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Everything posted by fh1805

  1. Hi folks! Having got the AVG problem resolved I have now turned my attention to v7.0.1 beta. I have installed the version given by the link in this post. The status of "Keep full slide duration" was "unticked" when I opened the program for the first time and has remained so ever since. (System is Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit with SP1. PTE 701 was a customized install: into folders separate from the original v700 installation and not allowed to establish file associations). As far as I can make out the program behaves exactly as did v6.5. I can modify slide duration and effect duration via "Customize Slide" and get the result that I previously got with v6.5. I can use the "Slides" view and move slides around by drag and drop and they all retain the duration and effect timings. As far as I am concerned this beta gives me all I'm looking for - but I have no interest in adding video to my sequences. So, for a non-video user, what are the issues with this beta version? Perhaps Dave or Jill could bring me up to speed with a PM or an e-mail? I'll have some time over these next three days to play with the program. regards, Peter
  2. With AV software, it isn't the software version that's important, it's the level of the database. I would expect the same level of database to have the same behaviour on all OS variants. I would not expect the same software version to necessarily have the same behaviour on all operating systems. Each operating system will have its own, unique exposures. regards, Peter
  3. On my Win 7 system, AVG 2012 database version 4545 still gave the problem. I've just forced AVG to update to database version 4546 and the problem is no longer present. Two-three working days to fix a piece of free software isn't too bad. It's just that when it's the AV software it is kind of crippling. regards, Peter
  4. Dave, I did! Thanks. regards, Peter
  5. Dave, I've placed a self-imposed embargo on PTE installs until AVG resolve the false virus alert that prevents the Publish of exe files. Maybe others are doing the same. regards, Peter
  6. Noel, Read this topic, too: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?/topic/13647 regards, Peter
  7. Gerrit, I suspect your graphics card is the weak point. The 7300 is of modest ability compared to more recent cards. regards, Peter
  8. Now here's an interesting fact. The "virus" that AVG is detecting = Trojan horse FakeAV.SYJ" does not have an entry in the Virus Encyclopedia on the AVG website. So they are "detecting" a virus that they can give a name to but for which they have no details on their own information database. Curiouser and curiouser! regards, Peter
  9. Dave, The text below is taken from AVG's "Virus FAQ" web-page. I haven't tried it yet - and will not get time to until late this evening. "In the case where AVG Free detects a file on your PC as infected, moves it to the AVG Virus Vault, and you are sure that this file is correct and clean, it is possible that the detected file is a false alarm. If so, we shall prepare the correction as soon as possible. Unfortunately, false alarms do appear from time to time in every Anti-Virus software. To solve the problem, please send us this file for analysis directly from the AVG Free program this way: Open AVG Free User Interface. Choose the "Virus Vault" option from the "History" menu. Right-click the false positive file and select the "Send to analysis" option from context menu. Fill in your e-mail address Confirm the dialog This file will be sent to our virus specialists for analysis and we will inform you about the result." regards, Peter
  10. I'm in this same boat, too! I'm getting round it by using the Temporary Disable function of AVG. This allows the Publish to proceed to completion. However, after re-enabling AVG, it still reports the detected threat when I then try and run the executable. regards, Peter
  11. Barry, Doesn't clicking on the words Pan, Zoom, Rotate do this already? Or are you asking for some kind of global reset that works right across the entire project? regards, Peter
  12. Roger, Version 7.0 is now the offically released version and can be downloaded from the Wnsoft website. The beta programme has ended for this release. A new version of PTE seems to take at least 6-9 months from the release of the previous version before it enters its beta programme. I would not expect a major new version to enter beta testing until mid-summer next year at the very earliest. regards, Peter
  13. Jerome, If a PC monitor is going to be the primary viewing technology then simply build a PTE EXE file of your sequence - forget DVD-Video and all the other Publish options. You can still distribute your EXE file by uploading it to a file hosting service such as MediaFire or DropBox (to name just two) and then sending everybody the URL that those sites will provide. For the moment, I suggest you stop worrying about the delivery of the sequence and concentrate on getting it built. regards, Peter
  14. Jack, As I understand things, you shouldn't be pulling in JPEG images into VideoBuilder you should be pulling a PTE project file. regards, Peter
  15. Chaps, This is all very interesting but aren't we getting away from bob.y's original problem - jitters! Not having an iAnything-at-all, and with no wish to own one, I cannot offer him any advice. But surely someone out there can? regards, Peter
  16. Harold, That's where playing around with the drop shadow can help. By using a suitable combination of colours for both the text and the drop shadow; and by adjusting the size, position and intensity of the shadow effect, I find I can nearly always get the text to stand out clearly. And when I cannot, I set the text on a soft-edged rectangle of plain colour. regards, Peter
  17. Oh dear, I was wrong! I thought my idea would work - but it doesn't. It seems that one cannot do outlined text in PTE. Sorry to have misled you, Harold. regards, Peter
  18. Harold, Click the little button between the two Zoom fields and you can change each field separately. You might also need to apply a small adjustment to the Pan values, too, to get the outline exactly where you want it. regards, Peter
  19. Harold, For a discussion about "Keep Full Slide Duration" see here. This was my summarisation of a lengthy debate (for which read some of the earlier posts in that same topic). regards, Peter
  20. Gary, That's how I've always done it in previous versions of PTE. This isn't something that has come about in version 7. regards, Peter
  21. Gary, This is a shot in the dark because I don't know the answer: does "View...Advanced Options...Hold time points" help? regards, Peter
  22. These instructions apply to version 7.0. To set up a manually controlled show, you need first to ensure that "Wait for a Key press..." is ticked in Project Options...Control. You might also wish to have the Mouse Cursor set to "Show" so you can use it as your on-screen pointing device. Having "Permit Control Using Keyboard" active will allow you to use the Space Bar as a Pause/Resume toggle control. It will also allow the Left and Right cursor arrow keys to give you advance to the next slide and step-back to the previous slide. N.B. These are "absolute" slides i.e. if you are looking at slide 25, Left will take you back to slide 24 and Right will take you on to slide 26. Your buttons will need programming with the Go to Slide With Name... action. What you want to do can be done but will be time consuming to get it programmed correctly. Be warned, you can easily become lost in the maze which you are about to create. I've been there and done it. But it does give you tremendous flexibility of presentation options on the night. Go for it! regards, Peter
  23. Two ways: 1 - In the O&A window change the image for that object 2 - In the main window, use the "Change Image File" icon regards, Peter
  24. Create a second copy of the text object, change the colour of the text and then give it a slight increase in zoom value. regards, Peter
  25. Neilj, You could always try converting your video file with an external video converter program and then taking that into PTE. It might prove to be a suitable workaround for you. regards, Peter
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