • Location
    Vosges (France)
  • Interests
    Photos, computers, Internet sites creation, gardening.

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New Member (1/6)

  1. Many thanks, Igor, for your quick answer ! Michel
  2. I have already made two long slideshows (45 minutes and 70 minutes) and in each case, I have discovered the following problem : - The synchronization between sound and pictures is correct by viewing the .exe file. - When I play a DVD made from the same pte file with VideoBuilder (either V5 or V5.1), the sound is progressively coming ahead of the synchronization with the pictures by around 6 seconds in one hour. It is very embarassing when pictures must be sync with music beats. To correct this problem, I'm obliged to make a special .pte file for DVD burning by adding one second to a view every 10 minutes. By this way, the synchronization is correct by viewing the DVD. Did you already encounter this anomaly ? Michel
  3. An idea : create the logo as an image itself in Png format and, in PTE, add it to the slides you want and where you want. Eventually, you can set up a transparency level to the logo. Regards, Michel
  4. Hello Marjolaine, I'm very surprised to meet you on this forum !!! We have the same hobbies, of course ! Many thanks for your comments. Michel
  5. Hello, I have put the link to this slideshow yesterday in the topic "Photos of Fireworks" in the "PicturesToExe" forum, but it was not the good place to share it. So, here is the download link : Strasbourg Fireworks Your comments will be appreciated. Michel
  6. Hello Shito, I just released today my last PTE slideshow of the 14th july fireworks at Strasbourg. Here is the download link : http://michelcarl.free.fr/Diaporamas/FeuArtifice.zip Regards, Michel
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