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  1. Thank Igor and LumenLux for sharing the info with me. Yes, I am a new member to this forum. I guess I just had too high of expectation about DVD quality. I will try to make a PTE project with still images only and see if the quality would improve. I will share my findings with you guys. Just change the topic a bit. When will the official version 5 be released? Currently I am running the beta 8u, i.e, PicturesToExe v5.00 + VideoBuilder. With this beta version, I can only do 10 images. If I purchase ($24) the current official release which is 4.48, the 10 images limitioan is lifted. But do I need to install this official 4.48 on top of the beta 8u? What will happen when the free trial expires, would it be reduced back to the 4.48 features only? I assume v4.48 does not include Video Builder and Pan and Zoom. Any comments will be appreciated. Kevin
  2. Hi Igor, Thanks for the comments. But how do we explain the fact that a movie DVD rented from Blockbuster would produce better quality than the one that is produced by the PTE burner (or anybody's burner for that matter), assuming both are running the same 720x480 resolution? I must be missing something. Cheers KevinW
  3. I've downloaded the PTE Beta 8u version and made some slideshows. They look great when running on a PC with the EXE files. But when I burn them to a DVD using the "Create DVD disc" feature, the video quality can't really compare to those produced by the EXE files, which are much better. In theory they should all be 720 x 480 DVD quality. But Al mentioned in one of his posts saying that the method of burning DVD used in this Beta 8u is the same as the released version 4.xx which is for SVCD. If this is the case, would this PTE built-in DVD burning engine only produce SVCD quality video? I am thinking about using a third party DVD burner. I am not sure if that could produce better results. Clicking at the "Create AVI file", I could see a lot more choices available including "HD-1080" and "HD-1280x720p". Has anyone used the HD options and what third party DVD burner would best support those? Thanks. KevinW
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