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Having now tracked down the technical specs for this device by using Google (there was almost no useful information with it in the box!) I have successfully created video files and copied them from the PC to the device. I used PTE v7.5 as follows: - With no change to the existing PTE project, I chose "Publish > Video for Mobile Devices" - From the "Device" drop down menu I chose "iPhone 4, 4S" - I changed the Video Width and Height to 480 and 270 respectively (the two sequences I tried this on were both 16:9 1920x1080 originals; the native resolution of the device is 480x320) - I left all other settings at their default, as-shipped, values PTE rendered a 3 minute sequence involving heavy animation (Rubik's Cube) in 42 seconds and an 8 minute sequence involving 19 video clips as well as still and animated images (Tocketts Mill) in under 2 minutes. The output quality of both sound and image was quite acceptable given the obvious limitations of the playback device. regards, Peter
Be able to expand the O&A's play-line.
fh1805 replied to goddi's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
+1 There is a potential workaround to some instances of this problem. You can move from keyframe to keyframe using the left and right arrow buttons above the Play button. By watching the contents of the "Key frame time" field on the Animation tab, you can ensure that you are on the correct keyframe before changing any of the other field values in the Animation or 3D Parameter fields. Not ideal, but sometimes helpful. Peter -
Gents, I'm going to watch this topic develop, rather than offer any thoughts on techniques, at this stage. To offer a third set of techniques (if one occurs to me) would run the risk of confusing Eric with too many options. I will contribute at the end, if I have any further comments. All I will say right now is: my interpretation of Eric's opening post is that he wants to learn the technique(s) as much as, and possibly more than, he wants to complete the sequence. regards, Peter
I have, today, jumped into the 21st Century and bought myself a smartphone: a Samsung GT-S7500 B)/> . I would like to try "Publishing" one of my PTE sequences into a format that will playback on this device. I have looked at the options available in v7.5 under Publish > Video for Mobile devices. These are all for either iDevices or for Tablets. My Samsung is neither an iAnything nor a tablet. It's a simple smartphone (Ok, to me, right now, that should be complex smartphone :unsure:/> ). Can anyone guide me as to which option(s) would be suitable? And will I need to download an app to do the playback? If so, which one? The device is an Android-based unit. regards, Peter
OK! If I build the sequence using only the Timeline View (a thing which is alien to my usual way of working) I, too, get these problems. I agree that this is a serious bug but there is a work-around; if the initial build is done using the Slides View. regards, Peter
Dave, I cannot reproduce this problem! I start a new project which will, of course, use my default template (I mention this fact because it has been relevant to other "bug" reports during the beta programme). I drag slide1 into the Slide List. It shows correctly at 4.0s duration and 1.5 seconds transition. I drag video1 into the Slide List to run after Slide1. It shows its correct duration and a default 1.5s transition. I drag video2 into the Slide List. It also shows its correct duration and a 1.5s transition. I "Preview" the sequence. It plays correctly. Video1 "freezes" on its final frame during the transition to video2 because I do not use "Keep Full Slide Duration" and have not adjusted the slide duration to compensate for that. At the end of video2, control is returned to the main PTE window. All as expected! Video1 is an AVI file straight out of the Nikon D300s. Video2 is an AVI file from the D300s that has been trimmed using PTE's "Convert video clip" feature. regards, Peter
Da Campos, What do you have after the second video clip? Another slide perhaps? Does that slide not appear? What happens if you add a blank slide after the second video clip? Does that Blank Slide appear at the end of the second video? What option do you have set in Project Options > Main - Close show..., Repeat show... or Keep last slide on screen? Peter
Whether you use "Keep Full Screen Duration" or not, if you do not have enough video duration to fill the slide's duration, you'll get a "freeze frame" until the next slide has completed its transition. Or am I wrong on that point? Peter
I was replying to the specifics of his example screenshot and keeping my reply simple in recognition of the possible language barrier problem. His screenshot shows a first video that runs for between 18 and 19 seconds from its beginning to the end of the next transition. I estimated that 18.5 seconds would be required to ensure that the video was still playing at the end of the second transition. If I was building that sequence, I would have trimmed the first video to 20 seconds to give me some flexibility to adjust the second transition length without needing to re-trim. Peter
Mary, Have you tried the uninstall/reinstall instructions that I posted earlier (post #5)? I suggested that line of attack because, during the beta programme, some other problems were resolved by that one simple action. A re-install in which you do NOT take the option to use the settings from a previous version is effectively an install as if PTE had never existed. It still picks up your key from the registry but that is the only piece of any previous version that it does use. regards, Peter
Da Campos, Your first video needs to be at least 18.5 seconds long so that it continues playing all the way through the fade into the second video. If it is not long enough, PTE will hold the final frame on the screen until the second video has completed its fade in. regards, Peter
A suggestion for Igor: make your example show keyframes every two seconds. Then in the second image these will be bunched up over towards the left and in the third image will be spread out across the timeline. This will get the message across better. Peter
Barry, The "Compact" refers to the fact that only half of the waveform is displayed. I agree with you, it would be a nice feature to be able to reduce the height of the track band by dragging the lower edge. Peter
Ah ha, so the show is a manually controlled one! In order to show the in-coming transition, PTE must position itself at the end of the previous image, mustn't it? If you never saw the previous image you would have no idea what the in-coming transition looked like. I find PTE's behaviour in this situation entirely acceptable and perfectly logical. regards, Peter
I see an instant show of the selected slide. But... immediately prior to that I see the currently selected slide in the File List panel displayed as the slide before the selected slide in the Slide List. I never see the slide before the selected Slide List slide. If no file is selected in the File List, I see a plain grey "slide" flashed up immediately before the selected slide in the Slide List. I much prefer the behaviour of v7.5. It does, at least, always show the slide prior to the selected slide and always shows the in-coming transition as a transition between two slides (except on slide no.1 of course!) Peter
I'm not seeing this behaviour on my system with any of my sequences. If the transition is a Quick, I see the previous slide and then an immediate change to the chosen slide. In other words I see a Quick" transition. If the transition is not a Quick transition, I see the previous slide followed by the commencement of whatever transition has been chosen. As far as I am concerned, there is no problem with this feature on any of my sequences. Peter P.S. I cannot test using the bug demo zip because when I click on that link (post #1 above) I get taken to the Peoples of the World main website page. No zip file gets downloaded.
I'll leave it for a day or two, just in case anyone else contributes new evidence. Peter
Mary, I do not have any of those problems with v7.5. When you installed v7.5, did you tell it to use settings from a previous version? It is the very last decision you have to make during the install process. If you did, it might be worth uninstalling v7.5 and re-installing it, but this time telling it not to use settings from a previous version. Obviously, you will then have to work through Settings > Preferences and Project Options to set the values as you want them to be. All the old toolbar and information bar options are still available via Settings Preferences. You can now decide which ones are important and which are not; and you can place the toolbar items where you would prefer them to be (top left, top right or bottom left) regards, Peter
As far as I can recall, it's been like that ever since v5.0. The playback begins at the point where the slide is just about to begin its transition. That in-coming transition is part of the slide and so the start point must be at the very start of that transition. Peter
(SOLVED) Something is really wrong with the Forum
fh1805 replied to mhwarner's topic in General Discussion
Igor has just acknowledged my message and will try and get things moving to fix this. Peter -
(SOLVED) Something is really wrong with the Forum
fh1805 replied to mhwarner's topic in General Discussion
I have also tried to contact Igor (@ 15:15 GMT). Even if we do get a message through, I do not know whether he will be able to access whatever is necessary in order to fix things. Peter -
Igor, Enjoy your holiday - and forget about work for the next couple of weeks. regards, Peter
Ken, Spot on! I, too, was a software developer and technical support guru; in my case, for 30 years. No matter how powerful the computer is, there will always be some users who "push the envelope" up to its limits. All hardware has finite resource. Once that hardware is used up - CRASH! (or, to be more precise: error!). The only short term solution then lies in the hands of the user: either reduce the requirement for all that resource, or increase the resource. Jose's problem is that his hardware has insufficient memory for the demands he is making of it. Furthermore, even if he gave it more RAM, his operating system could not use the extra RAM. Installing Windows 7 (even at 64-bit capability) has not increased the RAM. It is likely that it has, in all probability, reduced the available RAM since I would expect that Win 7 64-bit probably needs more memory for itself than does XP SP3 32-bit. Even if Jose purchased a new PC using Win 7 64-bit and 8GB or more of RAM, I think there is a chance that he might still hit a limit. But then that limit would be in PTE. At present his limiting factor is not PTE. It is his hardware and operating system combination. I know that's bad news for you, Jose, but I'm sorry - I think that is the truth of your situation. regards, Peter
Jose, If I recall correctly, XP could address only about 3GB of RAM of which approximately 1GB was required by XP itself. It could be that your project has reached the maximum size you can have on your 32-bit PC system. regards, Peter
John, I have only tried it for PC executables. I have no requirement to create Mac executables. regards, Peter