I'm having a slightly different problem with P2E 5 and music, in that I can't seem to get the music to end! Although I have very carefully checked that the box which asks if you want the music to play again when it gets to the end is NOT TICKED, it runs on anyway. I created two previous shows in v.4x on my W98 machine quite successfully, but decided to get brave and use the v5 beta programme. Things went well until I tried to preview it. All I got was a blinking (literally!) screen - no pictures, just the music and a flashing desktop image. I tried opening up the project on a W2000 machine (on its separately installed version of the software) and it ran OK, but at the end the music started up again. I am limited to less than 5 minutes for this show, and it is running perilously close to that limit, so I need to have silence at the end. I tried opening the project on the W2000 computer and resaving it, hoping that would solve the problem, but alas no. I even tried putting a tick INTO the box, in case it was 'wired backwards' but to no avail. I was hoping to submit this new show tonight for a presentation in two weeks time, but is there anything I can do other than to start all over again with the older P2E version? Pat