Mike Reed
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Ok Lin here we go. I do see that Igor will make some changes in Beta 10. However I will relate what happened. Yes I am using 5.7 beta 9 When I said I had saved a sequence I meant that it was saved as a PTE file and I called it ......V8 as it was my eighth attempt to get it as I wanted it. When I click on create and select Create Exe file I get the message Creating (there is no choice option to name the exe file) the bottom bar says creating and shows the % completed. When completed it gives me the file string eg J/c-drive/my avs/........v5 Version 5 was the last one I saved from which I had previously created an Exe file. Before Beta 9 it would have created the Exe file as ............v8 ie taking the file title automatically from the title of my last saved Pte file. Please forget my previous comment about not being able to find the images. I think that due to finger trouble I managed to move the appropriate file to another destination. Kind regards Mike
I am running beta 9 of 5.7. I have saved a sequence titled as ........ v8 but when I go to create an Exe file PTE tells me that it is saved as my version 5 this being the last time I created an EXE file of this piece of work. Why is it not creating the Exe file with the same title as the saved sequence i.e v8 and is it overwriting my previously saved version? In my saved work is the.......... v8 PTE file but not the EXE To make matters worse. I thought it might just be a case of closing Pte and reopening it. But now I get the message Images not found. I therefore found on my hard drive the previous version which for me was Beta 5 and wanted to reload that but which of the numerous files is the programme file? There does not seem to be an obvious one. I have moved this post from Igors page to this general PTE page in the hope that others will see it. Mike
I am running beta 9 of 5.7. I have saved a sequence titled as ........ v8 but when I go to create an Exe file PTE tells me that it is saved as my version 5 this being the last time I created an EXE file of this piece of work. Why is it not creating the Exe file with the same title as the saved sequence i.e v8 and is it overwriting my previously saved version? In my saved work is the.......... v8 PTE file but not the EXE To make matters worse. I thought it might just be a case of closing Pte and reopening it. But now I get the message Images not found. I therefore found on my hard drive the previous version which for me was Beta 5 and wanted to reload that but which of the numerous files is the programme file? There does not seem to be an obvious one.
Hi Lin I think I am going to have to give up on this one. Let me tell you what I have done. Your Win Zip file has been saved to a new folder and its Properties shows it to be a zip file of 24.8mb. I have clicked the Unblock button just in case my anti virus is causing the problem. I have then copied that folder using the copy option and saved it to my PTE project folder 'Through the tunnels' When I try to open the PTE project I get the Pictures not found message BUT all the individual images then load into the time line and I can run the sequence in the preview window. In the File panel I do not get an individual slide but the folder icon, clicking on this (either left or right) has no effect However if I then try to create an Exe File or preview using the Preview button for a full screen view I get the images not found message again. When I open the sequence that I want to insert the video into and right click at the insertion point I do not get a paste option in the drop down menu. The only thing that I think might be why it will not work is possibly my understanding of your instruction to 'Extract the PTE file into either the same folder or another' as I am not sure which PTE file you are referring to. You have really tried with me but I fear the technical side may be beyond me. Mike
Hi Lin It hasn't popped up yet. Will have a look in the morning. Mike
Yes Lin It is advertised as being a hiking pole and the web site shows it free standing with a SLR on the top. Have a look at http://www.trek-tech.com/products/trekpods.html It seems to me that it will not be anywhere as cumbersome as a proper tripod and one might get away with it where tripods are not favoured Churches etc. It also seems to be more stable than the Manfrotto one where the feet are right at the bottom of the pole. Thanks for your help on the video front sadly I have had to make another post. Mike
Thanks for coming in on this one Ken. I am afraid it does not work. From Lins extract I have managed to get all the indivdual png files into the slide view, then into the time line and the sequence plays ok. However when I go to save it or create an Exe file I get the Images not found message. Trying the Hawk method of right clicking on the first slide brings up a selection screen but it does not include COPY. I am using the latest PTE 5.7 Beta 7. So as far as this all goes my glass is only half full. Thanks for your interest Mike
Thanks Lin I now have all the indivdual images and am assembling them into my show. By the way what is the Hawk method? What a joy it is to be a part of the PTE world. Best Regards Mike
Lin I've just tried to open the mediafile mentioned above and it says the file is empty so I am not sure if I am right clicking at the right place, I am begining to think that I have monopolised you too much and maybe I should give up on this one or I can edit it a bit more to get it below 10mb and then maybe I can just e-mail it to you. What do you suggest? Ever grateful Mike
Hi Lin I just hope that this is right as I have taken enough of your time already. http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=4efd580...be6ba49b5870170 Best regards Mike
Sorry Lin I am making a bit of a hash of this. Ok I have uploaded it to Mediafire but what now, how do I get it to you or onto the forum The file is Sequence 02 Around the lake High Def mpg and is 10.29mb. I have played it from mediafire and there is no sound track but that is no problem as I can record that from Adobe Premier elements were I edited the video. Regards Mike
Thanks Lin for your offer of help. After much fiddling around I think I might have a zipped file. So here goes. Should that fail can I e-mail you the file direct? Mikesequence_01_mpeg2.zip
Hi Lin Thanks for your response. At the age of 72 some things are a bit beyond me and Zipping is one of them. I have the file saved as a windows media file of 277kbSequence_03.wmv and attached it here. Hope I've done the right thing. Mike
Has anybody experience of using a Trek-Tech mono pod with three legs. If so how stable are they?
Hi Lin The clip is 12 seconds long and 26mb in size although Adobe premier elements seems to allow me to save it at much lower resolutions. You will gather from this that I am not a Video man I much prefer my SLR. Mike
Thanks Guys I was wondering why no response in the PTE section then it hit me (dunder head) Mike
Hi I am keen to add a short video sequence to a PTE Project. I searched the forum for this subject and could only find a comment by Lin Evans in 2007 basically saying NO. With all the updates since then is it now possble and if so how and what file extension should be saved.
Hi I have searched the forum but can only find a comment by Lin Evans back in 2007 which was in the negative. So is it now possible to import a video sequence into Pte? If so how do I do it and what file extension should I save it in before trying to import it?
Hi Igor PTE just gets better and better. One thought. When using two monitors and running a preview it would be most helpful if the Blue curser in the time line moves in sync as the preview is seen on the other monitor. I appreciate you can do this in the editing mode but when viewing at full screen things to adjust often stand out more that in the smaller viewing screen.
Hi Guys Where do I find this colour change option. Mike
Thanks Peter and The Dom. I will give Peter's advice a try and if that fails it is over to you Dom. I am sure I did try what you suggested Peter but just maybe I got the layers in the wrong order. Mike
This is driving me mad. I want to make the curtain in a theatre image go up behind the procenium. Simple I know but which ever way I try it the curtain moves infront of the main image. I wish to create the effect of the raising of the Safety Curtain before a show commences. There must be a way!
Thanks Davy. Having listened to the video he scared the living daylights out of me so I think I will leave well alone.
Hi I use XP pro on my lap top. Is there any way to remove the annoying little windows that come up from time to time telling you that this that or the other needs attention. It happened three times during a show last night following a windows update of some sort. kept telling me to reboot the computer. Not very professional when that happens. In the end it gave up and did the restart anyway completely ruining a sequence that was three quarters of the way through.