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John, First, are you sure you chose the correct download file - the one thaat matches your current software version? Secondly, I think you should have used the existing card. The install process wants, ultimately, to unload the contents of the SYSTEM.BIN file into the SYSTEM folder. A new SD card will not have that folder. My only mistake was, I think, not switching mains power on at the wall (a senior moment!). Once I did that, the next day, it worked as they described it should. If you haven't got it sorted by Sunday 19th, bring it and its power pack to Bradford and we'll see if two half-brains are better than one! regards, Peter
Ken, I cannot speak for others, but in my opinion, you are constantly missing the point about this. If I wanted my audience to look at individual images I would not be producing AV sequences. But I don't want them to look at any of my sequences as just a string of individual images accompanied by some musak. I want my audience to view the sequence as a cohesive whole; in the same way that they would watch a movie at the cinema. That's the way I intend them to be viewed. When viewing submitted sequences here on the forum, I do not check whether I have manual control over the sequence. I presume the author wanted me to watch it as a flowing sequence. That's what I do and that is the basis for my feedback. Andrew's sequence flowed beautifully - until that final image. There has been plenty of recent discussion here on the forum about lack of constructive feedback. When someone does make a constructive suggestion, we get this kind of reaction from you. regards, Peter
Andrew, A very evocative and moving tribute. The only comment I would make is that the final slide of credits vanished before I had time to read everything. To get an appropriate duration for slides containing text: time yourself reading the words out loud and set the slide duration to at least that amount of time. I've been to Flanders several times, but never in the winter. I liked the light that you got. I must consider a winter trip myself. regards, Peter
Nice discovery, Cor! Did you notice that the modification is applied to ALL the keyframes on this object? It works with both positive and negative adjustments, too. The value in the pop-up box is the number of milliseconds that you want the keyframes moving (positive to the right, negative to the left). It can result in the origin keyframe (at offset 0.000) moving left. I'm not sure what the implication of having a keyframe on an object before the object exists will be. Now if only we could use Ctrl+Click to select just those keyframes to which this feature was to be applied... And a warning if the move took a keyframe beyond the existence of the object, too. Come on you Wizards of Wnsoft, make it happen for us! Please? regards, Peter
Xaver, Isn't that slightly longer first slide time simply the system getting the next EXE file loaded into memory and ready to start playing? Peter
John, On the subject of noise pickup, you might find the link below of interest. It's from the Audacity forum. I've linked to my posting of my findings but you probably should read the whole topic to get that into its proper context. http://forum.audacityteam.org/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=63439&start=10#p169890 regards, Peter
That would be a very suitable solution. The behaviour then would be: - User creates a Frame. The Action is None by default therefore "Transparent to selection" is ticked automatically by PTE - User changes the Action to some value other than None, PTE automatically unticks "Transparent to selection" - User changes their mind and sets Action back to None, PTE ticks the box automatically regards, Peter
I've never heard of anything like that before, which suggests to me that it will be something unique to your system, possibly not directly related to PTE. When did it start happening? What had you done just before that? What had you done between then and the last time it worked correctly? What, if any, recent changes have you made to software products, system-type settings and such like? What verion of PTE are you using (see Help...About PicturesToExe...)? regards, Peter
A Zoom H4 is a bigger, older and, regrettably, more expensive version of digital sound-recorder. And, as of this morning, by repeating what I tried yesterday, I managed to get the software upgrade applied. The machine boots up quicker, closes down quicker and connects to the PC massively quicker. regards, Peter
Eric, No experience but remember, HDMI carries both the image signal and the sound signal, VGA carries only the image signal. So, unless there are other connectors involved, you will not get the sound played through this box. Peter
If you assign a "hidden" (= 0% opacity) object to a slide, you can then program that object to "Go to Slide name xxx". By doing the same with Slide Name xxx you can program that to return to where it was called from. The programming options are on the Common tab of the Objects and Animation window.
Hi Boogie, Having read your post, and used the web address to track down updates for my Zoom H4, I'm now trying to update the software in my Zoom H4 and getting nowhere fast! I've followed the instructions on the web page but it isn't doing what they said it would do. At least the device is still working on its old software! I've e-mailed them but don't hold out too much hope. Will report back any progress - positive or negative. regards, Peter
Brian, The way the forum software seems to work (on Firefox) is that the display of an attached image "greys out" the main forum window. But I have always been able to scroll down in the browser to see the "Close X" on the frame of the image and to click on the X to close the Image display pop-up. The image pop-up is not "grey-ed out" as well. It just uses grey as its colour scheme. Are you saying that the image pop-up is also totally "greyed out" and totally inactive? If that is so, I would suggest that it is either a bug in IE8 or a bug in the way the image display feature is working with IE8. This is what I meant by you being wrong. In Firefox one can scroll down over a large image until one sees that "Close X" and can then click on it to close down the image pop-up. There would, I'm sure, have been a massive outcry from the forum members if other browsers had not worked that way. regards, Peter
Brian, Unless your browser software is of an unusual design, I think you will find that, at the right-hand side of the browser's window, there is a vertical scroll bar. I think you will find that left-clicking on that, holding the click down and moving the mouse in an up-and-down direction will achieve what is called a "vertical scroll" of the contents of the browser window. It certainly does in a good browser like Firefox. Peter P.S. It is so difficult to convey sarcasm in the printed word. And I do apologise for being sarcastic. I do not deny that the software has its merits - but to state that it was not possible to get to the "little X" was plain wrong!
Öffnen Sie das erste Projekt und kopieren Sie die Folie in die Zwischenablage. Jetzt, im gleichen Fenster der PTE, File ... Open die zweite Projekt-und Paste der Folie aus der Zwischenablage (Übersetzt mit Google Übersetzer) Peter
Xaver, Excellent analysis on your part. That gets the desired result! Neither do I, now! However, I think this raises a new issue. The PTE Frame object is intended to be visually transparent. Should it, therefore, have a default value of "Transparent to selection" = ticked? Then, the only way to select it would be via its name in the Object List in the "Objects and Animation" window. Any click within the area of the Frame would then automatically pass through to the lower layer object(s). And whilst we are discussing the attributes of the Frame object, its Opacity should be "locked" at 0%, shouldn't it? If we want a visible Frame we have the Rectangle object: which is only a Frame at 100% Opacity (or is it the Frame which is a Rectangle at 0%? ) regards, Peter
What's wrong with using the browser's ability to scroll down until the little "x" becomes visible? Peter
Eric, Perhaps it is time to consider upgrading? After all, you've just bought yourself a new super-fast laptop that has all the "ooommph" you need to drive PTE v7. Peter
Xaver, If your suggestion was to work (and I haven't tried it) it would suggest that one Frame already is transparent to selection but the other isn't. I'm not looking for another workaround. I'd simply like to understand why the behaviour is as it is. regards, Peter
It's the old Powerpoint Standard!
I stumbled across this behaviour (which I am convinced is a bug) whilst preparing a Demonstration/Tutorial session about Audacity sound editor. The mini-project attached below demonstrates this unusual behaviour. You will need to unzip the contents into a folder because there are two text files that are the targets of the two buttons. There is no sound associated with this PTE project. As you play with it you will need to study the structure of the objects in the Objects List panel of the Objects and Animation window. You will also need to keep an eye on the slide number that is displayed at the top of the screen. To try and summarize what I have found: If the buttons are placed directly on the Background (as child objects) everything works as it should. If each button is placed in its own frame, then only the button in the first frame behaves correctly, the other button simply advances to the next slide The only difference between slides 5 and 7 is that the order of the Frames has been changed Note that slides 1 and 2 are PTE-generated Blanks (PTE doesn't seem to add the Slide Number text comment to these (another bug?)), the other blank slides are BlackSlide JPEG files. Although not included in this project, if all buttons are placed in a single Frame everything behaves as it should. I have not tried with more than two Frames but I suspect that only the first will work correctly no matter how many there are. I also suspect everything will be OK if the buttons are placed as totally independent objects, but I haven't tried this either. regards, Peter ButtonBug.zip
With respect Ken, people cannot use v4.48 because it is not readily available. A new user will be downloading the trial copy from www.wnsoft.com and trying to get to grips with that. Like Brian, I agree with Barry's views. Also, like Brian, I do not understand why this topic is now in Ideas and suggestions for future releases. It has no relevance to the inclusion of new function in a future release. It is about how we, on this forum, conduct ourselves in respect of the other members of the forum community - and especially towards those who need our help the most: the new users. I would add to the points raised by Barry and Brian the additional point: not all forum users are English-speaking. Those replying to posts from such forum members need to consider very carefully the choice of words and phraseology that they use, in anticipation that the forum member may be using translation tools.
Does PTE need a better Help system?
fh1805 replied to fh1805's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
Cor, I've recently joined the Audacity forum and see the same thing happening there: the same question several times each day, the same answer given. The Audacity moderators have the patience of saints! Most of these repeating questions have already been answered in either the very comprehensive user manual, or in the equally comprehensive wiki of tips and tutorials. Thanks for your initial response and for your recent words of encouragement. Don't worry, I am happy! regards, Peter -
Frans, Have you tried setting a Border via the Properties tab in the O&A window? Peter