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Mike Reed

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lightwater, Surrey, UK
  • Interests
    Holder of a Cpagb (av) award
    Member of The Mid Thames AV Group
    Member of Windlesham & Camberley Camera Club

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  1. Thanks Jill I guessed you would know the answer. I will try it and only disturb you if I get into trouble. Maybe it could be covered on Friday by Tony
  2. Is it possible to hold an image during a transition thereby creating a third image. If it is how can I do it?
  3. Has anybody a recommendation for AI software that will convert a word or Txt file into a selected voice narration.
  4. Have just realised that my best way was to make a new slide in Photoshop and save as a Jpeg for loading into Pte
  5. I am trying to produce a slide showing credits for the end of a programme but having great trouble in lining up the various names and their contribution. Is there anyway in the type function to set tabs to ensure a good line up as the names scroll up. Rather similar to what you see at the end of a film.
  6. Thanks Jill will give it a go
  7. I am assisting somebody with their AV which they have compiled on a window machine. I asked them to create a template and send it to me so that I can make adjustments to their images and timings. I am working on a Mac with the mac version. All that has happened is that I have a list of files but seem unable to open the template and get it onto my computer.. Any ideas
  8. Nice one Barry
  9. Thanks to all thee of you. Much appreciated
  10. I have three different images which I wish to combine into one image. Is it possible?
  11. Hi Jill Thanks I will give it a try.This was some of my earlier attempts before I understood templates. I shall be all ears on the 20th
  12. I have numerous exe files made when I worked on a PC. Is there any way to covert to mp4 to run on my Mac
  13. Thanks Jill and Rosemary yes tedious at present.
  14. Ia there anyway of setting the font size for the project
  15. Wonderful images one has difficulty in appreciating that they are paint on a substrate (I guess canvas).
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