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Mike Reed

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Everything posted by Mike Reed

  1. May I suggest we knock this one on the head as we seem to have strayed way off the subject of Templates.
  2. HI All Am having trouble in getting my head around creating a template of a sequence to send to someboby else who has PTE installed so that they can amend what I have done.. So far I have gone to file> templates>create template from this show. Given it a name and hit OK. The resultant template would appear to be saved in... c/docs and settings/all users/application data/pictures to exe/templates/then the saved name of my sequence. BUT when I open this folder and save to a blank cd all I get copied is the slides without the runing/timing order or sound track. I expected it to open into a new project in exactly the layout as I have it in my timing window. Have I done something wrong or is this all you get as a template? Mike
  3. If you want to see some masterful AV work from a Fellow of the RPS have alook at http://www.avpeter.com/audio-visual/
  4. Hi All I did not intend to stir up such feelings when posing this question. I have since established that the reason for requesting the certifcation is because the halls' insurers have written such a requirement into their third party liability cover. It is not therefore unreasonable for the hall to protect itself. I wonder how many other halls are similarly affected but no body has bothered to read the small print. Mike
  5. Thanks everybody for your helpful comments. It seems as though it better be done for no other reason than to protect myself.
  6. Has anybody come across this one before? I was to do a show in a Church hall but was told I had to have a Portable Appliance Testing certificate for my electrical equipment as otherwise I would invalidate the halls insurance. Doe anybody know how I get one and what it might cost? The Nanny State again or fear of ambulance chaing Solicitors!!
  7. What concerns me is that with added sound track windows I am going to run out of monitor screen space. What's wrong with using a programme such as Adobe Audition where the options are extensive. After all it is easy enough to switch from one screen to another or keep note of timings when these are vital. By the way it is not that expensive as early editions are still available. For example v1.5 is $49 from http://www.argumentsoftware.com/P8/Digital...ition_v1_5.html
  8. Thanks everybody for your response. It all sounds a bit complicated I think I will wait until Igor can expand the range of dissolves available and maybe show them in a separate window.
  9. If you have not seen JP's masks go to Igors's page and scroll down they are fantastic. JP mentions the 'Hawk method' to use his masks. I do not know what this is. Can anybody explain in simple language for a not very computer literate person.
  10. Jean-Pierre What a fantastic selection of masks. My problem is I do not know what the Hawk method is. Can you or somebody else please explain in simple terms.
  11. Thanks Peter Just as I remembered it and it worked a treat. You might care to have a look at my posting re templates of today for I am struggling with this. regards Mike
  12. Hi Lin and All I seem to have started something here. Can I now expand the problem for I have a template saved on a cd. I can run that and open the Pte project. However I now wish to make a DVD of that project and the cd is in the dvd writer drive. If I take the cd out and replace it with a blank Dvd I get the message that the files cannot be found by Pte. How do I fool Pte into finding the images in my CD read only drive which is available? Keep it simple as I am a silver surfer. I live in hope Mike
  13. I am told it worked. Many thanks to all who replied. Mike
  14. Thanks I have tried that way and await a response from my friend. Not sure how effective it would be with a large file, it took quite a while to load up the 5mb file as it was.
  15. Dave I am afraid that is not the answer. I can navigate to the folder in which there are the individual slides plus the template but when I click on that to attach it to my e-mail it becomes a PTE project file i.e. with the extension .pte Mike
  16. Hi All This is odd. I have saved a project as a template and PTE says that it is saved as a .pt file. The complete string being shown at the bottom of the main window. I am trying to send that to a colleague but when I try to attach the template .pt file to my e-mail I cannot find it neither can windows search facility. What I do find though at the same address is the .pte file which of course my colleague cannot open. Any ideas what is going on?
  17. I am trying to get a very soft ripple effect ( almost a shimmer) dissolve running from the top to the bottom. I have seen it done but just cannot remember how to achieve it. Any help always appreciated.
  18. I have found that if you stich all three together, save that image and load into PTE, then use the pan facility in the animation window it works very well.
  19. Hi Jill and John I am not sure when my subscription to the RPS AV group falls due. My RPS sub is due on the 1st march I guess that is when I have to pay the AV addition. If not do let me know. Happy New Year and to Maureen and Robert if they are looking. Mike Reed
  20. Thanks Guys I was begining to think I had missed something simple. Igor please take note of our wishes if at all possible in the new year.
  21. I realise that there is a relationship between the time line and slide view windows e.g. click on a frame number in time line and the slide will be highlighted in slide view and vice versa. But is there any way to make the window position jump to the same point so that when you switch from one to the other you are in sync. It seems to me that the position in the window is set by where you were last in that particular window. This is not easy to explain but I hope I have made my wish clear.
  22. Igor On the next up date can you consider synchronising the time line and slide view windows so that a position in one is mirrored in the other. I find it frustrating when switching between the two to have to search to find my original point. Thanks for super software Mike Reed
  23. Hi Igor When you are looking at Beta 11 could you consider linking the position of the curser in the time line window with the same position in the slide view window. I find it frustrating when switching from one to the other to find that I have to search along the window to find the position I was at in the previous window. I hope that I have explained this sufficiently for you. Mike Reed member 46
  24. Thanks to all for this advice. I thought you could treat them as Cds obviously not> I will try again.
  25. HI All I have three projects saved as projects which I wish to write to DVD. I have v5.5 with Video Builder. Whilst I have no problem writing one project to DVD when I try to add another to the original DVD disk I get a message telling me that the disk has material on it already. No problem there but I cannot get past that message window to add the additional projects. I have had a look in the 5.5 User Guide but cannot find the appropriate instructions. Can anybody help?
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