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Hugh Barton

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Everything posted by Hugh Barton

  1. That is a great response which I will try I have also now worked out how to copy and paste images from one PTE to another which is great help, the key being to be in the same program file after copying and then pasting into new place. Regards Hugh
  2. Hello all I have created some title slides in an PTE file - but want to transfer them to another PTE file - can I save the created slides in a folder for easy transfer, or will I have to transfer each created slide individually. Many thanks
  3. Lin Many thanks for the tutorial and advice - absolutely brilliant and now have to get a rather complicated route with some difficult turns, and your second entry assists in that considerably - Please keep up the wonderful work Regards Hugh
  4. I am looking to display a map on which I can animate (draw), as it were, a line between two places to show a route and wondering whether anyone has tried this or any tutorial showing how to do. Now that I have gone digital - finding the creation of side shows on PTE great - having been away from the program for a couple of years! Many thanks for looking Hugh
  5. Al Many thanks for advice - will look up which version I am and give it a try Regards Hugh
  6. Although I am sure this has been asked before - I am new to this - so apologise. I have set up a PtE file, but want to pause images at my convenience, then run a sequence and pause again- and not really sure how to create such a show - perhaps there is a website I could be directed too Many thanks Hugh
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