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Mike Reed

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Everything posted by Mike Reed

  1. I am with you Bill all the way. The difference in screen resolution since switching away from PC is unbelievable. I am using Fusion 3 to run PTE (XP Pro) on Snow Leopard with 27inch monitor. Only one snag when playing back a sequence the graphics card stumbles a bit, don't know why it should as it is top spec. However the EXE file when created runs without a hitch. So I will live with that until Igor comes up with the goods. Mike
  2. Hi All The Mid Thames AV Group will be holding its annual Day on the 25th April 2010 at The Community centre Woosehill Wokingham Berks commencing at 10am. The guest speaker will be the much acclaimed Ian Bateman FRPS MPAGB. More Info from graham_laughton@yahoo.co.uk
  3. Thanks Guys my mind went blank.
  4. Hi Igor Your progression with PTE is truly amazing but us Mac users( and there are plenty of us) are still champing at the bit for you to give us a go. I use PTE on my Mac with a Windows addition but I do not like doing it so the sooner the better as far as I am concerned. By the way Fotomagico the Mac equivalent is not a patch on PTE. Mike Reed
  5. I have an animation sequence with four layers. Is there any way I can move one layer behind another. I've tried click and drag to no effect.
  6. Hi All I am so fed up with windows continually crashing despite all the cleanups and Defrags I am seriously thinking of going over to Apple Mac. Does any body have any experience of such a change over and how does PTE work in that environment? Mike
  7. Hi All This one might be for Igor. Is there any way to give individual colours to the key point blocks on the animation time line. For example say green for layer 1 (background) yellow for layer 2(parent slide) Blue for layer 3 etc.. I feel that this would make the relative position of a particular layer more visible when complicated movements between layers are involved. Mike
  8. Hi Igor I have dowloaded the file to mediafire. Not sure what PM means so it is sitting there in a folder named Coventry Cathedral...... Is this enough for you to look at it or do I need to do more? Mike
  9. Hi All I have tried to open a sequence constructed originaly in v5.7 in the Beta 6. I get a message 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' The sequence opens ok in v5.7. Any ideas? Mike Reed
  10. Hi Igor When next considering enhancements would it be possible to delete from the full screen view of the file list all the slides that have been used. I know they are shown in bold type but when one has a large number it would be most helpful to be able to see what is left unused. Mike
  11. Thanks Peter never too old to learn Mike
  12. Hi Manfred If you have Photoshop or some other image manipulation software why not add the text to the picture and then save that image as a Jpeg. Mike
  13. Afraid not Ken. All that does is go to the most recent Topics. It seems as though the ability to manage how we look at each topic has gone out into the ether. The only clue is to see how many replies there are to a subject before opening it then scroll down to the last by then known number. Mike
  14. When I follow an item in the forum the last reply is always at the bottom and sometimes onto page 2 which I invariably do not notice. Can I change the way items are shown with the last reply coming up first?
  15. Thanks Igor I was obviously using the save option for my pte files not save as which I shall do in future. I am however still slightly confused because in my pte folder for this sequence I have all the versions of this sequence saved as v 1, v2, v3 etc Could it be that the auto save ability of Pte is the function that overides the request for a name when the create button isused for an exe file to be created? Mike
  16. Hi Peter I did what you suggested and all I get is that I have version 5.7 no mention as to which beta version it is. However when I downloaded the programme I did not make any changes and just let PTE set itself up. The heading in the blue bar at the top of the screen does however say version 5.7 Beta 11. I did just wonder whether it has anything to do with how I have PTE set up. Under the view button I have Horizontal, Show Tree is ticked,File Panel and Slide list are thumbnails and captions are ticked for both File panel and Slide list. Regards Mike
  17. Hi Igor I have a sequence which has numerous versions each one saved as V1 v2 v3 etc. When I got to v7 I thought it was good enough so created an Exe file for PC using the Create facility in PTE. I then carried on working on it as I was still not happy with the result and eventually got to v10. When I tried to create an Exe file for PC of v10 PTE on the very bottom of the window below the time line button said that it had saved the Exe file but said that it was v7 not v10. In checking the folder where I keep all my shows there is a v7Exe file but no v10. In running the v7 file I see that it has updated to the v10 amendments that I had made and saved. This is not what I expected as it has overwritten a version that I might have wished to return to at a later date. When I use the Create facility I am not offered the choice to give the Exe file a new name. Pte just goes straight into creating the Exe file without anymore input from me. I have checked and I am running 5.7 beta 11 Mike
  18. Sorry Igor It does not seem to have been fixed in Beta 11. Please see my posting under Beat11 (my computer cannot spell Beta) Mike
  19. Hi Igor Have just downloaded Beta 11 but it still reverts back to the last saved EXE file when asked to create a new EXE file. For example my current show is in the saved PTE file name of......v10. The last time I converted a saved PTE file into an Exe was at........v7. The new Exe file is still titled .......v7exe. Mike
  20. Noted thanks Ronnie
  21. Hi Ronnie I think you will have to use the advanced search facility. Top right under your name but so feint that it is easy to miss. What a shame it has dropped off the membership number. That gave a slight clue as to the skill level of the member and also showed how successful PTE has become.. Mike
  22. Good point Ronnie. I tend to make copies of the EXE files but clearly gamble with the source documents!!! Never again it gave me quite a surprise.
  23. Here's a tip I recently lost my image files or at least PTE could not find them.I used the Windows search facility but this indicated Not found. They were not in the waste bin either. I always put all my files regarding a show into one folder , music ,images , sound effects ie the lot and start by numbering the images 001,002 etc. I eventually did find them but only by luck in that I recalled that one had a specific name that I had not changed to numeric. A search for that name found that, I suppose by finger trouble, I had moved the whole folder into a folder called Binaries. Where that came from heaven knows. So from now on the first slide in any sequence is going to be titled by the sequence name follwed by 001. Igor much prefer this new style for the forum. Hope this helps. Mike
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