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Hi Its called camstudio and is very much like camtasia without the cost http://www.atomixbuttons.com/vsc/ Regards Rod Outputs in swf also
Hi Sure thing Jim , maybe you could answer my very simple question to end this ? To open a post is like like stepping into a room with a few people , if somebody came into a room that you were in and answered 2 other people in that room that asked a question and you asked a direct question and was totally ignored , you tell me how you would feel ? Its very simple , he entered into the post (room), it is manners and edicut to address all that were in that particular post (room) that asked a direct question ! This is the end of this for me , the point l am making is right , if you dont just read the words but understand what lm saying how can you say lm wrong , obviously you have different morals than l do . I am only firing on a point of principle here , this is not nasty Jim , l have no hard feelings about anybody on this forum , my only negative thoughts about this forum is that some people can be over sensitive on some issues at times . Have a nice day Rod
Hi Its quite simple , if you open a post that has 6 questions from different people , l find it an insult to pick 2 out of the 6 to answer , nobody is asking for a long winded answer to every question , but the man is reading the post anyway , to totally ingore 4 to answer 2 is wrong ! My point is if you are going to answer somebody in a post ,its not to hard to very briefly answer the others in the same post if they ask a direct question , Nobody said answer every post in the forum , its a rediculas notion to think this is what lm saying , if you are going to open a post and answer somebody , then dont ignore the others in the same post that ask a direct question . For the people that carnt understand exactly what lm saying here , to open a post is like like stepping into a room with a few people , if somebody came into a room that you were in and started to talk to 2 other people in that room , and you asked a direct question and was totally ignored , you tell me how you would feel ? I stand by what l said , l would not do it and l think it is bad manners . Regards Rod Mike why the hell are you apologizing and what are you feeling insulted about , l have no understanding of where you are coming from here , its like me saying your favorite football team have poor public relations and you get insulted , yeh right ! l frequent more than 15 software forums atm and l can name 3 where the developer answers nearly every question asked .
Hello Igor , to come into your forum and hand pick a couple of questions that you will answer and totally ignore the rest is ignorant , you need a lesson in manners and common courtesy , quick brief answers are not hard to do ! Regards Rod
Hi Igor , how about an option to start another app (exe) at the end or close of a show , its a much needed feature , you could then daisey chain PTE shows together and you would also be able to use PTE to do intros for other mulitimedia shows , can you please add this feature soon , its not a hard programing task ? Regards Rod
Hi Very interesting stuff , l had a look at thier site and the app looks good for this purpose . The reason the audio would be out in Flash is that with Flash the animation and the audio run independate , unless the audio is a streaming swf and then Flash will drop animation frames to keep in sync with the audio , if its not streaming audio , it will prolly run way out of time and finish way behind the visuals ,how much depends on the length of the movie and how heavy the animation is . Low frame rate can work , but if you have any sort of heavy animation it will be as smooth as a gravel road , low frame rate is totally content relevant ,one thing for sure you will not get a transition out of flash as smooth as PTE with a frame rate of 7 , you wont get it with a rate of 30 unless you have a beast of a machine running it ,as we all know PTE has very smooth fades even on slow machines . You can cheat things to get acceptable results using compression ,low frame rates , small playback window size etc , and thats what you will get acceptable , it may even look great , untill ,, you view the same deal with a higher frame rate , less compression . and bigger files Nice chatting with you guys and will have a good look at LiveSlideShow . Have a nice day Rod
Hello Guys Just a note on this subject , have you ever thought of rolling your own music , you would be suprised how easy it is and its great fun to , the best program l have found for this is Sonic foundrys Acid Pro , its very easy to use incredably powerfull , comes with a mountain of great loops , effects etc . It allows you to rip a section of any audio cd and mix it with anything ,you would be suprised what you can make , just to many features to list here , it is a really good program . http://www.sonicfoundry.com/Products/showp...uct.asp?PID=704 Regards Rod PS its great for scoring video also
Hi I understand that the players have a pause , but l mean the editors so its built in to the video , eg still image stays on screen for set time video plays transition next image stay static for set time then video plays transition , l have not seen anything like this ? Rod
Hi l havent seen any video or mov file that has a wait option , l havent seen this feature in any video editor , video is all about motion ,they dont stop and wait , not that l have seen anyway , l must open up quicktime pro and see if it has a function like this . To say you have seen quality video of 640x480 , yes that true , but not the same quality PTE will give you for the file size , to get this quality you will need a high bitrate , if your image in PTE is 100kbs in resolution + size , you will then need for video a bitrate of 2.8mg per second to equal the PTE quality , has to be its just mathematics , of course compression will get it down somewhat , but for quality video you need high bitrate ! l guess its whatever you are satified with . This is based on 29fps and 25fps , do you know for sure this wait function is available or are you thinking it should be ? Regards Rod
Hi A down side to this would be the huge file size , times a 3minute PTE show by 29 frames per second = 5020 images to be shown in that 3 mins , now if you want any sort of quality so it can play fullscreen or at least 640x480 you will need a bitrate of at least 1 to 1.5 mg per second , so to do all this it will run out at about 100mg per minute of slideshow , not very economical . Video is not a very good medium for static objects , as video dont stop while you a looking at a still image . To go swf , Igor would probably have to pay royalties to macromedia and this may stop him , l would actually rather see swf import into PTE than export . If you want to build a slideshow in Swf format , any of the flash content editors like Swish or Koolmoves can do it , but the quality is not as good as PTE as swf is far better at handling vector graphics than bitmaps . Regards Rod
Rudi l build Multimedia presentations for small business like Resorts , at the moment lm doing a cd for Queensland Tourism that will go into our education system about cultural sites of significance in an area of Australias state of Queensland . But anyway , this program can do lots of stuff for me , actually it can just about do it all , the Pro version at 399 has all the features l will ever need , the EXP version is more for programers etc . But as powerfull and feature rich these kind of apps are they cannot build a photo slideshow with the same quality as easily as PTE . Regards Rod
Hello Rudi Yes you are right , they are very basic for what that program can do , l have been playing with the trial for a few days now , and boy o boy has this got some features , check out the feature list enough to get anybody into multimedia excited . Just a sample . Can put buttons , text , or any object for that matter on top of video , its the first app l have seen that can overlay video . Has colision detection for any object , great for games . Can build a project in a easy to use drag and drop manner , put images animations video , what ever anywhere you want , then just export as a Standalone exe , or a html that can be used as a website with all actions working , or export as a SWF file , just brilliant Imports flash content and its just any other object . This app has enough outstanding features l could go on for ages . l will be buying it Regards Rod
Hi l seen these and thought you may be interested in taking a look , they are only small about 2mg or less , there is one in the roup called jukebox , your version is so much better , but you may like to take a look . They are zipped self running exe . http://www.matchware.net/en/support/exchan...rum/default.htm Regards Rod
Hi l dont think you can do it for before show , because PTE would not be able to commnicate with the app to know when it has stopped so it can play . But it would be easy to to add the option to run another exe on the closing of a pte show , this would be a good function ,because you can daisey chain PTE shows or run another multimedia show or app . How about it Igor , its not a hard one to add into PTE functions ? Rod PS This run exe on close could be put in an update very easy , it would allow PTE to be intro to many things , it is a much usefull add on for PTE . Are you listening Igor ?
Hi You might want to check these out . http://www.ulead.com/dps/features.htm http://www.picturetotv.com/index.htm? Regards Rod