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  1. wonderfully relaxing to watch and listen to. great job.
  2. really great works. I aspire to produce these. keep sharing.
  4. nobeefstu- We are getting somewhere................. I got the extensions names on my files. First, my Project1.exe file is fine. It opens when I double clicked it, and the extension is .exe As for my autorun.inf file -- that could be the problem. The extension when I look is autorun.inf.txt is this the problem. I saved it autorun.inf. It saved as a text file as a default. Is this the problem and how do I fix it?
  5. nobeefstu- At the risk of souding even more stupid, this is what I just did: I burned another CD. There were 2 files that I copied to the CD, copying to data: File name was autorun.inf I saved it in lower case this way, and saved it as the entire name with .inf in the name in the Notepad. This is what was in the file: [autorun] open=Project1.exe icon=Project1.exe It did not work Then I saved it the next time as : [autorun] open=Project1.exe Then I copied the file- the one with the rectangular logo. It is called Project1. It doesn't say exec anywhere on the file name. Is this a problem? I also burned one with the name Project1.exe. This one did not work either There were no folders, just copied the 2 files. I'm not sure what the Root means. After the CD was burned, I ejected the disk and then put it in again - the 2 files came up and I need to click on the Project1 or the Project1.exe with the rectangular logo Can you please help!!! I am lost here.
  6. Ian and Nobeefstu- Can you please tell me exactly what to type and save. Are they just 3 separate files that I copy to the CD? I would appreciate any help as I have ruined about 5 CDs all ready! Lucky for me they are very cheap now! Thanks in advance for any ideas that you may have. I am using xp operating system, and I have other programs that auto start.
  7. I just tried this CD on another computer and it also did not autostart.
  8. When I put the CD in the drive, it brings up the files that I burned.
  9. I am a new user. I am adding this file to be burned on the CD. My presentation name is Project1. I called the file autorun.inf and wrote this in Notepad and saved as that name. This is what I typed in: [autorun] open=Project1.exe icon=Project1.exe I burned this file and Project1 on the CD. What did I do wrong? Wendy
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