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Everything posted by marjogm

  1. Truly beautiful ! Thanks for sharing.
  2. no problem to download from beechbrook today Beautiful work to enhance the flowers of Monet's garden... and also I discovered your PTE of "Autumn in Kyoto" ! It's one of the best slideshows about this town I can see . Congratulations. It's a keeper for me Thank you Miles2go !
  3. Hi Igor, I've been using PTE for 2 years now, and with such a great delight, I have noticed all the improvements you've made to the initial PTE. MANY THANKS for your highly helpfull and appreciated work. With the last version 5.5, I said to myself, "that's it", I got the key to the art of diaporama (thanks to the original mode and the use of JPD 's "cales, it is very comfortable to work with, and to know that everybody can watch your diaporama correctly, no matter how wide their screens are) . Needless to say, we are real "original mode" supporters and ...in the last version, I learned that you are intending to give up the "original mode" ... Version 5.6. is no doubt very convenient and fun with great new features....but I keep thinking that If "the original mode" is maintained , PTE would be an outstanding software for diaporama. Sincerely yours Marjolaine
  4. Thank you so much Judy Kay, it's a lovely thought ...and well animated heart !
  5. Hi Ken Sorry to hear about your ankle's problem. I do hope that you are better now. We all miss you ! I do !
  6. Thank you Maureen for your two Christmas messages. I enjoyed them both very much. They enhance the joyfull mood of the Season. In return, my best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your family. Marjolaine
  7. Thank you Judy K, Tony C, Neil, Morasoft, Canteau, May God bless you and your family in many ways. Happy New Year 2008 !
  8. Hi Bernard, The "beautiful white bird" is not flying anymore. That's heart breaking, but still it remains as a marvelous exemple of technical cooperation between countries. Thank you for reminding us his elegant shapes, and sharing these photos in a beautiful slideshow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family ! Marjo
  9. Hello, As this year draw to a close, I'll like to take this opportunity to thank the senior members of WnSoft Forum for their warm welcome, their helping answers and tutos, and their creative templates and to wish you All a very very GOOD YEAR 2008 !!! There is no better way to say it than a small card Marjo X'MAS Card
  10. waouhhhhhh . Amazing ! 2 cameras in a set = 2 shots in one click! do not forget to apply for a patent..., many anaglyphs photographers would love to possess such a helpful camera. Thank you for showing ...Good day to you Bernard.
  11. Hi Canteau ! It seems that X'Mas gifts come earlier this year ! Thank you for giving us again an idea of your skill in 3D. I wonder what it takes to create a slideshow like yours....Let me guess - a sophisticated equipment (no doubt ! ) - a huge amount of patience (surely) but above all a real sense of beauty. Best regards.
  12. Hi Canteau I'll bet that pretty soon, we will have a 3 D version of this beautiful autumn please ...please...please...
  13. Many thanks TheDom , your templates are tempting The Merry Go Round seem attractive...I'll certainly like to try it, one of these coming days.
  14. Canteau San, domo arigato !
  15. No problem for me Ken, It takes only 2 keypoints on the timeline and the zoom reduced to O on one of them. and you'll find back your teenage shape.
  16. Hi Ken, Hope I didn't give you hard a time . So helpful You ! thank you...
  17. Thank you so much morasoft , error is repaired
  18. Hello to All ! After viewing the astonishing 3D slideshows of our friend Canteau (Gorges du Verdon....), I felt like trying a little 3D PTE. But, since I'm scared of vertiginous places and not so brave to climb up high hills, my pictures are focused on a small netsuke. )) So here is my first attempt. DUALITY Your comments will be much appreciated. PS : In the zip file, I've added the plain version of Duality, so you can compare and now : 3D or not 3D ?
  19. Hi Michel, Great work! or should I say great fire-works ! I've been viewing your show many times, and never get tired. Just feel like a kid watching the true thing going on. The pictures are beautiful, the music fits fine...the zoom effects well used. The only thing missing is the smell of the gun powder ... Congratulations for a new use of PTE. Marjolaine
  20. Hi Lumenlux, I saw your 4 slideshows of the Maya 's serie. And my favourite is Maya Spirit. The transition effects you 've tried are soft and nice..especially the one with the flower rotating flat and fading on the landscape. It's interesting. As for the Maya Waves, I'm amazed what you can do with PTE V5. One has the impression to be there on the beach watching sundawn (or sunset ?). Superb ! Great place also for a wedding anniversary...Thank you Lumenlux for the shows
  21. Hi Lin, Thank you for your comment I agree, these artists are of a great patience and skill to work on such delicate supports (even sometimes on quail eggs) In the old times, during the long winter evenings, they had time to deal with eggs painting, scarving… but now we sure have PTE and version 5
  22. Heeeeeeee, that's what I call a "warm welcome", Thank you very much Lumenlux, Canteau, Ron , Cici. It does help to know that you like the presentation. I feel ready for the next one. Ron, ...I do not mind you correcting my english but more than that, I encourage you to do so, if some corrections have to be pointed out. That's the only way to learn. "Easter" has been revised. ;o) Thank you.
  23. Hello My name is Marjolaine, newly registered here. One of the best things that could happen to me, surfing on the Net, is to get to know personnalities like SamWhuel, JPD, Canteau (Hi guys, I see you there... !) and many other ones too, who are marvelous users of PTE. Their slideshows invited to dreams and give me the desire to make some of my own.They are great teachers also. And I'll bet, at Winsoft, you are not bad at it, aren't you ? ... Since Easter is for the next week from now, and eventhough I'm definitely not an Easter Rabbit nor any other bunny ... ...I'll like to bring you, as a coming gift, some decorated eggs. This is my very first slideshow in V5, and needless to say, I'm quite glad of what have been done. But still, I'm a long way to a real perfect one...so do not hesitate to give me your opinions and advices. They'll be much appreciated. It's here :--> OEUFS DECORES Have a nice week-end ! The song I chose to go with the diaporama is : A la foire de l'Est (Angelo Branduardi). the lyric can be seen here. It goes like: At the fair of the East, for 2 apples my father bought me a Mole, Suddenly, the Cat eats the mole which for 2 apples.... and the Dog bites the cat which... and the Stick beats the Dog which... and the Fire burns the stick which....etc...etc... ......finally the Lord takes away the Angel of the death who bleeded the killer who killed the beast which drank the rain which ruined the fire which burned the stick which beated the dog which bite the cat which ate the mole that my father, for 2 apples, bought me at the fair of the East.
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