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Switch to the Slide List and do it there. The facility already exists. regards, Peter
Mike, Control Panel...Sounds, Sound tab... select "No sounds" and OK regards, Peter
John, You are aware that you can expand the timeline, aren't you? (See under View...Timeline Options) It may help you to gauge where the beat points are. regards, Peter
Xaver, Perhaps you have mis-understood my suggestion. At present the default is "Glued". This topic is discussing the merits of changing that default to "Separated". My suggestion is to let the user choose this default. I never stated or implied that the ability to "Glue" and "Separate" should be withdrawn; or that the radio buttons should be used anywhere other than in Project Options to set the default. regards, Peter
The very point I have been stressing to Igor! Every instance of a registration key problem is bad publicity for PTE. But none of us can tell Igor how to run his business; we can only offer him our thoughts and our ideas. regards, Peter
Pictures-to-Exe does not, at present, support video. A new version, which is expected to enter its beta testing programme very soon, will provide this capability. regards, Peter
Yachtsman1, You must remember that the only problems we see are those that do not get as rapid a resolution as the user would like. We never see those that go through with no problems. Nor do we see those where the problem is resolved quickly by e-mail or by trouble ticket. Igor, Alena and I have been communicating about this subject regularly over the past few weeks. Fewer than one percent of all orders encounter problems of any kind. And we then see the "tip of that iceberg". I know that Ken Cox and I both keep a close eye on these reports of registration key problems. And I also know that Alena also now keeps a close on these problems. Personally, I doubt if the problem is a simple one to resolve totally (and Barry Beckham's long experience of e-trading seems to confirm that these things do happen and cannot always be traced to a specific cause). There are simply too many points in the transaction flow where the systems could be getting it wrong: the RegNow service could be sending order acknowledgements but not recording the order (unlikely in a well-designed application) the RegNow service could be failing to pass along every order to Wnsoft (possible but probably unlikely) orders in transit between RegNow and Wnsoft could be going missing (possible - especially if there is no "positive acknowledgement of receipt" included within the application) orders received by Wnsoft from RegNow could be failing to be processed (possible) e-mails sent from Wnsoft could be going to incorrect e-mail addresses (possible - and very likely if the user is requested to enter their e-mail address once only. And even if they enter it twice, if they "cut and paste" and the original is wrong, then Wnsoft will be sending to an incorrect or invalid e-mail address) It would require significant effort to trace where the breakdowns are occuring (and I anticipate that they will be occuring in more than one part of the transaction flow). regards, Peter
Ray, I've sent an e-mail to WnSoft on your behalf. I'll monitor progress until this is resolved. regards, Peter
Swede, I've sent an e-mail to WnSoft on your behalf. I'll monitor progress until this is resolved. regards, Peter
Dom, I'm the one who voted NO: because I believe that the default value should NOT be forced on the user. The user should have the choice of which option is to be their default. You, and many others, wish to choose "Separated" as your default. That is your decision. Other users may wish to choose "Glued" as their default. That would be their decision. Isn't a default that is set by the user, in Project Options, a much more flexible solution? Your way, only some users (OK, perhaps the majority!) will be happy. My way, all users would be happy. regards, Peter
I have no strong opinion either way on this subject; but I would offer this suggestion: add a new Project Option "Default keyframe state" with radio buttons for "Glued" and "Separated". Then the user can choose which value to have as their default on a project-by-project basis. And, if I might be permitted, I also make this observation: excluding myself, all those who have posted comments here (except for Bert) would appear to be residents of European mainland nations. Does this indicate a cultural difference in the use of the animation values, between the European mainland nations and the rest of the world, I wonder. Please note that I am not saying one party is right and the other is wrong. I just find it curious. regards, Peter
Fred, If I understand your image correctly, you are wanting a tiny piece of your Windows desktop to appear through a part of the PTE presentation? I don't think that is possible with any software. The best that you could achieve would be to set PTE to run in Windowed mode, with a window sized to reveal a strip of the Windows desktop across the bottom of the screen. regards, Peter
Ken/Stu/Bill, Thanks for your replies. I rather suspected that the control limitation would be in the hardware/software of the iPod - but its always nice to get these things confirmed before diving off into a PTE project build. Bill, As you seem to be the one with the hands-on experience on the iPod, can I ask a supplemental?: Whilst doing the assembly of the sequence in PTE, did you choose any Project Options values specifically because you were intending to output to an iPod? Or did you just build the sequence as normal for a PC EXE file and then simply do "Create...Video for iPad and iPhone" at the end? regards, Peter
IrfanView also offers batch renaming capability. regards, Peter
There's a possibility that I might get asked in the near future to produce a sequence in the form that will run on an iPod. I know PTE is capable of this. But, as I don't possess an iPod, I don't know what the limitations of the technology will be. Is it possible to set the iPod/PTE sequence such that it can be paused/resumed during playback on the iPod? In an EXE file there are several ways to do this. But on the iPod??? Hoping someone can help. Peter
Hi BB, Your sequence was enjoyable to watch - but left me puzzled as to what it was about. The semi-silhouette, golden tone treatment of the images was pleasingly consistent all the way through. The choice of music was fine for something which, to me, was a bit abstract in its subject matter. Your animations were smooth and gentle enough to not be unsettling or intrusive. For me, the only down side was the text captioning. It was very intrusive visually. But to reduce its size would probably render it almost too small to read when the video plays in a "thumbnail-sized" viewer, such as the embedded YouTube link. I think that the overall effect of this sequence would be much improved if the text was used as the script for a voice-over recording. It would need a voice capable of conveying whatever emotion you are trying to convey. You may need to get someone from a local drama group or college drama class to help you if you decide to try this. regards, Peter
With that sort of size, there should be no problems with any resource shortages. Can you obtain a screenshot of the error message about needing a newer version of VideoBuilder? How many different versions of PTE do you have installed on this PC? Please, do NOT jump to the conclusion that you must uninstall any!!! They should happily coexist with one another. I'm wondering if you might not be running the copy that you think you are running. Finally, these kind of problems can sometimes be caused by out-of-date driver routine. It might be prudent to investigate whether or not you have the latest drivers installed for your Video card, Sound card and DVD burner. regards, Peter
Raymond's post as translated by Google Translator: Hello, I bought 2 February, the key Video builder for € 32.29. I have received nothing. My order number is: 38NM72Y-BVWAA. What can I do? I also would like to order for my club, 10 software version "luxury". How to be sure to be delivered correctly? Thank you for your reply. Regards. Raymond. ---------------------- Raymond, La langue officielle de ce forum est l'anglais. The official language of this forum is English. regards, Peter
To try and add clarification to DG's post: Linear works across all keyframes - because it is linear. The other options work between an adjacent pair of key frames. If your object has multiple keyframes then you need to do as DG advises, and separate the keyframes so that you can then specify which mode to use between each pair. regards, Peter
Nini, Just download the software from the www.wnsoft.com website; install it and load the registration keys. regards, Peter
Solcf, Just as you cannot edit (i.e.change the content) of an image file within PTE so, neither can you change the content of a sound file. All you can do is apply a "transition" to the ends of the sound file (i.e. you can apply a fade). You can also add some silence to the start, by setting an offset before the sound file starts to play. And you can decide to start part way through and/or stop part way through. But, to cut a piece out of the middle of a sound file you need a sound file editor such as Audacity. regards, Peter
Barry, If you have "Permit control of show using keyboard" ticked (Project Options|Advanced) then the space bar acts as a Pause|Play toggle and the cursor arrow keys control forward and backward advance. If you have "Wait for a key press or mouse click to show next slide" ticked (Project Options|Main), your automated timings are ignored and the show becomes a totally manual one. You can then set the mouse buttons to give you "Next Slide" and "Previous Slide" if you wish (Project Options|Advanced) regards, Peter
Click on your userid (top right on main page of forum). Click on My Settings. Click on the Profile tab and follow the on-screen instructions. regards, Peter
Jose/Ray/Frank, As a moderator on this forum I have followed this topic with interest each day; and I just want to pay all three of you a massive great compliment for the way in which you have worked together on it. You've been a truly international team: one in Germany, one in Portugal and one in the US; and, I suspect, only one of you (Ray) writing in his "first language". I have marvelled at how you have communicated very complex technical details to one another with complete understanding of what each other was saying. You've proved the value of a forum such as this. Congratulations on what you've achieved. By the way, I hope you realise that you have just established yourselves as this forum's "de facto" HD and Blu-Ray authoring experts! We'll all be turning to you for advice in the future. regards, Peter
BB, If your previous version was v2 then you have never had a DeLuxe version. You need to buy the upgrade to Deluxe version from Wnsoft. You will receive a second key which you will need to install following the supplied instructions. The Deluxe features key is valid for two years. At the end of that two year period, the key will continue to provide full Deluxe function on all versions of PTE that you have got installed at the time of key expiry. To get Deluxe function on a new version of PTE that you install after key expiry, you will need to purchase a new upgrade licence. regards, Peter