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    Charleroi (Belgium)

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  1. Thank's a lot, Ken ! But for the others, the question about transitions is still open...
  2. Well, I begin to see the tunnel's end. Don't ask me how, but I can now see-&-hear my show, but... all my transitions are now "cut" ! In the JPD's version he tried to show me it's possible, it was not the same : slow, cut, all was like in the original. Chi va piano va sano : chi va sano va lontano...
  3. ? ... and now ?
  4. Well, better late than never, I succeeded trying to open with v5 a file created with v4.48, this topic's object. But now I can't create an MPEG file :
  5. Thank you, Al, but my trial's file is all what you say : very short, very light, and without object. And the sound is in MP3. I'm nearly sure I forget something between the folder's move/paste and the "save as". But never mind : I'm working to find the solution with JPD "off forum". When we find wher is my mistake, I come back to explain it. Not for you, of course : for who meet the same problem...
  6. Happy you succeed, but the problem is not to transform my P2E file in MPEG (even if it appears during the opration) : the problem is to read with v5 a P2E-file created with v4.48 ! I guess I forget something between the move/paste the folder, and "save as" o, v5... But what, I don't know... of course !
  7. Merci, Jean-Pierre, mais il n'y a pas d'objet dans mes montages, et c'est la seule restriction que tu m'as indiquée... Thanks, JP, but there is no object in my files, et you didn't give me other restriction(s)... It's exactly what I did
  8. All is in the title... I need it because I'd like to create an MPEG2 file from a v4.48 file. When I try to open it on v5, I can just import the picture : impossible to import the sound and the synchronisation (of course). Normal ? Impossible ? Friendly, YVES
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