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    Wheeling, IL
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    Photography, Web design, photo restoration, biking, tennis and golf.

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  1. Judy - I just got my 8 week old 30D back from Canon for sensor cleaning and firmware upgrading. I am convinced that the camera came new with lots of dust since I only used a new 50mm L lens and shot about 200 pictures (never removing the lens)- the dust was evident on the first pic I took at f/22. I tried the method in the manual to no avail, got on the phone with a Canon tech and tried it again to no avail. They then agreed to clean the sensor and upgrade on a "one time n/c basis" - so much for the limited warranty. The camera is now free of any dust or other particles. I was able to get a senior technical guy on the phone to try to find out precisely what they did (we talked for about 1 hour) that I could not. According to him, they only use a rocket blower made by Giotto. He claims they don't use brushes, swabs or chemicals - a questionable statement at best. Apparently "technique" is the key. Firmware upgrades can be downloaded from their site under the appropriate model. The balance of the conversation focused on lenses. Fixed are least likely to draw in dust and particles whereas zooms are the worse - so much for buying a brand where you already have lens that fit. Finally, I asked about what they charge for sensor cleaning and firmware upgrading for potential future incidents. The cost is $30. plus shipping/insurance - total about $45 depending on where you live and method used to return the camera. As you no doubt know, www.copperhillimages.com is loaded with information about self cleaning and offers an array of products from $32. to $100. Had I known what I know now, I probably would have purchased one of the other two cameras that have a "cleaning" mechanism built in. Jack
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