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Pat Strauss

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  1. Thanks to both of you for your suggestions. I tried adding the extra silence, and as pointed out, it does give the operator enough time to hit the ESC key before the music starts up again, but start up it does. I haven't had a chance yet to look at the green line solution, but I do remember seeing one on the timeline, so I know what you are referring to. Will have a go when life slows down a little. Cheers, Pat
  2. I'm having a slightly different problem with P2E 5 and music, in that I can't seem to get the music to end! Although I have very carefully checked that the box which asks if you want the music to play again when it gets to the end is NOT TICKED, it runs on anyway. I created two previous shows in v.4x on my W98 machine quite successfully, but decided to get brave and use the v5 beta programme. Things went well until I tried to preview it. All I got was a blinking (literally!) screen - no pictures, just the music and a flashing desktop image. I tried opening up the project on a W2000 machine (on its separately installed version of the software) and it ran OK, but at the end the music started up again. I am limited to less than 5 minutes for this show, and it is running perilously close to that limit, so I need to have silence at the end. I tried opening the project on the W2000 computer and resaving it, hoping that would solve the problem, but alas no. I even tried putting a tick INTO the box, in case it was 'wired backwards' but to no avail. I was hoping to submit this new show tonight for a presentation in two weeks time, but is there anything I can do other than to start all over again with the older P2E version? Pat
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