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Dangerous business, this photography game!!! regards, Peter
Barnston1 You should be able to edit any of your posts after you've posted them (to correct errors, omissions, etc.). You don't need to raise a new post. Just click on the "Edit" button underneath your post. regards, Peter
Peter, Does the mixed-down soundtrack (i.e. music plus voice-over) play OK on its own (i.e. outside of PTE) on both the PC and the Mac? If it does, then I agree that PTE must have a part to play in your problem. If it doesn't then PTE is exonerated. What format was the music file? Was it also 44100Hz, 32-bit float? Or have you mixed Sample rate/Sample formats within the Audacity program? regards, Peter
Jeannie, If you think you might have found the registration key why not download the latest version and use the old key with that. If it really is the key it should work. regards, Peter
Gary, Coupling the features would suit your way of working - but it may not suit another persons way of working. I don't use either feature and so have no personal axe to grind. I just feel it would be wrong to impose your way of working on everybody. Better to provide an option switch and let everybody choose the setting that suits them best. regards, Peter
Gary, I have sent an e-mail to Igor pointing this topic out to him as describing a bug in the way PTE displays its panels when the user customises the main window display. As to your suggestion about Arrange All Points being coupled to Auto Spread; perhaps not everyone would wish them to be coupled in that way. regards, Peter
Gary, Further to my previous post: I've just confirmed on my own system that, if I close down the folder panel and then drag the left border of the mini-viewer across to the left, the Timed Points button vanishes. This has to be a bug in PTE. I'll e-mail Igor and ask him to read this topic to get the details. regards, Peter
Gary, Whoaa! Slow down fella. One problem at a time, please! Firstly, I think the "missing" Timed Points button is a function of how you have your PTE window set up. You have closed down one of the three upper panels and adjusted the size of the remaining two panels. I think the "Timed Points" button is there - but hidden from you. As a test, could you please re-instate the normal view (three panels at the top: Folder structure, Image file icons and the "mini-viewer" playback window) and let me know if this brings the "Timed Points" button into view. If it does then we have a bug in the way PTE handles customised windows. Secondly, the difference in time in the second screen shot can be explained thus: the time in the Music tab is the total duration of all the music files listed in that tab; the time displayed under the bottom right corner of the mini-viewer is the total slide duration time as specified by you. As you have already realised from your previous use of Auto Spread, PTE does not actually change any of the values wwhich you have entered; it simply spreads all your slides out along the duration of the music tracks and this works only in Preview, not in the mini-viewer, because PTE has to Create a temporary exe in order to do the Auto Spread. Preview also creates a temporary exe in order to show you a preview of your sequence; the mini-viewer simply plays the project in accordance with the project fle contents, building as it goes. regards, Peter
APLman, I've sent you a PM. Peter
Gary, I've just run a test of "Auto Arrange" and "Timed Points" using v6.0.4 and have not had any problem. When you say "The Timed Points menu is not there any more", what exactly do you mean? The "Timed Points" button is missing from the Timeline view? The "Arrange All Points" option is missing from the button's drop-down menu? Something else? Stupid question: You did OK the Project Option change didn't you? and not Cancel out of it? regards, Peter
Jean-Cyprien, C'est incroyable! Merveilleux! (That's incredible! Marvellous!) You have taken over the mantle of our dearly missed Jean-Pierre. Well-deserved congratulations! regards, Peter
Claudia, In that case you will need to edit your music tracks in a sound editor program such as Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net) regards, Peter
Claudia, Do you want to run them as a "continuous" set - or do you want to be able to trigger each one manually after a brief "live" introduction? Your requirements are not clear to me and so I am in danger of giving you completely the wrong advice. regards, Peter
Claudia, You could chain them in a fixed order by using the Project Options...More tab to set "Run application/slideshow on exit". regards, Peter
Igor, Thank you for once again listening to your users! Speaking personally, I would be happy to use Project Options...Comments tab to set my preferred default font for all text. But then I use only two fonts regularly: Nyala & Monotype Corsiva. Provided I can, when necessary for a specific piece of text, over-ride my chosen default via the O&A Properties tab then I'll be quite happy. regards, Peter
Ron, ...and CYMK is used by commercial print shops. regards, Peter
Peter, What you say is true but it must be borne in mind that the smaller file size has relevance only in terms of disk or other external storage space. A JPEG image file of 1280x1024 pixels will always occupy exactly the same amount of main RAM or graphics RAM after decompression, irrespective of how small the file size might have been. Each of those pixels, when decompressed, needs the same number of bits (16 I think) to encode its attributes. And so each image will require 2.4MB of RAM whether compressed to level 1, level 6 or level 12 (or to 20%, 40% or 80% if saving to web). regards, Peter
Joe, Select the slide, go into Objects & Animation window and then Add Text using the relevant icon at top left. regards, Peter
This is going to be an exciting version to play with! Can't wait to get my hands on it. regards, Peter
This subject of "undelivered" keys crops up repeatedly on this forum. I suspect it is probably the cause of the greatest dis-satisfaction amongst new users. The root cause of the problem seems to me to be that it uses a "push" method over which the end-user has no control. Would a better delivery system be for WnSoft to create a key file on their server and then send a URL link in the e-mail to the user. The user would then attempt to "pull" the key file onto their PC. The user would then know with certainty that they had the key file on their PC. regards, Peter
Eric, The "Slide List" thumbnails that Barry refers to are those across the bottom of the screen. regards, Peter
Barry, I think this might be what you were thinking of: http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11309 regards, Peter
Bob, There's an entry in the FAQs describing just what is going on when you produce a DVD. It will explain everything for you. regards. Peter
I support Ken's feelings on this subject. regards, Peter
Brian, I take all your points about the need for "web safe" and OS compatability but you've mis-understood the point of our concern as expressed in the original post. The concern is that, everytime the user inserts a new text object into a slide using the O&A "Add Text" feature, the pre-selected font "Times New Roman" is used. If the user wants, for example, to have Nyala as their font for all their text objects, they have to change the font name every single time. There is no way of nominating Nyala as their preferred "default font". regards, Peter